Person professional experience
Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources
This article describes the Person professional experience entity for Dynamics 365 Human Resources.
Physical name: mshr_hcmpersonprofessionalexperienceentity
This entity describes professional experience or work history of a candidate.
JSON representation
"mshr_partynumber": "String",
"mshr_employerposition": "String",
"mshr_startdate": "Date",
"mshr_allowcontactemployer": Int,
"mshr_employerlocation": "String",
"mshr_employername": "String",
"mshr_enddate": "Date",
"mshr_note": "String",
"mshr_phone": "String",
"mshr_url": "String",
"mshr_primaryfield": "String",
"_mshr_fk_person_id_value": "Guid",
"mshr_hcmpersonprofessionalexperienceentityid": "Guid"
Property Physical name Type |
Use | Description |
Person Professional Experience Entity ID mshr_hcmpersonprofessionalexperienceentityid GUID |
Read-only Required |
System-generated unique identifier for the entity record. |
Party Number mshr_partynumber String |
Read/write Required |
Unique identifier of the person record for the candidate. |
Person ID Value _mshr_fk_person_id_value GUID |
Read-only Required Foreign key: mshr_dirpersonentityid of mshr_dirpersonentity |
System-generated unique identifier of the person entity record. |
Employer Position mshr_employerposition String |
Read/write Required |
The position title held by the candidate while under employment. |
Employer Name mshr_employername String |
Read/write Required |
The name of the employer. |
Employer Location mshr_employerlocation String |
Read/write Optional |
The employer’s location. Max length: 60. No specific format defined or required. |
Phone mshr_phone String |
Read/write Optional |
The employer’s phone number. |
URL mshr_url String |
Read/write Optional |
The URL of the employer’s website. |
Start Date mshr_startdate Datetime |
Read/write Required |
The start date of the candidate’s employment. |
End Date mshr_enddate Datetime |
Read/write Optional |
The end date of the candidate’s employment, or null if the candidate is still employed here. |
Allow Contact Employer mshr_allowcontactemployer mshr_hrmblankyesno option set |
Read/write Optional |
Signifies whether the candidate allows contacting the previous employer. |
Notes mshr_note String |
Read/write Optional |
Notes for use by the recruiter or hiring manager. |
Primary Field mshr_primaryfield String |
Read-only Required |
Field used as a primary identifier of the entity record. Combination of party number, start date, employer position, and employer name. |
See also
Applicant Tracking System integration API introduction
Example query for Candidate to hire