Person education
Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources
This article describes the Person education entity for Dynamics 365 Human Resources.
Physical name: mshr_hcmpersoneducationentity
This entity contains the educational history of the person who is the candidate. The education is linked to the person record enabling the education to be associated with any other roles created for the person in addition to the candidate record (worker, contractor, and so on).
JSON representation
"mshr_creditbasis": Int,
"mshr_creditscompleted": Decimal,
"mshr_creditsearned": Decimal,
"mshr_creditsneeded": Decimal,
"mshr_description": "String",
"mshr_duration": Decimal,
"mshr_durationunit": Int,
"mshr_educationdisciplineid": "String",
"mshr_educationinstitutionid": "String",
"mshr_educationlevelid": "String",
"mshr_enddate": "Date",
"mshr_gradepointaverage": Decimal,
"mshr_gradescale": "String",
"mshr_notes": "String",
"mshr_secondaryemphasis": "String",
"mshr_startdate": "Date",
"mshr_partynumber": "String",
"mshr_primaryfield": "String",
"_mshr_fk_educationdiscipline_id_value": "Guid",
"_mshr_fk_person_id_value": "Guid",
"_mshr_fk_educationinstitution_id_value": "Guid",
"_mshr_fk_educationlevel_id_value": "Guid",
"mshr_hcmpersoneducationentityid": "Guid"
Property Physical name Type |
Use | Description |
Person Education Entity ID mshr_hcmpersoneducationentityid GUID |
Read-only Required |
System-generated unique identifier of the person education entity record. |
Party Number mshr_partynumber String |
Read/write Required |
The unique identifier of the party (person) record for the candidate. |
Person ID Value _mshr_fk_person_id_value GUID |
Read-only Required Foreign key: mshr_dirpersonentityid of mshr_dirpersonentity |
The system-generated unique identifier of the candidate’s person record. |
Credit Basis mshr_creditbasis mshr_hcmeducationcreditbasis option set |
Read/write Optional |
The credit basis of the educational degree. |
Credits Completed mshr_creditscompleted Decimal |
Read/write Optional |
The number of credits completed for the education. |
Credits Earned mshr_creditsearned Decimal |
Read/write Optional |
The number of credits earned for the education record for a degree in progress. |
Credits Needed mshr_creditsneeded Decimal |
Read/write Optional |
The number of credits required for a degree in progress. |
Description mshr_description String |
Read/write Optional |
A description of the candidate’s degree. |
Education Level ID mshr_educationlevelid String |
Read/write Optional |
The ID of the education level. |
Education Level ID Value _mshr_fk_educationlevel_id_value GUID |
Read-only Optional Foreign key: mshr_hcmeducationdegreeentityid of mshr_hcmeducationdegreeentity entity |
System-generated identifier for the education degree record. This identifier provides the degrees and education levels defined for the organization. |
Education Discipline ID mshr_educationdisciplineid String |
Read/write Required Foreign key: EducationDiscipline |
The ID of the education discipline. |
Education Discipline ID Value _mshr_fk_educationdiscipline_id_value GUID |
Read-only Required Foreign key: mshr_hcmeducationdisciplineentityid of mshr_hcmeducationdisciplineentity |
The system-generated unique identifier of the education discipline of the education record. |
Secondary Emphasis mshr_secondaryemphasis String |
Read/write Optional |
The secondary emphasis of the earned degree. |
Education Institution ID mshr_educationinstitutionid String |
Read/write Optional |
The ID of the attended educational institution. |
Education Institution ID Value _mshr_fk_educationinstitution_id_value GUID |
Read-only Optional Foreign key: mshr_hcmeducationinstitutionentityid of mshr_hcmeducationinstitutionentity |
System-generated identifier of the educational institution. |
Start Date mshr_startdate Datetime |
Read/write Optional |
The start date of the education for the earned degree. |
End Date mshr_enddate Datetime |
Read/write Required |
The date the credential was issued. |
Duration mshr_duration Decimal |
Read/write Optional |
The duration of time of the education record. |
Duration Unit mshr_durationunit mshr_periodunit option set |
Read/write Optional |
The unit of time associated with the duration of the education record. |
Grade Point Average mshr_gradepointaverage Decimal |
Read/write Optional |
The earned grade point average for the degree. |
Grade Scale mshr_gradescale String |
Read/write Optional |
The scale used for the grade point average. |
Notes mshr_notes String |
Read/write Optional |
Notes for use by the recruiter or hiring manager. |
Primary Field mshr_primaryfield String |
Read-only Required |
Field used as another primary identifier of the entity record. Combination of party number, education discipline ID, education institution ID, and education level ID. |
See also
Applicant Tracking System integration API introduction
Example query for Candidate to hire