Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources
This article describes the Person entity for Dynamics 365 Human Resources.
Physical name: mshr_dirpersonentity
This entity provides the personal information for the individual who is the candidate.
JSON representation
"mshr_partynumber": "String",
"mshr_name": "String",
"mshr_namealias": "String",
"mshr_knownas": "String",
"mshr_languageid": "String",
"mshr_addressbooks": "String",
"mshr_anniversaryday": Int,
"mshr_anniversarymonth": Int,
"mshr_anniversaryyear": Int,
"mshr_birthday": Int,
"mshr_birthmonth": Int,
"mshr_birthyear": Int,
"mshr_childrennames": "String",
"mshr_gender": Int,
"mshr_hobbies": "String",
"mshr_initials": "String",
"mshr_maritalstatus": Int,
"mshr_phoneticfirstname": "String",
"mshr_phoneticlastname": "String",
"mshr_phoneticmiddlename": "String",
"mshr_personalsuffix": "String",
"mshr_personaltitle": "String",
"mshr_professionalsuffix": "String",
"mshr_professionaltitle": "String",
"mshr_fullprimaryaddress": "String",
"mshr_addresscity": "String",
"mshr_addresscountryregionid": "String",
"mshr_addresscountryregionisocode": "String",
"mshr_addresscounty": "String",
"mshr_addressdistrictname": "String",
"mshr_addresslatitude": Decimal,
"mshr_addresslocationid": "String",
"mshr_addresslocationroles": "String",
"mshr_addresslongitude": Decimal,
"mshr_addressstate": "String",
"mshr_addressstreet": "String",
"mshr_addressvalidfrom": "Date",
"mshr_addressvalidto": "Date",
"mshr_addresszipcode": "String",
"mshr_addressisprivate": Int,
"mshr_addressdescription": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactemail": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactemaildescription": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactemailisim": Int,
"mshr_primarycontactemailpurpose": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactfax": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactfaxdescription": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactfaxextension": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactfaxpurpose": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactphone": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactphonedescription": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactphoneextension": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactphoneismobile": Int,
"mshr_primarycontactphonepurpose": "String",
"mshr_primarycontacttelex": "String",
"mshr_primarycontacttelexdescription": "String",
"mshr_primarycontacttelexpurpose": "String",
"mshr_primarycontacturl": "String",
"mshr_primarycontacturldescription": "String",
"mshr_primarycontacturlpurpose": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactfacebook": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactfacebookdescription": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactfacebookisprivate": Int,
"mshr_primarycontactfacebookpurpose": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactlinkedin": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactlinkedindescription": "String",
"mshr_primarycontactlinkedinisprivate": Int,
"mshr_primarycontactlinkedinpurpose": "String",
"mshr_primarycontacttwitter": "String",
"mshr_primarycontacttwitterdescription": "String",
"mshr_primarycontacttwitterisprivate": Int,
"mshr_primarycontacttwitterpurpose": "String",
"mshr_partytype": "String",
"mshr_namesequencedisplayas": "String",
"mshr_firstname": "String",
"mshr_lastnameprefix": "String",
"mshr_lastname": "String",
"mshr_middlename": "String",
"mshr_electroniclocationid": "String",
"mshr_dirpersonentityid": "Guid",
"mshr_addresstimezone": Int
Property Physical name Type |
Use | Description |
Person Entity ID mshr_dirpersonentityid GUID |
Read-only Required System-generated |
A system-generated unique identifier for the entity record. |
Party Number mshr_partynumber String |
Read-only Required System-generated |
A user-readable, system-generated unique identifier for the person. |
Name mshr_name String |
Read-only Required |
The field value is a concatenation of First Name, Middle Name, Last Name Prefix, and Last Name in the order defined in the Name Sequence Display As field. |
Name Alias mshr_namealias String |
Read/write Optional |
A name alias that may be provided for the person. |
Known As mshr_knownas String |
Read/write Optional |
A name that may be used for the person if typically known as another name. |
Language ID mshr_languageid String |
Read/write Optional |
The language ID of the person’s primary language, as defined in ISO 639-1 format. |
Address books mshr_addressbooks String |
Read/write Optional |
Address book to which the person may be assigned. Address books that have been set up for the organization are listed in the mshr_diraddressbooksentity entity. |
Anniversary Day mshr_anniversaryday Int |
Read/write Optional |
The day of the person’s anniversary date. |
Anniversary Month mshr_anniversarymonth mshr_monthsofyear option set |
Read/write Optional |
The month of the person’s anniversary date. |
Anniversary Year mshr_anniversaryyear Int |
Read/write Optional |
The year of the person’s anniversary date. |
Birth Day mshr_birthday Int |
Read/write Optional |
The day of the person’s birthdate. |
Birth Month mshr_birthmonth mshr_monthsofyear option set |
Read/write Optional |
The month of the person’s birthdate. |
Birth Year mshr_birthyear Int |
Read/write Optional |
The year of the person’s birthdate. |
Children Names mshr_childrennames String |
Read/write Optional |
String for the names of the person’s children. There is no required delimitation. |
Gender mshr_gender mshr_hcmpersongender option set |
Read/write Optional |
The person’s gender. |
Hobbies mshr_hobbies String |
Read/write Optional |
The person’s hobbies. |
Initials mshr_initials String |
Read/write Optional |
The initials of the person’s name. |
Marital Status mshr_maritalstatus mshr_hcmpersonmaritalstatus option set |
Read/write Optional |
The person’s marital status. |
Phonetic First Name mshr_phoneticfirstname String |
Read/write Optional |
The phonetic pronunciation of the person’s first name. |
Phonetic Last Name mshr_phoneticlastname String |
Read/write Optional |
The phonetic pronunciation of the person’s last name. |
Phonetic Middle Name mshr_phoneticmiddlename String |
Read/write Optional |
The phonetic pronunciation of the person’s last name. |
Personal Suffix mshr_personalsuffix String |
Read/write Optional |
The person’s personal suffix. Valid values in the mshr_dirnameaffixentity entity where mshr_type is Suffix (200000001). |
Personal Title mshr_personaltitle String |
Read/write Optional |
A personal title for the person. Valid values in the mshr_dirnameaffixentity entity where mshr_type is Title (200000000). |
Professional Suffix mshr_professionalsuffix String |
Read/write Optional |
A professional suffix. |
Professional Title mshr_professionaltitle String |
Read/write Optional |
A professional title. |
Full Primary Address mshr_fullprimaryaddress String |
Read/write Optional |
The person’s full primary address, a concatenation of the primary address fields. |
Address City mshr_addresscity String |
Read/write Optional |
The city of the person’s primary address. Set up in mshr_logisticsaddresscityentity entity. |
Address Country Region mshr_addresscountryregionid String |
Read/write Optional |
The country/region of the person’s primary address. Valid values in the mshr_logisticsaddresscountryregionentity entity. |
Address Country Region ISO Code mshr_addresscountryregionisocode String |
Read/write Optional |
The ISO code of the country/region of the person’s primary address. |
Address County mshr_addresscounty String |
Read/write Optional |
The county of the person’s primary address. Set up in mshr_logisticsaddresscountyentity entity. |
Address District Name mshr_addressdistrictname String |
Read/write Optional |
The district of the person’s primary address. Set up in mshr_logisticsaddressdistrictentity entity. |
Address Latitude mshr_addresslatitude Decimal |
Read/write Optional |
The latitude of the person’s primary address. |
Address Location ID mshr_addresslocationid String |
Read/write Optional |
The unique identifier for the location of the person’s primary address. Valid values in mshr_logisticspostaladdresslocationcdsentity entity. |
Address Location Roles mshr_addresslocationroles String |
Read/write Optional |
The location role of the person’s primary address. Set up in the mshr_logisticslocationrolecdsentity entity. |
Address Longitude mshr_addresslongitude Decimal |
Read/write Optional |
The longitude of the person’s primary address. |
Address State mshr_addressstate String |
Read/write Optional |
The state of the person’s primary address. Set up in mshr_logisticsaddressstateentity entity. |
Address Street mshr_addressstreet String |
Read/write Optional |
The street address of the person’s primary address. |
Address Valid From mshr_addressvalidfrom Date |
Read/write Optional |
The date from which the person’s primary address is valid. |
Address Valid To mshr_addressvalidto Date |
Read/write Optional |
The date to which the person’s primary address is valid. |
Address Zip Code mshr_addresszipcode String |
Read/write Optional |
The postal code of the person’s primary address. Set up in mshr_logisticsaddresspostalcodeentity entity. |
Address Is Private mshr_addressisprivate mshr_noyes option set |
Read/write Optional |
Determines whether the person’s primary address is shared with others in the organization. |
Address Description mshr_addressdescription String |
Read/write Optional |
Description for the person’s primary address. |
Primary Contact Email mshr_primarycontactemail String |
Read/write Optional |
The person’s primary email address. |
Primary Contact Email Description mshr_primarycontactemaildescription String |
Read/write Optional |
A description provided for the primary email address. |
Primary Contact Email is IM mshr_primarycontactemailisim mshr_noyes option set |
Read/write Optional |
Determines whether the primary email address is available for instant messages. |
Primary Contact Email Purpose mshr_primarycontactemailpurpose String |
Read/write Optional |
The purpose for the primary email address. Set up in mshr_logisticslocationroleentity entity. |
Primary Contact Fax mshr_primarycontactfax String |
Read/write Optional |
Primary fax number. |
Primary Contact Fax Description mshr_primarycontactfaxdescription String |
Read/write Optional |
Description provided for the primary fax number. |
Primary Contact Fax Extension mshr_primarycontactfaxextension String |
Read/write Optional |
The extension of the primary fax number. |
Primary Contact Fax Purpose mshr_primarycontactfaxpurpose String |
Read/write Optional |
The purpose for the primary fax number. Set up in mshr_logisticslocationroleentity entity. |
Primary Contact Phone mshr_primarycontactphone String |
Read/write Optional |
Primary phone number. |
Primary Contact Phone Description mshr_primarycontactphonedescription String |
Read/write Optional |
Description provided for the primary phone number. |
Primary Contact Phone Extension mshr_primarycontactphoneextension String |
Read/write Optional |
The extension of the primary phone number. |
Primary Contact Phone Is Mobile mshr_primarycontactphoneismobile mshr_noyes option set |
Read/write Optional |
Determines whether the primary phone number is a mobile phone. |
Primary Contact Phone Purpose mshr_primarycontactphonepurpose String |
Read/write Optional |
The purpose for the primary phone number. Set up in mshr_logisticslocationroleentity entity. |
Primary Contact Telex mshr_primarycontacttelex String |
Read/write Optional |
Primary telex number. |
Primary Contact Telex Description mshr_primarycontacttelexdescription String |
Read/write Optional |
Description provided for the person’s primary telex number. |
Primary Contact Telex Purpose mshr_primarycontacttelexpurpose String |
Read/write Optional |
The purpose for the person’s primary telex number. Set up in mshr_logisticslocationroleentity entity. |
Primary Contact URL mshr_primarycontacturl String |
Read/write Optional |
The primary URL. |
Primary Contact URL Description mshr_primarycontacturldescription String |
Read/write Optional |
Description provided for the person’s primary URL. |
Primary Contact URL Purpose mshr_primarycontacturldescription String |
Read/write Optional |
The purpose for the person’s primary URL. Set up in mshr_logisticslocationroleentity entity. |
Primary Contact Facebook mshr_primarycontactfacebook String |
Read/write Optional |
Primary Facebook account. Identified by User ID. |
Primary Contact Facebook Description mshr_primarycontactfacebookdescription String |
Read/write Optional |
Description provided for the person’s primary Facebook account. |
Primary Contact Facebook is Private mshr_primarycontactfacebookisprivate mshr_noyes option set |
Read/write Optional |
Determines whether the primary Facebook account is visible to other users. |
Primary Contact Facebook Purpose mshr_primarycontactfacebookpurpose String |
Read/write Optional |
The purpose for the person’s primary Facebook account. Set up in mshr_logisticslocationroleentity entity. |
Primary Contact LinkedIn mshr_primarycontactlinkedin String |
Read/write Optional |
Primary LinkedIn account. Identified by user name. |
Primary Contact LinkedIn Description mshr_primarycontactlinkedindescription String |
Read/write Optional |
Description provided for the person’s primary LinkedIn account. |
Primary Contact LinkedIn Is Private mshr_primarycontactlinkedinisprivate mshr_noyes option set |
Read/write Optional |
Determines whether the person’s primary LinkedIn account information is shared with other users. |
Primary Contact LinkedIn Purpose mshr_primarycontactlinkedinpurpose String |
Read/write Optional |
The purpose for the person’s primary LinkedIn account. Set up in mshr_logisticslocationroleentity entity. |
Primary Contact Twitter mshr_primarycontacttwitter String |
Read/write Optional |
The person’s primary Twitter account. Identified by @username. |
Primary Contact Twitter Description mshr_primarycontacttwitterdescription String |
Read/write Optional |
Description provided for the person’s primary Twitter account. |
Primary Contact Twitter Is Private mshr_primarycontacttwitterisprivate mshr_noyes option set |
Read/write Optional |
Determines whether the person’s primary Twitter account information is shared with other users. |
Primary Contact Twitter Purpose mshr_primarycontacttwitterpurpose String |
Read/write Optional |
The purpose for the person’s primary Twitter account. Set up in mshr_logisticslocationroleentity entity. |
Party Type mshr_partytype String |
Read/write Optional |
The party type of the person. Will always be Person for candidates. |
Name Sequence Display As mshr_namesequencedisplayas String |
Read/write Optional |
The sequence in which the person’s name properties are concatenated to form the Name (mshr_name) property value. |
First Name mshr_firstname String |
Read/write Required |
The person’s first name. |
Middle Name mshr_middlename String |
Read/write Optional |
The person’s middle name. |
Last Name Prefix mshr_lastnameprefix String |
Read/write Optional |
The prefix of the person’s last name. |
Last Name mshr_lastname String |
Read/write Optional |
The person’s last name. |
Electronic Location ID mshr_electroniclocationid String |
Read/write Optional |
The ID of the person’s electronic location. |
Address Time Zone mshr_addresstimezone Int |
Read/write Optional |
The time zone of the person’s primary address. |
See also
Applicant Tracking System integration API introduction
Example query for Candidate to hire