Party contact
Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources
This article describes the Party contact entity for Dynamics 365 Human Resources.
Physical name: mshr_dirpartycontactentities
This entity describes the candidate’s contact information, including phone, email, and social media accounts.
JSON representation
"mshr_partynumber": "String",
"mshr_locationid": "String",
"mshr_description": "String",
"mshr_type": Int,
"mshr_countryregioncode": "String",
"mshr_locator": "String",
"mshr_locatorextension": "String",
"mshr_purpose": "String",
"mshr_ismobilephone": Int,
"mshr_isinstantmessage": Int,
"mshr_isprimary": Int,
"mshr_isprivate": Int,
"mshr_primaryfield": "String",
"_mshr_fk_person_id_value": "String",
"mshr_dirpartycontactentityid": "String"
Property Physical name Type |
Use | Description |
Party Contact Entity ID mshr_dirpartycontactentityid String |
Read-only Required |
System-generated unique identifier for the entity record. |
Party Number mshr_partynumber String |
Read/write Required |
The ID of the associated party (person) record. |
Person ID Value _mshr_fk_person_id_value GUID |
Read-only Required Foreign key: mshr_dirpersonentityid of mshr_dirpersonentity |
The system-generated identifier of the party (person) entity record. |
Location ID mshr_locationid String |
Read/write Required |
The location ID of the address record. Set up in mshr_logisticspostaladdresslocationcdsentity entity. |
Description mshr_description String |
Read/write Required |
The description of the contact details. |
Type mshr_type mshr_logisticselectronicaddressmethodtype option set |
Read/write Required |
The contact detail type. |
Country Region Code mshr_countryregioncode String |
Read/write Optional |
The country or region of the address. |
Locator mshr_locator String |
Read/write Optional |
The contact details. For example, if the type is Email address, then this field contains the candidate’s email address. |
Locator Extension mshr_locatorextension String |
Read/write Optional |
The locator extension. For example, if the type is Phone, then this property would contain the phone number extension. |
Is Mobile mshr_ismobilephone mshr_noyes option set |
Read/write Required |
Specifies whether the phone is a mobile number. |
Is Instant Message mshr_isinstantmessage mshr_noyes option set |
Read/write Required |
Specifies whether the phone is enabled for instant messaging. |
Is Primary mshr_isprimary mshr_noyes option set |
Read/write Required |
Determines the primary contact of the contact type. There must be only one primary record per contact type. |
Is Private mshr_isprivate mshr_noyes option set |
Read/write Required |
Identifies whether this address is a private address for the person. |
Purpose mshr_purpose String |
Read/write Optional |
The purpose/role of the contact details. |
Primary Field mshr_primaryfield String |
Read-only Required |
Field used as a primary identifier of the entity record. Combination of party number, type, description, and locator. |
See also
Applicant Tracking System integration API introduction
Example query for Candidate to hire