Candidate to hire
Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources
This article describes the Candidate to hire entity for Dynamics 365 Human Resources.
Physical name: mshr_hcmcandidatetohireentity
This entity provides candidate details used to create a worker in Dynamics 365 Human Resources. It's used to read all candidate records and create internal and external candidate records, allowing you to create personal details for the new candidate.
When you create an external candidate record who will be a new person record in the system, you must not define a party (person) number you post a new candidate record. The new person entity record is created with the new candidate record.
When you create an internal candidate record (a candidate for the position who already has an employee record with the company), define the party (person) number of the record that already exists for person for the mshr_partynumber property on the candidate record rather than defining personal information (such as name, gender, or birthdate) that would be used to create a new person record.
JSON representation
"mshr_candidateid": "String",
"mshr_partynumber": "String",
"mshr_partytype": "String",
"mshr_recruitingrequestid": "String",
"mshr_positionid": "String",
"mshr_firstname": "String",
"mshr_middlename": "String",
"mshr_lastnameprefix": "String",
"mshr_lastname": "String",
"mshr_gender": Int,
"mshr_birthdate": "Date",
"mshr_citizenshipcountrycode": "String",
"mshr_veteranstatusid": "String",
"mshr_isdisabledveteran": Int,
"mshr_availabilitydate": "Date",
"mshr_iswillingtorelocate": Int,
"mshr_comments": "String",
"mshr_applicantintegrationresult": Int,
"mshr_donothirereasoncodeid": "String",
"mshr_dataareaid": "String",
"_mshr_dataareaid_id_value": "Guid",
"_mshr_fk_person_id_value": "Guid",
"_mshr_fk_recruitingrequest_id_value": "Guid",
"_mshr_fk_position_id_value": "Guid",
"mshr_hcmcandidatetohireentityid": "Guid",
"_mshr_fk_veteranstatus_id_value": "Guid",
"_mshr_fk_reasoncode_id_value": "Guid",
"mshr_militaryserviceenddate": "Guid",
"mshr_militaryservicestartdate": "Guid"
"mshr_militaryserviceenddate": "Date",
"mshr_militaryservicestartdate": "Date"
Property Physical name Type |
Use | Description |
Candidate to Hire Entity ID mshr_hcmcandidatetohireentityid GUID |
Read-only Required System-generated |
A system-generated unique identifier for the entity record. |
Candidate ID mshr_candidateid String |
Read-only Required System-generated |
A unique identifier for the entity. |
Party Number mshr_partynumber String |
Read-only Required |
The party (person) number of the candidate’s person record. |
Person ID Value _mshr_fk_person_id_value GUID |
Read-only Required Foreign key: mshr_dirpersonentityid of mshr_direpersonentity |
The system-generated unique identifier for the party (person) record of the candidate. |
Party Type mshr_partytype mshr_dirpartytype option set |
Read-only Required |
The party type of the record, as defined in the mshr_dirpartytype option set. For this entity, the type will always be “Person”. |
Recruiting Request ID mshr_recruitingrequestid String |
Write once Optional |
References the Recruiting Request this candidate fulfills. |
Recruiting Request ID Value _mshr_fk_recruitingrequest_id_value GUID |
Read/write Optional Foreign key: mshr_hcmrecruitingrequestentityid of mshr_hcmrecruitingrequestentity |
The system-generated unique identifier of the recruiting request the candidate fulfills. |
Position ID mshr_positionid String |
Read/write Optional |
The ID of the position for which the candidate is being considered. |
Position ID Value _mshr_fk_position_if_value GUID |
Read-only Optional Foreign key: mshr_hcmpositionv2entityid of mshr_hcmpositionv2entity |
System-generated identifier of the position for with the candidate is being considered. |
First Name mshr_firstname String |
Read/write Required |
Candidate first name. |
Middle Name mshr_middlename String |
Read/write Optional |
Candidate middle name. |
Last Name Prefix mshr_lastnameprefix String |
Read/write Optional |
Candidate last name prefix. |
Last Name mshr_lastname String |
Read/write Optional |
Candidate last name. |
Gender mshr_gender mshr_hcmpersongender option set |
Read/write Optional |
The candidate’s gender. |
Birth Date mshr_birthdate Datetime |
Read/write Optional |
The candidate’s birth date. |
Citizenship Country Code mshr_citizenshipcountrycode String |
Read/write Optional |
Specifies the country/region where the candidate has citizenship. Valid country codes are in mshr_logisticaddresscountryregionentity. |
Veteran Status ID mshr_veteranstatusid String |
Read/write Optional |
Indicates the veteran status of the candidate. |
Veteran Status ID Value _mshr_fk_veteranstatus_id_value GUID |
Read-only Optional Foreign key: mshr_hcmveteranstatusentityid of mshr_hcmveteranstatusentity |
System-generated unique identifier for the veteran status entity record. |
Military Service Start Date mshr_militaryservicestartdate Datetime |
Read/write Optional |
The start date of the candidate’s military service. |
Military Service End Date mshr_militaryserviceenddate Datetime |
Read/write Optional |
The end date of the candidate’s military service. |
Is Disabled Veteran mshr_isdisabledveteran mshr_noyes option set |
Read/write Optional |
Indicates if the candidate has disabled veteran status. |
Availability Date mshr_availabilitydate Datetime |
Read/write Optional |
The earliest date the candidate would be available to work. |
Is Willing To Relocate mshr_iswillingtorelocate mshr_noyes option set |
Read/write Optional |
Indicates whether the candidate is willing to relocate for the position. |
Comments mshr_comments String |
Read/write Optional |
Comments to be used by the recruiter or hiring manager. |
Application Integration Result mshr_applcantintegrationresult mshr_applicantintegrationresult option set |
Read/write Required |
The status of the candidate in the hiring process related to the integration. |
Do Not Hire Reason Code ID mshr_donothirereasoncodeid String |
Read/write Optional |
A reason code optionally provided when the status (application integration result) is set to “Not hired”. |
Reason Code ID Value _mshr_fk_reasoncode_id_value GUID |
Read-only Optional Foreign key: mshr_hcmreasoncodeentityid of mshr_hcmreasoncodeentity entity |
System-generated unique identifier for the Do Not Hire reason code. |
Data Area ID mshr_dataareaid String |
Read/write Optional |
Specifies the legal entity (company). |
Data Area ID Value _mshr_dataareaid_id_value GUID |
Read-only Optional Foreign key: cdm_companyid of cdm_company entity |
System-generated GUID value identifying the legal entity (company). |
See also
Applicant Tracking System integration API introduction
Example query for Candidate to hire