Help us help you with Power Platform
In addition to the general questions and points covered in the following sections, the specific support teams for Power Platform often require additional information for the topic. This article contains tips for supporting solutions with Power Platform and Dynamics 365 apps. Find the section that aligns with your issue in the following sections. For unique or uncommon issues, there might not be a specific section; in such cases, refer to the general guidance page on what information to submit. Also, we recommend that you review the provided troubleshooting links before opening a case. Providing clear and detailed information in the support ticket helps the support engineer address the issue more efficiently and in a timely manner.
For troubleshooting specific finance issues, review the following article: Microsoft Power Platform troubleshooting
Storage (out of capacity)
Do you know how capacity works?
Your capacity displays as 0% for all sections means that you don't have a valid Dataverse subscription. Reach your Microsoft reseller or billing team for more details.
You can see all details about your storage consuming through Power Platform admin center, do you know where?
Using this article, you can see which environment is consuming more, which section and top 10 tables.
For your knowledge, Database = Records / File = Attachments (Azure Blob) / Log = Plugin Trace and Audit (Cosmo).
You don't know what exactly this table means or how to perform maintenance. Learn more in the following article:
TDS connection is also an option to check the number of records per table mainly for AsyncOperationBase and ActivityPointerBase:
Remember, without storage you're out of compliance and can't create new environments, copy, or restore environment. Also, a recurrent email notification is sent weekly reminding you about it.
Some tables are more complex and might need a deeper analysis from your side. The following list provides links to where you can learn more about some of these tables.
Developer environments, Microsoft Teams environments (2 GB), Support Instances that Microsoft Support creates, and Default environments (3 GB) don't consume storage:
Always check the latest version of the licensing guide.
Do you know how the license model works?
Remember about default storage granted by subscription and the amount of storage granted for full licenses.
Default storage isn't cumulative for Dynamics 365, Power Platform, or Project licenses.
The Dynamics 365 Team Members subscription is a named user subscription that includes rights to run basic processes across Dynamics 365 apps. This way, business users can share knowledge and provide embedded business intelligence. One Team Members subscription enables a light user to read from any of the Dynamics 365 applications. As a result, as more Dynamics 365 applications are adopted across an organization, any user previously licensed with a Team Members subscription would be licensed already to access those more applications.
Synchronize users
Did you check about unaccounted user issues article?
Did you use the tool User Diagnostic? Using this tool, you can identify issues related to licenses, roles, security groups, and nested security groups.
Read the article about different users like Application User, Non-Interactive User, Administrative User:
Remember, your user can be a Cloud User, Synchronized User, or a Federated User.
Also, CA (Conditional Access) policies also could cause access issues:
Limitations for guest user must be considered:
Lifecycle operations (Create, Copy, Restore, and Delete)
You only can restore a production environment to a sandbox environment.
Backup for production is retained for 28 days, for sandbox only seven days. There's no way to extend this period, including on-demand backup.
You only can copy a managed environment to a managed environment.
After deletion, you can restore the deleted environment in the next seven days.
Default environments are limited. Any operation needs Microsoft support help.
Lifecycle operation persists for 48h before failing completely. The lifecycle process passes through different steps; each one cared for by different teams.
An environment can be unmanaged through PowerShell commands:
More about environment types:
Migrate environments from tenant to tenant or from region to region
- Power Platform environments overview (Tenant to Tenant self-server migration process is in Preview release)
- Geo-to-geo migrations
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