Data schemas for loss prevention


As of February 3, 2025, Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is no longer available for purchase. Support for Fraud Protection will end on February 3, 2026. For more information, refer to the End of support for Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection article.

This article outlines the data schemas used to generate models and determine risk assessments.

Follow these requirements:

  • The files are in CSV UTF-8 (comma, semi-colon, or tab-delimited) format (*.csv or *.tsv).
  • The maximum file size is 10 gigabytes (GB).
  • The following characters are escaped in all columns: commas/semi-colons, new line characters, and multiline characters.
  • 'datetime' columns are in ISO 8601 format. For example, in C# DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o") would have the format "2019-03-14T20:18:11.254Z".
  • 'double' (decimal) column precision is two decimal places.


Field name Data type Description
DEFINITIONGROUP string Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence.
EXECUTIONID string Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence.
ISSELECTED int Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence.
TRANSFERSTATUS int This field is used to track the status of transfers between warehouses.
BATCHID int The identifier for the batch or shift.
TERMINAL string The identifier for the POS.
AMOUNTPOSTEDTOACCOUNT double The amount that is posted to the account for general ledger (GL) posting.
CHANNELREFERENCEID string An identifier that indicates the channel that is used for purchases in omni-channel scenarios for e-commerce merchants.
COSTAMOUNT double The cost for items.
CREATEDOFFLINE int This field indicates if the transaction was created offline without database connectivity.
CURRENCY string The currency code (for example, USD).
CUSTOMERACCOUNT string The account number.
CUSTOMERDISCOUNTAMOUNT double The discount that is mapped to the customer and automatically applied for that customer.
DISCOUNTAMOUNT double The discount amount, if any discounts are applied.
DELIVERYMODE string The mode of delivery, if the transaction isn't a cash-and-carry transaction.
TRANSACTIONSTATUS int Fields that are added to the synchronization engine (DIXF) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence.
EXCHANGERATE double The exchange rate, if a non-store currency was used for payment.
GROSSAMOUNT double The total amount that is due before discounts are applied.
INCOMEEXPENSEAMOUNT double This field indicates the adjustment amount to reflect drawer-related expenses if any.
INFOCODEDISCOUNTGROUP string This is the information code associated with the discount applied.
WAREHOUSE string The warehouse that is associated with a store.
SITEID string This field is typically used for retail stores. It's used to organize the stores by region (for example, Northwest US stores).
INVOICEID string This field is related to payments on customer accounts. It indicates the invoice that the customer is making a payment against.
ITEMSPOSTED int The count of items that are part of the shipment that is posted.
LOYALTYCARDID string The locality card number associated with the customer.
NETAMOUNT double The price before discounts are applied.
PAYMENTAMOUNT double The payment amount.
POSTASSHIPMENT int This field indicates whether or not an item has an associated shipment.
RECEIPTID string The receipt number. This number differs from the transaction number.
REFUNDRECEIPTID string If the transaction is a refund, the receipt ID for the original transaction.
SALEISRETURNSALE int A value that indicates whether the sale is a return.
SALESINVOICEAMOUNT double The amount of the sales invoice if the customer is picking up just a few items from an order.
SALESORDERAMOUNT double The total amount for customer orders. (These orders differ from cash-and-carry transactions, because they have shipping details.)
SALESORDERID string The order number, for orders that have shipping details.
SALESPAYMENTDIFFERENCE double The difference amount after the customer makes a payment.
SHIFT string The shift. A shift is a set of transactions during the day that cash and sales activity is calculated for. Shifts are useful for determining how much cash should be in the terminal.
SHIPPINGDATEREQUESTED datetime The date when goods on the customer order should be shipped.
STAFF string The ID of the point of sale (POS) user.
TOACCOUNT int The amount that is being charged to the customer's account.
TOTALDISCOUNTAMOUNT double The amount of the discount that is applied to the transaction total.
TOTALMANUALDISCOUNTAMOUNT double This field indicates the total discount amount that is manually applied, not automatically calculated.
TOTALMANUALDISCOUNTPERCENTAGE double The percentage of the manually applied total discount.
TRANSACTIONNUMBER string The transaction identifier.
TRANSACTIONDATE datetime The date.
TRANSACTIONTIME int The time of the transaction.
TRANSACTIONTYPE int A value that indicates whether the transaction is a cash-and-carry transaction or an order.
LOGISTICSLOCATIONID string This field identifies the location to which the shipment is getting delivered to.
LOGISTICSPOSTALCITY string The city where the item is delivered to.
LOGISTICSPOSTALCOUNTY string The county where the item is delivered to.
LOGISTICSPOSTALSTATE string The state where the item is delivered to.
LOGISTICSPOSTALSTREET string The street where the item is delivered to.
LOGISTICSPOSTALZIPCODE string The zip code where the item is delivered to.
LOGISTICSPOSTALADDRESSVALIDFROM datetime Delivery address effectivity, based on the date when the address is valid for the delivery of items.
LOGISTICPOSTALADDRESSVALIDTO datetime Delivery address effectivity, based on the date when the address is no longer valid for the delivery of items.
OPERATINGUNITNUMBER string The business unit that the store is mapped to.
COMMENT string A transaction-level comment.
TAXCALCULATIONTYPE int A value that indicates whether tax is based on the store, customer, or destination.
DISCOUNTAMOUNTWITHOUTTAX double The discount amount, excluding tax.
NETPRICE double The number of lines on the transaction.
RETAILNCREXPORTED int At the beginning of the roll-out, this field was used as a flag to push transactions to an NCR BOS system.
PARTITION string The identifier of a data partition in Dynamics 365 Commerce that is specific to Dynamics 365.
DATAAREAID string The identifier of the legal entity in Dynamics 365 Commerce.
SYNCSTARTDATETIME datetime Fields that are added to the synchronization engine (DIXF) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence.


Field Name Data Type Description
DEFINITIONGROUP string Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence.
EXECUTIONID string Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence.
ISSELECTED int Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence.
TRANSFERSTATUS int This field is used to track the status of transfers between warehouses.
SALESTAXGROUP string The effective sales tax group for the transaction.
ITEMSALESTAXGROUP string The effective sales tax group for the item.
TERMINAL string The identifier for the POS.
TRANSACTIONNUMBER string The transaction number
BARCODE string The bar code that was scanned.
COSTAMOUNT double The product cost.
CURRENCY string The currency that is used for the sale (for example, USD).
CUSTOMERACCOUNT string The customer account number.
CUSTOMERDISCOUNT double The customer discount.
CUSTOMERINVOICEDISCOUNTAMOUNT double The discount that is associated at the invoice level during fulfillment.
CASHDISCOUNTAMOUNT double The amount of the cash discount, if a cash discount is applied.
PRICEGROUPS string The price group that products and customers belong to.
OFFERNUMBER string The unique identifier for the offer number.
DISCOUNTAMOUNTFORPRINTING double The discount amount that is printed on the receipt.
MODEOFDELIVERY string The method of delivery for the customer.
ELECTRONICDELIVERYEMAIL string The email address.
RETAILEMAILADDRESSCONTENT string The email address for the receipt.
GIFTCARD int The gift card number.
REASONCODEDISCOUNT double If a discount was applied, reason codes can be configured to prompt the cashier to select a reason.
WAREHOUSE string Reference data for the store. This field indicates the physical location of the goods.
SERIALNUMBER string The serial number for the product.
SITEID string The category that the store belongs to (for example, PACNW).
INVENTORYSTATUS int The status of the inventory levels.
LOTID string This field isn't required.
ITEMID string The product ID.
PRODUCTSCANNED int This field indicates if the bar code in the product was scanned as part of the transaction.
ITEMRELATION string A grouping of related items in a specific product group.
KEYBOARDPRODUCTENTRY int This field indicates if the product ID was entered by the cashier manually on the keyboard at the POS.
LINEDISCOUNT double The discount amount that is applied for the line item.
LINEMANUALDISCOUNTAMOUNT double If the discount was manually entered, the discount amount.
LINEMANUALDISCOUNTPERCENTAGE double If a manual percentage discount was applied, the discount percentage.
LINENUMBER double The line number on the transaction.
ISLINEDISCOUNTED int A value that indicates whether the transaction line is discounted.
ISLINKEDPRODUCTNOTORIGINAL int This field indicates if there were any linked item within the same product group that were changed.
CHANNELLISTINGID string This field applies only to e-commerce. It isn't required for retail stores.
NETAMOUNT double The net amount for the transaction.
NETAMOUNTINCLUSIVETAX double The net amount, including tax.
NETPRICE double The net price for the line before discounts are applied.
ISORIGINALOFLINKEDPRODUCTLIST int The default linked products.
ORIGINALPRICE double The product price when sale pricing isn't applied.
ORIGINALSALESTAXGROUP string The original sales tax group for the transaction.
ORIGINALITEMSALESTAXGROUP string If tax is overridden, this field tracks the original tax amount.
PERIODICDISCOUNTAMOUNT double The discount amount for the periodic discount.
PERIODICDISCOUNTGROUP string The periodic discount group.
PERIODICDISCOUNTPERCENTAGE double The periodic discount percentage.
PRICE double The price of the item.
ISPRICECHANGE int This field indicates if there were any prices changes made manually to the list of products in the transaction.
PRICEINBARCODE int This field indicates if a price-embedded bar code was scanned for a specific product within the transaction.
QUANTITY double The quantity.
REQUESTEDRECEIPTDATE datetime For customer orders, the date when the customer has requested arrival/pickup.
RECEIPTNUMBER string The receipt number.
RETURNLINENUMBER double The line number from the original transaction when the return is done from the journal.
ISRETURNNOSALE int A value that indicates whether this transaction is a return or void.
RETURNQUANTITY double The quantity that is being returned.
RETURNTERMINAL string The terminal where the return transaction is being processed.
RETURNTRANSACTIONNUMBER string Original transaction number when the return is done from the receipt or journal.
RFIDTAGID string The identifier for radio frequency identification (RFID).
ISSCALEPRODUCT int A value that indicates whether the connected scale is used to get the quantity.
SECTIONNUMBER string The physical location of the product in the store. This field isn't used.
SHELFNUMBER string The shelf number where the product is kept.
REQUESTEDSHIPDATE datetime The requested shipping date for the order.
STANDARDNETPRICE double The price, excluding discounts and trade agreements.
SALESTAXAMOUNT double The amount of sales tax that is applied to the transaction.
TOTALDISCOUNT double The amount of the discount that is applied to the order total.
TOTALDISCOUNTINFOCODELINENUM double If the user is prompted for an info code when a total discount is applied, the reason code is saved in this field.
TOTALDISCOUNTPERCENTAGE double The discount percentage that is applied to the transaction total, if a total discount by percentage is used.
TRANSACTIONCODE int An indicator of the transaction type.
TRANSACTIONSTATUS int A value of Posted indicates that the statement has been completed (that is, amounts have reached the GL in the back office).
UNIT string The unit of measure for the item. Examples include gallons and ounces (oz.).
UNITPRICE double The price per unit.
UNITQUANTITY double The quantity of units that was sold.
VARIANTNUMBER string The ID for the unit combination of color, size, and style.
ISWEIGHTPRODUCT int A value that indicates whether the connected scale is used to get the quantity.
ISWEIGHTMANUALLYENTERED int If a scale isn't connected, the cashier can manually enter the weight.
CATEGORYNAME string The name of the product category.
CATEGORYHIERARCHYNAME string The category hierarchy that is used to organize products.
LOGISTICSPOSTALADDRESSVALIDFROM datetime The effective date of the address ID.
LOGISTICLOCATIONID string The address ID in the global address book.
OPERATINGUNITNUMBER string The part of the reference data that comprises a store.
RETURNOPERATINGUNITNUMBER string The store where the return is being processed.
ITEMCOLOR string The color.
ITEMSIZE string The size.
ITEMSTYLE string The style. Like color and size, style is a product dimension.
ITEMCONFIGID string The configuration ID for kits.
SKIPREPORTS int If this field is set, the record is skipped in reports.
LINEPERCENTAGEDISCOUNT double The amount of the automatic percentage discount.
DISCOUNTAMOUNTWITHOUTTAX double The discount amount, excluding tax.
PARTITION string The identifier of a data partition in Dynamics 365 Commerce that is specific to Dynamics 365.
DATAAREAID string The company identifier (for example, MSFT).
SYNCSTARTDATETIME datetime Fields that are added to the synchronization engine (DIXF) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence.


Field Name Data Type Description
DEFINITIONGROUP string Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence.
EXECUTIONID string Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence.
ISSELECTED int Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence.
TRANSFERSTATUS int This field is used to track the status of transfers between warehouses.
AMOUNTINTENDEREDCURRENCY double The amount that was tendered in local currency as it applies to the country/region where the store is located.
AMOUNTINACCOUNTINGCURRENCY double The amount that is due for the line.
AMOUNTTENDERED double The amount in the store currency.
MERCHANTPAYMENTINSTRUMENTTYPEID string The name of the payment instrument (for example, AMEX or VISA).
ISCHANGELINE int This field indicates if payment amount that is due back to the customer.
CREDITVOUCHERID string If a voucher is used for payment, the voucher number.
CURRENCYCODE string The currency that was paid.
EXCHANGERATEINTENDEREDCURRENCY double The exchange rate in relation to USD.
EXCHANGERATEINACCOUNTINGCURRENCY double The exchange rate in relation to US dollars (USD).
GIFTCARDID string The gift card number.
ISPREPAYMENT int A value that indicates whether the payment is a deposit.
LINENUMBER double The payment line number.
LOYALTYCARDID string If loyalty points are used for payment, the card number that was provided.
QUANTITY double The number of units that were sold.
RECEIPTID string The receipt ID. This ID differs from the transaction ID.
TENDERTYPE string The type of tender that was paid.
TERMINAL string The identifier of the register or Point of Sale (POS).
TRANSACTIONNUMBER string The transaction number.
TRANSACTIONSTATUS int The status of the payment line.
OPERATINGUNITNUMBER string The operating unit that is unique to the store.
MERCHANTPAYMENTINSTRUMENTID string The identifier of the payment instrument. This information is provided by the merchant.
ACCOUNTNUMBER string The customer account number, if a named customer appears on the transaction.
VOIDSTATUS int A value that indicates whether a tender line was voided before the transaction was tendered.
AMOUNTTENDEREDADJUSTMENT double A new feature in the product allows for changes to the transactions and provides a full audit trail.
STAFF string The user ID.
PARTITION string The identifier of a data partition in Dynamics 365 Commerce that is specific to Dynamics 365.
DATAAREAID string The company identifier (for example, MSFT).
SYNCSTARTDATETIME datetime Fields that are added to the synchronization engine (DIXF) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence.


Field Name Data Type Description
PAYMENTMETHODNUMBER string The identifier for the payment method.
DEFAULTFUNCTION string A description of the type of payment method, such as Cash, Check, Credit Memo/Voucher, or Currency.
NAME string The descriptive name for the payment method.