AI and insights from the Fraud Protection Network


As of February 3, 2025, Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is no longer available for purchase. Support for Fraud Protection will end on February 3, 2026. For more information, refer to the End of support for Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection article.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection takes advantage of the industry-leading Microsoft artificial intelligence (AI) platform to assess the likelihood that a transaction is fraudulent. The AI platform uses historical data about the results of a card-not-present transactions and event data to train machine learning models and detect linkages of fraud that occur across all merchants in the Fraud Protection Network.

By participating in this network, you can benefit from insights derived from the collective experience of other merchants who use Fraud Protection. In this way, you can help your business handle emerging fraud vectors.


You can learn more about the Model Reason Codes and Explainability Implementation in the DFP Model Reason Codes and Explainability Document. A login is required.