Account protection schemas


As of February 3, 2025, Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is no longer available for purchase. Support for Fraud Protection will end on February 3, 2026. For more information, refer to the End of support for Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection article.

This article outlines the schema via the application programming interface (API). For more information, see Integrate Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection real-time APIs.


The AccountCreation API lets you share information and context with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection about incoming new account creation events for risk assessment.

Object Attribute Type Description
Tenant ID string TenantId is the GUID representing the Azure ActiveDirectory Tenant.
Name string The value is AP.AccountCreation.
Version string The value is 0.5.
MetaData trackingId string The identifier of the AccountCreationId event.
MetaData SignupId string The identifier of the AccountCreationId event. (This value can match the value of the trackingId attribute but is different from the userId attribute.)
MetaData assessmentType string The assessment type for the event. Possible values are evaluate and protect. If no value is specified, the default value is protect.
MetaData customerLocalDate dateTime The creation date of the AccountCreationId event, in the customer's local time zone. The format is ISO 8601.
MetaData merchantTimeStamp dateTime The time stamp for the event.
DeviceContext DeviceContextId string The customer's session ID. This information is mastered by DFP Device Fingerprinting Service.
DeviceContext ipAddress string The customer's IP address, as provided by the merchant.
DeviceContext provider string The provider of device information. Possible values are DFPFingerprinting and Merchant. If no value is specified, the default value is DFPFingerprinting.
DeviceContext externalDeviceId string The customer's device ID, as provided and mastered by the merchant.
DeviceContext externalDeviceType string The customer's device type, as provided and mastered by the merchant. Possible values are Mobile, Computer, MerchantHardware, Tablet, and GameConsole.
User userId string The user identifier. This information is provided by the merchant.
User userType string The user's profile type. Possible values are Consumer, Developer, Seller, Publisher, and Tenant.
User UserName string The user-provided user name that is unique in the merchant system.
User firstName string The user-provided first name on the account.
User lastName string The user-provided last name on the account.
User CountryRegion string The user's country or region. The value should be a two-letter ISO country/region code (for example, US).
User zipCode string The user's postal code.
User timeZone string The user's time zone.
User language string The user's language and territory (for example, EN-US).
User membershipId string The membership ID, if the user already has an existing membership with the merchant.
User isMembershipIdUserName bool A True/False value that indicates whether the membershipId value can be used as the user name. The default value is False.
Phone phoneType enum The type of phone number. Possible values are Primary and Alternative. The default value is Primary.
Phone phoneNumber string The user's phone number. The format should be the country/region code followed by a hyphen (-) and then the phone number (for example, for the US, +1-1234567890).
Phone isPhoneNumberValidated bool A True/False value that indicates whether the user-provided phone number has been verified as owned by the user.
Phone phoneNumberValidatedDate dateTime The validation date of the user's phone number. The format is ISO 8601.
Phone isPhoneUserName bool A True/False value that indicates whether the phone number can be used as the user name. The default value is False.
Email emailType enum The type of email address. Possible values are Primary and Alternative.
Email emailValue string The user's email address. This value is case-insensitive.
Email isEmailValidated bool A True/False value that indicates whether the user-provided email address has been verified as owned by the user.
Email emailValidatedDate dateTime The validation date of the user's email address. The format is ISO 8601.
Email isEmailUserName bool A True/False value that indicates whether the email address can be used as the user name. The default value is False.
SSOAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider string The user's single sign-on (SSO) authentication provider, if it differs from the merchant's SSO authentication provider. Possible values are MSA, Facebook, PSN, MerchantAuth, and Google.
SSOAuthenticationProvider displayName string The user's display name for the SSO authentication provider (for example, the user name from a Microsoft account, Facebook, or Google).
Address addressType enum The type of address. Possible values are Primary, Billing, Shipping, and Alternative. The default value is Primary.
Address firstName string The user-provided first name that is associated with the address.
Address lastName string The user-provided last name that is associated with the address.
Address phoneNumber string The user-provided phone number that is associated with the address.
Address street1 string The first row that was provided for the address.
Address street2 string The second row that was provided for the address. (This value can be blank.)
Address street3 string The third row that was provided for the address. (This value can be blank.)
Address city string The city that was provided for the address.
Address state string The state or province that was provided for the address.
Address district string The district that was provided for the address.
Address zipCode string The postal code that was provided for the address.
Address CountryRegion string The country/region code that was provided for the address. The value should be a two-letter ISO country/region code (for example, US).
PaymentInstrument merchantPaymentInstrumentId string The identifier of the payment instrument. This information is provided by the merchant.
PaymentInstrument type enum The type of payment. Possible values are CreditCard, DirectDebit, PayPal, MobileBilling, OnlineBankTransfer, Invoice, MerchantGiftCard, MerchantWallet, CashOnDelivery, Paytm, and CCAvenue.
PaymentInstrument creationDate DateTime The date of the first entry for the payment instrument in the merchant's system. The format is ISO 8601.
PaymentInstrument updateDate DateTime The date of the last update for the payment instrument in the merchant's system. The format is ISO 8601.
PaymentInstrument state string The current state of the payment instrument in the merchant's system (for example, Active, Blocked, or Expired).
PaymentInstrument cardType string This attribute is used only for payments of the CreditCard or DirectDebit types. Possible values are Visa, Mastercard, Amex, ACH, SEPA, UnionPay, Inicis, MobileBillingCarrier, Discover, AllPay, JCB, and DiscoverDiners.
PaymentInstrument holderName string The name of the payment instrument's user. This attribute is used only for payments of the CreditCard or DirectDebit types.
PaymentInstrument bin string This attribute is used only for payments of the CreditCard or DirectDebit types.
PaymentInstrument expirationDate string The expiration date for the payment instrument in the merchant's system. The format is ISO 8601. This attribute is used only for payments of the CreditCard or DirectDebit types.
PaymentInstrument lastFourDigits string This attribute is used only for payments of the CreditCard or DirectDebit types.
PaymentInstrument email string The email address that is associated with the payment instrument. This attribute is used only for payments of the PayPal type.
PaymentInstrument billingAgreementId string This attribute is used only for payments of the PayPal type.
PaymentInstrument payerId string This attribute is used only for payments of the PayPal type.
PaymentInstrument payerStatus string A value that indicates whether PayPal has verified the payer. This attribute is used only for payments of the PayPal type.
PaymentInstrument addressStatus string A value that indicates whether PayPal has verified the payer's address. This attribute is used only for payments of the PayPal type.
PaymentInstrument imei string This attribute is used only for payments of the MobileBilling type.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress addressType enum The type of address. Possible values are Primary, Billing, Shipping, and Alternative. The default value is Billing.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress firstName string The user-provided first name that is associated with the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress lastName string The user-provided last name that is associated with the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress phoneNumber string The user-provided phone number that is associated with the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress street1 string The first row that was provided for the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress street2 string The second row that was provided for the address. (This value can be blank.)
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress street3 string The third row that was provided for the address. (This value can be blank.)
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress city string The city that was provided for the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress state string The state or province that was provided for the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress district string The district that was provided for the address
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress zipCode string The postal code that was provided for the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress CountryRegion string The country/region code that was provided for the address. The value should be a two-letter ISO country/region code (for example, US).
MarketingContext campaignType enum The marketing campaign type. Possible values are Direct, Email, Referral, PaidSearch, OrganicSearch, Advertising, SocialNetwork, General Marketing, Unknown, Other.
MarketingContext trafficSource-referrer string The source of this user if known. If via existing user referral, provide the original MerchantUserId of the referrer.
MarketingContext trafficSource-referralLink string The source of this user if known. If via other campaign types instead of existing user referral, provide the source URL link.
MarketingContext trafficSource-referralSite string The source site of the traffic. Possible values are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Bing, Google, Pinterest, WhatsApp, etc.
MarketingContext IncentiveType enum The incentive type for the new user. Possible values are None, CashBack, Discount, FreeTrial, BonusPoints, Gift, Unknown, Other.
MarketingContext incentiveOffer string The exact incentive offer name. For examples, $5 off on first order, free shipping, 5000 points.
MarketingContext CampaignStartDate date The date of the campaign starting on the incentive collection.
MarketingContext CampaignExpireDate date The date of the campaign expiration on the incentive collection.
MarketingContext IncentiveQuantityLimit string The incentive quantity limit set by merchant. For example, max on three 5000 points per user per day.


The AccountCreationStatus API lets you share information and context with Fraud Protection about the status of an account creation event. This event is a data ingestion event only.

Object Attribute Type Description
Tenant ID string TenantId is the GUID representing the Azure ActiveDirectory Tenant.
Name string The value is AP.AccountCreation.Status.
Version string The value is 0.5.
MetaData trackingID string The identifier of the SignupStatus event.
MetaData signupId string The identifier of the Signup event.
MetaData merchantTimeStamp DateTime The time stamp for the event.
MetaData userId string The user identifier. This information is provided by the merchant.
StatusDetails statusType enum The type of status: Approved, Rejected, or Pending.
StatusDetails reasonType enum The type of reason: challenge abandoned, challenge failed, challenge passed, challenge pending, review failed, review passed, review pending, or None. The default value is None.
StatusDetails challengeType enum The type of review status: SMS, Email, Phone, Other, or None. The default value is None.
StatusDetails statusDate DateTime The date and time when the status was applied. The format is ISO 8601.


The AccountLogIn API lets you share information and context with Fraud Protection about an incoming sign-in event for risk assessment.

Object Attribute Type Description
Name string The value is AP.AccountLogin.
Version string The value is 0.5.
MetaData trackingId string The identifier of the Login event.
MetaData LogInId string The identifier of the Signup event. (This value can match the value of the trackingId attribute.)
MetaData assessmentType string The assessment type for the event. Possible values are evaluate and protect. If no value is specified, the default value is protect.
MetaData customerLocalDate dateTime The creation date of the Signup event, in the customer's local time zone. The format is ISO 8601.
MetaData merchantTimeStamp dateTime The time stamp for the event.
DeviceContext DeviceContextId string The customer's session ID. This information is mastered by DFP Device Fingerprinting Service.
DeviceContext ipAddress string The customer's IP address, as provided by the merchant.
DeviceContext provider string The provider of device information. Possible values are DFPFingerprinting and Merchant. If no value is specified, the default value is DFPFingerprinting.
DeviceContext externalDeviceId string The customer's device ID, as provided and mastered by the merchant.
DeviceContext externalDeviceType string The customer's device type, as provided and mastered by the merchant.
User userId string The user identifier. This information is provided by the merchant.
User userType string The user's profile type. Possible values are Consumer, Developer, Seller, Publisher, and Tenant.
User UserName string The user-provided user name that is unique in the merchant system.
SSOAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider string The user's SSO authentication provider, if it differs from the merchant's SSO authentication provider. Possible values are MSA, Facebook, PSN, MerchantAuth, and Google.
SSOAuthenticationProvider displayName string The user's display name for the SSO authentication provider. For example, the user name from a Microsoft account, Facebook, or Google.
RecentUpdate lastPhoneNumberUpdate dateTime The date/time of the most recent update or creation of any phone number.
RecentUpdate lastEmailUpdate dateTime The date/time of the most recent update or creation of any email address.
RecentUpdate lastAddressUpdate dateTime The date/time of the most recent update or creation of any address.
RecentUpdate lastPaymentInstrumentUpdate dateTime The date/time of the most recent update or creation of any payment instrument.
MarketingContext campaignType enum The marketing campaign type. Possible values are Direct, Email, Referral, PaidSearch, OrganicSearch, Advertising, SocialNetwork, General Marketing, Unknown, Other.
MarketingContext trafficSource-referrer string The source of this user if known. If via existing user referral, provide the original MerchantUserId of the referrer.
MarketingContext trafficSource-referralLink string The source of this user if known. If via other campaign types instead of existing user referral, provide the source URL link.
MarketingContext trafficSource-referralSite string The source site of the traffic. Possible values are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Bing, Google, Pinterest, WhatsApp, etc.
MarketingContext IncentiveType enum The incentive type for the new user. Possible values are None, CashBack, Discount, FreeTrial, BonusPoints, Gift, Unknown, Other.
MarketingContext incentiveOffer string The exact incentive offer name. For examples, $5 off on first order, free shipping, 5000 points.
MarketingContext CampaignStartDate date The date of the campaign starting on the incentive collection.
MarketingContext CampaignExpireDate date The date of the campaign expiration on the incentive collection.
MarketingContext IncentiveQuantityLimit string The incentive quantity limit set by merchant. For example, max on three 5000 points per user per day.


The AccountLogInStatus API lets you share information and context with Fraud Protection about the status of an account sign-in event. This event is a data ingestion event only.

Object Attribute Type Description
Name string The value is AP.AccountLogin.Status.
Version string The value is 0.5.
MetaData trackingID string The identifier of the LoginStatus event.
MetaData logInId string The identifier of the Login event.
MetaData merchantTimeStamp DateTime The time stamp for the event.
MetaData userId string The user identifier. This information is provided by the merchant.
StatusDetails statusType string The type of status: Approved, Rejected, or Pending.
StatusDetails reasonType enum The type of reason: challenge abandoned, challenge failed, challenge passed, challenge pending, review failed, review passed, review pending, or None. The default value is None.
StatusDetails challengeType enum The type of review status: SMS, Email, Phone, Other, or None. The default value is None.
StatusDetails statusDate DateTime The date and time when the status was applied. The format is ISO 8601.


The AccountUpdate API lets you share account information updates with Fraud Protection. For example, the following information might be edited or added: user profile, address, payment instrument, phone number, email address, and SSO. This event is a data ingestion event only.

Object Attribute Type Description
Name string The value is AP.AccountUpdate.
Version string The value is 0.5.
MetaData trackingId string The identifier of the AccountUpdate event.
MetaData SignupId string The identifier of the AccountUpdateId event. (This value can match the value of the trackingId attribute.)
MetaData customerLocalDate dateTime The creation date of the AccountUpdate event, in the customer's local time zone. The format is ISO 8601.
MetaData merchantTimeStamp dateTime The time stamp for the event.
DeviceContext DeviceContextId string The customer's session ID. This information is mastered by DFP Device Fingerprinting Service.
DeviceContext ipAddress string The customer's IP address, as provided by the merchant.
DeviceContext provider string The provider of device information. Possible values are DFPFingerprinting and Merchant. If no value is specified, the default value is DFPFingerprinting.
DeviceContext externalDeviceId string The customer's device ID, as provided and mastered by the merchant.
DeviceContext externalDeviceType string The customer's device type, as provided and mastered by the merchant. Possible values are Mobile', Computer, MerchantHardware, Tablet, and GameConsole.
User userId string The user identifier. This information is provided by the merchant.
User userType string The user's profile type. Possible values are Consumer, Developer, Seller, Publisher, and Tenant.
User UserName string The user-provided user name that is unique in the merchant system.
User firstName string The user-provided first name on the account.
User lastName string The user-provided last name on the account.
User CountryRegion string The user's country or region. The value should be a two-letter ISO country/region code (for example, US).
User zipCode string The user's postal code.
User timeZone string The user's time zone.
User language string The user's language and territory (for example, EN-US).
User membershipId string The membership ID, if the user already has an existing membership with the merchant.
User isMembershipIdUserName bool A True/False value that indicates whether the membershipId value can be used as the user name. The default value is False.
Phone phoneType enum The type of phone number. Possible values are Primary and Alternative. The default value is Primary.
Phone phoneNumber string The user's phone number. The format should be the country/region code followed by a hyphen (-) and then the phone number (for example, for the US, +1-1234567890).
Phone isPhoneNumberValidated bool A True/False value that indicates whether the user-provided phone number has been verified as owned by the user.
Phone phoneNumberValidatedDate dateTime The validation date of the user's phone number. The format is ISO 8601.
Phone isPhoneUserName bool A True/False value that indicates whether the phone number can be used as the user name. The default value is False.
Email emailType enum The type of email address. Possible values are Primary and Alternative.
Email emailValue string The user's email address. This value is case-insensitive.
Email isEmailValidated bool A True/False value that indicates whether the user-provided email address has been verified as owned by the user.
Email emailValidatedDate dateTime The validation date of the user's email address. The format is ISO 8601.
Email isEmailUserName bool A True/False value that indicates whether the email address can be used as the user name. The default value is False.
SSOAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider string The user's SSO authentication provider, if it differs from the merchant's SSO authentication provider. Possible values are MSA, Facebook, PSN, MerchantAuth, and Google.
SSOAuthenticationProvider displayName string The user's display name for the SSO authentication provider (for example, the user name from a Microsoft account, Facebook, or Google).
Address addressType enum The type of address. Possible values are Primary, Billing, Shipping, and Alternative. The default value is Primary.
Address firstName string The user-provided first name that is associated with the address.
Address lastName string The user-provided last name that is associated with the address.
Address phoneNumber string The user-provided phone number that is associated with the address.
Address street1 string The first row that was provided for the address.
Address street2 string The second row that was provided for the address. (This value can be blank.)
Address street3 string The third row that was provided for the address. (This value can be blank.)
Address city string The city that was provided for the address.
Address state string The state or province that was provided for the address.
Address district string The district that was provided for the address.
Address zipCode string The postal code that was provided for the address.
Address CountryRegion string The country/region code that was provided for the address. The value should be a two-letter ISO country/region code (for example, US).
PaymentInstrument merchantPaymentInstrumentId string The identifier of the payment instrument. This information is provided by the merchant.
PaymentInstrument type enum The type of payment. Possible values are CreditCard, DirectDebit, PayPal, MobileBilling, OnlineBankTransfer, Invoice, MerchantGiftCard, MerchantWallet, CashOnDelivery, Paytm, and CCAvenue.
PaymentInstrument creationDate DateTime The date of the first entry for the payment instrument in the merchant's system. The format is ISO 8601.
PaymentInstrument updateDate DateTime The date of the last update for the payment instrument in the merchant's system. The format is ISO 8601.
PaymentInstrument state string The current state of the payment instrument in the merchant's system (for example, Active, Blocked, or Expired).
PaymentInstrument cardType string This attribute is used only for payments of the CreditCard or DirectDebit types. Possible values are Visa, Mastercard, Amex, ACH, SEPA, UnionPay, Inicis, MobileBillingCarrier, Discover, AllPay, JCB, and DiscoverDiners.
PaymentInstrument holderName string The name of the payment instrument's user. This attribute is used only for payments of the CreditCard DirectDebit types.
PaymentInstrument bin string This attribute is used only for payments of the CreditCard or DirectDebit types.
PaymentInstrument expirationDate string The expiration date for the payment instrument in the merchant's system. The format is ISO 8601. This attribute is used only for payments of the CreditCard or DirectDebit types.
PaymentInstrument lastFourDigits string This attribute is used only for payments of the CreditCard or DirectDebit types.
PaymentInstrument email string The email address that is associated with the payment instrument. This attribute is used only for payments of the PayPal type.
PaymentInstrument billingAgreementId string This attribute is used only for payments of the PayPal type.
PaymentInstrument payerId string This attribute is used only for payments of the PayPal type.
PaymentInstrument payerStatus string A value that indicates whether PayPal has verified the payer. This attribute is used only for payments of the PayPal type.
PaymentInstrument addressStatus string A value that indicates whether PayPal has verified the payer's address. This attribute is used only for payments of the PayPal type.
PaymentInstrument imei string This attribute is used only for payments of the MobileBilling type.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress addressType enum The type of address. Possible values are Primary, Billing, Shipping, and Alternative. The default value is Billing.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress firstName string The user-provided first name that is associated with the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress lastName string The user-provided last name that is associated with the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress phoneNumber string The user-provided phone number that is associated with the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress street1 string The first row that was provided for the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress street2 string The second row that was provided for the address. (This value can be blank.)
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress street3 string The third row that was provided for the address. (This value can be blank.)
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress city string The city that was provided for the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress state string The state or province that was provided for the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress district string The district that was provided for the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress zipCode string The postal code that was provided for the address.
PaymentInstrument \ BillingAddress CountryRegion string The country/region code that was provided for the address. The value should be a two-letter ISO country/region code (for example, US).


The Labels API lets you share additional information about the outcomes of transactions and events for model training that is based on an additional set of fraud signals. This information includes information that you receive from banks. This event is a data ingestion event only.

Category Attribute Type Description
Name string The value is AP.AccountLabel.
Version string The value is 0.5.
MetaData TrackingId String The unique ID for each event/record.
MetaData merchantTimeStamp DateTime The date, in the merchant's time zone. The format is ISO 8601.
MetaData userId string The user identifier. This information is provided by the merchant.
Label EventTimeStamp DateTime The date and time of the event. Possible values are the chargeback date and the review date. The format is ISO 8601.
Label LabelObjectType enum The type of label: Purchase, Account Creation, Account Login, Account Update, Custom Fraud Evaluation, Account, Payment instrument, or Email.
Label LabelObjectId String The identifier field for the object: PurchaseId, AccountCreationId, AccountLoginId, AccountUpdateId, UserId, MerchantPaymentInstrumentId, or Email.
Label LabelSource enum The source of the label: Customer Escalation, Chargeback, TC40_SAFE, Manual Review, Refund, Offline Analysis, or Account Protection Review.
Label LabelState enum The current status of the label: Inquiry Accepted, Fraud, Disputed, Reversed, Abuse, Resubmitted Request, AccountCompromised, or AccountNotCompromised.
Label LabelReasonCodes enum The reason codes that are associated with each type of label: Processor/Bank Response Code, Fraud Refund, Account TakeOver, Payment Instrument Fraud, Account Fraud, Abuse, Friendly Fraud, Account Credentials Leaked, or Passed Account Protection Checks.
Label Processor String The name of the bank or payment processor that generates the TC40 or System to Avoid Fraud Effectively (SAFE) information.
Label EffectiveStartDate DateTime The date when this label becomes effective. The format is ISO 8601.
Label EffectiveEndDate DateTime The end date for this label. The format is ISO 8601.