Set up advanced bank reconciliation import by using Electronic reporting

The Advanced bank reconciliation feature lets you import electronic bank statements and automatically reconcile them with bank transactions in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance. This article explains how to set up the import functionality for your bank statements. The setup for bank statement import varies, depending on the format of your electronic bank statement. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance supports three bank statement formats: ISO20022, MT940 and BAI2.

Set up the Electronic reporting configuration

  1. Go to Workspaces > Electronic reporting.
  2. On the tile for the Microsoft configuration provider, select Repositories.
  3. Select Dataverse, and then select Open. For more details, see Import Electronic reporting (ER) configurations from Dataverse.
  4. If a connection to the repository must be established, select the blue link in the dialog box.
  5. In the configuration list, find Advanced bank reconciliation statement model > ABR BAI2 format. MT940 and ISO20022/camt053 formats are also available.
  6. Select the ABR BAI2 format.
  7. On the Versions FastTab, select the latest version, and then select Import.


The Bank statement model of BAI2 will be deprecated at a later date.

Set up the bank statement format

  1. Go to Cash and bank management > Setup > Advanced bank reconciliation setup > Bank statement format.
  2. Select New.
  3. Set the Statement format and Name fields.
  4. Select the Generic electronic import format checkbox.
  5. Set the Import format configuration field to the BAI2 format.

Set up the bank account

  1. Go to Cash and bank management > Bank accounts > Bank accounts.
  2. Open the bank account.
  3. On the Reconciliation FastTab, set the Advanced bank reconciliation option to Yes.
  4. Set the Statement format field to the BAI2 format that was created earlier.

Import the bank statement

  1. Go to Cash and bank management > Bank statement reconciliation > Bank statements.
  2. At the top of the Bank statements page, select Import statement.
  3. Set the Bank account field to the bank account in the statement.
  4. Set the Statement format field to the BAI2 format that was created earlier.
  5. Select Browse, and select the BAI file.
  6. Select Upload.
  7. Select OK to import the selected file.

Examples of bank statement formats and technical layouts

Below are examples of the advanced bank reconciliation import file technical layout definitions and three related bank statement example files: Import file examples

Technical layout definition Bank statement example file
DynamicsAXMT940Layout MT940StatementExample
DynamicsAXISO20022Layout ISO20022StatementExample
DynamicsAXBAI2Layout BAI2StatementExample