Server-side development (workspace X++ APIs)


The finance and operations (Dynamics 365) mobile app and platform are no longer supported. The platform components supporting the mobile app will be removed in a future update. The mobile app has also been removed from app stores. Previously installed instances of the app will continue to work. For more information, see Removed or deprecated platform features.

Class SysAppActionAttribute

SysAppActionAttribute used for decorating methods defining actions of workspace


Method name Returns Description
new void Creates a new instance of SysAppActionAttribute class
pageMethodName str Gets the get method name that forms the page under which this task resides
actionTitle str Gets the Action Title
actionDescription str Gets the Action Description
crudOperationType SysAppCRUDOperation Gets the Crud Operation Type like Create, Update, Delete

Method new

Creates a new instance of SysAppActionAttribute class

public void new ([str _actionTitle], [str _actionDescription], [SysAppCRUDOperation _crudOperationType], [str _pageMethodName])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_actionTitle str True Action title
_actionDescription str True Action description
_crudOperationType SysAppCRUDOperation True CRUD operation like Create, Update, Delete
_pageMethodName str True Name of the method constructing parent page

Method pageMethodName

Gets the get method name that forms the page under which this task resides

public str pageMethodName ()

Return Value

The page method name that forms the page under which this task resides

Method actionTitle

Gets the Action Title

public str actionTitle ()

Return Value

The action title

Method actionDescription

Gets the Action Description

public str actionDescription ()

Return Value

The page description

Method crudOperationType

Gets the Crud Operation Type like Create, Update, Delete

public SysAppCRUDOperation crudOperationType ()

Return Value

The Crud Operation Type like Create, Update, Delete

Class SysAppActionMetadata

This class can be used to access and update AX mobile workspace action metadata


Method name Returns Description
new void
getActionName str Returns the action name
actionTitle str Gets or sets the action title
actionDescription str Gets or sets the action description
actionHidden boolean Gets or sets whether action is hidden
actionOrder int Gets or sets the action order
getControl SysAppControlMetadata Returns the control on the current action having the provided control name
getControlEnumerator MapEnumerator Returns a map enumerator that can be used to enumerate action controls. Where Key is control name and value is of type SysAppControlMetadata

Method new

public void new (Microsoft.Dynamics.Client.ServerForm.App.TaskMetadata _taskmetadata)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_taskmetadata Microsoft.Dynamics.Client.ServerForm.App.TaskMetadata False

Method getActionName

Returns the action name

public str getActionName ()

Return Value

The action name

Method actionTitle

Gets or sets the action title

public str actionTitle ([str _actionTitle])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_actionTitle str True The action title

Return Value

The action title

Method actionDescription

Gets or sets the action description

public str actionDescription ([str _actionDescription])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_actionDescription str True The action description

Return Value

The action description

Method actionHidden

Gets or sets whether action is hidden

public boolean actionHidden ([boolean _actionHidden])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_actionHidden boolean True Action hidden value

Return Value

True if the action is hidden; otherwise false

Method actionOrder

Gets or sets the action order

public int actionOrder ([int _actionOrder])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_actionOrder int True The action order

Return Value

The action order

Method getControl

Returns the control on the current action having the provided control name

public SysAppControlMetadata getControl (str _controlName)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_controlName str False The control name that will be used to search for control

Return Value

An object of SysAppControlMetadata is returned if a control with the provided control name exist on the action; otherwise null

Method getControlEnumerator

Returns a map enumerator that can be used to enumerate action controls. Where Key is control name and value is of type SysAppControlMetadata

public MapEnumerator getControlEnumerator ()

Return Value

A map enumerator

Class SysAppAttributeHelper

SysAppAttributeHelper class for fetching attributes from all the extended class


Method name Returns Description
getAttributeFromClass SysAttribute gets attribute from class

Method getAttributeFromClass

gets attribute from class

public SysAttribute getAttributeFromClass (SysDictClass _sysClass, SysAppAttributeType _attributeType)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_sysClass SysDictClass False class for which attributes is required
_attributeType SysAppAttributeType False Type of attribute like SysAppEntityAttribute

Class SysAppCollectionAttribute

SysAppCollectionAttribute used for decorating methods forming list control


Method name Returns Description
new void Constructor

Method new


public void new (str _itemContractName, [str _label], [str _relationshipName])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_itemContractName str False Data contract name of list item
_label str True List control label
_relationshipName str True Relationship name. By default the entity name of the list item is used as relationship name

Class SysAppControlMetadata

Represents an X++ wrapper over the managed ControlMetadata object to facilitate. passing around the object as X++ object


Method name Returns Description
new void Creates a new instance of the control metadata
getBaseLanguageId str Returns the base language ID for the app
getControlName str Returns the control name
controlLabel str Gets and sets the control label
controlHidden boolean Gets and sets whether the control is hidden
controlOrder int Gets or sets the control order
controlMandatory boolean Gets or sets the control mandatory
controlAllowNegative boolean Gets or sets the control allow negative
controlMaxLength int Gets or sets the control max length
getProperty anytype Gets the control property referenced by the key
setProperty void Sets the control property referenced by the key

Method new

Creates a new instance of the control metadata

public void new (Microsoft.Dynamics.Client.ServerForm.App.ControlMetadata _controlMetadata, [str _baseLanguageId])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_controlMetadata Microsoft.Dynamics.Client.ServerForm.App.ControlMetadata False The controlMetadata object
_baseLanguageId str True The base language

Method getBaseLanguageId

Returns the base language ID for the app

public str getBaseLanguageId ()

Return Value

The base language ID

Method getControlName

Returns the control name

public str getControlName ()

Return Value

The control name

Method controlLabel

Gets and sets the control label

public str controlLabel ([str _controlLabel])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_controlLabel str True The control label

Return Value

The control label

Method controlHidden

Gets and sets whether the control is hidden

public boolean controlHidden ([boolean _controlHidden])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_controlHidden boolean True Control hidden value

Return Value

True if the control is hidden; otherwise false

Method controlOrder

Gets or sets the control order

public int controlOrder ([int _controlOrder])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_controlOrder int True The control order

Return Value

The control order

Method controlMandatory

Gets or sets the control mandatory

public boolean controlMandatory ([boolean _controlMandatory])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_controlMandatory boolean True The control mandatory

Return Value

The control mandatory

Method controlAllowNegative

Gets or sets the control allow negative

public boolean controlAllowNegative ([boolean _controlAllowNegative])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_controlAllowNegative boolean True The control allows negative

Return Value

The control allows negative

Method controlMaxLength

Gets or sets the control max length

public int controlMaxLength ([int _controlMaxLength])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_controlMaxLength int True The control max length

Return Value

The control max length

Method getProperty

Gets the control property referenced by the key

public anytype getProperty (str _key)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_key str False The name of the control property

Return Value

The property value

Method setProperty

Sets the control property referenced by the key

public void setProperty (str _key, anytype _value)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_key str False The name of the control property
_value anytype False The value of the control property

Class SysAppEntityAttribute

SysAppEntityAttribute used for decorating data contract entities


Method name Returns Description
new void Constructor
name str Gets the name of the entity
entityKey str Gets the entity key

Method new


public void new (str _name, str _entityKey)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_name str False Entity name
_entityKey str False Name of the entity's key

Method name

Gets the name of the entity

public str name ()

Return Value

Name of the entity

Method entityKey

Gets the entity key

public str entityKey ()

Return Value

Entity key

Class SysAppEntityContext

SysAppEntityContext used for defining entity context


Method name Returns Description
constructFromParams SysAppEntityContext Constructs SysAppEntityContext from entityName and entityId
constructFromBuffer SysAppEntityContext Constructs SysAppEntityContext from table buffer
entityName str Entity name on which filter applies
entityId str Field value on which filter applies

Method constructFromParams

Constructs SysAppEntityContext from entityName and entityId

public SysAppEntityContext constructFromParams (str _entityName, str _entityId)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_entityName str False Entity name
_entityId str False Entity value

Return Value

Instance of SysAppEntityContext

Method constructFromBuffer

Constructs SysAppEntityContext from table buffer

public SysAppEntityContext constructFromBuffer (Common _tableBuffer)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_tableBuffer Common False table buffer forming the entity

Return Value

Instance of SysAppEntityContext

Method entityName

Entity name on which filter applies

public str entityName ([str _entityName])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_entityName str True Entity name

Return Value

Entity name

Method entityId

Field value on which filter applies

public str entityId ([str _entityId])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_entityId str True Entity value

Return Value

Entity value

Class SysAppFieldAttribute

SysAppFieldAttribute used for decorating methods forming bound fields


Method name Returns Description
new void Creates a new instance of SysAppFieldAttribute class

Method new

Creates a new instance of SysAppFieldAttribute class

public void new (str _fieldName, str _label)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_fieldName str False Entity field name with which control is bound
_label str False Control label

Class SysAppFieldMultiSelectHelper

A helper class to provide helper methods for multi select scenarios used with D365 mobile app


Method name Returns Description
new void Creates a new instance of SysAppFieldMultiSelectHelper class
getSelectedRecIds container Returns a container of recIds of the records that were selected
getSelectedValues container Returns a container of selected values
getSelectedRecords Common Returns a buffer that contains all the selected records.. The buffer is marked as temp.. Later a while-Select can be used to iterate through all the records
setControlValue void A setter to set the multiselect control value

Method new

Creates a new instance of SysAppFieldMultiSelectHelper class

public void new (TableId _multiSelectTableId, FieldId _valueFieldId, FormStringControl _multiSelectControl)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_multiSelectTableId TableId False The backing tableId for the field
_valueFieldId FieldId False The fieldId for the field that will be shown in the multi select control
_multiSelectControl FormStringControl False The string control that will be the multi select control

Method getSelectedRecIds

Returns a container of recIds of the records that were selected

public container getSelectedRecIds ()

Return Value

A container of recOds for the records that were selected

Method getSelectedValues

Returns a container of selected values

public container getSelectedValues ()

Return Value

A container of selected values

Method getSelectedRecords

Returns a buffer that contains all the selected records.. The buffer is marked as temp.. Later a while-Select can be used to iterate through all the records

public Common getSelectedRecords ()

Return Value

A buffer containing all the selected records

Method setControlValue

A setter to set the multi select control value

public void setControlValue (str _value)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_value str False A colon separated value that will be used by SysAppFieldMultiSelectHelper

Class SysAppFilterContext

SysAppFilterContext class that holds context values


Method name Returns Description
entityName str Entity name on which filter applies
filterFieldName str Field name on which filter applies
filterFieldValueList List Gets the list of filter field values based on which filter happens
operator str Operator based on which result will be fetched
addFilterFieldValue void Adds filter field value

Method entityName

Entity name on which filter applies

public str entityName ([str _entityName])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_entityName str True Entity name on which filter applies

Return Value

Entity name on which filter applies

Method filterFieldName

Field name on which filter applies

public str filterFieldName ([str _filterFieldName])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_filterFieldName str True Field name on which filter applies

Return Value

Field name on which filter applies

Method filterFieldValueList

Gets the list of filter field values based on which filter happens

public List filterFieldValueList ()

Return Value

List of filter field values based on which filter happens

Method operator

Operator based on which result will be fetched

public str operator ([str _operator])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_operator str True Operator based on which result will be fetched

Return Value

Operator based on which result will be fetched

Method addFilterFieldValue

Adds filter field value

public void addFilterFieldValue ( _filterFieldValueList)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_filterFieldValueList False Filter field values based on which filter happens

Class SysAppLookUpAttribute

SysAppPageAttribute used for decorating pages that are also lookup pages


Method name Returns Description
new void Creates a new instance of SysAppLookUpAttribute class
displayFieldName str Gets the display field name of lookup control
valueFieldName str Gets the value field name of lookup control

Method new

Creates a new instance of SysAppLookUpAttribute class

public void new (str _displayFieldName, str _valueFieldName)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_displayFieldName str False Lookup display field. Name of any control of lookup page
_valueFieldName str False Lookup value field. Name of control formed by root data contract constructing lookup page

Method displayFieldName

Gets the display field name of lookup control

public str displayFieldName ()

Return Value

The display field name of lookup control

Method valueFieldName

Gets the value field name of lookup control

public str valueFieldName ()

Return Value

The value field name of lookup control

Class SysAppLookupFieldAttribute

SysAppLookupFieldAttribute used for decorating look up fields of action


Method name Returns Description
new void Creates a new instance of SysAppLookupFieldAttribute class
entityName str Gets the name of the entity with which lookup page is related

Method new

Creates a new instance of SysAppLookupFieldAttribute class

public void new ( _name)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_name False Name of the entity with which lookup page is related

Method entityName

Gets the name of the entity with which lookup page is related

public str entityName ()

Return Value

Name of the entity

Class SysAppPageAttribute

SysAppPageAttribute used for decorating methods defining page of workspace


Method name Returns Description
new void Creates a new instance of SysAppPageAttribute class
pageTitle str Gets the Page Title of the page
pageDescription str Gets the Page Description

Method new

Creates a new instance of SysAppPageAttribute class

public void new ([str _pageTitle], [str _pageDescription])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_pageTitle str True The page title
_pageDescription str True The page description

Method pageTitle

Gets the Page Title of the page

public str pageTitle ()

Return Value

The page title

Method pageDescription

Gets the Page Description

public str pageDescription ()

Return Value

The page description

Class SysAppPageMetadata

This class can be used to access and update AX mobile workspace page metadata


Method name Returns Description
new void
getPageName str Returns the page name
pageTitle str Gets and sets the page title
pageDescription str Gets or sets the page description
pageHidden boolean Gets and sets whether the page is hidden in the workspace
pageOrder int Gets or sets the page order
getControl SysAppControlMetadata Returns the control on the current page having the provided control name
getControlEnumerator MapEnumerator Returns a map enumerator that can be used to enumerate page controls. Where Key is control name and value is of type SysAppControlMetadata

Method new

public void new (Microsoft.Dynamics.Client.ServerForm.App.PageMetadata _pageMetadata)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_pageMetadata Microsoft.Dynamics.Client.ServerForm.App.PageMetadata False

Method getPageName

Returns the page name

public str getPageName ()

Return Value

The page name

Method pageTitle

Gets and sets the page title

public str pageTitle ([str _pageTitle])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_pageTitle str True The page title

Return Value

The page title

Method pageDescription

Gets or sets the page description

public str pageDescription ([str _pageDescription])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_pageDescription str True The page description

Return Value

The page description>

Method pageHidden

Gets and sets whether the page is hidden in the workspace

public boolean pageHidden ([boolean _pageHidden])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_pageHidden boolean True page hidden value

Return Value

True if the current page is hidden in workspace; otherwise false

Method pageOrder

Gets or sets the page order

public int pageOrder ([int _pageOrder])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_pageOrder int True The page order

Return Value

The page order

Method getControl

Returns the control on the current page having the provided control name

public SysAppControlMetadata getControl (str _controlName)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_controlName str False The control name that will be used to search for control

Return Value

An object of SysAppControlMetadata is returned if a control with the provided control name exist on the page; otherwise null

Method getControlEnumerator

Returns a map enumerator that can be used to enumerate page controls. Where Key is control name and value is of type SysAppControlMetadata

public MapEnumerator getControlEnumerator ()

Return Value

A map enumerator

Class SysAppProjectionAttribute

SysAppProjectionAttribute used for decorating methods forming unbound fields


Method name Returns Description
new void Creates a new instance of SysAppControlMetadataAttributes class

Method new

Creates a new instance of SysAppControlMetadataAttributes class

public void new (str _label)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_label str False Control label

Class SysAppRelationalAttribute

SysAppRelationalAttribute used for decorating reference controls


Method name Returns Description
new void Constructor

Method new


public void new ([str _name])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_name str True Property name of the referenced entity

Class SysAppRequestParams

Request class for X++ methods generating details and action pages


Method name Returns Description
entityContext SysAppEntityContext Entity context of the request
filterContext List List of SysAppFilterContext for filter contexts

Method entityContext

Entity context of the request

public SysAppEntityContext entityContext ([SysAppEntityContext _entityContext])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_entityContext SysAppEntityContext True Entity context of the request

Return Value

Entity context of the request

Method filterContext

List of SysAppFilterContext for filter contexts

public List filterContext ([List _filterContext])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_filterContext List True List of SysAppFilterContext for filter contexts of page

Return Value

List of SysAppFilterContext for filter contexts of page

Class SysAppResponse

SysAppResponse class. This class holds the response object for generated pages and actions


Method name Returns Description
new void
jobId str Job ID of the request
data Microsoft.Dynamics.Client.ServerForm.App.CompositeData Data of the page
failedInAppCall boolean Data of the page
commits List Commits after task is completed
messages List Job ID of the request
addMessage void Adds message
addCommit void Adds commits

Method new

public void new ()

Method jobId

Job ID of the request

public str jobId ()

Return Value

jobid of the request

Method data

Data of the page

public Microsoft.Dynamics.Client.ServerForm.App.CompositeData data ([Microsoft.Dynamics.Client.ServerForm.App.CompositeData _data])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_data Microsoft.Dynamics.Client.ServerForm.App.CompositeData True Data of the page

Return Value

Data of the page

Method failedInAppCall

Data of the page

public boolean failedInAppCall ([boolean _failedInAppCall])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_failedInAppCall boolean True Sets to true if it fails in calling application code

Return Value

True when fails in calling application code

Method commits

Commits after task is completed

public List commits ()

Return Value

Commits after task is completed

Method messages

Job ID of the request

public List messages ()

Return Value

Messages after task is completed

Method addMessage

Adds message

public void addMessage (SysAppResponseMessage _message)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_message SysAppResponseMessage False message as SysAppResponseMessage object

Method addCommit

Adds commits

public void addCommit (SysAppEntityContext _entityContext)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_entityContext SysAppEntityContext False Entity context containing entity name and entity ID of the entity that is committed

Class SysAppResponseMessage

SysAppResponseMessage class for response messages


Method name Returns Description
new void Creates a new instance of SysAppResponseMessage class
text str Gets the message text
type SysAppMessageType Gets the message type: info, error, warning

Method new

Creates a new instance of SysAppResponseMessage class

public void new (str _text, [SysAppMessageType _type])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_text str False The message text
_type SysAppMessageType True Message Type: info, error, warning

Method text

Gets the message text

public str text ()

Return Value

The message text

Method type

Gets the message type: info, error, warning

public SysAppMessageType type ()

Return Value

The message type: info, error, warning

Class SysAppSecurityAttribute

SysAppSecurityAttribute used for decorating methods forming pages and actions. specifies security attribute of page or action


Method name Returns Description
new void Creates a new instance of SysAppSecurityAttribute class. This will help in checking if the user logged in has access to the specified menu item and menu item type
menuItemType MenuItemType Gets the Menu Item Type of the page
menuItemName MenuItemName Gets the Menu Item Name of the page

Method new

Creates a new instance of SysAppSecurityAttribute class. This will help in checking if the user logged in has access to the specified menu item and menu item type

public void new ([MenuItemName _menuItemName], [MenuItemType _menuItemType])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_menuItemName MenuItemName True Menu Item Name of the page
_menuItemType MenuItemType True Menu Item Type of the page like action, display, or output

Method menuItemType

Gets the Menu Item Type of the page

public MenuItemType menuItemType ()

Return Value

Menu Item Type of the page

Method menuItemName

Gets the Menu Item Name of the page

public MenuItemName menuItemName ()

Return Value

Menu Item Name of the page

Class SysAppWorkspace

This is the base class of mobile workspace. Mobile workspace classes need to extend from this class


Method name Returns Description
getEnumValues List Called during workspace initialization. Can be used to modify the enum values that are returned to AX mobile
getWorkspaceMetadata SysAppWorkspaceMetadata Called during workspace initialization. Can be used to modify the workspace metadata
onBeginAppJob void Called before the start of execution of AX mobile job
onEndAppJob void Called after the end of execution of AX mobile job
workspaceHidden boolean Can be used to control whether the workspace is hidden or not. Checks that the current user has access menu item specified by SysAppWorkspaceSecurityAttribute on the workspace class. If the attribute is not specified on the class then it always returns false

Method getEnumValues

Called during workspace initialization. Can be used to modify the enum values that are returned to AX mobile

public List getEnumValues (EnumName _enumName)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_enumName EnumName False The enum name

Return Value

A list of enum value

Method getWorkspaceMetadata

Called during workspace initialization. Can be used to modify the workspace metadata

public SysAppWorkspaceMetadata getWorkspaceMetadata ()

Return Value

An object representing the workspace metadata

Method onBeginAppJob

Called before the start of execution of AX mobile job

public void onBeginAppJob (SysAppJobRequest _sysAppJobRequest)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_sysAppJobRequest SysAppJobRequest False A class containing job request parameters

Method onEndAppJob

Called after the end of execution of AX mobile job

public void onEndAppJob (SysAppJobResponse _sysAppJobResponse)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_sysAppJobResponse SysAppJobResponse False A class containing job response parameters

Method workspaceHidden

Can be used to control whether the workspace is hidden or not. Checks that the current user has access menu item specified by SysAppWorkspaceSecurityAttribute on the workspace class. If the attribute is not specified on the class then it always returns false

public boolean workspaceHidden ()

Return Value

Returns true if the workspace is hidden otherwise false

Class SysAppWorkspaceAttribute

Applied on classes that are extended from SysAppWorkspace


Method name Returns Description
new void Creates a new instance of SysAppWorkspaceAttribute class
AppId str Gets or sets the AppId of the workspace
AppResourceName str Gets or sets the AOT Resource name that contains the workspace
WorkspaceHidden boolean Gets or sets if the workspace is hidden from designer

Method new

Creates a new instance of SysAppWorkspaceAttribute class

public void new (str _appId, [str _appResourceName], [boolean _workspaceHidden])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_appId str False The appId of the workspace
_appResourceName str True The AOT resource name that contains the workspace
_workspaceHidden boolean True The workspace is hidden from designer

Method AppId

Gets or sets the AppId of the workspace

public str AppId ([str _appId])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_appId str True The AppId of the workspace

Return Value

The AppId of the workspace

Method AppResourceName

Gets or sets the AOT Resource name that contains the workspace

public str AppResourceName ([str _appResourceName])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_appResourceName str True The AOT Resource name that contains the workspace

Return Value

The AOT Resource name that contains the workspace

Method WorkspaceHidden

Gets or sets if the workspace is hidden from designer

public boolean WorkspaceHidden ([boolean _workspaceHidden])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_workspaceHidden boolean True The workspace hidden

Return Value

Whether the workspace is hidden from designer or not

Class SysAppWorkspaceMetadata

This class can be used to access and update metadata of an AX mobile workspace


Method name Returns Description
new void
addConfig void Adds a custom config to the mobile workspace metadata
getPage SysAppPageMetadata Returns the page with the pageName provided
getPageEnumerator MapEnumerator Returns a map enumerator that can be used to enumerate workspace pages. Where key is page name and value is of type SysAppPageMetadata
getAction SysAppActionMetadata Returns the action with the actionName provided
getActionEnumerator MapEnumerator Returns a map enumerator that can be used to enumerate workspace actions. Where key is action name and value is of type SysAppActionMetadata
getPageNameForRecordingId str Returns a pageName if the provided recordingId is used by a workspace page
getActionNameForRecordingId str Returns a actionName if the provided recordingId is used by a workspace action
workspaceTitle str Gets and sets the workspace title
workspaceDescription str Gets and sets the workspace description

Method new

public void new (str _appId, [SysAppWorkspaceAttribute _attribute])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_appId str False
_attribute SysAppWorkspaceAttribute True

Method addConfig

Adds a custom config to the mobile workspace metadata

public void addConfig (str _configName, object _configValue)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_configName str False A config name
_configValue object False An object of an X++ data contract class

Method getPage

Returns the page with the pageName provided

public SysAppPageMetadata getPage (str _pageName)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_pageName str False A page name

Return Value

Returns the pageMetadata if a page with the provided name exists; otherwise null

Method getPageEnumerator

Returns a map enumerator that can be used to enumerate workspace pages. Where key is page name and value is of type SysAppPageMetadata

public MapEnumerator getPageEnumerator ()

Return Value

A map enumerator

Method getAction

Returns the action with the actionName provided

public SysAppActionMetadata getAction (str _actionName)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_actionName str False An action name

Return Value

Returns the ActionMetadata if an action with the provided name exists; otherwise null

Method getActionEnumerator

Returns a map enumerator that can be used to enumerate workspace actions. Where key is action name and value is of type SysAppActionMetadata

public MapEnumerator getActionEnumerator ()

Return Value

A map enumerator

Method getPageNameForRecordingId

Returns a pageName if the provided recordingId is used by a workspace page

public str getPageNameForRecordingId (str _recordingId)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_recordingId str False A recordingId

Return Value

A page name if the supplied recordingId is used by a workspace page; otherwise empty string

Method getActionNameForRecordingId

Returns a actionName if the provided recordingId is used by a workspace action

public str getActionNameForRecordingId (str _recordingId)


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_recordingId str False A recordingId

Return Value

An action name if the supplied recordingId is used by a workspace action; otherwise empty string

Method workspaceTitle

Gets and sets the workspace title

public str workspaceTitle ([str _workspaceTitle])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_workspaceTitle str True The workspace title

Return Value

The workspace title

Method workspaceDescription

Gets and sets the workspace description

public str workspaceDescription ([str _workspaceDescription])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_workspaceDescription str True The workspace description

Return Value

The workspace description

Class SysAppWorkspaceSecurityAttribute

Controls the visibility based of workspace based on the menu item tied to this attribute


Method name Returns Description
new void Creates a new instance of attribute
WorkspaceMenuItemName MenuItemName Gets or sets the workspace menuItem for the workspace security attribute
WorkspaceMenuItemType MenuItemType Gets or sets the workspace menu item type for the workspace security attribute

Method new

Creates a new instance of attribute

public void new (MenuItemName _workspaceMenuItemName, [MenuItemType _workspaceMenuItemType])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_workspaceMenuItemName MenuItemName False The menu item name to which the workspace needs to be tied
_workspaceMenuItemType MenuItemType True The menu item type

Method WorkspaceMenuItemName

Gets or sets the workspace menuItem for the workspace security attribute

public MenuItemName WorkspaceMenuItemName ([MenuItemName _workspaceMenuItemName])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_workspaceMenuItemName MenuItemName True The workspace menu item for the workspace security attribute

Return Value

The workspace menu item for the workspace security attribute

Method WorkspaceMenuItemType

Gets or sets the workspace menu item type for the workspace security attribute

public MenuItemType WorkspaceMenuItemType ([MenuItemType _workspaceMenuItemType])


Parameter name Parameter type Optional Description
_workspaceMenuItemType MenuItemType True The workspace menu item type for the workspacesecurity attribute

Return Value

The workspace menu item type for the workspace security attribute