LedgerJournalLine entity

The LedgerJournalLine entity supports creating and updating general journal lines.

When to use this entity

The LedgerJournalLine entity should be used for synchronous scenarios with OData. The General journal entity uses Data management and is recommended for high volume scenarios.


Data management entity name N/A
OData public entity LedgerJournalLine
OData public collection LedgerJournalLines
Related menu items General ledger / Journal entries / General journals
Related entities LedgerJournalHeader, General journal
Performance pattern N/A
Application Object Tree (AOT) name LedgerJournalLineEntity


Field name Comments
JOURNALBATCHNUMBER Specifies the first segment of the primary key. This field is required. It must reference an existing, unposted header to be able to create or update lines.
LINENUMBER Specifies the second segment of the primary key. This field isn't required for an insert.
ACCOUNTTYPE Specifies the type for the account. The supported values are Bank, Customer, Ledger, and Vendor. If this field isn't specified, the default value is Ledger.
ACCOUNTDISPLAYVALUE Specifies the string value for the account. When ACCOUNTTYPE is Ledger, using this field requires configuring the Ledger dimension format using the Financial dimension configuration for integrating applications menu item. When ACCOUNTTYPE is something other than Ledger, this field contains the primary key value.
ACCOUNTDEFAULTDIMENSIONDISPLAYVALUE Specifies the string value for the account default dimensions. When ACCOUNTTYPE is something other than Ledger, using this field requires configuring the Default dimension format using the Financial dimension configuration for integrating applications menu item. When ACCOUNTTYPE is Ledger, this field isn't applicable.
FINTAGDISPLAYVALUE Specifies the string value for the account financial tags. Using this field requires setting the financial tag separator and configuring at least the number of financial tags that are included. Learn more at Financial tags.
OFFSETACCOUNTTYPE Specifies the type for the offset account. The supported values are Bank, Customer, Ledger, and Vendor. If this field isn't specified, the default value is Ledger.
OFFSETACCOUNTDISPLAYVALUE Specifies the string value for the offset account. When OFFSETACCOUNTTYPE is Ledger, using this field requires configuring the Ledger dimension format using the Financial dimension configuration for integrating applications menu item. When OFFSETACCOUNTTYPE is something other than Ledger, this field contains the primary key value.
OFFSETDEFAULTDIMENSIONDISPLAYVALUE Specifies the string value for the offset account default dimensions. When OFFSETACCOUNTTYPE is something other than Ledger, using this field requires configuring the Default dimension format using the Financial dimension configuration for integrating applications menu item. When OFFSETACCOUNTTYPE is Ledger, this field isn't applicable.
OFFSETFINTAGDISPLAYVALUE Specifies the string value for the offset account financial tags. Using this field requires setting the financial tag separator and configuring at least the number of financial tags that are included. Learn more at Financial tags.
TRANSDATE Specifies the date for the transaction. This field is required. The combination of VOUCHER and TRANSDATE determines the physical vouchers for this field. This means TRANSDATE must be same for all rows with the same VOUCHER; otherwise another physical voucher is created.
VOUCHER Specifies the voucher for the transaction. This field is required. In most cases, it defaults to the journal name. The combination of VOUCHER and TRANSDATE determines the physical vouchers for this field. This means TRANSDATE must be same for all rows with the same VOUCHER; otherwise another physical voucher is created.
CURRENCYCODE Specifies the transaction currency. This field is required.
EXCHANGERATE The exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency to the accounting currency. If this field isn't included, the exchange rate is based on the value of the TRANSDATE field.
EXCHANGERATESECONDARY The secondary exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency to the accounting currency.
REPORTINGCURRENCYEXCHRATE The exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency to the reporting currency. If this field isn't included, the exchange rate is based on the value of the TRANSDATE field.
REPORTINGCURRENCYEXCHRATESECONDARY The secondary exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency to the reporting currency.

Issues and considerations

The physical vouchers should be relatively small, such as 10 lines or less.

This entity doesn't support intercompany transactions.