Create or edit a main form for an entity
This topic applies to Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises). For the Power Apps version of this topic, see: Create or edit a model-driven app main form for an entity
When you create a new form for an entity, its form type is Main. When the new form opens, it is identical to the form named Information. You can add or edit fields, sections, tabs, navigation, and properties associated with the form, and then save the form.
Each main form is composed of one or more tabs. Each tab can have one or more sections. Each section contains one or more fields or IFRAMES. If you want to base your new form on an existing one, you can clone a form.
Make sure that you have the System Administrator or System Customizer security role or equivalent permissions to perform this task.
How to
In the solutions explorer, expand the entity that you want and select Forms.
To create a new form, select New > Quick Create Form from the tool bar.
-OR- To edit an existing form, select any form with the type of Main.Change the form design in any of the following ways, as needed:
- Add a tab to a form
- Add a section to a form
- Add a field to a form
- Add or edit a form IFRAME
- Add or edit a sub-grid on a form
- Add or edit a form web resource
- Add or edit form navigation for related entities
- Edit form headers and footers
- Remove a tab section field or IFRAME
- Enable or disable the Form Assistant
Edit the properties for parts of the form, as needed:
- Edit form properties
- Edit form field properties
- Edit tab properties
- Edit section properties
Add event scripts, as needed.
Determine which security roles will be able to see the form. More information: Assign security roles to a form
Preview how the main form appears and how events function:
- On the Home tab, click Preview, and then select Create Form, Update Form, or Read-Only Form.
- To close the Preview form, on the File menu, click Close.
When you finish editing the form, click Save As, enter a name for the form, and then click OK.
When your customizations are complete, publish them:
- To publish customizations for only the component you are currently editing, under Components, click the entity you have been working on, and then click Publish.
- To publish customizations for all unpublished components at one time, under Components, click Entities, and then on the command bar, click Publish All Customizations.