Data models and report mappings for historical analytics reports in Customer Service
Applies to: Dynamics 365 Contact Center—standalone and Dynamics 365 Customer Service only
Copilot Studio bot is renamed as Copilot agent (agent or AI agent). Human agent is now renamed as customer service representative (service representative or representative). You might come across references to the old and new terms while we update the product UI, documentation, and training content.
Case information is applicable to Customer Service only.
This article lists the out-of-the-box data models and report mappings for historical reports. Use the information to edit the report mappings for the various out-of-the-box reports.
Customer service manager analytics
Edit the report mapping
Use the Dynamics_365_Customer_Service_Omnichannel_analytics.pbix file to edit the following reports:
- Summary
- Agent
- Topics
- Bot
Data model
Data dictionary
Entities | Attributes | Description |
DimDate | Date time | Date time. The type is Date or Time. |
DimDate | Day | Day name. Example: Fri |
DimDate | Year | Year number. Example: 2021 |
DimDate | Week | Week number. Example: 1 |
DimDate | Month | Month name. Example: Apr 2021 |
DimDate | Quarter | Quarter name. Example: Q1 |
DimDate | Hour | Hour. Example: 01:00, 01:30 |
FactCase | Incident id | Incident ID, Primary key. Type: GUID |
FactCase | Case number | Case number value. |
FactCase | Queue id | Queue ID. Foreign key to DimQueue. |
FactCase | Owner system user id | Owner system user ID. Foreign key to DimSystemUser. |
FactCase | Case url | URL for case. |
FactCase | Case property id | Foreign key to DimCaseProperty. |
FactCase | Topic id | Topic id. Foreign key to DimTopic. |
FactCase | Case title | Case title. |
FactCase | Created on | Date created on. |
FactCase | Incoming cases | Incoming cases count. |
FactCase | Total cases | Total case count. |
FactCase | Resolved cases | Case count when case status is resolved. |
FactCase | Active cases | Case count when case status is active. |
FactCase | Canceled cases | Case count when case status is canceled. |
FactCase | Escalated cases | Case count when case is escalated. |
FactCase | Escalated rate | Rate of escalated cases divided by total cases. |
FactCase | Case volume | Total case count per topic divided by total cases. |
FactCase | Case volume change | Total case count link relative ratio for the same date range filter. |
FactCase | Avg. resolve time (hrs) | Average time for case handle time. |
FactCase | Avg. case age (days) | Average case age |
FactCase | First response - SLA % | Total cases when first response sent is false, divided by total cases. |
FactCase | Avg. CSAT | Average CSAT (Customer satisfaction) score. |
FactCase | CSAT impact | Change ratio for the CSAT. |
FactCase | Avg. survey sentiment | Average survey sentiment. |
FactCase | Survey sentiment impact | Change ratio for the sentiment. |
DimQueue | Queue | Queue name. |
DimQueue | Queue id | Queue ID. Primary key. Type: GUID. |
DimSystemUser | Agent | Name of the customer service representative. |
DimSystemUser | System user id | System user ID. |
DimCaseProperty | Case status | Case status value, Example: Active, Canceled, Resolved. |
DimCaseProperty | Case priority | Case priority value. Example: Low, High, Normal. |
DimCaseProperty | Channel | Case channel. |
DimCaseProperty | Case age | Description for case age. Example: 4-7 Days, <1 Day, 1-3 Days |
DimCaseProperty | Case property id | Case property ID. Primary key. |
DimTopic | Topic | Topic name. |
DimTopic | Topic id | Topic ID. Primary key. Type: GUID |
DimTimeZone | Time zone | Time zone code. Example: GMT +01:00 |
Omnichannel analytics
Edit the report mapping
Use the Dynamics_365_Customer_Service_Omnichannel_analytics.pbix file to edit the following reports:
- Conversation
- Queue
- Agent
- Topics
- Bot
Data model
Data dictionary
Entities | Attributes | Description |
DimAgentPresence | Agent presence id | Primary key. |
DimAgentPresence | Presence status | service representative presence status. That is, Available, Busy, Busy-DND (Do not disturb), Away, or Offline. |
DimConversationProperty | Conversation property id | Primary key. |
DimConversationProperty | Channel | Channel name. The name of the channel that the conversation came through. |
DimConversationProperty | Conversation status | The status of the conversation. For example, open, active, waiting, wrap up, and closed. |
DimDate | Date time | Date and time. The type is Date or Time. |
DimDate | Day | Day name. Example: Fri |
DimDate | Hour | Hour. Example: 01:00, 01:30 |
DimDate | Month | Month name. Example: Apr 2021 |
DimDate | Quarter | Quarter name. Example: Q1 |
DimDate | Week | Week number. Example: 1 |
DimDate | Year | Year number. Example: 2021 |
DimQueue | Queue id | Queue ID. Primary key of type GUID. |
DimQueue | Is omnichannel queue | Whether the queue is an omnichannel queue. Currently, it's always true. |
DimQueue | Queue | Queue name. |
DimSystemUser | System user id | System user ID. |
DimSystemUser | Agent | Name of the service representative. |
DimSystemUser | Is bot | Whether the system user is an AI agent. True or false. |
DimTimeZone | Time zone | Time zone code such as GMT +01:00. |
DimTopic | Topic id | Topic ID. Primary key of type GUID. |
DimTopic | Topic | Topic name. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent status history id | Original identifier of the service representative status history record from msdyn_agentstatushistory entity. Type: GUID. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | System user id | Agent ID. Foreign key to DimSystemUser. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent logged in time | The time a service representative logged in to the omnichannel application per presence status. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent presence id | Foreign key to DimAgentPresence. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent available duration (hrs) | The time a service representative is in the Available state in the omnichannel application. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent away duration (hrs) | The time a service representative is in the Away state in the omnichannel application. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent busy (DND) duration (hrs) | The time a service representative is in the Busy DND state in the omnichannel application. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent busy duration (hrs) | Time a service representative in the Busy state in omnichannel application. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent offline duration (hrs) | The time a service representative signed out of the omnichannel application. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent total sign-in time (hrs) | The time a service representative is in each status. The column is used to calculate other measures like "Agent available duration (hrs)", "Agent away duration (hrs)". |
FactConversation Conversation id | Identifier of the conversation record. | Primary key of type GUID. |
FactConversation | Conversation title | Conversation title. |
FactConversation | Conversation Url | Conversation URL. |
FactConversation | Conversation property id | Foreign key to DimConversationProperty. |
FactConversation | Owner system user id | Owner system user ID. Foreign key to DimSystemUser. |
FactConversation | Queue id | Queue ID. Foreign key to DimQueue. |
FactConversation | Topic id | Topic ID. Foreign key to DimTopic. |
FactConversation | Is offered | Whether the customer initiated the conversation. AI agent escalates to a service representative or a representative handles customer call directly. |
FactConversation | Is conversation date in past | Is conversation data in past. |
FactConversation | Is outbound | Is outbound conversation. |
FactConversation | Abandon rate | Abandon rate. |
FactConversation | Avg. conversation hold time (min) | The total time a service representative has put a customer on hold. |
FactConversation | Avg. conversation sentiment | Average conversation sentiment. |
FactConversation | Avg. conversation talk time (min) | The total time the customer and service representative spent talking on the voice call. It’s the difference between the handle time and cumulative time in hold and after call work time. |
FactConversation | Avg. conversation time (min) | Average conversation time (min). |
FactConversation | Avg. conversation wrap-up time (min) | Average conversation wrap-up time (min). |
FactConversation | Avg. CSAT | Avg. CSAT. |
FactConversation | Avg. speed to answer (sec) | The time it took for a customer call to be answered. |
FactConversation | Conversation volume | Conversation volume that is assigned to a topic. |
FactConversation | Conversation volume change | Conversation volume change. |
FactConversation | Created on | Date created on. |
FactConversation | Closed on | Date closed on. |
FactConversation | Engaged conversations | Offered conversations that a service representative engages. Customer-to-service representative communication can begin at this point. |
FactConversation | Incoming conversations | The number of incoming conversations. |
FactConversation | Outgoing conversations | The number of outgoing conversations. |
FactConversation | Total conversations | The number of total conversations. |
FactConversation | Transfer rate | The percentage of conversations that are transferred to another service representative or queue. |
FactConversation | Sentiment zone | Sentiment zone for the conversation. |
FactConversation | Avg. conversation active time (min) | Average time when conversation is active. |
FactConversation | Avg. conversation inactive time (min) | Average time when conversation is inactive. |
FactConversation | Avg. customer effort time (min) | Average time for customer effort. |
FactConversation | Avg. handle time (min) | Average active time for the closed conversation. |
FactConversation | Avg. incoming messages | Average incoming messages. |
FactConversation | Avg. outgoing messages | Average outgoing messages. |
FactConversation | Conversation count | Conversation count. |
FactConversation | Avg. response time (min) | Average response time up on response time of each session. |
FactConversation | Avg. session per conversation | Average session count per conversation. |
FactConversation | Avg. survey sentiment | Average sentiment score. |
FactConversation | Avg. time for first response (min) | Average response time for first response time. |
FactConversation | Avg. wait time (sec) | Average wait time. |
FactConversation | Outgoing messages | Outgoing messages count. |
FactConversation | Incoming messages | Incoming messages count. |
FactSession | Session id | Identifier of the session record. |
FactSession | Conversation id | Foreign key to FactConversation. |
FactSession | Conversation title | Conversation title. |
FactSession | Conversation Url | Conversation URL. |
FactSession | Created on | Date created on. |
FactSession | Closed on | Date closed on. |
FactSession | Queue id | Queue ID. Foreign key to DimQueue. |
FactSession | Topic id | Topic ID. Foreign key to DimTopic. |
FactSession | Primary system user id | Primary system user ID. Foreign key to DimSystemUser. |
FactSession | Is agent accepted session | Is service representative accepted the session or not. |
FactSession | Is agent session | Is service representative session or not. |
FactSession | Avg. conversation handle time (min) | Average conversation handle time (min). |
FactSession | Avg. conversation hold time (min) | Average conversation hold time (min). |
FactSession | Avg. conversation sentiment | Average sentiment score based on the verbatim provided in customer voice survey. |
FactSession | Avg. conversation talk time (min) | Average conversation talk time (min). |
FactSession | Avg. CSAT | Average CSAT. |
FactSession | Avg. incoming messages | Average incoming messages. |
FactSession | Avg. outgoing messages | Average outgoing messages. |
FactSession | Avg. session active time (min) | Average session active time (min). |
FactSession | Avg. session handle time (min) | Average session handle time (min). |
FactSession | Avg. session hold time (min) | Average session hold time (min). |
FactSession | Avg. session inactive time (min) | Average session inactive time (min). |
FactSession | Avg. session sentiment | Average session sentiment. |
FactSession | Avg. session talk time (min) | Average session talk time (min). |
FactSession | Avg. session time (min) | Average session time (min). |
FactSession | Avg. Speed to answer (sec) | Average speed to answer (sec). |
FactSession | Avg. wait time (min) | The average time in minutes customers waited before connecting to service representatives. Similar to speed to answer, but includes time waited on each session within a conversation. |
FactSession | Avg. wait time (sec) | The average time in seconds customers waited before connecting to service representatives. Similar to speed to answer, but includes time waited on each session within a conversation. |
FactSession | Engaged conversations | The conversations that the service representative was engaged in. Customer-to-service representative communication can begin at this point. |
FactSession | Engaged sessions | Number of sessions presented to a service representative where the service representative accepts. |
FactSession | Incoming conversations | Incoming conversations. |
FactSession | Incoming messages | Incoming messages. |
FactSession | Incoming sessions | Incoming sessions. |
FactSession | Outgoing conversations | Outgoing conversations. |
FactSession | Outgoing messages | Outgoing messages. |
FactSession | Sentiment zone | Sentiment zone. |
FactSession | Session rejected/timed out rate | Session rejected/timed out rate. |
FactSession | Sessions rejected | Sessions rejected. |
FactSession | Transfer rate | The number of sessions a service representative transfers. |
FactSession | Bot conversations | The number of conversations an AI agent handles. |
FactSession | Bot escalation rate | The percentage of escalated AI agent conversations. |
FactSession | Bot resolution rate | The percentage of resolved AI agent conversations. |
FactSession | Bot escalation time (min) | The average session time of the escalated AI agent sessions. |
FactSession | Bot resolution time (min) | The average session time of the resolved AI agent sessions. |
FactSession | Bot abandoned rate | The percentage of abandoned AI agent conversations. |
FactSession | Sessions rejected rate | The percentage of rejected sessions. |
FactSession | Sessions timeout rate | The percentage of sessions that timed out. |
FactSession | Sessions timed out count | Session count when agent is timed out. |
FactSession | Bot escalated | Number of escalated AI agent conversations. |
FactSession | Bot resolved | Number of AI agent resolved conversations. |
FactSession | Transfer count | Number of transferred sessions (closure reason in 192350006 or 192350010). |
FactSessionParticipant | Session participant id | Identifier of the session participant record. |
FactSessionParticipant | Session id | Session ID. Foreign key to FactSession. |
FactSessionParticipant | Avg. consult time (min) | The time spent on the consult from when the service representative joined to when they left in session participant. |
FactSessionParticipant | Avg. monitor time (min) | The time spent on the monitor from when the service representative joined to when they left in session participant. |
FactSessionParticipant | Consult sessions | The number of sessions a user accepts in mode = consult. |
FactSessionParticipant | Monitor sessions | The number of sessions a user accepts in mode = monitor. |
Omnichannel voice analytics
Edit the report mapping
Use the Dynamics_365_Customer_Service_Omnichannel_voice_analytics.pbix file to edit the Voice report.
Data model
Data dictionary
Entities | Attributes | Description |
DimAgentPresence | Agent presence id | Primary key. |
DimAgentPresence | Presence status | Service representative presence status that could be Available, Busy, Busy - DND, Away, or Offline. |
DimConversationProperty | Conversation property id | Primary key |
DimConversationProperty | Channel name. | The name of the channel that the conversation came through. |
DimConversationProperty | Conversation status | The status of the conversation, that is, open, active, waiting, wrap up, and closed. |
DimDate | Date time | Date time. The type is Date/Time. |
DimDate | Day | Day name. Example: Fri |
DimDate | Hour | Hour. Example: 01:00, 01:30 |
DimDate | Month | Month name. Example: Apr 2021 |
DimDate | Quarter | Quarter name. Example: Q1 |
DimDate | Week | Week number. Example: 1 |
DimDate | Year | Year number. Example: 2021 |
DimQueue | Queue id | Queue id. Primary key. Type: GUID |
DimQueue | Is omnichannel queue | Currently, it's always true. |
DimQueue | Queue | Queue name. |
DimSystemUser | System user id | System user ID. |
DimSystemUser | Agent | Name of the service representative. |
DimSystemUser | Is bot | Is an AI agent. True or false. |
DimTimeZone | Time zone | Time zone code. Example: GMT +01:00. |
DimTopic | Topic id | Topic ID. Primary key. Type: GUID. |
DimTopic | Topic | Topic name. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent status history id | Identifier of the service representative status history record. Primary key of type GUID. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | System user id | Agent ID. Foreign key to DimSystemUser. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent presence id | Foreign key to DimAgentPresence. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent available duration (hrs) | The time a service representative is in the Available state in the omnichannel application. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent away duration (hrs) | The time a service representative is in the Away state in the omnichannel application. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent busy (DND) duration (hrs) | The time a service representative is in the Busy DND state in the omnichannel application. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent busy duration (hrs) | Time a service representative is in the busy state in omnichannel application. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent offline duration (hrs) | The time a service representative signed out of the omnichannel application. |
FactAgentStatusHistory | Agent total sign-in time (hrs) | The time a service representative is in each status. The column is used to calculate other measure. |
FactConversation | Conversation id | Identifier of the conversation record. Primary key of type GUID. |
FactConversation | Conversation title | Conversation title. |
FactConversation | Conversation Url | Conversation URL. |
FactConversation | Conversation property id | Foreign key to DimConversationProperty. |
FactConversation | Owner system user id | Owner system user ID. Foreign key to DimSystemUser. |
FactConversation | Queue id | Queue ID. Foreign key to DimQueue. |
FactConversation | Topic id | Topic ID. Foreign key to DimTopic. |
FactConversation | Is offered | It means whether the customer initiates the conversation. An AI agent escalates to a service representative or a service representative handling customer call directly |
FactConversation | Is conversation date in past | Is conversation date in past. |
FactConversation | Is outbound | Is outbound conversation. |
FactConversation | Abandon rate | Abandon rate. |
FactConversation | Avg. conversation hold time (min) | The total time a service representative put a customer on hold. |
FactConversation | Avg. conversation sentiment | Avg. conversation sentiment. |
FactConversation | Avg. conversation talk time (min) | The total time a customer and a service representative spend talking on the voice call. It's the difference between the handle time and cumulative time in hold and after call work time. |
FactConversation | Avg. conversation time (min) | Avg. conversation time (min). |
FactConversation | Avg. conversation wrap-up time (min) | Avg. conversation wrap-up time (min). |
FactConversation | Avg. CSAT | Avg. CSAT. |
FactConversation | Avg. speed to answer (sec) | The time it took for a customer call to be answered. |
FactConversation | Conversation volume | Conversation volume that's assigned to a topic. |
FactConversation | Conversation volume change | Conversation volume change. |
FactConversation | Created on | Date created on. |
FactConversation | Closed on | Date closed on. |
FactConversation | Engaged conversations | Offered conversations that a service representative engages. Customer-to-service representative communication can begin at this point. |
FactConversation | Incoming conversations | The number of incoming conversations. |
FactConversation | Outgoing conversations | The number of outgoing conversations. |
FactConversation | Total conversations | The number of total conversations. |
FactConversation | Transfer rate | The percentage of conversations that are transferred to another service representative or queue. |
FactVoiceConversationInsights | Conversation id | Conversation ID. Foreign key to FactConversation. |
FactVoiceConversationInsights | System user id | System user ID. Foreign key to DimSystemUser. |
FactVoiceConversationInsights | Longest Customer Monologue (sec) | The longest customer monologue with a service representative; indicates that the service representative is asking good questions and understanding customer needs. |
FactVoiceConversationInsights | Pause Before Speaking (sec) | The milliseconds the service representative paused before responding to customer queries; indicates service representative's patience. |
FactVoiceConversationInsights | Switches per conversation | The average exchanges between a service representative and a customer in a conversation; the number of times the conversation switched from one person to another. It's a sign of engagement during conversations. |
FactVoiceConversationInsights | Talk to listen ratio | The service representative's average listen and talk ratio in conversations with customers. |
FactVoiceConversationInsights | Talking Speed (WPM) | The average number of words the service representative uses per minute. |
FactSession | Session id | Identifier of the session record. |
FactSession | Conversation id | Identifier of the conversation record. |
FactSession | Conversation title | Conversation title. |
FactSession | Conversation Url | Conversation URL. |
FactSession | Created on | Date created on. |
FactSession | Closed on | Date closed on. |
FactSession | Queue id | Queue ID. Foreign key to DimQueue. |
FactSession | Topic id | Topic ID. Foreign key to DimTopic. |
FactSession | primary system user id | Primary system user ID. Foreign key to DimSystemUser. |
FactSession | Is agent accepted session | Has service representative accepted the session or not? |
FactSession | Is agent session | Is service representative session or not. |
FactSession | Avg. conversation handle time (min) | Avg. conversation handle time (min) |
FactSession | Avg. conversation hold time (min) | Avg. conversation hold time (min) |
FactSession | Avg. conversation sentiment | The average sentiment score based on the verbatim provided in customer voice survey. |
FactSession | Avg. conversation talk time (min) | Avg. conversation talk time (min) |
FactSession | Avg. CSAT | Avg. CSAT |
FactSession | Avg. incoming messages | Average incoming messages |
FactSession | Avg. outgoing messages | Average outgoing messages |
FactSession | Avg. session active time (min) | Average session active time (min) |
FactSession | Avg. session handle time (min) | Average session handle time (min) |
FactSession | Avg. session hold time (min) | Average session hold time (min) |
FactSession | Avg. session inactive time (min) | Average session inactive time (min) |
FactSession | Avg. session sentiment | Average session sentiment |
FactSession | Avg. session talk time (min) | Average session talk time (min) |
FactSession | Avg. session time (min) | Average session time (min) |
FactSession | Avg. Speed to answer (sec) | Average Speed to answer (sec) |
FactSession | Avg. wait time (min) | The average time in minutes customers waited before connecting to service representatives. Similar to speed to answer, but includes time waited on each session within a conversation. |
FactSession | Avg. wait time (sec) | The average time in seconds customers waited before connecting to service representatives. Similar to speed to answer, but includes time waited on each session within a conversation. |
FactSession | Engaged conversations | The conversations that the service representative was engaged in. Customer-to-service representative communication can begin at this point. |
FactSession | Engaged sessions | Sessions presented to a service representative that the service representative accepts. |
FactSession | Incoming conversations | Incoming conversations |
FactSession | Incoming messages | Incoming messages |
FactSession | Incoming sessions | Incoming sessions |
FactSession | Outgoing conversations | Outgoing conversations |
FactSession | Outgoing messages | Outgoing messages |
FactSession | Sentiment zone | SentimentZone |
FactSession | Session rejected/timed out rate | Session rejected or timed out rate |
FactSession | Sessions rejected | Sessions rejected |
FactSession | Transfer rate | The number of sessions the service representative transfers |
FactSessionParticipant | Session participant id | Identifier of the session participant record |
FactSessionParticipant | Session id | Session ID. Foreign key to FactSession. |
FactSessionParticipant | Avg. consult time (min) | The time spent on the consult from when the service representative joined to when they left in session participant. |
FactSessionParticipant | Avg. monitor time (min) | The time spent on the monitor from when the service representative joined to when they left in session participant. |
FactSessionParticipant | Consult sessions | The number of sessions a user accepted in mode = consult. |
FactSessionParticipant | Monitor sessions | The number of sessions a user accepted in mode = monitor. |
Voice mail analytics
Edit the report mapping
Use the Dynamics_365_Customer_Service_Omnichannel_Voice_Mail_analytics.pbix file to edit the Voice mail report.
Data model
Data dictionary
Entities | Attributes | Description |
FactVoiceMail | Voice mail ID | Primary key. |
FactVoiceMail | Owner system user ID | User ID. Foreign key to DimSystemUser. |
FactVoiceMail | Queue ID | Queue ID. Foreign key to DimQueue. |
FactVoiceMail | Created on | The date and time when the voice mail was created. |
FactVoiceMail | Incoming voicemails | Count of the open and closed voice mails. |
FactVoiceMail | Closed voicemails | Count of the closed voice mails. |
FactVoiceMail | Open voicemails | Count of the open voice mails. |
Omnichannel AI agent analytics
Edit the report mapping
Use the Dynamics_365_Customer_Service_Omnichannel_Bot_analytics.pbix file to edit the following reports:
- Summary
- Bot (the Bot in Dynamic_365_Customer_Service_Omnichannel_analytics are replaced with this enhanced bot page when you turn on the Add historical analytics for bots option in Omnichannel historical analytics).
Data model
Data dictionary
Entities | Attributes | Description |
FactConversation | Conversation outcome | Conversation outcome based on the involvement of an AI agent and the customer service representative. Currently supports bot escalated, bot deflected, and direct agent conversations. |
DimBot | Bot ID | AI agent ID |
DimBot | Bot name | AI agent name |
FactCustomerSupportJourney | Source | The source of one step on the customer support journey graph. Examples are "interaction", "bot escalated","direct agent connection", and "agent assigned" . |
FactCustomerSupportJourney | Destination | The destination of one step on the customer support journey graph. |
FactCustomerSupportJourney | Total count | The total count for one step on the customer support journey, from source to destination. |
FactCustomerSupportJourney | Topic ID | Topic ID. Foreign key to DimTopic. |
DimConversationProperty | Conversation outcome | Conversation outcome based on the involvement of the AI and the customer service representative. Currently supports bot escalated, bot deflected, and direct agent conversations. |
FactBotSession | Abandoned session rate | Abandon rate |
FactBotSession | Avg. escalation time (min) | The time the AI agent required to escalate. |
FactBotSession | Avg. deflection time (min) | The time required by the AI agent to deflect. |
FactBotSession | Bot CSAT | CSAT score for AI agent at an average. |
FactBotSession | Bot Id | AI agent ID, PK to Dimbot |
FactBotSession | Bot session ID | AI agent session ID, PK |
FactBotSession | Bot topic | The topic of this AI agent session. |
FactBotSession | Conversation title | The title of the associated conversation. |
FactBotSession | Conversation deflected | The total conversation was deflected. |
FactBotSession | Conversation escalated | The total conversation was escalated. |
FactBotSession | Conversation ID | Identifier of the related conversation record. |
FactBotSession | Conversation URL | The URl of the related conversation. |
FactBotSession | Bot deflection rate | The rate at which the AI agent conversations were deflected. |
FactBotSession | Engaged sessions rate | The engagement rate of AI agent sessions. |
FactBotSession | Bot escalated topic | The escalated topic of AI agent conversations. |
FactBotSession | Bot escalation rate | The rate at which the AI agent escalated the conversations. |
FactBotSession | Escalated sessions rate | Escalation rate based on AI agent sessions. |
FactBotSession | Is bot engaged | Indicate if the AI agent is engaged in this session. |
FactBotSession | Conversation queue id | Queue ID. Foreign key to DimQueue. |
FactBotSession | Resolved session rate | Resolution rate based on AI agent sessions. |
FactBotSession | Bot sessions abandoned | AI agent session abandoned. |
FactBotSession | Bot sessions escalated | AI agent session escalated. |
FactBotSession | Bot sessions engaged | AI agent session engaged. |
FactBotSession | Bot sessions resolved | AI agent session resolved. |
FactBotSession | Session Outcome | AI agent session outcome. |
FactBotSession | Avg. sessions per conversation | Average number of AI agent sessions per conversation. |
FactBotSession | Bot session unengaged | AI agent sessions not engaged. |
FactBotSession | Total sessions | Total AI agent sessions. |
FactBotSession | Total conversations | Total conversations associated with AI agents. |
FactBotSession | Session ID | The related Omnichannel session ID. |
FactBotSession | Topic ID | Topic ID. Foreign key to DimTopic. |
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