SLA limitations
The following limitations apply to SLAs created in Unified Interface apps:
The Applicable When and Success Conditions don't work as expected if they're configured for related entities.
- The Applicable When conditions, if defined on the related entity, work only the first time the conditions are met, and the KPI instance is set to In Progress. After that, any update to the related entity won't cancel the existing KPI instance if the conditions of the same SLA item are false. The update doesn't create a new KPI instance if there's a change in the SLA item.
- The Success Conditions defined on the related entity won't ever be true and the KPI instance once set to In Progress won't succeed, even if conditions are met. It continues to be in In Progress, Nearing NonCompliance, or Noncompliant status.
To use related entities, you can add the related attribute values to the parent entity.
You can't define multiple SLA items with the same Applicable When criteria and KPI.
You can’t use nested related entities with the Under or Not Under operator as part of the conditions for SLAs. So, you need to change the Applicable When, Success, and Pause conditions to add one level of related entities only with the Under or Not Under operator.
You can’t directly use the Under or Not-Under operator as conditions when configuring Applicable When or Success conditions for SLA items, so use related entities when using the Under or Not Under operator.
We recommend that you don't use the Modified On field in the target entity while configuring Applicable When or Success conditions of SLA items or as the Applicable From field of SLA KPI instances. Changes to the Modified On field in the target entity might not initiate SLAs and might result in incorrect updates to SLA KPI instances.
For expired SLAs, even if the success criteria is met, the SLA success date isn't available because the SLA KPI Instance doesn't have a field that can display the date of the action.
Out of the box, you can’t retrieve data for SLA related case fields, such as Active Duration and Elapsed Time.
You can't edit or remove an SLA that's already assigned to a case. However, you can customize how SLAs can be assigned to other cases and pause the SLA timer.
You can’t manually update SLA time.
If you're migrating more than 1000 SLAs, they might not pass the premigration checkup that processes all legacy SLAs. You can use the &flags=FCB.SkipPreMigrationCheckUp=true flag in the URL to skip the premigration checkup. To access the URL, go to Miscellaneous > ARC and SLA migration in the Customer Service admin center site map.
Related information
Enable entities for service-level agreements
Troubleshoot issues in SLAs