Views and filters for the inbox

The following tables contain details about the views and filters that are available by default for the inbox.

Inbox views

View name Description Tables Table filters
My work items Shows all work items the customer service representative (service representative or representative) can take action on. Actionable items can include assigned conversations, assigned cases, and emails with the representative listed in the To, Cc, or Bcc field, or listed as the owner, and voicemails assigned to the representative. Case, Conversation1, Email, Voicemail1 Case:
  • Work items assigned to me
  • Assigned

  • Emails assigned to me
  • Emails sent to me
  • Assigned
Open work items Shows work items that are available for the representative to pick up. Work items can include cases that are assigned to a team or apart of private queues the representative is a member of, open conversations, emails owned by a team or private queue that the representative is a member of, and unassigned voicemails. Case, Conversation1, Email, Voicemail1 Case:
  • Work items in my teams
  • Work items in my queues
  • Unassigned
  • Emails in my teams
  • Emails in my queues
Closed work items Shows work items already acted on. Work items already acted on can include cases in the closed state, conversations that are resolved, and voicemails that are resolved. Case, Conversation1, Voicemail1 Case:
  • Resolved work items assigned to me
  • Resolved
  • Resolved

1 Applies if provisioned in and configured for the environment.

Inbox filters

Table Inbox filter Description Applied Conditions (AND)
Case, task, custom Work items assigned to me Owner OR Worked by field of the record is set to the current user, and the state of the record is active.
  • Owner is equal to current user OR Worked by is equal to current user.
  • Status of record is active.
Case, task, custom Work items in my teams Owner field of the record is set to a team that the user is a member of.
  • Owner is equal to current user OR Worked by is equal to current user.
  • Status of record is active.
Case, task, custom Work items in my queues Record is added to a private queue that user is a member of.
  • Record is added to a private queue that the user is a member of.
  • Status of the queue that the record is a part of is active.
  • Worked by isn't set.
  • Owner of the record isn't set as the current user.
  • Status of the record is active.
    Case, task, custom Resolved work items assigned to me Owner field of the record is set to the current user and the state of the record is inactive.
    • Owner is equal to current user OR Worked by is equal to current user.
    • Status of the record is inactive.
    Conversation Assigned Active Agent field of the conversation is set to the current user, and the status field is set to active, waiting, or wrap-up.
    • Active Agent is set to the current user.
    • Status Reason is set to one of the following values: Active, Waiting, Wrap-up.
    Conversation Unassigned Conversation belongs to a queue that the user is a member of, and the Status field is set to Open.
    • Queue is set to a queue that the user is a member of.
    • Status Reason is set to Open.
    Conversation Resolved The status field of the conversation is set to Closed.
    • Status Reason is set to Closed.
    Email Emails sent to me The user is a recipient of the email by being listed on of the following fields: To, Cc, or Bcc.
    • The user is listed in the Activity Party Types for the To, Cc, or Bcc field.
    Email Emails assigned to me The Owner or Worked by field of the record is set to the current user.
    • The Owner field is equal to the current user, or the Worked by field is equal to the current user.
    Email Emails in my team The Owner field of the record is set to a team that the user is a member of.
    • The Owner field is equal to a team that the current user is a member of.
    Email Emails in my queue The record is added to a private queue that the user is a member of.
    • The record is added to a private queue that the user is a member of.
    • The Status of the queue that the record is part of is active.
    • The Worked by field isn't set.
    • The Owner field of the record isn't set as the current user.
    Email Emails in a shared mailbox The admin specifies an email address that can be used to show emails sent to that address.
    • Emails that are sent using the To field for the specified email address. Doesn't apply to the Cc or Bcc fields.
    Voicemail Assigned The Owner or Worked by field of the record is set to the current user, and the Status Reason field is set to Active.
    • The Owner or Worked by field is equal to the current user.
    • The record's Status Reason is set to Open.
    Voicemail Unassigned The Owner field isn't set to current user, and the Worked by field isn't set.
    • The Owner field isn't equal to the current user.
    • The Worked by field isn't set.
    • The record's Status Reason is set to Open.
    Voicemail Resolved The Owner or Worked by field of the record is set to the current user, and the Status Reason field is set to Closed.
    • The Owner or Worked by field of the record is equal to the current user.
    • The Status Reason of the record is set to Closed.

    Applied filters (non-table specific)

    • Last 90 days, based on the Modified on field.
    • Top 500 records, descending in order by the Modified on field.

    Configure the inbox
    Use the inbox