Configure case handling time widget to case forms
Case handling time is the total time customer service representatives (service representatives or representatives) actively work on a case. It includes activities such as communicating with customers, troubleshooting, researching, collaborating, or updating case details, like adding notes.
- Case handling time is supported in both custom and out-of-the-box single session apps, and out-of-the-box multisession apps only, such as Customer Service workspace.
- Case handling time and case resolution time are different. For example, a representative works actively on a case for 5 hours. The case is resolved 5 days after it was created. Here, the case handling time is 5 hours, and the case resolution time is 5 days.
Enable case handling time widget
To display the case handling time widget on a case form, follow these steps:
In Customer Service admin center, select Customer Support > Case settings.
On the Case settings page, select Manage for Case handling time (preview). The Case handling time (preview) page opens.
Select the Enable case handling time check box.
Select the Power Apps link. The application shows the Solutions page.
In Power Apps, select the solution that contains your custom case form and then select Tables.
In the Tables page, select Case and then select forms.
Select the required form and add the Handling time component to the form. The widget always appears on the bottom right of the case form at runtime, regardless of where you add it on the form. We recommend that you add it in an existing section within the viewport. During runtime, you will see a blank space where you added the component to the form.
Configure these properties for the component:
- Table: Set this value to Time Trackers.
- View: Set this value to All Time Trackers.
- Allow agents to add time logs: Set this value to True or False, depending on whether you want representatives to manually add time on the case. The default is True.
- Show agents only their contributed time: Set this value to True or False, depending on whether you want representatives to see only their own time or the total time of all representatives on the case. The default is False.
- Select Show related records.
- In Customer Service workspace, the application tracks the time automatically in the background whenever a representative opens the case and the case form is in focus, even if you don't add the widget to the case form. You can create reports on automatic time tracked per representative for each case.
- In Customer Service Hub, you must add the widget to the case form for automatic time to be tracked.
Save and publish the changes.
Set the update interval
The update interval is the time between each update of the database and the widget with the automatic tracked time. You can set a value between 10 and 60 min. The default value is 10 min. When you specify a time for the update interval, the application performs the following actions:
- Updates the database with the automatic tracked time in the frequency specified.
- Automatically refreshes the case handling time widget to display the updated time.
For example, if you set 10 min as the update interval, the automatic time tracked on the case is updated to the database and the widget after every 10 min. If two representatives open the same case at the same time, after 10 min, the widget displays 20 mins as the total time tracked on the case.
Delete time tracker records
Automatic time tracker records for each representative for every case are stored in the database according to the update frequency that you set. These records can take up a lot of space over time. To save storage space in the database, you can delete the time tracker records for old resolved cases. Perform the following steps to delete the records:
- Select the Time tracker list link to view the list of time tracker records.
- Select the required records and then select the Delete icon to delete the time tracker records.
- If you plan to use these records for building reports, we recommend that you don't delete them.
- When using the legacy case resolution dialog (Standard dialog), the total time displayed may differ from the Total Time shown on the widget. This is because the legacy dialog's Total Time is based on case activities only. To use the total time from the widget, switch to either Customizable or Quick Create case resolution dialog and include the Total Time attribute from Case Handling Time (Time Tracker) table.