Schedule work with multiple resources using requirement groups in Universal Resource Scheduling

Requirement groups bundle requirements commonly scheduled together. For example, you might require a pre-inspection, an installation, and a final inspection every time a specific job is performed. With a requirement group, all three requirements can be created with a single template. Each requirement in the template can have distinct characteristics, and the work can be scheduled collectively as a single unit. With the schedule assistant, resources are selected that match the characteristics for each requirement.

Create a requirement group template

  1. In Universal Resource Scheduling, open the Settings area. Under Scheduling, select Requirement Group Templates, and then select New.

  2. Enter a Name for the requirement group and Save it. The table shows requirement details with a root requirement named after the template.

  3. Add requirements and fill in the fields in the columns. All requirements within a requirement group must have the same duration. Change the duration of individual bookings after booking the requirement group.

    Screenshot of requirement group with two options.

  4. In the Select column on the root requirement, choose the preferred option.

    • All: Resources must fulfill all requirements.
    • Any The system searches for resources that can fulfill any requirement and that fulfilling one requirement fulfills the entire requirement group.

    The All or Any setting allows you to add multiple options for fulfilling a requirement group, which is done by adding subgroups. If the root requirement is set to Any, and each subgroup is set to All, the schedule assistant searches for either all of option 1 or all of option 2.

    These settings are especially useful when you add multiple option sets to a requirement group using subgroups. For example, if a job requires a certain skill and a specific certification, one resource can fulfill both requirements (option set 1) or two resources can fulfill one requirement each (option set 2). Any of these combinations would fulfill the requirement group.

  5. To add more details to a resource requirement, select Open Form.

  6. Save the requirement group template.

Create a requirement group

  1. In Universal Resource Scheduling, open the Resource Scheduling area. Under Scheduling, select Requirement Groups, and then select New.

  2. Enter a Name.

  3. Optionally, choose an existing Requirement group template from the drop-down list and Save.

  4. Edit the requirements in the requirement group as required.

Book a requirement group

Open a requirement group and select Book to launch the schedule assistant and get available resources that can fulfill the requirement group. By default, it recommends options that require the fewest resources first. Book the selected resource or resources. Then save and close the requirement group.

Booking an option for multiple requirements creates multiple bookings.

Keyboard shortcuts

You can use keyboard shortcuts when creating requirement groups.

Command Keys
Expand collapsed row SHIFT ALT +
Collapse expanded row SHIFT ALT -
Indent task SHIFT ALT right arrow
Outdent task SHIFT ALT left arrow
Move task up SHIFT ALT up arrow
Move task down SHIFT ALT down arrow
Add new row SHIFT ALT insert
Delete row SHIFT ALT delete
Refresh SHIFT ALT F5