Install Commerce Scale Unit on a development environment

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to install an Internet Information Services (IIS) based Commerce Scale Unit (CSU) on virtual hard disk (VHD) local development and Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS) cloud development environments for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce. This article is divided into sections representing the different actions you must take to complete the installation, and each section should be followed in order.

Create Azure Active Directory apps

First, you must create two Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure Active Directory) apps, one for the CSU and one for the Store Commerce for Web app (formerly known as Cloud point of sale or CPOS). For instructions, see Set up a custom Retail Server app in Microsoft Entra ID and Set up a custom app for Store Commerce for Web in Microsoft Entra ID.

Create an SSL certificate for a website based on the host name

Next, you need to create a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate based on the hostname for the CSU website and the Entra ID app authentication.

To create the SSL certificate, follow these steps.

  1. Connect to the development machine using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
  2. Open PowerShell with administrator privileges from Command Prompt.
  3. Enter the following command.
$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject "CN=$env:computerName" -DnsName $env:computerName,$([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($env:computerName).HostName) -KeyAlgorithm RSA -KeyLength 2048 -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\My" -NotBefore (Get-Date) -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(2) -KeyUsage KeyEncipherment,DataEncipherment,CertSign,CRLSign,DigitalSignature -KeyUsageProperty All -FriendlyName "$env:computerName" -KeyExportPolicy Exportable
Export-Certificate -Cert $cert -FilePath "$env:temp\https.cer"
Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\Root -FilePath "$env:temp\https.cer"'
  1. Copy the thumbprint value of the new certificate for use later during the CSU install section.


If you create your SSL certificate using a method other than the PowerShell command, ensure that the SSL certificate contains the following keyUsage property values: keyEncipherment, and dataEncipherment. The SSL certificate should also be capable of performing KeyExchange.

Convert the SSL certificate you created to the .CER file format

Next, you must convert the SSL certificate you created to the .CER file format.


To add a SSL certificate to the CSU Entra ID app, it must be in the .CER file format.

To convert the SSL certificate you created to the .CER file format, follow these steps.

  1. On the development machine, select the Windows logo key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Enter "MMC" to open the Microsoft Management Console.
  3. Select File > Add/Remove Snap-in.
  4. Under Available snap-ins, select Certificates, and then select Add.
  5. In the Certificates snap-in dialog box, select Computer Account, and then select Next.
  6. Select Local Computer, and then select Finish.
  7. Select OK.
  8. Expand Certificates > Personal > Certificates.
  9. Locate the SSL certificate you created earlier, right-click the certificate, and then select All Tasks > Export.
  10. In the export dialog box, select Next.
  11. Select No, do not export the private key, and then select Next.
  12. Select DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER).
  13. Select the C:\temp folder, and then enter "DevBoxSelfSigned" as the file name.
  14. Select OK, and then select Save.

Add the SSL certificate to the existing CSU Entra ID app

Next, you must add the SSL certificate you created and converted to the .CER file format to the existing CSU Entra ID app. This step is required for the CSU to generate an authentication token for communication with Commerce headquarters.

To add the SSL certificate you created to the CSU Entra ID app, follow these steps.

  1. In a web browser on the virtual machine (VM), edit the CSU Azure App registration created earlier.
  2. For Client Credentials, select Add a certificate or secret.
  3. Select the Certificates tab.
  4. Select Upload Certificate.
  5. From C:\temp, select the DevBoxSelfSigned certificate.
  6. For Description, enter "Devbox cert".
  7. For Set Description, enter "Devbox Self-signed Certificate".
  8. Select Add.


SSL certificates are issued for one year by default. It's critical that you have a plan to update the SSL certificate associated with your Azure App registration and the Sealed CSU at least one month before expiration. Failure to perform this planned update results in the Sealed CSU no longer being able to communicate with Commerce headquarters. For instructions on how to apply a new SSL certificate, see (Update an expired SSL certificate)[#update-an-expired-SSL-certificate].

Update Commerce headquarters

The following sections list all the changes you must make in Commerce headquarters before you run the CSU installation.

Enter the application ID (client ID) of the CSU Entra ID app

To enter the application ID (client ID) of the CSU Entra ID app in headquarters, follow these steps.

  1. Go to System administration > Setup > Azure Active Directory applications (Microsoft Entra ID Applications).
  2. In the Client ID column, enter the application ID (client ID) of the CSU Entra ID app in the Entra portal.
  3. in the Name column, enter descriptive text.
  4. In the User ID column, enter "RetailServiceAccount".

Create a new channel database record

You must create a new channel database record for the CSU. After creating that database record, you should obtain a copy of its configuration file, which will help to simplify the installation process.

To create a new channel database record for the CSU in headquarters, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Headquarters Setup > Commerce Scheduler > Channel Database.
  2. Select New.
  3. For Channel Database ID, enter "DevSealedCSU".
  4. For Channel Database Group, enter "Default".
  5. Select Save.
  6. On the Retail Channel FastTab, select Add.
  7. Select the store you normally work with.
  8. Select Save.
  9. On the Mapping a New Retail Channel warning dialog box, select Yes.
  10. Select Download > Configuration file.
  11. Save the configuration file to C:\temp.
  12. Rename the configuration file to "StoreSystemSetup.xml".

Create a new channel profile

Next, you must create a new channel profile record for the CSU URL, and then update the existing store records to use the new channel database and profile.


Alternatively, you can instead modify the existing channel profile record to use the CSU URLs.

To create a new channel profile in headquarters and update the existing store records to use the new channel database and profile, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Channel Setup > Channel Profiles.
  2. Select New.
  3. For Name, enter "DevSealedCSUProfile".
  4. Select Save.
  5. Under Profile Properties, select Add.
  6. For Nonexternal VM connectivity, enter the following:
    1. For Property Key, enter the property key value.
    2. For Retail Server URL, enter https://<HostName>:446/RetailServer/Commerce.
    3. For Cloud POS URL, enter https://<HostName>:446/POS.
  7. Go to Retail and Commerce > Channels > Stores > All Stores.
  8. For each store record you normally work, update the following fields:
    1. For Live Channel Database, enter "DevSealedCSU".
    2. For Channel Profile, enter "DevSealedCSUProfile".
    3. Select Save.


  • If you receive a warning stating The store's closing method must be set to 'Shift', on the Statement/Closing FastTab of the store, update the Closing Method value to Shift.
  • The <HostName> value typically starts with "DEV" and can be found by opening IIS Manager and reviewing the server name value shown in the upper left corner. It can also be found on the LCS Environments page in the VM Name column under Manage environment > LOCAL ACCOUNTS.

Update CDX data groups

The following change removes the default database from the Commerce Data Exchange (CDX) data groups in headquarters, because this database is no longer used. Failure to make this update can result in data sync errors later on.

To update CDX data groups in headquarters, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Distribution Schedule.
  2. Select the Default Data group.
  3. Remove the default database record from this group.

Execute sync jobs

The following sync jobs are executed in headquarters before installation so that data package files are available for the CSU Async Client service once the installation is completed. If CSU installation is successful, these jobs show an applied status as the Async Client applies them. It isn't required to execute this section before CSU installation, however this step can help with early troubleshooting and verification that everything is working.

To execute sync jobs in headquarters, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Retail and Commerce IT > Distribution Schedule.
  2. Select the 9999 job.
  3. Select Run now.
  4. For each warning, select Yes.
  5. Select OK to schedule the job.

Install Sealed CSU prerequisites

Before you can run the Sealed CSU installer, you must complete the following steps.

Verify IIS components installed

To verify that the IIS 6 Management Compatibility (IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility) component is installed on the development machine, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Server Manager > Local Server > Manage > Add roles and features.
  2. Under IIS, confirm that the Management Tools > IIS 6 Management Compatibility (IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility) component is checked.

Install .NET Core hosting bundle

To install the .NET Core hosting bundle on the development machine, follow these steps.

  1. Connect to the development machine using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
  2. Open a web browser and go to Download .NET 6.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows.
  3. In the ASP.Net Core Runtime 6.0.X section, select the Hosting Bundle installer for Windows to download it.
  4. Run the dotnet-hosting-6.0.x-win.exe installer.

Download the sealed self-hosted installer


Sealed CSU installers are only available from the LCS Asset library.

To download the sealed self-hosted CSU installer to the development machine, follow these steps.

  1. Open a web browser on the development machine and sign in to Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services.
  2. Select your project from the list.
  3. From the hamburger menu at the top of the page, select Asset library.
  4. Select Retail Self-service package.
  5. If you already have a sealed CSU installer in your list, select the package name to start the download.
  6. If you don’t have a CSU sealed installer in the list, select Import, select the sealed installer version you want to use, select Pick, and then select the package name to start the download.
  7. Copy the sealed installer from the Downloads folder to C:\temp.

Install the sealed CSU

The process of installing a sealed CSU usually employs a configuration file downloaded from headquarters that contains all of the information needed for Retail Transaction Service (RTS) authentication. If you don't use a configuration file, then you must specify additional parameters such as --AadTokenIssuerPrefix, --StoreSystemAosURL, --StoreSystemChannelDatabaseId, and --TenantId. For a full list of installer commands, see Mass deployment of sealed Commerce self-service components.

To install the sealed CSU on the development machine, follow these steps.

  1. Open a Windows Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
  2. Change directory to C:\temp (for example, CD C:\temp).
  3. Execute the following command.
CommerceStoreScaleUnitSetup.exe install --port 446 --SSLCertThumbprint "<SSL thumbprint of certificate created earlier>" --RetailServerCertThumbprint "<SSL thumbprint of certificate created earlier>" --AsyncClientCertThumbprint "<SSL thumbprint of certificate created earlier >"  --AsyncClientAADClientID "<CSU Azure APP Client ID>" --RetailServerAADClientID "<CSU Azure APP Client ID>" --CPOSAADClientID "<CPOS Azure APP Client ID>" --RetailServerAADResourceID "<Application ID URI>" --Config "c:\temp\StoreSystemSetup.xml" --SkipSChannelCheck --trustSqlservercertificate


  • Since this is a development machine, using the same SSL thumbprint to run all services is allowed. For production and user acceptance testing (UAT) environments, these values should be different.
  • Don't enter port 80 or 443 during installation. Entering either of these values interferes with the application object server (AOS) service that hosts the Commerce headquarters website.

Additional steps for cloud (LCS) deployed development environments

The setup steps in Install the sealed CSU assume that you'll RDP into the development environment when accessing the CSU URL. To make the development environment sealed CSU accessible from outside the development VM, you must perform the following additional tasks.


External accessible redirection has only been tested with Commerce version 10.0.39 and earlier. This functionality is based on redirecting the previous legacy (default) Retail Server URL to the sealed CSU on the VM. Support for this functionality will be removed in future versions along with the removal of the legacy (default) Retail Server.

Create a channel profile for external access

To create a channel profile for external access, follow these steps.

  1. In headquarters, go to Retail and Commerce > Channel Setup > Channel Profiles and create a new channel profile.
  2. Set the following property values:
    1. For Retail Server URL, enter https://<LCSEnvironmentName>
    2. For Cloud POS, enter https://<LCSEnvironmentName>
  3. Select Save.
  4. Go to Retail and Commerce > Channels > Stores > All Stores.
  5. Edit the store record you normally work with.
  6. Update the Channel Profile to the value you created.
  7. Select Save.
  8. Go to Retail and Commerce > Retail and Commerce IT > Distribution Schedule and execute the 1070 (Channel configuration) sync job.

Update IIS binding for website

The IIS binding for the legacy Retail Server and Sealed CSU must be updated to support the redirection.

To update the IIS binding for the website, follow these steps.

  1. Connect to the development machine using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
  2. Open IIS Manager and expand Sites.
  3. Select the RetailServer website.
  4. On the right side of the screen, select Bindings.
  5. Select the HTTPS binding, and then select Edit.
  6. Set the Port value to "444".
  7. For Host name, copy the entire URL string value for use later, and then delete the value.
  8. Select OK.
  9. Select Close.
  10. Select the RetailStoreScaleUnitWebsite.AspNetCore website.
  11. On the right side of the screen, select Bindings.
  12. Select the HTTPS binding, and then select Edit.
  13. Set the Port value to "443".
  14. For Host name, enter the Host name URL string value you copied earlier.
  15. For SSL Certificate, select the downward arrow.
  16. Select the SSL certificate that ends in <LCS name>
  17. Select OK.
  18. Select Close.

Database restores from UAT

If you previously set up a sealed CSU using the steps in Install the sealed CSU and then restored the headquarters database from another environment, you must perform the following steps to make the sealed CSU functional again.

  1. To recreate the records, follow the steps in Update Commerce headquarters.


    You must use the same values for Channel Database ID and Channel Profile that you used in the previous installation. If these values are different than the previous installation, you must rerun the installer.

  2. Check your download sessions to see if the jobs are applying.
    • If the jobs are applying, then your CSU is working and you don't need to rerun the installer steps.
    • If the download jobs aren't applying, first check the Windows Event logs to see if there are any obvious errors, then download a new configuration file from the channel database form and rerun the CSU installer using the new configuration file.

Update the sealed CSU to a new version

To update the sealed CSU to a newer version, obtain a newer version of the Sealed CSU installer file and then run the same command line arguments you used to first install the sealed CSU.

Update an expired SSL certificate

To update an expiring or expired certificate for the Sealed CSU, you don't need to completely reinstall the Sealed CSU. Instead, create the new SSL certificate, and then execute the following command.

CommerceStoreScaleUnitSetup.exe updateCertificates --SslCertFullPath "store:///My/LocalMachine?FindByThumbprint=YourNewSslCertificateThumbprint" --AsyncClientCertFullPath "store:///My/LocalMachine?FindByThumbprint=YourNewAsyncClientAadAppCertThumbprint" --RetailServerCertFullPath "store:///My/LocalMachine?FindByThumbprint=YourNewRsAadAppCertThumbprint"