Post item charges for each step of the process


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value

Get more flexibility on how and when to register cost in the sales or purchasing process.

Feature details

To help you track costs and capture valuation, your inventory items must carry any added costs, such as freight, physical handling, insurance, and transportation that you incur when purchasing or selling the items. For purchases, the landed cost of a purchased item consists of the vendor's purchase price and all additional direct item charges that can be assigned to individual receipts or return shipments. For sales, knowing the cost of shipping sold items can be as vital to your company as knowing the landed cost of purchased items.

This release wave brings you more flexibility on how and when to post item charges. Let's illustrate with a scenario:

You've created a purchase order with three lines. Two lines are for items, and one line captures item charges that are allocated across the items by amount.

When the goods are delivered, you discover that the first item is missing so that you cannot mark it as received. You can receive and post the invoice for the second line only, so that you can ship it to your customer and deal with another item later.

But how to handle item charges in this case?

It's easy with the new Quantity to Handle field in the Item Charge Assignment page. You just set the Quantity to Handle field to 0, and now you can adjust the value of the Quantity to Invoice field on the purchase order lines—just copy the value from the Item Charge Qty. to Handle field.

Now you can post the partial invoice with the item charge allocated to one line, making sure that all cost factors are accounted.

Once you are ready to handle the second item, you just update the Quantity to Handle field and post the order.

Purchase order with item charges

Quantity to handle in Item Charge Assignment page.

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See also

Use Item Charges to Account for Additional Trade Costs (docs)