Use currency symbol in data synchronization with Dataverse


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Nov 30, 2021

Business value

Including currency symbols with amounts makes it easier to visually scan and understand financial figures. If your Business Central is integrated with Microsoft Dataverse, you can now synchronize currency symbols between the two apps.

Feature details

When you synchronize data for currencies between Business Central and Dataverse, the standard field mappings for integration tables can now include the Symbol field from the Currency table. That means if you want to synchronize currency symbols, you no longer need to customize the integration table mappings. To add the Symbol field to the standard mapping, you must turn on the Feature Update: Currency symbol mapping in a Dataverse integration feature in Feature Management.

New mapping for currency symbol in Integration Field mapping list.


You need to enable Feature Update: Currency symbol mapping in a Dataverse integration in Feature Management to use this capability.

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See also

Synchronizing Data in Business Central with Microsoft Dataverse (docs)