Remove obsolete reports 204, 205, 206, and 207


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Sep 1, 2021 Oct 1, 2021

Business value

We've removed several reports in favor of newer versions. Enjoy modern report layouts that are easier to customize and faster to generate by using the reports that are based on layouts from Microsoft Word. Your external-facing documents, such as invoices and orders, will benefit from the switch.

Feature details

Before 2021 release wave 1, we announced that we were planning to replace several reports with newer versions, and now it's time for the final cleanup. The 2021 release wave 1 was the last release in which the following reports were available.

Deprecated report Recommended report
204 Sales - Quote 1304 Sales - Quote
205 Order Confirmation 1305 Sales - Confirmation
206 Sales - Invoice 1306 Sales - Invoice
207 Sales - Credit Memo 1307 Sales - Credit Memo

If you still use one or more of the deprecated reports, now is the time to take the following actions:

  1. Start using the recommended reports. These support Word layouts.
  2. Clone the deprecated reports to a custom range, and switch to the cloned reports.

How to check if your company uses old reports

Report Selections – Sales

Search for Report Selection – Sales and check which reports are configured to be used for Quote, Order, and Credit Memo.

Customer report layouts

Inspect the content of the Custom Report Selection table (object ID 9657). For more information, see View a table object directly from the client.

Once you know which customers use these reports, you can replace them on the Document Layout page for each affected customer, or you can use configuration packages to update in bulk.

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