
Browse sample. Browse the sample

The Color class, in the Microsoft.Maui.Graphics namespace, lets you specify colors as Red-Green-Blue (RGB) values, Hue-Saturation-Luminosity (HSL) values, Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) values, or with a color name. An Alpha channel is also available to indicate transparency.

Color objects can be created with Color constructors, which can be used to specify a gray shade, an RGB value, or an RGB value with transparency. Constructor overloads accept float values ranging from 0 to 1, byte, and int values.


The default Color constructor creates a black Color object.

You can also use the following static methods to create Color objects:

  • Color.FromRgb from float RGB values that range from 0 to 1.
  • Color.FromRgb from double RGB values that range from 0 to 1.
  • Color.FromRgb from byte RGB values that range from 0 to 255.
  • Color.FromInt from int RGB values that range from 0 to 255.
  • Color.FromRgba from float RGBA values that range from 0 to 1.
  • Color.FromRgba from double RGBA values that range from 0 to 1.
  • Color.FromRgba from byte RGBA values that range from 0 to 255.
  • Color.FromRgba from int RGBA values that range from 0 to 255.
  • Color.FromRgba from a string-based hexadecimal value in the form "#RRGGBBAA" or "#RRGGBB" or "#RGBA" or "#RGB", where each letter corresponds to a hexadecimal digit for the alpha, red, green, and blue channels.
  • Color.FromHsla from float HSLA values.
  • Color.FromHsla from double HSLA values.
  • Color.FromHsv from float HSV values that range from 0 to 1.
  • Color.FromHsv from int HSV values that range from 0 to 255.
  • Color.FromHsva from float HSVA values.
  • Color.FromHsva from int HSV values.
  • Color.FromInt from an int value calculated as (B + 256 * (G + 256 * (R + 256 * A))).
  • Color.FromUint from a uint value calculated as (B + 256 * (G + 256 * (R + 256 * A))).
  • Color.FromArgb from a string-based hexadecimal value in the form "#AARRGGBB" or "#RRGGBB" or "#ARGB" or "RGB", where each letter corresponds to a hexadecimal digit for the alpha, red, green, and blue channels.


In addition to the methods listed above, the Color class also has Parse and TryParse methods that create Color objects from string arguments.

Once created, a Color object is immutable. The characteristics of the color can be obtained from the following float fields, that range from 0 to 1:

  • Red, which represents the red channel of the color.
  • Green, which represents the green channel of the color.
  • Blue, which represents the blue channel of the color.
  • Alpha, which represents the alpha channel of the color.

In addition, the characteristics of the color can be obtained from the following methods:

  • GetHue, which returns a float that represents the hue channel of the color.
  • GetSaturation, which returns a float that represents the saturation channel of the color.
  • GetLuminosity, which returns a float that represents the luminosity channel of the color.

Named colors

The Colors class defines 148 public static read-only fields for common colors, such as AntiqueWhite, MidnightBlue, and YellowGreen.

Modify a color

The following instance methods modify an existing color to create a new color:


The following instance methods convert a Color to an alternative representation:

  • AsPaint returns a SolidPaint object whose Color property is set to the color.
  • ToHex returns a hexadecimal string representation of a Color.
  • ToArgbHex returns an ARGB hexadecimal string representation of a Color.
  • ToRgbaHex returns an RGBA hexadecimal string representation of a Color.
  • ToInt returns an ARGB int representation of a Color.
  • ToUint returns an ARGB uint representation of a Color.
  • ToRgb converts a Color to RGB byte values that are returned as out arguments.
  • ToRgba converts a Color to RGBA byte values that are returned as out arguments.
  • ToHsl converts a Color to HSL float values that are passed as out arguments.


In XAML, colors are typically referenced using their named values, or with hexadecimal:

<Label Text="Sea color"
       TextColor="Aqua" />
<Label Text="RGB"
       TextColor="#00FF00" />
<Label Text="Alpha plus RGB"
       TextColor="#CC00FF00" />
<Label Text="Tiny RGB"
       TextColor="#0F0" />
<Label Text="Tiny Alpha plus RGB"
       TextColor="#C0F0" />

In C#, colors are typically referenced using their named values, or with their static methods:

Label red    = new Label { Text = "Red",    TextColor = Colors.Red };
Label orange = new Label { Text = "Orange", TextColor = Color.FromHex("FF6A00") };
Label yellow = new Label { Text = "Yellow", TextColor = Color.FromHsla(0.167, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0) };
Label green  = new Label { Text = "Green",  TextColor = Color.FromRgb (38, 127, 0) };
Label blue   = new Label { Text = "Blue",   TextColor = Color.FromRgba(0, 38, 255, 255) };
Label indigo = new Label { Text = "Indigo", TextColor = Color.FromRgb (0, 72, 255) };
Label violet = new Label { Text = "Violet", TextColor = Color.FromHsla(0.82, 1, 0.25, 1) };

The following example uses the OnPlatform markup extension to selectively set the color of an ActivityIndicator:

<ActivityIndicator Color="{OnPlatform AliceBlue, iOS=MidnightBlue}"
                   IsRunning="True" />

The equivalent C# code is:

ActivityIndicator activityIndicator = new ActivityIndicator
    Color = DeviceInfo.Platform == DevicePlatform.iOS ? Colors.MidnightBlue : Colors.AliceBlue,
    IsRunning = true