System.Net.Http.HttpClient class

This article provides supplementary remarks to the reference documentation for this API.

The HttpClient class instance acts as a session to send HTTP requests. An HttpClient instance is a collection of settings applied to all requests executed by that instance. In addition, every HttpClient instance uses its own connection pool, isolating its requests from requests executed by other HttpClient instances.


HttpClient is intended to be instantiated once and reused throughout the life of an application. In .NET Core and .NET 5+, HttpClient pools connections inside the handler instance and reuses a connection across multiple requests. If you instantiate an HttpClient class for every request, the number of sockets available under heavy loads will be exhausted. This exhaustion will result in SocketException errors.

You can configure additional options by passing in a "handler", such as HttpClientHandler (or SocketsHttpHandler in .NET Core 2.1 or later), as part of the constructor. The connection properties on the handler cannot be changed once a request has been submitted, so one reason to create a new HttpClient instance would be if you need to change the connection properties. If different requests require different settings, this may also lead to an application having multiple HttpClient instances, where each instance is configured appropriately, and then requests are issued on the relevant client.

HttpClient only resolves DNS entries when a connection is created. It does not track any time to live (TTL) durations specified by the DNS server. If DNS entries change regularly, which can happen in some container scenarios, the client won't respect those updates. To solve this issue, you can limit the lifetime of the connection by setting the SocketsHttpHandler.PooledConnectionLifetime property, so that DNS lookup is required when the connection is replaced.

public class GoodController : ApiController
    private static readonly HttpClient httpClient;

    static GoodController()
        var socketsHandler = new SocketsHttpHandler
            PooledConnectionLifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)

        httpClient = new HttpClient(socketsHandler);

As an alternative to creating only one HttpClient instance, you can also use IHttpClientFactory to manage the HttpClient instances for you. For more information, see Guidelines for using HttpClient.


The HttpClient also acts as a base class for more specific HTTP clients. An example would be a FacebookHttpClient that provides additional methods specific to a Facebook web service (for example, a GetFriends method). Derived classes should not override the virtual methods on the class. Instead, use a constructor overload that accepts HttpMessageHandler to configure any pre-request or post-request processing.


The HttpClient is a high-level API that wraps the lower-level functionality available on each platform where it runs.

On each platform, HttpClient tries to use the best available transport:

Host/Runtime Backend
Windows/.NET Framework HttpWebRequest
Windows/Mono HttpWebRequest
Windows/UWP Windows native WinHttpHandler (HTTP 2.0 capable)
Windows/.NET Core 1.0-2.0 Windows native WinHttpHandler (HTTP 2.0 capable)
macOS/Mono HttpWebRequest
macOS/.NET Core 1.0-2.0 libcurl-based HTTP transport (HTTP 2.0 capable)
Linux/Mono HttpWebRequest
Linux/.NET Core 1.0-2.0 libcurl-based HTTP transport (HTTP 2.0 capable)
.NET Core 2.1 and later System.Net.Http.SocketsHttpHandler

Users can also configure a specific transport for HttpClient by invoking the HttpClient constructor that takes an HttpMessageHandler.

.NET Framework & Mono

By default on .NET Framework and Mono, HttpWebRequest is used to send requests to the server. This behavior can be modified by specifying a different handler in one of the constructor overloads with an HttpMessageHandler parameter. If you require features like authentication or caching, you can use WebRequestHandler to configure settings and the instance can be passed to the constructor. The returned handler can be passed to a constructor overload that has an HttpMessageHandler parameter.

.NET Core

Starting with .NET Core 2.1, the System.Net.Http.SocketsHttpHandler class instead of HttpClientHandler provides the implementation used by higher-level HTTP networking classes such as HttpClient. The use of SocketsHttpHandler offers a number of advantages:

  • A significant performance improvement when compared with the previous implementation.
  • The elimination of platform dependencies, which simplifies deployment and servicing. For example, libcurl is no longer a dependency on .NET Core for macOS and .NET Core for Linux.
  • Consistent behavior across all .NET platforms.

If this change is undesirable, on Windows you can continue to use WinHttpHandler by referencing its NuGet package and passing it to HttpClient's constructor manually.

Configure behavior using runtime configuration options

Certain aspects of HttpClient's behavior are customizable through Runtime configuration options. However, the behavior of these switches differs through .NET versions. For example, in .NET Core 2.1 - 3.1, you can configure whether SocketsHttpHandler is used by default, but that option is no longer available starting in .NET 5.

Connection pooling

HttpClient pools HTTP connections where possible and uses them for more than one request. This can have a significant performance benefit, especially for HTTPS requests, as the connection handshake is only done once.

Connection pool properties can be configured on a HttpClientHandler or SocketsHttpHandler passed in during construction, including MaxConnectionsPerServer, PooledConnectionIdleTimeout, and PooledConnectionLifetime.

Disposing of the HttpClient instance closes the open connections and cancels any pending requests.


If you concurrently send HTTP/1.1 requests to the same server, new connections can be created. Even if you reuse the HttpClient instance, if the rate of requests is high, or if there are any firewall limitations, that can exhaust the available sockets because of default TCP cleanup timers. To limit the number of concurrent connections, you can set the MaxConnectionsPerServer property. By default, the number of concurrent HTTP/1.1 connections is unlimited.

Buffering and request lifetime

By default, HttpClient methods (except GetStreamAsync) buffer the responses from the server, reading all the response body into memory before returning the async result. Those requests will continue until one of the following occurs:

You can change the buffering behavior on a per-request basis using the HttpCompletionOption parameter available on some method overloads. This argument can be used to specify if the Task<TResult> should be considered complete after reading just the response headers, or after reading and buffering the response content.

If your app that uses HttpClient and related classes in the System.Net.Http namespace intends to download large amounts of data (50 megabytes or more), then the app should stream those downloads and not use the default buffering. If you use the default buffering, the client memory usage will get very large, potentially resulting in substantially reduced performance.

Thread safety

The following methods are thread safe:


By default, HttpClient reads proxy configuration from environment variables or user/system settings, depending on the platform. You can change this behavior by passing a WebProxy or IWebProxy to, in order of precedence:

  • The Proxy property on a HttpClientHandler passed in during HttpClient construction
  • The DefaultProxy static property (affects all instances)

You can disable the proxy using UseProxy. The default configuration for Windows users is to try and detect a proxy using network discovery, which can be slow. For high throughput applications where it's known that a proxy isn't required, you should disable the proxy.

Proxy settings (like Credentials) should be changed only before the first request is made using the HttpClient. Changes made after using the HttpClient for the first time may not be reflected in subsequent requests.


You can use Timeout to set a default timeout for all HTTP requests from the HttpClient instance. The timeout only applies to the xxxAsync methods that cause a request/response to be initiated. If the timeout is reached, the Task<TResult> for that request is cancelled.

You can set some additional timeouts if you pass in a SocketsHttpHandler instance when constructing the HttpClient object:

Property Description
ConnectTimeout Specifies a timeout that's used when a request requires a new TCP connection to be created. If the timeout occurs, the request Task<TResult> is cancelled.
PooledConnectionLifetime Specifies a timeout to be used for each connection in the connection pool. If the connection is idle, the connection is immediately closed; otherwise, the connection is closed at the end of the current request.
PooledConnectionIdleTimeout If a connection in the connection pool is idle for this long, the connection is closed.
Expect100ContinueTimeout If request has an "Expect: 100-continue" header, it delays sending content until the timeout or until a "100-continue" response is received.

HttpClient only resolves DNS entries when the connections are created. It does not track any time to live (TTL) durations specified by the DNS server. If DNS entries are changing regularly, which can happen in some container scenarios, you can use the PooledConnectionLifetime to limit the lifetime of the connection so that DNS lookup is required when replacing the connection.