Transaction Exceptions

This topic lists all exceptions generated by Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Transaction.

Exception List

Resource Code Resource String
SFxCannotHaveDifferentTransactionProtocolsInOneBinding The policy information being imported from metadata specifies different values for TransactionProtocol among the operations. Only a single TransactionProtocol for each endpoint is supported.
SFxTransactionAutoCompleteFalseAndInstanceContextMode TransactionAutoComplete cannot be false unless the service's InstanceContextMode is PerSession. An error was found on the implementation of the specified contract and operation.
SFxTransactionInvalidSetTransactionComplete OperationContext.SetTransactionComplete can be called in an operation only when TransactionAutoComplete is set to false and TransactionScopeRequired is set to true. This is an invalid scenario and the current transaction was terminated.
TransactionFlowRequiredIssuedTokens To flow a transaction, flowing issued tokens must also be supported.
TrustDriverVersionDoesNotSupportIssuedTokens The configured Trust version does not support issued tokens. Use WSTrustFeb2005 or above.