ICLRRuntimeInfo::IsStarted Method

Indicates whether the runtime has been started (that is, whether the ICLRRuntimeHost::Start method has been called and has succeeded).


HRESULT IsStarted(  
        [out] BOOL     *pbStarted,  
        [out] DWORD    *pdwStartupFlags);  


[out] true if this runtime is started; otherwise, false.

[out] Returns the flags that were used to start the runtime.

Return Value

This method returns the following specific HRESULTs as well as HRESULT errors that indicate method failure.

HRESULT Description
S_OK The method completed successfully.
E_NOTIMPL The common language runtime (CLR) version is earlier than the CLR version in the .NET Framework 4.


This method does not work with CLR versions earlier than the CLR version in the .NET Framework 4.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: MetaHost.h

Library: Included as a resource in MSCorEE.dll

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 4

See also