ISymUnmanagedWriter5 Interface

ISymUnmanagedWriter5 interface.


[object,uuid(DCF7780D-BDE9-45DF-ACFE-21731A32000C),pointer_default(unique)]interface ISymUnmanagedWriter5 : ISymUnmanagedWriter4  


This interface contains the following methods:

Method Description
CloseMapTokensToSourceSpans Method Close the special custom data section for token-to- source span mapping information. After it is closed, no more mapping information can be added.
MapTokenToSourceSpan Method Maps the given metadata token to the given source line span in the specified source file.

Must be called between calls to OpenMapTokensToSourceSpans Method and CloseMapTokensToSourceSpans Method.
OpenMapTokensToSourceSpans Method Open a special custom data section to emit token-to- source span mapping information into. Opening this section when a method is already open, or vice versa, is an error.


Header: CorSym.idl, CorSym.h

See also