ISymUnmanagedWriter::GetDebugInfo Method
Returns the information necessary for a compiler to write the debug directory entry in the portable executable (PE) file header. The symbol writer fills out all fields except for TimeDateStamp
and PointerToRawData
. (The compiler is responsible for setting these two fields appropriately.)
A compiler should call this method, emit the data blob to the PE file, set the PointerToRawData
field in the IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY to point to the emitted data, and write the IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY to the PE file. The compiler should also set the TimeDateStamp
field to equal the TimeDateStamp
of the PE file being generated.
HRESULT GetDebugInfo(
[in] DWORD cData,
[out] DWORD *pcData,
[out, size_is(cData),
length_is(*pcData)] BYTE data[]);
[in, out] A pointer to an IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY that the symbol writer will fill out.
[in] A DWORD
that contains the size of the debug data.
[out] A pointer to a DWORD
that receives the size of the buffer required to contain the debug data.
[out] A pointer to a buffer that is large enough to hold the debug data for the symbol store.
Return Value
S_OK if the method succeeds; otherwise, E_FAIL or some other error code.
Header: CorSym.idl, CorSym.h