IXCLRDataExceptionState::IsSameState Method

Determines whether the exception state matches the given exception information.

NOTE: This method is obsolete; IsSameState2 should be used instead. This method requires revision 1 as reported by the Request method in order to call.


This API was originally designed for internal use in the runtime. Although it is now supported for 3rd party use, we recommend working with ICorDebug and ICorProfiler APIs when possible.


HRESULT IsSameState(
    [in] EXCEPTION_RECORD64 *exRecord,
    [in] ULONG32 contextSize,
    [in, size_is(contextSize)] BYTE cxRecord[]


[in] The system exception record for which to check a match against.

[in] The size of the context record in the cxRecord buffer.

[in] The context record associated with the exception.

Return Value

If the exception state matches the given information, S_OK will be returned. If it does not, S_FALSE will be returned.


The provided method is part of the IXCLRDataExceptionState interface and corresponds to the 11th slot of the virtual method table.


Platforms: See System Requirements. Header: None Library: None .NET Framework Versions: Available since 4.7

See also