ICorDebugController::SetAllThreadsDebugState Method

Sets the debug state of all managed threads in the process.


HRESULT SetAllThreadsDebugState (
    [in] CorDebugThreadState  state,
    [in] ICorDebugThread      *pExceptThisThread


state [in] A value of the "CorDebugThreadState" enumeration that specifies the state of the thread for debugging.

pExceptThisThread [in] A pointer to an "ICorDebugThread" object that represents a thread to be exempted from the debug state setting. If this value is null, no thread is exempted.


The SetAllThreadsDebugState method may affect threads that are not visible via EnumerateThreads Method, so threads that were suspended with the SetAllThreadsDebugState method will need to be resumed with the SetAllThreadsDebugState method.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorDebug.idl, CorDebug.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 1.0

See also