GcEvtArgs Structure

Describes a particular GC event which occurred. Such notification is given via the IXCLRDataExceptionNotification3::OnGcEvent callback.


This API was originally designed for internal use in the runtime. Although it is now supported for 3rd party use, we recommend working with ICorDebug and ICorProfiler APIs when possible.


struct GcEvtArgs
    GcEvt_t typ;

      int condemnedGeneration;


Member Description
typ Indicates the type of GC event.
condemnedGeneration The condemned GC generation.

Note that the typ member is an enumeration containing one of the following values:

Member Value Description
GC_MARK_END 1 Indicates the end of the mark phase of the GC.


This structure lives inside the runtime and is not exposed through any headers or library files. To use it, define the structure as specified above.


Platforms: See System Requirements. Header: None Library: None .NET Framework Versions: Available since 4.7

See also