_EFN_GetManagedExcepStack Function

Given a managed exception object address, returns a string version of the stack trace contained inside.


HRESULT _EFN_GetManagedExcepStack(
    [in]  PDEBUG_CLIENT Client,
    [in]  ULONG64       StackObjAddr,
    [out] __out_ecount(cbString) PSTR szStackString,
    [out] ULONG         cbString


Client [in] The client being debugged.

StackObjAddr [in] A managed object pointer, derived from Exception.

szStackString [out] The returned string.

cbString [out] The number of characters available in the string buffer.


If there is no managed code on the thread currently in context, the function returns HRESULT SOS_E_NOMANAGEDCODE with a facility value of 0xa0 and an error code of 0x1000.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: SOS_Stacktrace.h

.NET Framework Version: Available since 2.0

See also