dotnet-core-uninstall list

This article applies to: ✔️ .NET Uninstall Tool 1.7.521001 and later versions


dotnet-core-uninstall list - List .NET SDKs or runtimes that can be removed with this tool.


dotnet-core-uninstall list [--aspnet-runtime] [--hosting-bundle]
    [--runtime] [--sdk] [-v|--verbosity <LEVEL>] [--x64] [--x86]

dotnet-core-uninstall list -?|-h|--help
dotnet-core-uninstall list [--runtime] [--sdk] [-v|--verbosity <LEVEL>]

dotnet-core-uninstall list -?|-h|--help


The dotnet-core-uninstall list command lists installed .NET SDKs or runtimes that can be removed with this tool. For more information about the limitations of this tool, see .NET uninstall tool overview.


  • --aspnet-runtime

    Lists all the ASP.NET Core runtimes that can be uninstalled with this tool.

  • --hosting-bundle

    Lists all the .NET hosting bundles that can be uninstalled with this tool.

  • --runtime

    Lists all the .NET runtimes that can be uninstalled with this tool.

  • --sdk

    Lists all the .NET SDKs that can be uninstalled with this tool.

  • -v, --verbosity <LEVEL>

    Sets the verbosity level. The default value is normal. Allowed values are:

    • q[uiet]
    • m[inimal]
    • n[ormal]
    • d[etailed]
    • diag[nostic].
  • --x64

    Lists all the x64 .NET SDKs and runtimes that can be uninstalled with this tool.

  • --x86

    Lists all the x86 .NET SDKs and runtimes that can be uninstalled with this tool.

  • -?|-h|--help

    Shows help and usage information


  • List all the .NET SDKs and runtimes that can be removed with this tool:

    dotnet-core-uninstall list
  • List all the x64 .NET SDKs and runtimes:

    dotnet-core-uninstall list --x64
  • List all the x86 .NET SDKs:

    dotnet-core-uninstall list --sdk --x86

See also