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JsonRpc.AllowModificationWhileListening Property


Gets or sets a value indicating whether configuration of this instance can be changed after StartListening() or Attach(Stream, Object) has been called.

public bool AllowModificationWhileListening { get; set; }
member this.AllowModificationWhileListening : bool with get, set
Public Property AllowModificationWhileListening As Boolean

Property Value

The default is false.


By default, all configuration such as target objects and target methods must be set before listening starts to avoid a race condition whereby we receive a method invocation message before we have wired up a handler for it and must reject the call. But in some advanced scenarios, it may be necessary to add target methods after listening has started (e.g. in response to an invocation that enables additional functionality), in which case setting this property to true is appropriate.

Applies to