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ProvideToolboxItemDiscoveryAttribute.VisibilityUIContexts Property


Gets or sets a list of UIContexts that controls the visibility of the tab. The tab is hidden if none of the UI contexts are set. Only non-dynamic UI contexts are supported (for example, OsWindows8OrHigherContext). Use of dynamic contexts like NoSolutionContext is not supported and results in non-deterministic behaviors.

 property cli::array <System::String ^> ^ VisibilityUIContexts { cli::array <System::String ^> ^ get(); void set(cli::array <System::String ^> ^ value); };
 property Platform::Array <Platform::String ^> ^ VisibilityUIContexts { Platform::Array <Platform::String ^> ^ get(); void set(Platform::Array <Platform::String ^> ^ value); };
public string[] VisibilityUIContexts { get; set; }
member this.VisibilityUIContexts : string[] with get, set
Public Property VisibilityUIContexts As String()

Property Value


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