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IVsSingleFileGenerator.DefaultExtension(String) Method


Retrieves the file extension that is given to the output file name.

 int DefaultExtension([Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::String ^ % pbstrDefaultExtension);
int DefaultExtension([Runtime::InteropServices::Out] std::wstring const & & pbstrDefaultExtension);
public int DefaultExtension (out string pbstrDefaultExtension);
abstract member DefaultExtension : string -> int
Public Function DefaultExtension (ByRef pbstrDefaultExtension As String) As Integer



[out, retval] Returns the file extension that is to be given to the output file name. The returned extension must include a leading period.


If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.


The project system invokes DefaultExtension in order to determine what extension to give to the generated output file.

The project system creates the file name of the generated file by:

  • Stripping the extension of the input file.

  • Appending the extension obtained from DefaultExtension.

  • Making the file name unique, if necessary.

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