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ConnectedServiceHandlerHelper.TokenReplacementValues Property


Gets a dictionary of token replacement key and values that will be used to replace tokens in AddFileAsync and PerformTokenReplacement.

 abstract property System::Collections::Generic::IDictionary<System::String ^, System::String ^> ^ TokenReplacementValues { System::Collections::Generic::IDictionary<System::String ^, System::String ^> ^ get(); };
public abstract System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string,string> TokenReplacementValues { get; }
member this.TokenReplacementValues : System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string>
Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property TokenReplacementValues As IDictionary(Of String, String)

Property Value

Returns IDictionary<TKey, TValue>.


The tokens are specified in the file content with the following format: $TokenName$. That is, the token's name with a $ character immediately before and immediately after.

The following list describes the built-in tokens that can be used: 1. ProjectName - The Name of the current VS Project. 2. vslcid - The Locale ID of the current UI culture, for example - 0x1033 for English-US. 3. RootNamespace - The root namespace for the current file being added in AddFileAsync. For C# projects, this value is dynamically calculated based on the DefaultNamespace of the VS project, plus the folder the file is being added to. For VB projects, it is just the DefaultNamespace of the VS project. 4. ProjectDefaultNamespace - The VS Project's "DefaultNamespace" value, as set in Project Properties. 5. AssemblyName - The name of the output assembly of the VS Project. 6. ServiceInstance.Name - The Name of the ConnectedServiceInstance. 7. ServiceInstance.InstanceId - The InstanceId of the ConnectedServiceInstance. 8. For each string value in the ConnectedServiceInstance.Metadata dictionary, a token with the name ServiceInstance.{Metadata Name} will be added with the value of the corresponding Value in the Metadata dictionary.

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