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OpenGisGeometryType Enum


Lists Open GIS geometry types.

public enum OpenGisGeometryType
type OpenGisGeometryType = 
Public Enum OpenGisGeometryType


Name Value Description
Point 1

Point is a 0-dimensional object that represents a single location.

LineString 2

LineString is a one-dimensional object representing a sequence of points and the line segments connecting them.

Polygon 3

Polygon is a two-dimensional surface stored as a sequence of points defining an exterior bounding ring and zero or more interior rings.

MultiPoint 4

MultiPoint is a collection of zero or more points.

MultiLineString 5

MultiLineString is a collection of zero or more geometryLineString instances.

MultiPolygon 6

MultiPolygon is a collection of zero or more Polygon instances.

GeometryCollection 7

GeometryCollection is a collection of zero or more geometry instances.

CircularString 8

A CircularString is a collection of zero or more continuous circular arc segments.

CompoundCurve 9

A CompoundCurve is a collection of zero or more continuous CircularString or LineString instances of either geometry or geography types.

CurvePolygon 10

A CurvePolygon is a topologically closed surface defined by an exterior bounding ring and zero or more interior rings.

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