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AudioVideoMcuRouting Class


Represents the controls that can be used to configure audio routing at the audio-video MCU between participants.

public ref class AudioVideoMcuRouting
public class AudioVideoMcuRouting
type AudioVideoMcuRouting = class
Public Class AudioVideoMcuRouting


A trusted application can control the routing of audio and DTMF to and from one of its calls that are connected to the audio-video MCU. An AudioVideoCall can have zero or more outgoing audio routes to other endpoints connected to the MCU. The application can also have zero or more incoming audio routes from other endpoints.

Controlling audio routes enables developers to write applications that provide conference services by joining the conference as a trusted participant and hence not visible to normal clients like Microsoft Lync 2010. An example of such service is the Conferencing Announcement Service (CAS). CAS will establish outgoing routes to several PSTN users to announce that other users have joined or left the conference (since PSTN users do not have a GUI interface to monitor the roster).

Whenever an normal user joins the audio-video MCU, she is placed in the audio-video MCU default routing where all other participants communicate with each other. A trusted application can isolate that user from the audio-video Mcu default routing to play an exclusive announcement (like a help message that could take several seconds) BeginRemoveFromDefaultRouting(ParticipantEndpoint, AsyncCallback, Object) and BeginAddToDefaultRouting(ParticipantEndpoint, AsyncCallback, Object).

A trusted application can also establish an AudioVideoCall outside of the audio-video MCU default routing by setting RemoveFromDefaultRouting.


BeginUpdateAudioRoutes(IEnumerable<OutgoingAudioRoute>, IEnumerable<IncomingAudioRoute>, AsyncCallback, Object)

Updates routing of outgoing audio to and the incoming audio from other endpoints that are connected to the audio-video MCU.


Waits for the pending asynchronous join operation to complete.

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