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PropId Enum


Defines identifiers that uniquely identify job, task, and node properties. Use these property identifiers when specifying a filter or sort property.

public enum PropId
type PropId = 
Public Enum PropId


Job_AutoCalculateMax 1083

Identifies the AutoCalculateMax property. This enumeration member represents a value of 1083.

Job_AutoCalculateMin 1084

Identifies the AutoCalculateMin property. This enumeration member represents a value of 1084.

Job_CanGrow 1059

Identifies the CanGrow property. This enumeration member represents a value of 1059.

Job_CanShrink 1060

Identifies the CanShrink property. This enumeration member represents a value of 1060.

Job_ChangeTime 16

Identifies the ChangeTime property. This enumeration member represents a value of 16.

Job_CreateTime 11

Identifies the CreateTime property. This enumeration member represents a value of 11.

Job_EndTime 14

Identifies the EndTime property. This enumeration member represents a value of 14.

Job_IsExclusive 53

Identifies the IsExclusive property. This enumeration member represents a value of 53.

Job_JobType 1007

Filter or sort the jobs based on the type of job (for example, a command or a scheduled batch job). For possible job type values, see the JobType enumeration. This enumeration member represents a value of 1007.

Job_MaxCores 41

Identifies the MaximumNumberOfCores property. This enumeration member represents a value of 41.

Job_MaxNodes 45

Identifies the MaximumNumberOfNodes property. This enumeration member represents a value of 45.

Job_MaxSockets 43

Identifies the MaximumNumberOfSockets property. This enumeration member represents a value of 43.

Job_MinCores 40

Identifies the MinimumNumberOfCores property. This enumeration member represents a value of 40.

Job_MinNodes 44

Identifies the MinimumNumberOfNodes property. This enumeration member represents a value of 44.

Job_MinSockets 42

Identifies the MinimumNumberOfSockets property. This enumeration member represents a value of 42.

Job_Name 2

Identifies the Name property. This enumeration member represents a value of 2.

Job_Owner 1003

Identifies the Owner property. This enumeration member represents a value of 1003.

Job_PreviousState 1002

Identifies the PreviousState property. This enumeration member represents a value of 1002.

Job_Priority 1017

Identifies the Priority property. This enumeration member represents a value of 1017.

Job_Project 1006

Identifies the Project property. This enumeration member represents a value of 1006.

Job_RequeueCount 1075

Identifies the RequeueCount property. This enumeration member represents a value of 1075.

Job_RuntimeSeconds 51

Identifies the Runtime property. This enumeration member represents a value of 51.

Job_RunUntilCanceled 52

Identifies the RunUntilCanceled property. This enumeration member represents a value of 52.

Job_StartTime 12

Identifies the StartTime property. This enumeration member represents a value of 12.

Job_State 1001

Identifies the State property. This enumeration member represents a value of 1001.

Job_SubmitTime 10

Identifies the SubmitTime property. This enumeration member represents a value of 10.

Job_UnitType 39

Identifies the UnitType property. This enumeration member represents a value of 39.

Job_UserName 1004

Identifies the UserName property. This enumeration member represents a value of 1004.

Node_CpuSpeed 8017

Identifies the CpuSpeed property. This enumeration member represents a value of 8017.

Node_Guid 8015

Identifies the Guid property. This enumeration member represents a value of 8015.

Node_JobType 400

Identifies the JobType property. This enumeration member represents a value of 400.

Node_MemorySize 8016

Identifies the MemorySize property. This enumeration member represents a value of 8016.

Node_Name 2

Identifies the Name property. This enumeration member represents a value of 2.

Node_NumCores 8005

Identifies the NumberOfCores property. This enumeration member represents a value of 8005.

Node_NumSockets 8006

Identifies the NumberOfSockets property. This enumeration member represents a value of 8006.

Node_OfflineTime 8008

Identifies the OfflineTime property. This enumeration member represents a value of 8008.

Node_OnlineTime 8009

Identifies the OnlineTime property. This enumeration member represents a value of 8009.

Node_Reachable 8004

Identifies the Reachable property. This enumeration member represents a value of 8004.

Node_State 8001

Identifies the State property. This enumeration member represents a value of 8001.

Task_ChangeTime 16

Identifies the ChangeTime property. This enumeration member represents a value of 16.

Task_CreateTime 11

Identifies the CreateTime property. This enumeration member represents a value of 11.

Task_EndTime 14

Identifies the EndTime property. This enumeration member represents a value of 14.

Task_ExitCode 2033

Identifies the ExitCode property. This enumeration member represents a value of 2033.

Task_IsExclusive 53

Identifies the IsExclusive property. This enumeration member represents a value of 53.

Task_IsParametric 2050

Identifies the IsParametric property. This enumeration member represents a value of 2050.

Task_IsRerunnable 2015

Identifies the IsRerunnable property. This enumeration member represents a value of 2015.

Task_MaxCores 41

Identifies the MaximumNumberOfCores property. This enumeration member represents a value of 41.

Task_MaxNodes 45

Identifies the MaximumNumberOfNodes property. This enumeration member represents a value of 45.

Task_MaxSockets 43

Identifies the MaximumNumberOfSockets property. This enumeration member represents a value of 43.

Task_MinCores 40

Identifies the MinimumNumberOfCores property. This enumeration member represents a value of 40.

Task_MinNodes 44

Identifies the MinimumNumberOfNodes property. This enumeration member represents a value of 44.

Task_MinSockets 42

Identifies the MinimumNumberOfSockets property. This enumeration member represents a value of 42.

Task_Name 2

Identifies the Name property. This enumeration member represents a value of 2.

Task_ParentJobId 2003

Identifies the ParentJobId property. This enumeration member represents a value of 2003.

Task_PreviousState 2002

Identifies the PreviousState property. This enumeration member represents a value of 2002.

Task_RequeueCount 2044

Identifies the RequeueCount property. This enumeration member represents a value of 2044.

Task_RuntimeSeconds 51

Identifies the Runtime property. This enumeration member represents a value of 51.

Task_StartTime 12

Identifies the StartTime property. This enumeration member represents a value of 12.

Task_State 2001

Identifies the State property. This enumeration member represents a value of 2001.

Task_SubmitTime 10

Identifies the SubmitTime property. This enumeration member represents a value of 10.

Task_Type 2080

Identifies the Type property. This member is supported by Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 R2 and later versions. This enumeration member represents a value of 2080.

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