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IPoliciesOperations Interface


PoliciesOperations operations.

public interface IPoliciesOperations
type IPoliciesOperations = interface
Public Interface IPoliciesOperations


GetByBillingProfileWithHttpMessagesAsync(String, String, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Lists the policies for a billing profile. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

GetByCustomerWithHttpMessagesAsync(String, String, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Lists the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

UpdateCustomerWithHttpMessagesAsync(String, String, CustomerPolicy, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Updates the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

UpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync(String, String, Policy, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Updates the policies for a billing profile. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

Extension Methods

GetByBillingProfile(IPoliciesOperations, String, String)

Lists the policies for a billing profile. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

GetByBillingProfileAsync(IPoliciesOperations, String, String, CancellationToken)

Lists the policies for a billing profile. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

GetByCustomer(IPoliciesOperations, String, String)

Lists the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

GetByCustomerAsync(IPoliciesOperations, String, String, CancellationToken)

Lists the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

Update(IPoliciesOperations, String, String, Policy)

Updates the policies for a billing profile. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

UpdateAsync(IPoliciesOperations, String, String, Policy, CancellationToken)

Updates the policies for a billing profile. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

UpdateCustomer(IPoliciesOperations, String, String, CustomerPolicy)

Updates the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

UpdateCustomerAsync(IPoliciesOperations, String, String, CustomerPolicy, CancellationToken)

Updates the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

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