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HttpResponseData Class


A representation of the outgoing HTTP response.

public abstract class HttpResponseData
type HttpResponseData = class
Public MustInherit Class HttpResponseData



Initializes a new instance of the HttpResponseData class.



Gets or sets the response body stream.


Gets an HttpCookies instance containing the request cookies.


Gets the FunctionContext for this response.


Gets or sets a HttpHeadersCollection containing the response headers


Gets or sets the status code for the response.



Creates an HTTP response for the provided request.

Extension Methods

WriteAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpResponseData, T, ObjectSerializer, HttpStatusCode, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously writes the specified value as JSON to the response body using the provided ObjectSerializer. The response content-type will be set to application/json; charset=utf-8 and the status code set to the provided statusCode.

WriteAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpResponseData, T, ObjectSerializer, String, HttpStatusCode, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously writes the specified value as JSON to the response body using the provided ObjectSerializer. The response content-type will be set to the provided contentType and the status code set to the provided statusCode.

WriteAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpResponseData, T, ObjectSerializer, String, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously writes the specified value as JSON to the response body using the provided ObjectSerializer. The response content-type will be set to the provided contentType and the status code set to 200.

WriteAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpResponseData, T, ObjectSerializer, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously writes the specified value as JSON to the response body using the provided ObjectSerializer. The response content-type will be set to application/json; charset=utf-8 and the status code set to 200.

WriteAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpResponseData, T, HttpStatusCode, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously writes the specified value as JSON to the response body using the default ObjectSerializer configured for this worker. The response content-type will be set to application/json; charset=utf-8 and the status code set to the provided statusCode.

WriteAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpResponseData, T, String, HttpStatusCode, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously writes the specified value as JSON to the response body using the default ObjectSerializer configured for this worker. The response content-type will be set to the provided contentType and the status code set to the provided statusCode.

WriteAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpResponseData, T, String, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously writes the specified value as JSON to the response body using the default ObjectSerializer configured for this worker. The response content-type will be set to the provided contentType and the status code set to 200.

WriteAsJsonAsync<T>(HttpResponseData, T, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously writes the specified value as JSON to the response body using the default ObjectSerializer configured for this worker. The response content-type will be set to application/json; charset=utf-8 and the status code set to 200.

WriteBytes(HttpResponseData, Byte[])

Writes the provided bytes to the response body.

WriteBytesAsync(HttpResponseData, Byte[], CancellationToken)

Asynchronously writes the provided bytes to the response body, and monitors cancellation requests.

WriteBytesAsync(HttpResponseData, Byte[])

Asynchronously writes the provided bytes to the response body.

WriteString(HttpResponseData, String, Encoding)

Writes the provided string to the response body using the specified encoding.

WriteStringAsync(HttpResponseData, String, Encoding)

Asynchronously writes the provided string to the response body using the specified encoding.

WriteStringAsync(HttpResponseData, String, CancellationToken, Encoding)

Asynchronously writes the provided string to the response body using the specified encoding, and monitors cancellation requests.

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