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IDocumentClient.ReplaceOfferAsync(Offer) Method


Replaces a Offer in the Azure Cosmos DB service as an asynchronous operation.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client.ResourceResponse<Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Offer>> ReplaceOfferAsync (Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Offer offer);
abstract member ReplaceOfferAsync : Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Offer -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client.ResourceResponse<Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Offer>>
Public Function ReplaceOfferAsync (offer As Offer) As Task(Of ResourceResponse(Of Offer))



The updated Offer to replace the existing resource with.


A System.Threading.Tasks containing a ResourceResponse<TResource> which wraps a Offer containing the updated resource record.


If offer is not set.

This exception can encapsulate many different types of errors. To determine the specific error always look at the StatusCode property. Some common codes you may get when creating a Document are:

StatusCodeReason for exception
404NotFound - This means the resource you tried to delete did not exist.
429TooManyRequests - The replace offer is throttled as the offer scale down operation is attempted within the idle timeout period of 4 hours. Consult the DocumentClientException.RetryAfter value to see how long you should wait before retrying this operation.


//Fetch the resource to be updated
Offer offer = client.CreateOfferQuery()
                         .Where(r => r.ResourceLink == "collection selfLink")

//Create a new offer with the changed throughput
OfferV2 newOffer = new OfferV2(offer, 5000);

//Now persist these changes to the database by replacing the original resource
Offer updated = await client.ReplaceOfferAsync(newOffer);

Applies to

See also