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IDataProtectionBuilder Interface


Provides access to configuration for the data protection system, which allows the developer to configure default cryptographic algorithms, key storage locations, and the mechanism by which keys are protected at rest.

public interface class IDataProtectionBuilder
public interface IDataProtectionBuilder
type IDataProtectionBuilder = interface
Public Interface IDataProtectionBuilder


If the developer changes the at-rest key protection mechanism, it is intended that they also change the key storage location, and vice versa. For instance, a call to ProtectKeysWithCertificate(IDataProtectionBuilder, String) should generally be accompanied by a call to PersistKeysToFileSystem(IDataProtectionBuilder, DirectoryInfo), or exceptions may occur at runtime due to the data protection system not knowing where to persist keys.

Similarly, when a developer modifies the default protected payload cryptographic algorithms, they should also set an explicit key storage location. A call to UseCryptographicAlgorithms(IDataProtectionBuilder, AuthenticatedEncryptorConfiguration) should therefore generally be paired with a call to PersistKeysToFileSystem(IDataProtectionBuilder, DirectoryInfo), for example.

When the default cryptographic algorithms or at-rest key protection mechanisms are changed, they only affect new keys in the repository. The repository may contain existing keys that use older algorithms or protection mechanisms.



Provides access to the IServiceCollection passed to this object's constructor.

Extension Methods

PersistKeysToAzureBlobStorage(IDataProtectionBuilder, CloudBlobContainer, String)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to the specified path in Azure Blob Storage.

PersistKeysToAzureBlobStorage(IDataProtectionBuilder, CloudBlockBlob)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to the specified path in Azure Blob Storage.

PersistKeysToAzureBlobStorage(IDataProtectionBuilder, CloudStorageAccount, String)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to the specified path in Azure Blob Storage.

PersistKeysToAzureBlobStorage(IDataProtectionBuilder, CloudBlobContainer, String)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to the specified path in Azure Blob Storage.

PersistKeysToAzureBlobStorage(IDataProtectionBuilder, CloudBlockBlob)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to the specified path in Azure Blob Storage.

PersistKeysToAzureBlobStorage(IDataProtectionBuilder, CloudStorageAccount, String)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to the specified path in Azure Blob Storage.

PersistKeysToAzureBlobStorage(IDataProtectionBuilder, Uri)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to the specified path in Azure Blob Storage.

ProtectKeysWithAzureKeyVault(IDataProtectionBuilder, KeyVaultClient, String)

Configures the data protection system to protect keys with specified key in Azure KeyVault.

ProtectKeysWithAzureKeyVault(IDataProtectionBuilder, String, String, X509Certificate2)

Configures the data protection system to protect keys with specified key in Azure KeyVault.

ProtectKeysWithAzureKeyVault(IDataProtectionBuilder, String, String, String)

Configures the data protection system to protect keys with specified key in Azure KeyVault.

AddKeyEscrowSink(IDataProtectionBuilder, IKeyEscrowSink)

Registers a IKeyEscrowSink to perform escrow before keys are persisted to storage.

AddKeyEscrowSink(IDataProtectionBuilder, Func<IServiceProvider,IKeyEscrowSink>)

Registers a IKeyEscrowSink to perform escrow before keys are persisted to storage.


Registers a IKeyEscrowSink to perform escrow before keys are persisted to storage.

AddKeyManagementOptions(IDataProtectionBuilder, Action<KeyManagementOptions>)

Configures the key management options for the data protection system.


Configures the data protection system not to generate new keys automatically.

PersistKeysToFileSystem(IDataProtectionBuilder, DirectoryInfo)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to the specified directory. This path may be on the local machine or may point to a UNC share.

PersistKeysToRegistry(IDataProtectionBuilder, RegistryKey)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to the Windows registry.

ProtectKeysWithCertificate(IDataProtectionBuilder, X509Certificate2)

Configures keys to be encrypted to a given certificate before being persisted to storage.

ProtectKeysWithCertificate(IDataProtectionBuilder, String)

Configures keys to be encrypted to a given certificate before being persisted to storage.

ProtectKeysWithDpapi(IDataProtectionBuilder, Boolean)

Configures keys to be encrypted with Windows DPAPI before being persisted to storage.


Configures keys to be encrypted with Windows DPAPI before being persisted to storage. The encrypted key will only be decryptable by the current Windows user account.

ProtectKeysWithDpapiNG(IDataProtectionBuilder, String, DpapiNGProtectionDescriptorFlags)

Configures keys to be encrypted with Windows CNG DPAPI before being persisted to storage.


Configures keys to be encrypted with Windows CNG DPAPI before being persisted to storage. The keys will be decryptable by the current Windows user account.

SetApplicationName(IDataProtectionBuilder, String)

Sets the unique name of this application within the data protection system.

SetDefaultKeyLifetime(IDataProtectionBuilder, TimeSpan)

Sets the default lifetime of keys created by the data protection system.

UnprotectKeysWithAnyCertificate(IDataProtectionBuilder, X509Certificate2[])

Configures certificates which can be used to decrypt keys loaded from storage.

UseCryptographicAlgorithms(IDataProtectionBuilder, AuthenticatedEncryptionSettings)

Configures the data protection system to use the specified cryptographic algorithms by default when generating protected payloads.

UseCryptographicAlgorithms(IDataProtectionBuilder, AuthenticatedEncryptorConfiguration)

Configures the data protection system to use the specified cryptographic algorithms by default when generating protected payloads.

UseCustomCryptographicAlgorithms(IDataProtectionBuilder, CngCbcAuthenticatedEncryptionSettings)

Configures the data protection system to use custom Windows CNG algorithms. This API is intended for advanced scenarios where the developer cannot use the algorithms specified in the EncryptionAlgorithm and ValidationAlgorithm enumerations.

UseCustomCryptographicAlgorithms(IDataProtectionBuilder, CngGcmAuthenticatedEncryptionSettings)

Configures the data protection system to use custom Windows CNG algorithms. This API is intended for advanced scenarios where the developer cannot use the algorithms specified in the EncryptionAlgorithm and ValidationAlgorithm enumerations.

UseCustomCryptographicAlgorithms(IDataProtectionBuilder, CngCbcAuthenticatedEncryptorConfiguration)

Configures the data protection system to use custom Windows CNG algorithms. This API is intended for advanced scenarios where the developer cannot use the algorithms specified in the EncryptionAlgorithm and ValidationAlgorithm enumerations.

UseCustomCryptographicAlgorithms(IDataProtectionBuilder, CngGcmAuthenticatedEncryptorConfiguration)

Configures the data protection system to use custom Windows CNG algorithms. This API is intended for advanced scenarios where the developer cannot use the algorithms specified in the EncryptionAlgorithm and ValidationAlgorithm enumerations.

UseCustomCryptographicAlgorithms(IDataProtectionBuilder, ManagedAuthenticatedEncryptorConfiguration)

Configures the data protection system to use custom algorithms. This API is intended for advanced scenarios where the developer cannot use the algorithms specified in the EncryptionAlgorithm and ValidationAlgorithm enumerations.

UseCustomCryptographicAlgorithms(IDataProtectionBuilder, ManagedAuthenticatedEncryptionSettings)

Configures the data protection system to use custom algorithms. This API is intended for advanced scenarios where the developer cannot use the algorithms specified in the EncryptionAlgorithm and ValidationAlgorithm enumerations.


Configures the data protection system to use the EphemeralDataProtectionProvider for data protection services.


Configures the data protection system to persist keys to an EntityFrameworkCore datastore

PersistKeysToRedis(IDataProtectionBuilder, IConnectionMultiplexer, RedisKey)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to the specified key in Redis database

PersistKeysToRedis(IDataProtectionBuilder, IConnectionMultiplexer)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to the default key ('DataProtection-Keys') in Redis database

PersistKeysToRedis(IDataProtectionBuilder, Func<IDatabase>, RedisKey)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to specified key in Redis database

PersistKeysToStackExchangeRedis(IDataProtectionBuilder, IConnectionMultiplexer, RedisKey)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to the specified key in Redis database

PersistKeysToStackExchangeRedis(IDataProtectionBuilder, IConnectionMultiplexer)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to the default key ('DataProtection-Keys') in Redis database

PersistKeysToStackExchangeRedis(IDataProtectionBuilder, Func<IDatabase>, RedisKey)

Configures the data protection system to persist keys to specified key in Redis database

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