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View.AnimationMatrix Property


Return the current transformation matrix of the view. -or- Changes the transformation matrix on the view.

public virtual Android.Graphics.Matrix? AnimationMatrix { [Android.Runtime.Register("getAnimationMatrix", "()Landroid/graphics/Matrix;", "GetGetAnimationMatrixHandler", ApiSince=29)] get; [Android.Runtime.Register("setAnimationMatrix", "(Landroid/graphics/Matrix;)V", "GetSetAnimationMatrix_Landroid_graphics_Matrix_Handler", ApiSince=29)] set; }
[<get: Android.Runtime.Register("getAnimationMatrix", "()Landroid/graphics/Matrix;", "GetGetAnimationMatrixHandler", ApiSince=29)>]
[<set: Android.Runtime.Register("setAnimationMatrix", "(Landroid/graphics/Matrix;)V", "GetSetAnimationMatrix_Landroid_graphics_Matrix_Handler", ApiSince=29)>]
member this.AnimationMatrix : Android.Graphics.Matrix with get, set

Property Value

the Matrix, null indicates there is no transformation



Property getter documentation:

Return the current transformation matrix of the view. This is used in animation frameworks, such as android.transition.Transition. Returns null when there is no transformation provided by #setAnimationMatrix(Matrix). Application developers should use transformation methods like #setRotation(float), #setScaleX(float), #setScaleX(float), #setTranslationX(float)} and #setTranslationY(float) (float)}} instead.

Java documentation for android.view.View.getAnimationMatrix().

Property setter documentation:

Changes the transformation matrix on the view. This is used in animation frameworks, such as android.transition.Transition. When the animation finishes, the matrix should be cleared by calling this method with null as the matrix parameter. Application developers should use transformation methods like #setRotation(float), #setScaleX(float), #setScaleX(float), #setTranslationX(float)} and #setTranslationY(float) (float)}} instead.

Java documentation for android.view.View.setAnimationMatrix(

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