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AndroidApp Class


Represents a running Android application.

public class AndroidApp : Xamarin.UITest.IApp
type AndroidApp = class
    interface IApp
Public Class AndroidApp
Implements IApp



Main entry point for creating Android applications. Should not be called directly but instead be invoked through the use of ConfigureApp.



Runtime information and control of the currently running device.


Contains helper methods for outputting the result of queries instead of resorting to Console.


Allows HTTP access to the test server running on the device.



Presses the back button of the device.


Clears text from the currently focused element.


Clears text from a matching element that supports it.


Clears text from a matching element that supports it.


Clears text from a matching element that supports it.


Hides keyboard if present


Performs two quick tap / touch gestures on the matched element. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.


Performs two quick tap / touch gestures on the matched element. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used. This version is specifically for queries on web views


Performs two quick tap / touch gestures on the matched element. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

DoubleTapCoordinates(Single, Single)

Performs a quick double tap / touch gesture on the given coordinates.

DragAndDrop(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>)

> Performs a long touch on an item, followed by dragging the item to a second item and dropping it

DragAndDrop(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, DropLocation, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Int32, Action)

> Performs a long touch on an item, followed by dragging the item to a second item and dropping it

DragAndDrop(String, String)

> Performs a long touch on an item, followed by dragging the item to a second item and dropping it

DragAndDrop(String, String, DropLocation, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Int32, Action)

Performs a long touch on an item, followed by dragging the item to a second item and dropping it

DragCoordinates(Single, Single, Single, Single)

Performs a continuous drag gesture between 2 points.

EnterText(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, String)

Enters text into a matching element that supports it.

EnterText(Func<AppQuery,AppWebQuery>, String)

Enters text into a matching element that supports it.


Enters text into the currently focused element.

EnterText(String, String)

Enters text into a matching element that supports it.


Highlights the results of the query by making them flash. Specify view elements using the fluent API. Defaults to all view objects that are visible.


Highlights the results of the query by making them flash. Specify view elements using marked string.

Invoke(String, Object)

Invokes a method on the app's main activity. For Xamarin apps, methods must be exposed using attributes as shown below.

Android example in activity:

public string MyInvokeMethod(string arg)
    return "uitest";
Invoke(String, Object[])

Invokes a method on the app's main activity. For Xamarin apps, methods must be exposed using attributes as shown below.

Android example in activity:

public string MyInvokeMethod(string arg, string arg2)
    return "uitest";
PinchToZoomIn(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Performs a pinch gestures on the matched element to zoom the view in. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

PinchToZoomIn(String, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Performs a pinch gestures on the matched element to zoom the view in. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

PinchToZoomInCoordinates(Single, Single, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Performs a pinch gestures to zoom the view in on the given coordinates.

PinchToZoomOut(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Performs a pinch gestures on the matched element to zoom the view out. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

PinchToZoomOut(String, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Performs a pinch gestures on the matched element to zoom the view out. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

PinchToZoomOutCoordinates(Single, Single, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Performs a pinch gestures to zoom the view in on the given coordinates.


Presses the enter key in the app.


Presses the menu button of the device.


Presses the user action in the app.


Presses the volume down button on the device.


Presses the volume up button on the device.


Queries view objects using the fluent API. Defaults to only return view objects that are visible.


Queries web view objects using the fluent API. Defaults to only return view objects that are visible.


Invokes Javascript on view objects using the fluent API.


Queries view objects using the fluent API. Defaults to only return view objects that are visible.


Queries view objects values using the fluent API.


Starts an interactive REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) for app exploration and pauses test execution until it is closed.


Takes a screenshot of the app in it's current state. This is used to denote test steps in the Xamarin Test Cloud.

ScrollDown(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean)

Scrolls down on the first element matching query.

ScrollDown(String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean)

Scrolls down on the first element matching query.

ScrollDownTo(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll down until an element that matches the toQuery is shown on the screen.

ScrollDownTo(Func<AppQuery,AppWebQuery>, Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll down until an element that matches the toQuery is shown on the screen.

ScrollDownTo(Func<AppQuery,AppWebQuery>, String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll down until an element that matches the toMarked is shown on the screen.

ScrollDownTo(String, String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll down until an element that matches the toMarked is shown on the screen.

ScrollLeft(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean)

Scrolls left on the first element matching query.

ScrollLeft(String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean)

Scrolls left on the first element matching query.

ScrollLeftTo(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll left until an element that matches the toQuery is shown on the screen.

ScrollLeftTo(Func<AppQuery,AppWebQuery>, Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll left until an element that matches the toQuery is shown on the screen.

ScrollLeftTo(Func<AppQuery,AppWebQuery>, String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll left until an element that matches the toMarked is shown on the screen.

ScrollLeftTo(String, String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll left until an element that matches the toMarked is shown on the screen.

ScrollRight(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean)

Scrolls right on the first element matching query.

ScrollRight(String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean)

Scrolls right on the first element matching query.

ScrollRightTo(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll right until an element that matches the toQuery is shown on the screen.

ScrollRightTo(Func<AppQuery,AppWebQuery>, Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll right until an element that matches the toQuery is shown on the screen.

ScrollRightTo(Func<AppQuery,AppWebQuery>, String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll right until an element that matches the toMarked is shown on the screen.

ScrollRightTo(String, String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll right until an element that matches the toMarked is shown on the screen.

ScrollTo(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll until an element that matches the toQuery is shown on the screen.

ScrollTo(Func<AppQuery,AppWebQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll until an element that matches the toQuery is shown on the screen.

ScrollTo(String, String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll until an element that matches the toMarked is shown on the screen.

ScrollToHorizontalEnd(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll the matching element so that its rightmost child element is visible. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

ScrollToHorizontalEnd(String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll the matching element so that its rightmost child element is visible. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

ScrollToHorizontalStart(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll the matching element so that its leftmost child element is visible. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

ScrollToHorizontalStart(String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll the matching element so that its leftmost child element is visible. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

ScrollToVerticalEnd(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll the matching element so that its bottom child element is visible. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

ScrollToVerticalEnd(String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll the matching element so that its bottom child element is visible. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

ScrollToVerticalStart(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll the matching element so that its top child element is visible. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

ScrollToVerticalStart(String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll the matching element so that its top child element is visible. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

ScrollUp(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean)

Scrolls up on the first element matching query.

ScrollUp(String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean)

Scrolls up on the first element matching query.

ScrollUpTo(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll up until an element that matches the toQuery is shown on the screen.

ScrollUpTo(Func<AppQuery,AppWebQuery>, Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll up until an element that matches the toQuery is shown on the screen.

ScrollUpTo(Func<AppQuery,AppWebQuery>, String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll up until an element that matches the toMarked is shown on the screen.

ScrollUpTo(String, String, ScrollStrategy, Double, Int32, Boolean, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Scroll up until an element that matches the toMarked is shown on the screen.


Changes the current activity orientation to landscape mode.


Changes the current activity orientation to portrait mode.

SetSliderValue(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, Double)

Sets the value of a slider element that matches query.

SetSliderValue(String, Double)

Sets the value of a slider element that matches marked.

SwipeLeftToRight(Double, Int32, Boolean)

Performs a left to right swipe gesture.

SwipeLeftToRight(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, Double, Int32, Boolean)

Performs a left to right swipe gesture on the matching element. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

SwipeLeftToRight(Func<AppQuery,AppWebQuery>, Double, Int32, Boolean)

Performs a left to right swipe gesture on the matching element. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

SwipeLeftToRight(String, Double, Int32, Boolean)

Performs a left to right swipe gesture on the matching element. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

SwipeRightToLeft(Double, Int32, Boolean)

Performs a right to left swipe gesture.

SwipeRightToLeft(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, Double, Int32, Boolean)

Performs a right to left swipe gesture on the matching element. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

SwipeRightToLeft(Func<AppQuery,AppWebQuery>, Double, Int32, Boolean)

Performs a left to right swipe gesture on the matching element. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

SwipeRightToLeft(String, Double, Int32, Boolean)

Performs a right to left swipe gesture on the matching element. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.


Performs a tap / touch gesture on the matched element. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.


Performs a tap / touch gesture on the matched element. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.


Performs a tap / touch gesture on the matched element. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

TapCoordinates(Single, Single)

Performs a tap / touch gesture on the given coordinates.


Performs a continuous touch gesture on the matched element. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.


Performs a continuous touch gesture on the matched element. If multiple elements are matched, the first one will be used.

TouchAndHoldCoordinates(Single, Single)

Performs a continuous touch gesture on the given coordinates.

WaitFor(Func<Boolean>, String, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Generic wait function that will repeatly call the predicate function until it returns true. Throws a TimeoutException if the predicate is not fullfilled within the time limit.

WaitForElement(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, String, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Wait function that will repeatly query the app until a matching element is found. Throws a TimeoutException if no element is found within the time limit.

WaitForElement(Func<AppQuery,AppWebQuery>, String, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Wait function that will repeatly query the app until a matching element is found. Throws a TimeoutException if no element is found within the time limit.

WaitForElement(String, String, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Wait function that will repeatly query the app until a matching element is found. Throws a TimeoutException if no element is found within the time limit.

WaitForNoElement(Func<AppQuery,AppQuery>, String, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Wait function that will repeatly query the app until a matching element is no longer found. Throws a TimeoutException if the element is visible at the end of the time limit.

WaitForNoElement(Func<AppQuery,AppWebQuery>, String, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Wait function that will repeatly query the app until a matching element is no longer found. Throws a TimeoutException if the element is visible at the end of the time limit.

WaitForNoElement(String, String, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>)

Wait function that will repeatly query the app until a matching element is no longer found. Throws a TimeoutException if the element is visible at the end of the time limit.

Explicit Interface Implementations


Runtime information and control of the currently running device.

Applies to