Microsoft Edge - Policies
The latest version of Microsoft Edge includes the following policies. You can use these policies to configure how Microsoft Edge runs in your organization.
For information about an additional set of policies used to control how and when Microsoft Edge is updated, check out Microsoft Edge update policy reference.
You can download the Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit for the recommended security configuration baseline settings for Microsoft Edge. For more information see the Microsoft Security Baselines Blog.
Starting in Microsoft Edge version 116, certain policies will not be applied to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account. For more information, please check an individual policy for details on whether it applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account.
This article applies to Microsoft Edge version 77 or later.
New policies
The following table lists the new, and deprecated policies that are in this article update.
Policy Name | Caption |
SwitchIntranetSitesToWorkProfile | Switch intranet sites to a work or school profile |
SwitchSitesOnIEModeSiteListToWorkProfile | Switch sites on the IE mode site list to a work or school profile |
OrganizationLogoOverlayOnAppIconEnabled | Allow your organization's logo from Microsoft Entra to be overlaid on the Microsoft Edge app icon of a work or school profile |
OrganizationalBrandingOnWorkProfileUIEnabled | Allow the use of your organization's branding assets from Microsoft Entra on the profile-related UI of a work or school profile |
SelectParserRelaxationEnabled | Controls whether the new HTML parser behavior for the <select> element is enabled |
Available policies
These tables list all of the browser-related group policies available in this release of Microsoft Edge. Use the links in the table to get more details about specific policies.
- Application Guard settings
- Cast
- Certificate management settings
- Content settings
- Default search provider
- Downloads
- Edge Website Typo Protection settings
- Edge Workspaces settings
- Experimentation
- Extensions
- Games settings
- Generative AI
- HTTP authentication
- Identity and sign-in
- Idle Browser Actions
- Immersive Reader settings
- Kiosk Mode settings
- Manageability
- Native Messaging
- Network settings
- PDF Reader
- Password manager and protection
- Performance
- Permit or deny screen capture
- Printing
- Private Network Request Settings
- Proxy server
- Related Website Sets Settings
- Scareware Blocker settings
- Sleeping tabs settings
- SmartScreen settings
- Startup, home page and new tab page
- WebRtc settings
- Additional
Application Guard settings
Policy Name | Caption |
ApplicationGuardContainerProxy | Application Guard Container Proxy |
ApplicationGuardFavoritesSyncEnabled | Application Guard Favorites Sync Enabled |
ApplicationGuardPassiveModeEnabled | Ignore Application Guard site list configuration and browse Edge normally |
ApplicationGuardTrafficIdentificationEnabled | Application Guard Traffic Identification |
ApplicationGuardUploadBlockingEnabled | Prevents files from being uploaded while in Application Guard |
Policy Name | Caption |
EdgeDisableDialProtocolForCastDiscovery | Disable DIAL protocol for cast device discovery |
EnableMediaRouter | Enable Google Cast |
ShowCastIconInToolbar | Show the cast icon in the toolbar |
Certificate management settings
Policy Name | Caption |
CACertificateManagementAllowed | Allow users to manage installed CA certificates. |
CACertificates | TLS server certificates that should be trusted by Microsoft Edge |
CACertificatesWithConstraints | TLS certificates that should be trusted by Microsoft Edge for server authentication with constraints |
CADistrustedCertificates | TLS certificates that should be distrusted by Microsoft Edge for server authentication |
CAHintCertificates | TLS certificates that are not trusted or distrusted but can be used in path-building for server authentication |
CAPlatformIntegrationEnabled | Use user-added TLS certificates from platform trust stores for server authentication |
Content settings
Policy Name | Caption |
AutoSelectCertificateForUrls | Automatically select client certificates for these sites |
AutomaticDownloadsAllowedForUrls | Allow multiple automatic downloads in quick succession on specific sites |
AutomaticDownloadsBlockedForUrls | Block multiple automatic downloads in quick succession on specific sites |
AutomaticFullscreenAllowedForUrls | Allow automatic full screen on specified sites |
AutomaticFullscreenBlockedForUrls | Block automatic full screen on specified sites |
CookiesAllowedForUrls | Allow cookies on specific sites |
CookiesBlockedForUrls | Block cookies on specific sites |
CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls | Limit cookies from specific websites to the current session |
DataUrlInSvgUseEnabled | Data URL support for SVGUseElement |
DefaultAutomaticDownloadsSetting | Default automatic downloads setting |
DefaultCookiesSetting | Configure cookies |
DefaultFileSystemReadGuardSetting | Control use of the File System API for reading |
DefaultFileSystemWriteGuardSetting | Control use of the File System API for writing |
DefaultGeolocationSetting | Default geolocation setting |
DefaultImagesSetting | Default images setting |
DefaultInsecureContentSetting | Control use of insecure content exceptions |
DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting | Control use of JavaScript JIT |
DefaultJavaScriptOptimizerSetting | Control use of JavaScript optimizers |
DefaultJavaScriptSetting | Default JavaScript setting |
DefaultNotificationsSetting | Default notification setting |
DefaultPluginsSetting | Default Adobe Flash setting (obsolete) |
DefaultPopupsSetting | Default pop-up window setting |
DefaultThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSetting | Default setting for third-party storage partitioning |
DefaultWebBluetoothGuardSetting | Control use of the Web Bluetooth API |
DefaultWebHidGuardSetting | Control use of the WebHID API |
DefaultWebUsbGuardSetting | Control use of the WebUSB API |
DefaultWindowManagementSetting | Default Window Management permission setting |
FileSystemReadAskForUrls | Allow read access via the File System API on these sites |
FileSystemReadBlockedForUrls | Block read access via the File System API on these sites |
FileSystemWriteAskForUrls | Allow write access to files and directories on these sites |
FileSystemWriteBlockedForUrls | Block write access to files and directories on these sites |
ImagesAllowedForUrls | Allow images on these sites |
ImagesBlockedForUrls | Block images on specific sites |
InsecureContentAllowedForUrls | Allow insecure content on specified sites |
InsecureContentBlockedForUrls | Block insecure content on specified sites |
IntranetFileLinksEnabled | Allow intranet zone file URL links from Microsoft Edge to open in Windows File Explorer |
JavaScriptAllowedForUrls | Allow JavaScript on specific sites |
JavaScriptBlockedForUrls | Block JavaScript on specific sites |
JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites | Allow JavaScript to use JIT on these sites |
JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites | Block JavaScript from using JIT on these sites |
JavaScriptOptimizerAllowedForSites | Allow JavaScript optimization on these sites |
JavaScriptOptimizerBlockedForSites | Block JavaScript optimizations on these sites |
LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled | Enable default legacy SameSite cookie behavior setting (obsolete) |
LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList | Revert to legacy SameSite behavior for cookies on specified sites (obsolete) |
NotificationsAllowedForUrls | Allow notifications on specific sites |
NotificationsBlockedForUrls | Block notifications on specific sites |
PartitionedBlobUrlUsage | Manage Blob URL Partitioning During Fetching and Navigation |
PluginsAllowedForUrls | Allow the Adobe Flash plug-in on specific sites (obsolete) |
PluginsBlockedForUrls | Block the Adobe Flash plug-in on specific sites (obsolete) |
PopupsAllowedForUrls | Allow pop-up windows on specific sites |
PopupsBlockedForUrls | Block pop-up windows on specific sites |
RegisteredProtocolHandlers | Register protocol handlers |
SerialAllowAllPortsForUrls | Automatically grant sites permission to connect all serial ports |
SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls | Automatically grant sites permission to connect to USB serial devices |
ShowPDFDefaultRecommendationsEnabled | Allow notifications to set Microsoft Edge as default PDF reader |
SpotlightExperiencesAndRecommendationsEnabled | Choose whether users can receive customized background images and text, suggestions, notifications, and tips for Microsoft services |
ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOrigins | Disable third-party storage partitioning for specific top-level origins |
WebHidAllowAllDevicesForUrls | Allow listed sites to connect to any HID device |
WebHidAllowDevicesForUrls | Allow listed sites connect to specific HID devices |
WebHidAllowDevicesWithHidUsagesForUrls | Automatically grant permission to these sites to connect to HID devices containing top-level collections with the given HID usage |
WebHidAskForUrls | Allow the WebHID API on these sites |
WebHidBlockedForUrls | Block the WebHID API on these sites |
WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls | Grant access to specific sites to connect to specific USB devices |
WebUsbAskForUrls | Allow WebUSB on specific sites |
WebUsbBlockedForUrls | Block WebUSB on specific sites |
WindowManagementAllowedForUrls | Allow Window Management permission on specified sites |
WindowManagementBlockedForUrls | Block Window Management permission on specified sites |
Default search provider
Policy Name | Caption |
DefaultSearchProviderEnabled | Enable the default search provider |
DefaultSearchProviderEncodings | Default search provider encodings |
DefaultSearchProviderImageURL | Specifies the search-by-image feature for the default search provider |
DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams | Parameters for an image URL that uses POST |
DefaultSearchProviderKeyword | Default search provider keyword |
DefaultSearchProviderName | Default search provider name |
DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL | Default search provider search URL |
DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL | Default search provider URL for suggestions |
NewTabPageSearchBox | Configure the new tab page search box experience |
Policy Name | Caption |
ShowDownloadsInsecureWarningsEnabled | Enable insecure download warnings |
Edge Website Typo Protection settings
Policy Name | Caption |
PreventTyposquattingPromptOverride | Prevent bypassing Edge Website Typo Protection prompts for sites |
TyposquattingAllowListDomains | Configure the list of domains for which Edge Website Typo Protection won't trigger warnings |
TyposquattingCheckerEnabled | Configure Edge Website Typo Protection |
Edge Workspaces settings
Policy Name | Caption |
EdgeWorkspacesEnabled | Enable Workspaces |
WorkspacesNavigationSettings | Configure navigation settings per groups of URLs in Microsoft Edge Workspaces |
Policy Name | Caption |
FeatureFlagOverridesControl | Configure users ability to override feature flags |
Policy Name | Caption |
BlockExternalExtensions | Blocks external extensions from being installed |
ControlDefaultStateOfAllowExtensionFromOtherStoresSettingEnabled | Configure default state of Allow extensions from other stores setting |
ExtensionAllowedTypes | Configure allowed extension types |
ExtensionDeveloperModeSettings | Control the availability of developer mode on extensions page |
ExtensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrls | Configure a list of origins that grant an extended background lifetime to connecting extensions. |
ExtensionInstallAllowlist | Allow specific extensions to be installed |
ExtensionInstallBlocklist | Control which extensions cannot be installed |
ExtensionInstallForcelist | Control which extensions are installed silently |
ExtensionInstallSources | Configure extension and user script install sources |
ExtensionInstallTypeBlocklist | Blocklist for extension install types |
ExtensionManifestV2Availability | Control Manifest v2 extension availability |
ExtensionSettings | Configure extension management settings |
Games settings
Policy Name | Caption |
GamerModeEnabled | Enable Gamer Mode |
Generative AI
Policy Name | Caption |
GenAILocalFoundationalModelSettings | Settings for GenAI local foundational model |
HTTP authentication
Policy Name | Caption |
AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins | List of origins that allow all HTTP authentication |
AllowCrossOriginAuthPrompt | Allow cross-origin HTTP Authentication prompts |
AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist | Specifies a list of servers that Microsoft Edge can delegate user credentials to |
AuthSchemes | Supported authentication schemes |
AuthServerAllowlist | Configure list of allowed authentication servers |
BasicAuthOverHttpEnabled | Allow Basic authentication for HTTP |
DisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup | Disable CNAME lookup when negotiating Kerberos authentication |
EnableAuthNegotiatePort | Include non-standard port in Kerberos SPN |
NtlmV2Enabled | Control whether NTLMv2 authentication is enabled |
WindowsHelloForHTTPAuthEnabled | Windows Hello For HTTP Auth Enabled |
Identity and sign-in
Policy Name | Caption |
AutomaticProfileSwitchingSiteList | Configure the automatic profile switching site list |
EdgeDefaultProfileEnabled | Default Profile Setting Enabled |
GuidedSwitchEnabled | Guided Switch Enabled |
ImplicitSignInEnabled | Enable implicit sign-in |
LinkedAccountEnabled | Enable the linked account feature (obsolete) |
OneAuthAuthenticationEnforced | OneAuth Authentication Flow Enforced for signin |
OnlyOnPremisesImplicitSigninEnabled | Only on-premises account enabled for implicit sign-in |
ProactiveAuthWorkflowEnabled | Enable proactive authentication |
SeamlessWebToBrowserSignInEnabled | Seamless Web To Browser Sign-in Enabled |
SignInCtaOnNtpEnabled | Enable sign in click to action dialog (obsolete) |
SwitchIntranetSitesToWorkProfile | Switch intranet sites to a work or school profile |
SwitchSitesOnIEModeSiteListToWorkProfile | Switch sites on the IE mode site list to a work or school profile |
WAMAuthBelowWin10RS3Enabled | WAM for authentication below Windows 10 RS3 enabled |
WebToBrowserSignInEnabled | Web To Browser Sign-in Enabled |
Idle Browser Actions
Policy Name | Caption |
IdleTimeout | Delay before running idle actions |
IdleTimeoutActions | Actions to run when the computer is idle |
Immersive Reader settings
Policy Name | Caption |
ImmersiveReaderGrammarToolsEnabled | Enable Grammar Tools feature within Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge (obsolete) |
ImmersiveReaderPictureDictionaryEnabled | Enable Picture Dictionary feature within Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge (obsolete) |
Kiosk Mode settings
Policy Name | Caption |
KioskAddressBarEditingEnabled | Configure address bar editing for kiosk mode public browsing experience |
KioskDeleteDownloadsOnExit | Delete files downloaded as part of kiosk session when Microsoft Edge closes |
KioskSwipeGesturesEnabled | Swipe gestures in Microsoft Edge kiosk mode enabled |
Policy Name | Caption |
EdgeManagementEnabled | Microsoft Edge management enabled |
EdgeManagementEnrollmentToken | Microsoft Edge management enrollment token |
EdgeManagementExtensionsFeedbackEnabled | Microsoft Edge management extensions feedback enabled |
EdgeManagementPolicyOverridesPlatformPolicy | Microsoft Edge management service policy overrides platform policy. |
EdgeManagementUserPolicyOverridesCloudMachinePolicy | Allow cloud-based Microsoft Edge management service user policies to override local user policies. |
MAMEnabled | Mobile App Management Enabled |
Native Messaging
Policy Name | Caption |
NativeMessagingAllowlist | Control which native messaging hosts users can use |
NativeMessagingBlocklist | Configure native messaging block list |
NativeMessagingUserLevelHosts | Allow user-level native messaging hosts (installed without admin permissions) |
Network settings
Policy Name | Caption |
AccessControlAllowMethodsInCORSPreflightSpecConformant | Make Access-Control-Allow-Methods matching in CORS preflight spec conformant |
BlockTruncatedCookies | Block truncated cookies (obsolete) |
CompressionDictionaryTransportEnabled | Enable compression dictionary transport support |
DataURLWhitespacePreservationEnabled | DataURL Whitespace Preservation for all media types |
IPv6ReachabilityOverrideEnabled | Enable IPv6 reachability check override |
ZstdContentEncodingEnabled | Enable zstd content encoding support |
PDF Reader
Policy Name | Caption |
ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedFileHash | View XFA-based PDF files using IE Mode for allowed file hash. |
ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedOrigins | View XFA-based PDF files using IE Mode for allowed file origin. |
Password manager and protection
Policy Name | Caption |
DeletingUndecryptablePasswordsEnabled | Enable deleting undecryptable passwords |
PasswordDeleteOnBrowserCloseEnabled | Prevent passwords from being deleted if any Edge settings is enabled to delete browsing data when Microsoft Edge closes |
PasswordGeneratorEnabled | Allow users to get a strong password suggestion whenever they are creating an account online |
PasswordManagerBlocklist | Configure the list of domains for which the password manager UI (Save and Fill) will be disabled |
PasswordManagerEnabled | Enable saving passwords to the password manager |
PasswordManagerRestrictLengthEnabled | Restrict the length of passwords that can be saved in the Password Manager |
PasswordMonitorAllowed | Allow users to be alerted if their passwords are found to be unsafe |
PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL | Configure the change password URL |
PasswordProtectionLoginURLs | Configure the list of enterprise login URLs where the password protection service should capture salted hashes of a password |
PasswordProtectionWarningTrigger | Configure password protection warning trigger |
PasswordRevealEnabled | Enable Password reveal button |
PrimaryPasswordSetting | Configures a setting that asks users to enter their device password while using password autofill |
Policy Name | Caption |
EfficiencyMode | Configure when efficiency mode should become active |
EfficiencyModeEnabled | Efficiency mode enabled |
EfficiencyModeOnPowerEnabled | Enable efficiency mode when the device is connected to a power source |
ExtensionsPerformanceDetectorEnabled | Extensions Performance Detector enabled |
PerformanceDetectorEnabled | Performance Detector Enabled |
PinBrowserEssentialsToolbarButton | Pin browser essentials toolbar button |
StartupBoostEnabled | Enable startup boost |
Permit or deny screen capture
Policy Name | Caption |
SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins | Allow Same Origin Tab capture by these origins |
ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins | Allow Desktop, Window, and Tab capture by these origins |
TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins | Allow Tab capture by these origins |
WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins | Allow Window and Tab capture by these origins |
Policy Name | Caption |
DefaultPrinterSelection | Default printer selection rules |
OopPrintDriversAllowed | Out-of-process print drivers allowed |
PrintHeaderFooter | Print headers and footers |
PrintPdfAsImageDefault | Print PDF as Image Default |
PrintPostScriptMode | Print PostScript Mode |
PrintPreviewStickySettings | Configure the sticky print preview settings |
PrintPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinter | Set the system default printer as the default printer |
PrintRasterizationMode | Print Rasterization Mode |
PrintRasterizePdfDpi | Print Rasterize PDF DPI |
PrintStickySettings | Print preview sticky settings |
PrinterTypeDenyList | Disable printer types on the deny list |
PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes | Restrict background graphics printing mode |
PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefault | Default background graphics printing mode |
PrintingEnabled | Enable printing |
PrintingLPACSandboxEnabled | Enable Printing LPAC Sandbox |
PrintingPaperSizeDefault | Default printing page size |
PrintingWebpageLayout | Sets layout for printing |
UseSystemPrintDialog | Print using system print dialog |
Private Network Request Settings
Policy Name | Caption |
InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed | Specifies whether to allow websites to make requests to any network endpoint in an insecure manner. |
InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls | Allow the listed sites to make requests to more-private network endpoints from in an insecure manner |
PrivateNetworkAccessRestrictionsEnabled | Specifies whether to apply restrictions to requests to more private network endpoints |
Proxy server
Policy Name | Caption |
ProxyBypassList | Configure proxy bypass rules (deprecated) |
ProxyMode | Configure proxy server settings (deprecated) |
ProxyPacUrl | Set the proxy .pac file URL (deprecated) |
ProxyServer | Configure address or URL of proxy server (deprecated) |
ProxySettings | Proxy settings |
Related Website Sets Settings
Policy Name | Caption |
RelatedWebsiteSetsEnabled | Enable Related Website Sets |
RelatedWebsiteSetsOverrides | Override Related Website Sets. |
Scareware Blocker settings
Policy Name | Caption |
ScarewareBlockerProtectionEnabled | Configure Edge Scareware Blocker Protection |
Sleeping tabs settings
Policy Name | Caption |
AutoDiscardSleepingTabsEnabled | Configure auto discard sleeping tabs |
SleepingTabsBlockedForUrls | Block sleeping tabs on specific sites |
SleepingTabsEnabled | Configure sleeping tabs |
SleepingTabsTimeout | Set the background tab inactivity timeout for sleeping tabs |
SmartScreen settings
Policy Name | Caption |
ExemptSmartScreenDownloadWarnings | Disable SmartScreen AppRep based warnings for specified file types on specified domains |
NewSmartScreenLibraryEnabled | Enable new SmartScreen library (obsolete) |
PreventSmartScreenPromptOverride | Prevent bypassing Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prompts for sites |
PreventSmartScreenPromptOverrideForFiles | Prevent bypassing of Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings about downloads |
SmartScreenAllowListDomains | Configure the list of domains for which Microsoft Defender SmartScreen won't trigger warnings |
SmartScreenDnsRequestsEnabled | Enable Microsoft Defender SmartScreen DNS requests |
SmartScreenEnabled | Configure Microsoft Defender SmartScreen |
SmartScreenForTrustedDownloadsEnabled | Force Microsoft Defender SmartScreen checks on downloads from trusted sources |
SmartScreenPuaEnabled | Configure Microsoft Defender SmartScreen to block potentially unwanted apps |
Startup, home page and new tab page
Policy Name | Caption |
HomepageIsNewTabPage | Set the new tab page as the home page |
HomepageLocation | Configure the home page URL |
NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes | Configure the background types allowed for the new tab page layout |
NewTabPageAppLauncherEnabled | Hide App Launcher on Microsoft Edge new tab page |
NewTabPageBingChatEnabled | Disable Bing chat entry-points on Microsoft Edge Enterprise new tab page |
NewTabPageCompanyLogo | Set new tab page company logo (obsolete) |
NewTabPageCompanyLogoBackplateColor | Set the company logo backplate color on the new tab page. |
NewTabPageCompanyLogoEnabled | Hide the company logo on the Microsoft Edge new tab page |
NewTabPageContentEnabled | Allow Microsoft content on the new tab page |
NewTabPageHideDefaultTopSites | Hide the default top sites from the new tab page |
NewTabPageLocation | Configure the new tab page URL |
NewTabPageManagedQuickLinks | Set new tab page quick links |
NewTabPagePrerenderEnabled | Enable preload of the new tab page for faster rendering |
NewTabPageQuickLinksEnabled | Allow quick links on the new tab page |
NewTabPageSetFeedType | Configure the Microsoft Edge new tab page experience (obsolete) |
RestoreOnStartup | Action to take on Microsoft Edge startup |
RestoreOnStartupURLs | Sites to open when the browser starts |
RestoreOnStartupUserURLsEnabled | Allow users to add and remove their own sites during startup when the RestoreOnStartupURLs policy is configured |
ShowHomeButton | Show Home button on toolbar |
WebRtc settings
Policy Name | Caption |
WebRtcIPHandlingUrl | WebRTC IP Handling Policy for URL Patterns |
WebRtcLocalhostIpHandling | Restrict exposure of local IP address by WebRTC |
Policy Name | Caption |
AADWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileEnabled | Single sign-on for work or school sites using this profile enabled |
AIGenThemesEnabled | Enables DALL-E themes generation |
AccessibilityImageLabelsEnabled | Let screen reader users get image descriptions from Microsoft |
AdHocCodeSigningForPWAsEnabled | Native application signing during Progressive Web Application installation |
AdditionalSearchBoxEnabled | Enable additional search box in browser |
AddressBarEditingEnabled | Configure address bar editing |
AddressBarMicrosoftSearchInBingProviderEnabled | Enable Microsoft Search in Bing suggestions in the address bar |
AddressBarTrendingSuggestEnabled | Enable Microsoft Bing trending suggestions in the address bar |
AddressBarWorkSearchResultsEnabled | Enable Work Search suggestions in the address bar |
AdsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites | Ads setting for sites with intrusive ads |
AdsTransparencyEnabled | Configure if the ads transparency feature is enabled |
AllowBackForwardCacheForCacheControlNoStorePageEnabled | Allow pages with Cache-Control: no-store header to enter back/forward cache |
AllowDeletingBrowserHistory | Enable deleting browser and download history |
AllowFileSelectionDialogs | Allow file selection dialogs |
AllowGamesMenu | Allow users to access the games menu (deprecated) |
AllowPopupsDuringPageUnload | Allows a page to show popups during its unloading (obsolete) |
AllowSurfGame | Allow surf game |
AllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal | Allow pages to send synchronous XHR requests during page dismissal (obsolete) |
AllowSystemNotifications | Allows system notifications |
AllowTokenBindingForUrls | Configure the list of sites for which Microsoft Edge will attempt to establish a Token Binding with (obsolete) |
AllowTrackingForUrls | Configure tracking prevention exceptions for specific sites |
AllowWebAuthnWithBrokenTlsCerts | Allow Web Authentication requests on sites with broken TLS certificates. |
AllowedDomainsForApps | Define domains allowed to access Google Workspace |
AlternateErrorPagesEnabled | Suggest similar pages when a webpage can't be found |
AlwaysOpenPdfExternally | Always open PDF files externally |
AmbientAuthenticationInPrivateModesEnabled | Enable Ambient Authentication for InPrivate and Guest profiles |
AppCacheForceEnabled | Allows the AppCache feature to be re-enabled, even if it's turned off by default (obsolete) |
ApplicationBoundEncryptionEnabled | Enable Application Bound Encryption |
ApplicationLocaleValue | Set application locale |
AskBeforeCloseEnabled | Get user confirmation before closing a browser window with multiple tabs |
AudioCaptureAllowed | Allow or block audio capture |
AudioCaptureAllowedUrls | Sites that can access audio capture devices without requesting permission |
AudioProcessHighPriorityEnabled | Allow the audio process to run with priority above normal on Windows |
AudioSandboxEnabled | Allow the audio sandbox to run |
AutoImportAtFirstRun | Automatically import another browser's data and settings at first run |
AutoLaunchProtocolsComponentEnabled | AutoLaunch Protocols Component Enabled |
AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins | Define a list of protocols that can launch an external application from listed origins without prompting the user |
AutoOpenAllowedForURLs | URLs where AutoOpenFileTypes can apply |
AutoOpenFileTypes | List of file types that should be automatically opened on download |
AutofillAddressEnabled | Enable AutoFill for addresses |
AutofillCreditCardEnabled | Enable AutoFill for payment instruments |
AutofillMembershipsEnabled | Save and fill memberships |
AutomaticHttpsDefault | Configure Automatic HTTPS |
AutoplayAllowed | Allow media autoplay for websites |
AutoplayAllowlist | Allow media autoplay on specific sites |
BackgroundModeEnabled | Continue running background apps after Microsoft Edge closes |
BackgroundTemplateListUpdatesEnabled | Enables background updates to the list of available templates for Collections and other features that use templates (deprecated) |
BeforeunloadEventCancelByPreventDefaultEnabled | Control the behavior for the cancel dialog produced by the beforeunload event (obsolete) |
BingAdsSuppression | Block all ads on Bing search results |
BlockThirdPartyCookies | Block third party cookies |
BrowserAddProfileEnabled | Enable profile creation from the Identity flyout menu or the Settings page |
BrowserCodeIntegritySetting | Configure browser process code integrity guard setting |
BrowserGuestModeEnabled | Enable guest mode |
BrowserLegacyExtensionPointsBlockingEnabled | Enable browser legacy extension point blocking |
BrowserNetworkTimeQueriesEnabled | Allow queries to a Browser Network Time service |
BrowserSignin | Browser sign-in settings |
BrowsingDataLifetime | Browsing Data Lifetime Settings |
BuiltInDnsClientEnabled | Use built-in DNS client |
BuiltinCertificateVerifierEnabled | Determines whether the built-in certificate verifier will be used to verify server certificates (obsolete) |
CECPQ2Enabled | CECPQ2 post-quantum key-agreement enabled for TLS (obsolete) |
CORSNonWildcardRequestHeadersSupport | CORS non-wildcard request header support enabled |
CSSCustomStateDeprecatedSyntaxEnabled | Controls whether the deprecated :--foo syntax for CSS custom state is enabled (obsolete) |
CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas | Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes |
CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForLegacyCas | Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of legacy certificate authorities (obsolete) |
CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls | Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for specific URLs |
ClearBrowsingDataOnExit | Clear browsing data when Microsoft Edge closes |
ClearCachedImagesAndFilesOnExit | Clear cached images and files when Microsoft Edge closes |
ClickOnceEnabled | Allow users to open files using the ClickOnce protocol |
ClipboardAllowedForUrls | Allow clipboard use on specific sites |
ClipboardBlockedForUrls | Block clipboard use on specific sites |
CollectionsServicesAndExportsBlockList | Block access to a specified list of services and export targets in Collections |
CommandLineFlagSecurityWarningsEnabled | Enable security warnings for command-line flags |
ComponentUpdatesEnabled | Enable component updates in Microsoft Edge |
ComposeInlineEnabled | Compose is enabled for writing on the web |
ConfigureDoNotTrack | Configure Do Not Track |
ConfigureFriendlyURLFormat | Configure the default paste format of URLs copied from Microsoft Edge, and determine if additional formats will be available to users |
ConfigureKeyboardShortcuts | Configure the list of commands for which to disable keyboard shortcuts |
ConfigureOnPremisesAccountAutoSignIn | Configure automatic sign in with an Active Directory domain account when there is no Azure AD domain account |
ConfigureOnlineTextToSpeech | Configure Online Text To Speech |
ConfigureShare | Configure the Share experience |
ConfigureViewInFileExplorer | Configure the View in File Explorer feature for SharePoint pages in Microsoft Edge |
CopilotCDPPageContext | Control Copilot with Commercial Data Protection access to page context for Microsoft Entra ID profiles (obsolete) |
CopilotPageContext | Control Copilot access to page context for Microsoft Entra ID profiles |
CreatePasskeysInICloudKeychain | Control whether passkey creation will default to iCloud Keychain. |
CrossOriginWebAssemblyModuleSharingEnabled | Specifies whether WebAssembly modules can be sent cross-origin (obsolete) |
CryptoWalletEnabled | Enable CryptoWallet feature (obsolete) |
CustomHelpLink | Specify custom help link |
DNSInterceptionChecksEnabled | DNS interception checks enabled |
DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled | Set Microsoft Edge as default browser |
DefaultBrowserSettingsCampaignEnabled | Enables default browser settings campaigns |
DefaultClipboardSetting | Default clipboard site permission |
DefaultSearchProviderContextMenuAccessAllowed | Allow default search provider context menu search access |
DefaultSensorsSetting | Default sensors setting |
DefaultSerialGuardSetting | Control use of the Serial API |
DefaultShareAdditionalOSRegionSetting | Set the default "share additional operating system region" setting |
DefinePreferredLanguages | Define an ordered list of preferred languages that websites should display in if the site supports the language |
DelayNavigationsForInitialSiteListDownload | Require that the Enterprise Mode Site List is available before tab navigation |
DeleteDataOnMigration | Delete old browser data on migration |
DeveloperToolsAvailability | Control where developer tools can be used |
DiagnosticData | Send required and optional diagnostic data about browser usage |
DirectInvokeEnabled | Allow users to open files using the DirectInvoke protocol |
Disable3DAPIs | Disable support for 3D graphics APIs |
DisableScreenshots | Disable taking screenshots |
DiscoverPageContextEnabled | Enable Discover access to page contents for AAD profiles (obsolete) |
DiskCacheDir | Set disk cache directory |
DiskCacheSize | Set disk cache size, in bytes |
DisplayCapturePermissionsPolicyEnabled | Specifies whether the display-capture permissions-policy is checked or skipped (obsolete) |
DnsOverHttpsMode | Control the mode of DNS-over-HTTPS |
DnsOverHttpsTemplates | Specify URI template of desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolver |
DoNotSilentlyBlockProtocolsFromOrigins | Define a list of protocols that can not be silently blocked by anti-flood protection |
DoubleClickCloseTabEnabled | Double Click feature in Microsoft Edge enabled (only available in China) |
DownloadDirectory | Set download directory |
DownloadRestrictions | Allow download restrictions |
DynamicCodeSettings | Dynamic Code Settings |
Edge3PSerpTelemetryEnabled | Edge 3P SERP Telemetry Enabled |
EdgeAssetDeliveryServiceEnabled | Allow features to download assets from the Asset Delivery Service |
EdgeAutofillMlEnabled | Machine learning powered autofill suggestions |
EdgeCollectionsEnabled | Enable the Collections feature |
EdgeDiscoverEnabled | Discover feature In Microsoft Edge (obsolete) |
EdgeEDropEnabled | Enable Drop feature in Microsoft Edge |
EdgeEnhanceImagesEnabled | Enhance images enabled (obsolete) |
EdgeEntraCopilotPageContext | Control Copilot access to Microsoft Edge page content for Entra account user profiles when using Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidepane |
EdgeFollowEnabled | Enable Follow service in Microsoft Edge (obsolete) |
EdgeOpenInSidebarEnabled | Enable open in sidebar |
EdgeShoppingAssistantEnabled | Shopping in Microsoft Edge Enabled |
EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostAllowList | Allow specific apps to be opened in Microsoft Edge sidebar |
EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostBlockList | Control which apps cannot be opened in Microsoft Edge sidebar |
EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostForceList | Control which apps are forced to be shown in Microsoft Edge sidebar |
EdgeSidebarCustomizeEnabled | Enable sidebar customize |
EdgeWalletCheckoutEnabled | Enable Wallet Checkout feature |
EdgeWalletEtreeEnabled | Edge Wallet E-Tree Enabled |
EditFavoritesEnabled | Allows users to edit favorites |
EnableDeprecatedWebPlatformFeatures | Re-enable deprecated web platform features for a limited time (obsolete) |
EnableDomainActionsDownload | Enable Domain Actions Download from Microsoft (obsolete) |
EnableOnlineRevocationChecks | Enable online OCSP/CRL checks |
EnableSha1ForLocalAnchors | Allow certificates signed using SHA-1 when issued by local trust anchors (obsolete) |
EncryptedClientHelloEnabled | TLS Encrypted ClientHello Enabled |
EnforceLocalAnchorConstraintsEnabled | Determines whether the built-in certificate verifier will enforce constraints encoded into trust anchors loaded from the platform trust store (obsolete) |
EnhanceSecurityMode | Enhance the security state in Microsoft Edge |
EnhanceSecurityModeAllowUserBypass | Allow users to bypass Enhanced Security Mode |
EnhanceSecurityModeBypassIntranet | Enhanced Security Mode configuration for Intranet zone sites |
EnhanceSecurityModeBypassListDomains | Configure the list of domains for which enhance security mode will not be enforced |
EnhanceSecurityModeEnforceListDomains | Configure the list of domains for which enhance security mode will always be enforced |
EnhanceSecurityModeIndicatorUIEnabled | Manage the indicator UI of the Enhanced Security Mode (ESM) feature in Microsoft Edge |
EnhanceSecurityModeOptOutUXEnabled | Manage opt-out user experience for Enhanced Security Mode (ESM) in Microsoft Edge (deprecated) |
EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled | Allow managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API |
EnterpriseModeSiteListManagerAllowed | Allow access to the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager tool |
EventPathEnabled | Re-enable the Event.path API until Microsoft Edge version 115 (obsolete) |
ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings | Disable download file type extension-based warnings for specified file types on domains (obsolete) |
ExemptFileTypeDownloadWarnings | Disable download file type extension-based warnings for specified file types on domains |
ExperimentationAndConfigurationServiceControl | Control communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service |
ExplicitlyAllowedNetworkPorts | Explicitly allowed network ports |
ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox | Show an "Always open" checkbox in external protocol dialog |
FamilySafetySettingsEnabled | Allow users to configure Family safety and Kids Mode |
FavoritesBarEnabled | Enable favorites bar |
FetchKeepaliveDurationSecondsOnShutdown | Fetch keepalive duration on shutdown |
FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins | Allow file or directory picker APIs to be called without prior user gesture |
ForceBingSafeSearch | Enforce Bing SafeSearch |
ForceBuiltInPushMessagingClient | Forces Microsoft Edge to use its built-in WNS push client to connect to the Windows Push Notification Service. |
ForceCertificatePromptsOnMultipleMatches | Configure whether Microsoft Edge should automatically select a certificate when there are multiple certificate matches for a site configured with "AutoSelectCertificateForUrls" (deprecated) |
ForceEphemeralProfiles | Enable use of ephemeral profiles |
ForceGoogleSafeSearch | Enforce Google SafeSearch |
ForceLegacyDefaultReferrerPolicy | Use a default referrer policy of no-referrer-when-downgrade (obsolete) |
ForceMajorVersionToMinorPositionInUserAgent | Enable or disable freezing the User-Agent string at major version 99 (obsolete) |
ForceNetworkInProcess | Force networking code to run in the browser process (obsolete) |
ForcePermissionPolicyUnloadDefaultEnabled | Controls whether unload event handlers can be disabled. |
ForceSync | Force synchronization of browser data and do not show the sync consent prompt |
ForceSyncTypes | Configure the list of types that are included for synchronization |
ForceYouTubeRestrict | Force minimum YouTube Restricted Mode |
FullscreenAllowed | Allow full screen mode |
GloballyScopeHTTPAuthCacheEnabled | Enable globally scoped HTTP auth cache |
GoToIntranetSiteForSingleWordEntryInAddressBar | Force direct intranet site navigation instead of searching on single word entries in the Address Bar |
HSTSPolicyBypassList | Configure the list of names that will bypass the HSTS policy check |
HardwareAccelerationModeEnabled | Use graphics acceleration when available |
HeadlessModeEnabled | Control use of the Headless Mode |
HideFirstRunExperience | Hide the First-run experience and splash screen |
HideInternetExplorerRedirectUXForIncompatibleSitesEnabled | Hide the one-time redirection dialog and the banner on Microsoft Edge |
HideRestoreDialogEnabled | Hide restore pages dialog after browser crash |
HttpAllowlist | HTTP Allowlist |
HubsSidebarEnabled | Show Hubs Sidebar |
ImportAutofillFormData | Allow importing of autofill form data |
ImportBrowserSettings | Allow importing of browser settings |
ImportCookies | Allow importing of Cookies |
ImportExtensions | Allow importing of extensions |
ImportFavorites | Allow importing of favorites |
ImportHistory | Allow importing of browsing history |
ImportHomepage | Allow importing of home page settings |
ImportOnEachLaunch | Allow import of data from other browsers on each Microsoft Edge launch |
ImportOpenTabs | Allow importing of open tabs |
ImportPaymentInfo | Allow importing of payment info |
ImportSavedPasswords | Allow importing of saved passwords |
ImportSearchEngine | Allow importing of search engine settings |
ImportShortcuts | Allow importing of shortcuts |
ImportStartupPageSettings | Allow importing of startup page settings |
InAppSupportEnabled | In-app support Enabled |
InPrivateModeAvailability | Configure InPrivate mode availability |
InsecureFormsWarningsEnabled | Enable warnings for insecure forms (deprecated) |
IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingEnabled | Control the IntensiveWakeUpThrottling feature |
InternetExplorerIntegrationAlwaysUseOSCapture | Always use the OS capture engine to avoid issues with capturing Internet Explorer mode tabs |
InternetExplorerIntegrationAlwaysWaitForUnload | Wait for Internet Explorer mode tabs to completely unload before ending the browser session |
InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudNeutralSitesReporting | Configure reporting of potentially misconfigured neutral site URLs to the M365 Admin Center Site Lists app |
InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudSiteList | Configure the Enterprise Mode Cloud Site List |
InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudUserSitesReporting | Configure reporting of IE Mode user list entries to the M365 Admin Center Site Lists app |
InternetExplorerIntegrationComplexNavDataTypes | Configure whether form data and HTTP headers will be sent when entering or exiting Internet Explorer mode |
InternetExplorerIntegrationEnhancedHangDetection | Configure enhanced hang detection for Internet Explorer mode |
InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel | Configure Internet Explorer integration |
InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalFileAllowed | Allow launching of local files in Internet Explorer mode |
InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalFileExtensionAllowList | Open local files in Internet Explorer mode file extension allow list |
InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalFileShowContextMenu | Show context menu to open a file:// link in Internet Explorer mode |
InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalMhtFileAllowed | Allow local MHTML files to open automatically in Internet Explorer mode |
InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalSiteListExpirationDays | Specify the number of days that a site remains on the local IE mode site list |
InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed | Allow unconfigured sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode |
InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteList | Configure the Enterprise Mode Site List |
InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteListRefreshInterval | Configure how frequently the Enterprise Mode Site List is refreshed |
InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteRedirect | Specify how "in-page" navigations to unconfigured sites behave when started from Internet Explorer mode pages |
InternetExplorerIntegrationTestingAllowed | Allow Internet Explorer mode testing (obsolete) |
InternetExplorerIntegrationWindowOpenHeightAdjustment | Configure the pixel adjustment between heights sourced from IE mode pages vs. Edge mode pages |
InternetExplorerIntegrationWindowOpenWidthAdjustment | Configure the pixel adjustment between widths sourced from IE mode pages vs. Edge mode pages |
InternetExplorerIntegrationZoneIdentifierMhtFileAllowed | Automatically open downloaded MHT or MHTML files from the web in Internet Explorer mode |
InternetExplorerModeClearDataOnExitEnabled | Clear history for IE and IE mode every time you exit |
InternetExplorerModeEnableSavePageAs | Allow Save page as in Internet Explorer mode |
InternetExplorerModeTabInEdgeModeAllowed | Allow sites configured for Internet Explorer mode to open in Microsoft Edge |
InternetExplorerModeToolbarButtonEnabled | Show the Reload in Internet Explorer mode button in the toolbar |
InternetExplorerSetForegroundWhenActive | Keep the active Microsoft Edge window with an Internet Explorer mode tab always in the foreground. |
InternetExplorerZoomDisplay | Display zoom in IE Mode tabs with DPI Scale included like it is in Internet Explorer |
IntranetRedirectBehavior | Intranet Redirection Behavior |
IsolateOrigins | Enable site isolation for specific origins |
KeyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled | Enable keyboard focusable scrollers |
LiveCaptionsAllowed | Live captions allowed |
LocalBrowserDataShareEnabled | Enable Windows to search local Microsoft Edge browsing data |
LocalProvidersEnabled | Allow suggestions from local providers |
MAUEnabled | Always use Microsoft AutoUpdate as the updater for Microsoft Edge |
MSAWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileAllowed | Allow single sign-on for Microsoft personal sites using this profile |
ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin | Sets managed configuration values for websites to specific origins |
ManagedFavorites | Configure favorites |
ManagedSearchEngines | Manage Search Engines |
MathSolverEnabled | Let users snip a Math problem and get the solution with a step-by-step explanation in Microsoft Edge (obsolete) |
MaxConnectionsPerProxy | Maximum number of concurrent connections to the proxy server |
MediaRouterCastAllowAllIPs | Allow Google Cast to connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses |
MetricsReportingEnabled | Enable usage and crash-related data reporting (obsolete) |
MicrosoftEdgeInsiderPromotionEnabled | Microsoft Edge Insider Promotion Enabled |
MicrosoftEditorProofingEnabled | Spell checking provided by Microsoft Editor |
MicrosoftEditorSynonymsEnabled | Synonyms are provided when using Microsoft Editor spell checker |
MicrosoftOfficeMenuEnabled | Allow users to access the Microsoft Office menu (deprecated) |
MicrosoftRootStoreEnabled | Determines whether the Microsoft Root Store and built-in certificate verifier will be used to verify server certificates (obsolete) |
MouseGestureEnabled | Mouse Gesture Enabled |
MutationEventsEnabled | Enable deprecated/removed Mutation Events (deprecated) |
NativeHostsExecutablesLaunchDirectly | Force Windows executable Native Messaging hosts to launch directly |
NativeWindowOcclusionEnabled | Enable Native Window Occlusion (deprecated) |
NavigationDelayForInitialSiteListDownloadTimeout | Set a timeout for delay of tab navigation for the Enterprise Mode Site List |
NetworkPredictionOptions | Enable network prediction |
NetworkServiceSandboxEnabled | Enable the network service sandbox |
NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehaviorAllowed | Allows enabling the feature NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehavior (deprecated) |
NewPDFReaderEnabled | Microsoft Edge built-in PDF reader powered by Adobe Acrobat enabled |
NonRemovableProfileEnabled | Configure whether a user always has a default profile automatically signed in with their work or school account |
OrganizationLogoOverlayOnAppIconEnabled | Allow your organization's logo from Microsoft Entra to be overlaid on the Microsoft Edge app icon of a work or school profile |
OrganizationalBrandingOnWorkProfileUIEnabled | Allow the use of your organization's branding assets from Microsoft Entra on the profile-related UI of a work or school profile |
OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled | Origin-keyed agent clustering enabled by default |
OutlookHubMenuEnabled | Allow users to access the Outlook menu (obsolete) |
OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin | Control where security restrictions on insecure origins apply |
PDFSecureMode | Secure mode and Certificate-based Digital Signature validation in native PDF reader |
PDFXFAEnabled | XFA support in native PDF reader enabled |
PaymentMethodQueryEnabled | Allow websites to query for available payment methods |
PdfViewerOutOfProcessIframeEnabled | Use out-of-process iframe PDF Viewer |
PersonalizationReportingEnabled | Allow personalization of ads, Microsoft Edge, search, news and other Microsoft services by sending browsing history, favorites and collections, usage and other browsing data to Microsoft |
PersonalizeTopSitesInCustomizeSidebarEnabled | Personalize my top sites in Customize Sidebar enabled by default |
PictureInPictureOverlayEnabled | Enable Picture in Picture overlay feature on supported webpages in Microsoft Edge |
PinningWizardAllowed | Allow Pin to taskbar wizard |
PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled | Enable post-quantum key agreement for TLS |
ProactiveAuthEnabled | Enable Proactive Authentication (obsolete) |
PromotionalTabsEnabled | Enable full-tab promotional content (deprecated) |
PromptForDownloadLocation | Ask where to save downloaded files |
PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates | Prompt the user to select a certificate when multiple certificates match |
QRCodeGeneratorEnabled | Enable QR Code Generator |
QuicAllowed | Allow QUIC protocol |
QuickSearchShowMiniMenu | Enables Microsoft Edge mini menu |
QuickViewOfficeFilesEnabled | Manage QuickView Office files capability in Microsoft Edge |
RSAKeyUsageForLocalAnchorsEnabled | Check RSA key usage for server certificates issued by local trust anchors (deprecated) |
ReadAloudEnabled | Enable Read Aloud feature in Microsoft Edge |
RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerPreventBHOInstall | Prevent install of the BHO to redirect incompatible sites from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge |
RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerRedirectMode | Redirect incompatible sites from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge |
RelatedMatchesCloudServiceEnabled | Configure Related Matches in Find on Page (obsolete) |
RelaunchNotification | Notify a user that a browser restart is recommended or required for pending updates |
RelaunchNotificationPeriod | Set the time period for update notifications |
RelaunchWindow | Set the time interval for relaunch |
RemoteDebuggingAllowed | Allow remote debugging |
RendererAppContainerEnabled | Enable renderer in app container |
RendererCodeIntegrityEnabled | Enable renderer code integrity (deprecated) |
RequireOnlineRevocationChecksForLocalAnchors | Specify if online OCSP/CRL checks are required for local trust anchors |
ResolveNavigationErrorsUseWebService | Enable resolution of navigation errors using a web service |
RestorePdfView | Restore PDF view |
RestrictSigninToPattern | Restrict which accounts can be used to sign in to Microsoft Edge |
RoamingProfileLocation | Set the roaming profile directory |
RoamingProfileSupportEnabled | Enable using roaming copies for Microsoft Edge profile data |
RunAllFlashInAllowMode | Extend Adobe Flash content setting to all content (obsolete) |
SSLErrorOverrideAllowed | Allow users to proceed from the HTTPS warning page |
SSLErrorOverrideAllowedForOrigins | Allow users to proceed from the HTTPS warning page for specific origins |
SSLVersionMin | Minimum TLS version enabled (obsolete) |
SandboxExternalProtocolBlocked | Allow Microsoft Edge to block navigations to external protocols in a sandboxed iframe |
SaveCookiesOnExit | Save cookies when Microsoft Edge closes |
SavingBrowserHistoryDisabled | Disable saving browser history |
ScreenCaptureAllowed | Allow or deny screen capture |
ScreenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins | Allow screen capture without prior user gesture |
ScrollToTextFragmentEnabled | Enable scrolling to text specified in URL fragments |
SearchFiltersEnabled | Search Filters Enabled |
SearchForImageEnabled | Search for image enabled |
SearchInSidebarEnabled | Search in Sidebar enabled |
SearchSuggestEnabled | Enable search suggestions |
SearchbarAllowed | Enable the Search bar |
SearchbarIsEnabledOnStartup | Allow the Search bar at Windows startup |
SecurityKeyPermitAttestation | Websites or domains that don't need permission to use direct Security Key attestation |
SelectParserRelaxationEnabled | Controls whether the new HTML parser behavior for the <select> element is enabled |
SendIntranetToInternetExplorer | Send all intranet sites to Internet Explorer |
SendMouseEventsDisabledFormControlsEnabled | Control the new behavior for event dispatching on disabled form controls (obsolete) |
SendSiteInfoToImproveServices | Send site information to improve Microsoft services (obsolete) |
SensorsAllowedForUrls | Allow access to sensors on specific sites |
SensorsBlockedForUrls | Block access to sensors on specific sites |
SerialAskForUrls | Allow the Serial API on specific sites |
SerialBlockedForUrls | Block the Serial API on specific sites |
ServiceWorkerToControlSrcdocIframeEnabled | Allow ServiceWorker to control srcdoc iframes |
SetTimeoutWithout1MsClampEnabled | Control Javascript setTimeout() function minimum timeout (obsolete) |
ShadowStackCrashRollbackBehavior | Configure ShadowStack crash rollback behavior (obsolete) |
SharedArrayBufferUnrestrictedAccessAllowed | Specifies whether SharedArrayBuffers can be used in a non cross-origin-isolated context |
SharedLinksEnabled | Show links shared from Microsoft 365 apps in History |
SharedWorkerBlobURLFixEnabled | Make SharedWorker blob URL behavior aligned with the specification |
ShowAcrobatSubscriptionButton | Shows button on native PDF viewer in Microsoft Edge that allows users to sign up for Adobe Acrobat subscription |
ShowDownloadsToolbarButton | Show Downloads button on the toolbar |
ShowHistoryThumbnails | Show thumbnail images for browsing history |
ShowMicrosoftRewards | Show Microsoft Rewards experiences |
ShowOfficeShortcutInFavoritesBar | Show Microsoft Office shortcut in favorites bar (deprecated) |
ShowRecommendationsEnabled | Allow feature recommendations and browser assistance notifications from Microsoft Edge |
SignedHTTPExchangeEnabled | Enable Signed HTTP Exchange (SXG) support |
SitePerProcess | Enable site isolation for every site |
SiteSafetyServicesEnabled | Allow users to configure Site safety services (obsolete) |
SmartActionsBlockList | Block smart actions for a list of services |
SpeechRecognitionEnabled | Configure Speech Recognition |
SpellcheckEnabled | Enable spellcheck |
SpellcheckLanguage | Enable specific spellcheck languages |
SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist | Force disable spellcheck languages |
SplitScreenEnabled | Enable split screen feature in Microsoft Edge |
StandaloneHubsSidebarEnabled | Standalone Sidebar Enabled |
StricterMixedContentTreatmentEnabled | Enable stricter treatment for mixed content (obsolete) |
SuperDragDropEnabled | Super Drag Drop Enabled |
SuppressUnsupportedOSWarning | Suppress the unsupported OS warning |
SyncDisabled | Disable synchronization of data using Microsoft sync services |
SyncTypesListDisabled | Configure the list of types that are excluded from synchronization |
TLS13HardeningForLocalAnchorsEnabled | Enable a TLS 1.3 security feature for local trust anchors (obsolete) |
TLSCipherSuiteDenyList | Specify the TLS cipher suites to disable |
TabFreezingEnabled | Allow freezing of background tabs (obsolete) |
TabServicesEnabled | Enable tab organization suggestions |
TargetBlankImpliesNoOpener | Do not set window.opener for links targeting _blank (obsolete) |
TaskManagerEndProcessEnabled | Enable ending processes in the Browser task manager |
TextPredictionEnabled | Text prediction enabled by default |
ThrottleNonVisibleCrossOriginIframesAllowed | Allows enabling throttling of non-visible, cross-origin iframes (obsolete) |
TotalMemoryLimitMb | Set limit on megabytes of memory a single Microsoft Edge instance can use |
TrackingPrevention | Block tracking of users' web-browsing activity |
TranslateEnabled | Enable Translate |
TravelAssistanceEnabled | Enable travel assistance (obsolete) |
TripleDESEnabled | Enable 3DES cipher suites in TLS (obsolete) |
U2fSecurityKeyApiEnabled | Allow using the deprecated U2F Security Key API (obsolete) |
URLAllowlist | Define a list of allowed URLs |
URLBlocklist | Block access to a list of URLs |
UnthrottledNestedTimeoutEnabled | JavaScript setTimeout will not be clamped until a higher nesting threshold is set (deprecated) |
UpdatePolicyOverride | Specifies how Microsoft Edge Update handles available updates from Microsoft Edge |
UploadFromPhoneEnabled | Enable upload files from mobile in Microsoft Edge desktop |
UrlDiagnosticDataEnabled | URL reporting in Edge diagnostic data enabled |
UserAgentClientHintsEnabled | Enable the User-Agent Client Hints feature (obsolete) |
UserAgentClientHintsGREASEUpdateEnabled | Control the User-Agent Client Hints GREASE Update feature (obsolete) |
UserAgentReduction | Enable or disable the User-Agent Reduction |
UserDataDir | Set the user data directory |
UserDataSnapshotRetentionLimit | Limits the number of user data snapshots retained for use in case of emergency rollback |
UserFeedbackAllowed | Allow user feedback |
VerticalTabsAllowed | Configures availability of a vertical layout for tabs on the side of the browser |
VideoCaptureAllowed | Allow or block video capture |
VideoCaptureAllowedUrls | Sites that can access video capture devices without requesting permission |
VisualSearchEnabled | Visual search enabled |
WPADQuickCheckEnabled | Set WPAD optimization |
WalletDonationEnabled | Wallet Donation Enabled |
WebAppInstallForceList | Configure list of force-installed Web Apps |
WebAppSettings | Web App management settings |
WebAudioOutputBufferingEnabled | Enable adaptive buffering for Web Audio |
WebCaptureEnabled | Enable the Screenshot (previously named Web Capture) feature in Microsoft Edge |
WebComponentsV0Enabled | Re-enable Web Components v0 API until M84 (obsolete) |
WebDriverOverridesIncompatiblePolicies | Allow WebDriver to Override Incompatible Policies (obsolete) |
WebRtcAllowLegacyTLSProtocols | Allow legacy TLS/DTLS downgrade in WebRTC (obsolete) |
WebRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrls | Manage exposure of local IP addressess by WebRTC |
WebRtcRespectOsRoutingTableEnabled | Enable support for Windows OS routing table rules when making peer to peer connections via WebRTC |
WebRtcUdpPortRange | Restrict the range of local UDP ports used by WebRTC |
WebSQLAccess | Force WebSQL to be enabled (obsolete) |
WebSQLInThirdPartyContextEnabled | Force WebSQL in third-party contexts to be re-enabled (obsolete) |
WebSQLNonSecureContextEnabled | Force WebSQL in non-secure contexts to be enabled (obsolete) |
WebSelectEnabled | Web Select Enabled (obsolete) |
WebWidgetAllowed | Enable the Search bar (deprecated) |
WebWidgetIsEnabledOnStartup | Allow the Search bar at Windows startup (obsolete) |
WinHttpProxyResolverEnabled | Use Windows proxy resolver |
WindowOcclusionEnabled | Enable Window Occlusion |
Application Guard settings policies
Application Guard Container Proxy
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 84 or later
Configures the proxy settings for Microsoft Edge Application Guard. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge Application Guard ignores other sources of proxy configurations.
If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge Application Guard uses the proxy configuration of the host.
This policy does not affect the proxy configuration of Microsoft Edge outside of Application Guard (on the host).
The ProxyMode field lets you specify the proxy server used by Microsoft Edge Application Guard.
The ProxyPacUrl field is a URL to a proxy .pac file.
The ProxyServer field is a URL for the proxy server.
If you choose the 'direct' value as 'ProxyMode', all other fields are ignored.
If you choose the 'auto_detect' value as 'ProxyMode', all other fields are ignored.
If you choose the 'fixed_servers' value as 'ProxyMode', the 'ProxyServer' field is used.
If you choose the 'pac_script' value as 'ProxyMode', the 'ProxyPacUrl' field is used.
For more information about identifying Application Guard traffic via dual proxy, visit
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ApplicationGuardContainerProxy
- GP name: Application Guard Container Proxy
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Application Guard settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ApplicationGuardContainerProxy
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ApplicationGuardContainerProxy = {
"ProxyMode": "direct",
"ProxyPacUrl": "",
"ProxyServer": ""
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ApplicationGuardContainerProxy = {"ProxyMode": "direct", "ProxyPacUrl": "", "ProxyServer": ""}
Application Guard Favorites Sync Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 90 or later
This policy allows Microsoft Edge computers/devices that have application guard enabled to sync favorites from the host to the container so the favorites match.
If ManagedFavorites are configured, those favorites will also be synced to the container.
If you enable this policy, editing favorites in the container is disabled. So, the add favorites and add favorites folder buttons will be blurred out in the UI of the container browser.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, favorites on the host will not be shared to the container.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ApplicationGuardFavoritesSyncEnabled
- GP name: Application Guard Favorites Sync Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Application Guard settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ApplicationGuardFavoritesSyncEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Ignore Application Guard site list configuration and browse Edge normally
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 94 or later
Set whether Edge should ignore the Application Guard site list configuration for trusted and untrusted sites.
If you enable this policy, all navigations from Edge, including navigations to untrusted sites, will be accessed normally within Edge without redirecting to the Application Guard container. Note: this policy ONLY impacts Edge, so navigations from other browsers might get redirected to the Application Guard Container if you have the corresponding extensions enabled.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Edge does not ignore the Application Guard site list. If users try to navigate to an untrusted site in the host, the site will open in the container.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ApplicationGuardPassiveModeEnabled
- GP name: Ignore Application Guard site list configuration and browse Edge normally
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Application Guard settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ApplicationGuardPassiveModeEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Application Guard Traffic Identification
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 91 or later
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Application Guard will add an extra HTTP header (X-MS-ApplicationGuard-Initiated) to all outbound HTTP requests made from the Application Guard container.
If you disable this policy, the extra header is not added to the traffic.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ApplicationGuardTrafficIdentificationEnabled
- GP name: Application Guard Traffic Identification
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Application Guard settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ApplicationGuardTrafficIdentificationEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Prevents files from being uploaded while in Application Guard
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 96 or later
Sets whether files can be uploaded while in Application Guard.
If you enable this policy, users will not be able to upload files in Application Guard.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, users will be able to upload files while in Application Guard.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ApplicationGuardUploadBlockingEnabled
- GP name: Prevents files from being uploaded while in Application Guard
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Application Guard settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ApplicationGuardUploadBlockingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Cast policies
Disable DIAL protocol for cast device discovery
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 121 or later
Enable this policy to disable the DIAL (Discovery And Launch) protocol for cast device discovery. (If EnableMediaRouter is disabled, this policy will have no effect).
Enable this policy to disable DIAL protocol.
By default, Cast device discovery will use DIAL protocol.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeDisableDialProtocolForCastDiscovery
- GP name: Disable DIAL protocol for cast device discovery
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Cast
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeDisableDialProtocolForCastDiscovery
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeDisableDialProtocolForCastDiscovery
- Example value:
Enable Google Cast
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enable this policy to enable Google Cast. Users will be able to launch it from the app menu, page context menus, media controls on Cast-enabled websites, and (if shown) the Cast toolbar icon.
Disable this policy to disable Google Cast.
By default, Google Cast is enabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnableMediaRouter
- GP name: Enable Google Cast
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Cast
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EnableMediaRouter
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EnableMediaRouter
- Example value:
Show the cast icon in the toolbar
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Set this policy to true to show the Cast toolbar icon on the toolbar or the overflow menu. Users won't be able to remove it.
If you don't configure this policy or if you disable it, users can pin or remove the icon by using its contextual menu.
If you've also set the EnableMediaRouter policy to false, then this policy is ignored, and the toolbar icon isn't shown.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ShowCastIconInToolbar
- GP name: Show the cast icon in the toolbar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Cast
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ShowCastIconInToolbar
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ShowCastIconInToolbar
- Example value:
Certificate management settings policies
Allow users to manage installed CA certificates.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 133 or later
Setting the policy to All (0) or leaving it unset lets users edit trust settings for all CA certificates, remove user-imported certificates, and import certificates using Certificate Manager. Setting the policy to UserOnly (1) lets users manage only user-imported certificates, but not change trust settings of built-in certificates. Setting it to None (2) lets users view (not manage) CA certificates.
Policy options mapping:
All (0) = Allow users to manage all certificates
UserOnly (1) = Allow users to manage user certificates
None (2) = Disallow users from managing certificates
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CACertificateManagementAllowed
- GP name: Allow users to manage installed CA certificates.
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Certificate management settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: CACertificateManagementAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CACertificateManagementAllowed
- Example value:
TLS server certificates that should be trusted by Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 133 or later
This policy enables a list of TLS certificates that should be trusted by Microsoft Edge for server authentication. Certificates should be base64-encoded.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CACertificates
- GP name: TLS server certificates that should be trusted by Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Certificate management settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CACertificates
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CACertificates
- Example value:
TLS certificates that should be trusted by Microsoft Edge for server authentication with constraints
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 133 or later
This policy enables a list of TLS certificates that should be trusted by Microsoft Edge for server authentication, with constraints added outside the certificate. If no constraint of a certain type is present, then any name of that type is allowed. Certificates should be base64-encoded. At least one constraint must be specified for each certificate.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CACertificatesWithConstraints
- GP name: TLS certificates that should be trusted by Microsoft Edge for server authentication with constraints
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Certificate management settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: CACertificatesWithConstraints
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CACertificatesWithConstraints = [
"constraints": {
"permitted_cidrs": [
"permitted_dns_names": [
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CACertificatesWithConstraints = [{"certificate": "MIICCTCCAY6gAwIBAgINAgPluILrIPglJ209ZjAKBggqhkjOPQQDAzBHMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEiMCAGA1UEChMZR29vZ2xlIFRydXN0IFNlcnZpY2VzIExMQzEUMBIGA1UEAxMLR1RTIFJvb3QgUjMwHhcNMTYwNjIyMDAwMDAwWhcNMzYwNjIyMDAwMDAwWjBHMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEiMCAGA1UEChMZR29vZ2xlIFRydXN0IFNlcnZpY2VzIExMQzEUMBIGA1UEAxMLR1RTIFJvb3QgUjMwdjAQBgcqhkjOPQIBBgUrgQQAIgNiAAQfTzOHMymKoYTey8chWEGJ6ladK0uFxh1MJ7x/JlFyb+Kf1qPKzEUURout736GjOyxfi//qXGdGIRFBEFVbivqJn+7kAHjSxm65FSWRQmx1WyRRK2EE46ajA2ADDL24CejQjBAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBhjAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MB0GA1UdDgQWBBTB8Sa6oC2uhYHP0/EqEr24Cmf9vDAKBggqhkjOPQQDAwNpADBmAjEA9uEglRR7VKOQFhG/hMjqb2sXnh5GmCCbn9MN2azTL818+FsuVbu/3ZL3pAzcMeGiAjEA/JdmZuVDFhOD3cffL74UOO0BzrEXGhF16b0DjyZ+hOXJYKaV11RZt+cRLInUue4X", "constraints": {"permitted_cidrs": [""], "permitted_dns_names": [""]}}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CACertificatesWithConstraints
- Example value:
TLS certificates that should be distrusted by Microsoft Edge for server authentication
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 133 or later
This policy enables defining a list of certificate public keys that should be distrusted by Microsoft Edge for TLS server authentication.
The policy value is a list of base64-encoded X.509 certificates. Any certificate with a matching SPKI (SubjectPublicKeyInfo) will be distrusted.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CADistrustedCertificates
- GP name: TLS certificates that should be distrusted by Microsoft Edge for server authentication
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Certificate management settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CADistrustedCertificates
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CADistrustedCertificates
- Example value:
TLS certificates that are not trusted or distrusted but can be used in path-building for server authentication
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 133 or later
This policy enables defining a list of certificates that are not trusted or distrusted in Microsoft Edge but can be used as hints for path-building. Certificates should be base64-encoded.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CAHintCertificates
- GP name: TLS certificates that are not trusted or distrusted but can be used in path-building for server authentication
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Certificate management settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CAHintCertificates
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CAHintCertificates\1 = "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"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CAHintCertificates
- Example value:
Use user-added TLS certificates from platform trust stores for server authentication
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 133 or later
If enabled (or unset), user-added TLS certificates from platform trust stores will be used in path-building for TLS server authentication.
If disabled, user-added TLS certificates from platform trust stores will not be used in path-building for TLS server authentication.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CAPlatformIntegrationEnabled
- GP name: Use user-added TLS certificates from platform trust stores for server authentication
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Certificate management settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: CAPlatformIntegrationEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CAPlatformIntegrationEnabled
- Example value:
Content settings policies
Automatically select client certificates for these sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Setting the policy lets you make a list of URL patterns that specify sites for which Microsoft Edge can automatically select a client certificate. The value is an array of stringified JSON dictionaries, each with the form { "pattern": "$URL_PATTERN", "filter" : $FILTER }, where $URL_PATTERN is a content setting pattern. $FILTER restricts the client certificates the browser automatically selects from. Independent of the filter, only certificates that match the server's certificate request are selected.
Examples for the usage of the $FILTER section:
When $FILTER is set to { "ISSUER": { "CN": "$ISSUER_CN" } }, only client certificates issued by a certificate with the CommonName $ISSUER_CN are selected.
When $FILTER contains both the "ISSUER" and the "SUBJECT" sections, only client certificates that satisfy both conditions are selected.
When $FILTER contains a "SUBJECT" section with the "O" value, a certificate needs at least one organization matching the specified value to be selected.
When $FILTER contains a "SUBJECT" section with a "OU" value, a certificate needs at least one organizational unit matching the specified value to be selected.
When $FILTER is set to {}, the selection of client certificates is not additionally restricted. Note that filters provided by the web server still apply.
If you leave the policy unset, there's no autoselection for any site.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutoSelectCertificateForUrls
- GP name: Automatically select client certificates for these sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoSelectCertificateForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoSelectCertificateForUrls\1 = "{\"pattern\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"ISSUER\":{\"CN\":\"certificate issuer name\", \"L\": \"certificate issuer location\", \"O\": \"certificate issuer org\", \"OU\": \"certificate issuer org unit\"}, \"SUBJECT\":{\"CN\":\"certificate subject name\", \"L\": \"certificate subject location\", \"O\": \"certificate subject org\", \"OU\": \"certificate subject org unit\"}}}"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutoSelectCertificateForUrls
- Example value:
<string>{"pattern":"","filter":{"ISSUER":{"CN":"certificate issuer name", "L": "certificate issuer location", "O": "certificate issuer org", "OU": "certificate issuer org unit"}, "SUBJECT":{"CN":"certificate subject name", "L": "certificate subject location", "O": "certificate subject org", "OU": "certificate subject org unit"}}}</string>
Allow multiple automatic downloads in quick succession on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 110 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that are allowed to perform multiple successive automatic downloads. If you don't configure this policy, DefaultAutomaticDownloadsSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If it isn't set, then the user's personal setting applies. For more detailed information about valid URL patterns, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutomaticDownloadsAllowedForUrls
- GP name: Allow multiple automatic downloads in quick succession on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutomaticDownloadsAllowedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutomaticDownloadsAllowedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutomaticDownloadsAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutomaticDownloadsAllowedForUrls
- Example value:
Block multiple automatic downloads in quick succession on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 110 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, where multiple successive automatic downloads aren't allowed. If you don't configure this policy, DefaultAutomaticDownloadsSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If it isn't set, then the user's personal setting applies. For more detailed information about valid URL patterns, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutomaticDownloadsBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block multiple automatic downloads in quick succession on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutomaticDownloadsBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutomaticDownloadsBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutomaticDownloadsBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutomaticDownloadsBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Allow automatic full screen on specified sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 132 or later
For security reasons, the requestFullscreen() web API requires a prior user gesture ("transient activation") to be called or it will fail. Users' personal settings may allow certain origins to call this API without a prior user gesture.
This policy supersedes users' personal settings and allows matching origins to call the API without a prior user gesture.
For detailed information about valid URL patterns, see Wildcards (*) are allowed.
Origins matching both blocked and allowed policy patterns will be blocked. Origins not specified by policy or user settings will require a prior user gesture to call this API.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutomaticFullscreenAllowedForUrls
- GP name: Allow automatic full screen on specified sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutomaticFullscreenAllowedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutomaticFullscreenAllowedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutomaticFullscreenAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutomaticFullscreenAllowedForUrls
- Example value:
Block automatic full screen on specified sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 132 or later
For security reasons, the requestFullscreen() web API requires a prior user gesture ("transient activation") to be called or it will fail. Users' personal settings may allow certain origins to call this API without a prior user gesture.
This policy supersedes users' personal settings and blocks matching origins from calling the API without a prior user gesture.
For detailed information about valid URL patterns, see Wildcards (*) are allowed.
Origins matching both blocked and allowed policy patterns will be blocked. Origins not specified by policy or user settings will require a prior user gesture to call this API.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutomaticFullscreenBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block automatic full screen on specified sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutomaticFullscreenBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutomaticFullscreenBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutomaticFullscreenBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutomaticFullscreenBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Allow cookies on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that are allowed to set cookies. URL patterns may be a single URL indicating that the site may use cookies on all top-level sites. Patterns may also be two URLs delimited by a comma. The first specifies the site that should be allowed to use cookies. The second specifies the top-level site that the first value should be applied on. If you use a pair of URLs, the first value in the pair supports * but the second value does not. Using * for the first value indicates that all sites may use cookies when the second URL is the top-level site.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultCookiesSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
See the CookiesBlockedForUrls and CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls policies for more information.
Note there cannot be conflicting URL patterns set between these three policies:
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see * is not an accepted value for this policy.
To allow third-party cookies to be set, specify a pair of URL patterns delimited by a comma. The first value in the pair specifies the third-party site that should be allowed to use cookies. The second value in the pair specifies the top-level site that the first value should be applied on. The first value in the pair supports * but the second value does not.
To exclude cookies from being deleted on exit, configure the SaveCookiesOnExit policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CookiesAllowedForUrls
- GP name: Allow cookies on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CookiesAllowedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CookiesAllowedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CookiesAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CookiesAllowedForUrls\3 = ","
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CookiesAllowedForUrls\4 = "*,"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CookiesAllowedForUrls
- Example value:
Block cookies on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can't set cookies.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultCookiesSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
See the CookiesAllowedForUrls and CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls policies for more information.
Note there cannot be conflicting URL patterns set between these three policies:
For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CookiesBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block cookies on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CookiesBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CookiesBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CookiesBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CookiesBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Limit cookies from specific websites to the current session
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Cookies created by websites that match a URL pattern you define are deleted when the session ends (when the window closes).
Cookies created by websites that don't match the pattern are controlled by the DefaultCookiesSetting policy (if set) or by the user's personal configuration. This is also the default behavior if you don't configure this policy.
You can also use the CookiesAllowedForUrls and CookiesBlockedForUrls policies to control which websites can create cookies.
Note there cannot be conflicting URL patterns set between these three policies:
For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.
If you set the RestoreOnStartup policy to restore URLs from previous sessions, this policy is ignored, and cookies are stored permanently for those sites.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls
- GP name: Limit cookies from specific websites to the current session
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls
- Example value:
Data URL support for SVGUseElement
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 118 or later
This policy enables Data URL support for SVGUseElement, which will be disabled by default starting in Edge stable version 119. If this policy is Enabled, Data URLs will keep working in SVGUseElement. If this policy is Disabled or left not set, Data URLs won't work in SVGUseElement.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DataUrlInSvgUseEnabled
- GP name: Data URL support for SVGUseElement
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DataUrlInSvgUseEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DataUrlInSvgUseEnabled
- Example value:
Default automatic downloads setting
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 110 or later
Administrators can use this policy to control whether websites can perform multiple downloads successively. Individual site behavior can be managed using the AutomaticDownloadsAllowedForUrls and AutomaticDownloadsBlockedForUrls policies.
Default behavior:
A user gesture is required for each additional download.
Users can modify their browser settings to disable successive downloads.
Policy options mapping:
AllowAutomaticDownloads (1) = Allow all websites to perform multiple downloads without requiring a user gesture between each download.
BlockAutomaticDownloads (2) = Prevent all websites from performing multiple downloads, even after a user gesture.
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultAutomaticDownloadsSetting
- GP name: Default automatic downloads setting
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultAutomaticDownloadsSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultAutomaticDownloadsSetting
- Example value:
Configure cookies
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Control whether websites can create cookies on the user's device. This policy is all or nothing - you can let all websites create cookies, or no websites create cookies. You can't use this policy to enable cookies from specific websites.
Set the policy to 'SessionOnly' to clear cookies when the session closes.
If you don't configure this policy, the default 'AllowCookies' is used, and users can change this setting in Microsoft Edge Settings. (If you don't want users to be able to change this setting, set the policy.)
Policy options mapping:
AllowCookies (1) = Let all sites create cookies
BlockCookies (2) = Don't let any site create cookies
SessionOnly (4) = Keep cookies for the duration of the session, except ones listed in SaveCookiesOnExit
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultCookiesSetting
- GP name: Configure cookies
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultCookiesSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultCookiesSetting
- Example value:
Control use of the File System API for reading
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
If you set this policy to 3, websites can ask for read access to the host operating system's filesystem using the File System API. If you set this policy to 2, access is denied.
If you don't set this policy, websites can ask for access. Users can change this setting.
Policy options mapping:
BlockFileSystemRead (2) = Don't allow any site to request read access to files and directories via the File System API
AskFileSystemRead (3) = Allow sites to ask the user to grant read access to files and directories via the File System API
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultFileSystemReadGuardSetting
- GP name: Control use of the File System API for reading
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultFileSystemReadGuardSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultFileSystemReadGuardSetting
- Example value:
Control use of the File System API for writing
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
If you set this policy to 3, websites can ask for write access to the host operating system's filesystem using the File System API. If you set this policy to 2, access is denied.
If you don't set this policy, websites can ask for access. Users can change this setting.
Policy options mapping:
BlockFileSystemWrite (2) = Don't allow any site to request write access to files and directories
AskFileSystemWrite (3) = Allow sites to ask the user to grant write access to files and directories
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultFileSystemWriteGuardSetting
- GP name: Control use of the File System API for writing
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultFileSystemWriteGuardSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultFileSystemWriteGuardSetting
- Example value:
Default geolocation setting
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Set whether websites can track users' physical locations. You can allow tracking by default ('AllowGeolocation'), deny it by default ('BlockGeolocation'), or ask the user each time a website requests their location ('AskGeolocation').
If you don't configure this policy, 'AskGeolocation' is used and the user can change it.
Policy options mapping:
AllowGeolocation (1) = Allow sites to track users' physical location
BlockGeolocation (2) = Don't allow any site to track users' physical location
AskGeolocation (3) = Ask whenever a site wants to track users' physical location
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultGeolocationSetting
- GP name: Default geolocation setting
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultGeolocationSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultGeolocationSetting
- Example value:
Default images setting
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Set whether websites can display images. You can allow images on all sites ('AllowImages') or block them on all sites ('BlockImages').
If you don't configure this policy, images are allowed by default, and the user can change this setting.
Policy options mapping:
AllowImages (1) = Allow all sites to show all images
BlockImages (2) = Don't allow any site to show images
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultImagesSetting
- GP name: Default images setting
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultImagesSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultImagesSetting
- Example value:
Control use of insecure content exceptions
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80 or later
Allows you to set whether users can add exceptions to allow mixed content for specific sites.
This policy can be overridden for specific URL patterns using the InsecureContentAllowedForUrls and InsecureContentBlockedForUrls policies.
If this policy isn't set, users will be allowed to add exceptions to allow blockable mixed content and disable autoupgrades for optionally blockable mixed content.
Policy options mapping:
BlockInsecureContent (2) = Do not allow any site to load mixed content
AllowExceptionsInsecureContent (3) = Allow users to add exceptions to allow mixed content
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultInsecureContentSetting
- GP name: Control use of insecure content exceptions
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultInsecureContentSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultInsecureContentSetting
- Example value:
Control use of JavaScript JIT
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93 or later
Allows you to set whether Microsoft Edge will run the v8 JavaScript engine with JIT (Just In Time) compiler enabled or not.
Disabling the JavaScript JIT will mean that Microsoft Edge may render web content more slowly, and may also disable parts of JavaScript including WebAssembly. Disabling the JavaScript JIT may allow Microsoft Edge to render web content in a more secure configuration.
This policy can be overridden for specific URL patterns using the JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites and JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites policies.
If you don't configure this policy, JavaScript JIT is enabled.
Policy options mapping:
AllowJavaScriptJit (1) = Allow any site to run JavaScript JIT
BlockJavaScriptJit (2) = Do not allow any site to run JavaScript JIT
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting
- GP name: Control use of JavaScript JIT
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting
- Example value:
Control use of JavaScript optimizers
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 134 or later
Allows you to set whether Microsoft Edge will run the v8 JavaScript engine with more advanced JavaScript optimizations enabled.
Disabling JavaScript optimizations (by setting this policy's value to 2) will mean that Microsoft Edge may render web content more slowly.
This policy can be overridden for specific URL patterns using the JavaScriptOptimizerAllowedForSites and JavaScriptOptimizerBlockedForSites policies.
If you don't configure this policy, JavaScript optimizations are enabled.
Policy options mapping:
AllowJavaScriptOptimizer (1) = Enable advanced JavaScript optimizations on all sites
BlockJavaScriptOptimizer (2) = Disable advanced JavaScript optimizations on all sites
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultJavaScriptOptimizerSetting
- GP name: Control use of JavaScript optimizers
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultJavaScriptOptimizerSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultJavaScriptOptimizerSetting
- Example value:
Default JavaScript setting
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Set whether websites can run JavaScript. You can allow it for all sites ('AllowJavaScript') or block it for all sites ('BlockJavaScript').
If you don't configure this policy, all sites can run JavaScript by default, and the user can change this setting.
Policy options mapping:
AllowJavaScript (1) = Allow all sites to run JavaScript
BlockJavaScript (2) = Don't allow any site to run JavaScript
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultJavaScriptSetting
- GP name: Default JavaScript setting
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultJavaScriptSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultJavaScriptSetting
- Example value:
Default notification setting
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Set whether websites can display desktop notifications. You can allow them by default ('AllowNotifications'), deny them by default ('BlockNotifications'), or have the user be asked each time a website wants to show a notification ('AskNotifications').
If you don't configure this policy, notifications are allowed by default, and the user can change this setting.
Policy options mapping:
AllowNotifications (1) = Allow sites to show desktop notifications
BlockNotifications (2) = Don't allow any site to show desktop notifications
AskNotifications (3) = Ask every time a site wants to show desktop notifications
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultNotificationsSetting
- GP name: Default notification setting
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultNotificationsSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultNotificationsSetting
- Example value:
Default Adobe Flash setting (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 87.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77, until 87
This policy doesn't work because Flash is no longer supported by Microsoft Edge.
PluginsAllowedForUrls and PluginsBlockedForUrls are checked first, then this policy. The options are 'ClickToPlay' and 'BlockPlugins'. If you set this policy to 'BlockPlugins', this plugin is denied for all websites. 'ClickToPlay' lets the Flash plugin run, but users click the placeholder to start it.
If you don't configure this policy, the user can change this setting manually.
Note: Automatic playback is only for domains explicitly listed in the PluginsAllowedForUrls policy. To turn automatic playback on for all sites, add http://* and https://* to the allowed list of URLs.
Policy options mapping:
BlockPlugins (2) = Block the Adobe Flash plugin
ClickToPlay (3) = Click to play
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultPluginsSetting
- GP name: Default Adobe Flash setting (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultPluginsSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultPluginsSetting
- Example value:
Default pop-up window setting
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Set whether websites can show pop-up windows. You can allow them on all websites ('AllowPopups') or block them on all sites ('BlockPopups').
If you don't configure this policy, pop-up windows are blocked by default, and users can change this setting.
Policy options mapping:
AllowPopups (1) = Allow all sites to show pop-ups
BlockPopups (2) = Do not allow any site to show popups
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultPopupsSetting
- GP name: Default pop-up window setting
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultPopupsSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultPopupsSetting
- Example value:
Default setting for third-party storage partitioning
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 115 or later
This policy controls whether third-party storage partitioning is allowed by default.
If this policy is set to 1 - AllowPartitioning, or unset, third-party storage partitioning will be allowed by default. This default may be overridden for specific top-level origins by other means.
If this policy is set to 2 - BlockPartitioning, third-party storage partitioning will be disabled for all contexts.
Use ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOrigins to disable third-party storage partitioning for specific top-level origins.
Policy options mapping:
AllowPartitioning (1) = Allow third-party storage partitioning by default.
BlockPartitioning (2) = Disable third-party storage partitioning.
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSetting
- GP name: Default setting for third-party storage partitioning
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSetting
- Example value:
Control use of the Web Bluetooth API
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Control whether websites can access nearby Bluetooth devices. You can completely block access or require the site to ask the user each time it wants to access a Bluetooth device.
If you don't configure this policy, the default value ('AskWebBluetooth', meaning users are asked each time) is used and users can change it.
Policy options mapping:
BlockWebBluetooth (2) = Do not allow any site to request access to Bluetooth devices via the Web Bluetooth API
AskWebBluetooth (3) = Allow sites to ask the user to grant access to a nearby Bluetooth device
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultWebBluetoothGuardSetting
- GP name: Control use of the Web Bluetooth API
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultWebBluetoothGuardSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultWebBluetoothGuardSetting
- Example value:
Control use of the WebHID API
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 100 or later
Setting the policy to 3 lets websites ask for access to HID devices. Setting the policy to 2 denies access to HID devices.
Leaving it unset lets websites ask for access, but users can change this setting.
This policy can be overridden for specific url patterns using the WebHidAskForUrls and WebHidBlockedForUrls policies.
Policy options mapping:
BlockWebHid (2) = Do not allow any site to request access to HID devices via the WebHID API
AskWebHid (3) = Allow sites to ask the user to grant access to a HID device
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultWebHidGuardSetting
- GP name: Control use of the WebHID API
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultWebHidGuardSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultWebHidGuardSetting
- Example value:
Control use of the WebUSB API
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Set whether websites can access connected USB devices. You can completely block access or ask the user each time a website wants to get access to connected USB devices.
You can override this policy for specific URL patterns by using the WebUsbAskForUrls and WebUsbBlockedForUrls policies.
If you don't configure this policy, sites can ask users whether they can access the connected USB devices ('AskWebUsb') by default, and users can change this setting.
Policy options mapping:
BlockWebUsb (2) = Do not allow any site to request access to USB devices via the WebUSB API
AskWebUsb (3) = Allow sites to ask the user to grant access to a connected USB device
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultWebUsbGuardSetting
- GP name: Control use of the WebUSB API
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultWebUsbGuardSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultWebUsbGuardSetting
- Example value:
Default Window Management permission setting
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123 or later
Setting the policy to "BlockWindowManagement" (value 2) automatically denies the window management permission to sites by default. This limits the ability of sites to see information about the device's screens and use that information to open and place windows or request fullscreen on specific screens.
Setting the policy to "AskWindowManagement" (value 3) by default prompts the user when the window management permission is requested. If users allow the permission, it extends the ability of sites to see information about the device's screens and use that information to open and place windows or request fullscreen on specific screens.
Not configuring the policy means the "AskWindowManagement" policy applies, but users can change this setting.
Policy options mapping:
BlockWindowManagement (2) = Denies the Window Management permission on all sites by default
AskWindowManagement (3) = Ask every time a site wants obtain the Window Management permission
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultWindowManagementSetting
- GP name: Default Window Management permission setting
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultWindowManagementSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultWindowManagementSetting
- Example value:
Allow read access via the File System API on these sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can ask users to grant them read access to files or directories in the host operating system's file system via the File System API.
Leaving the policy unset means DefaultFileSystemReadGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, users' personal settings apply.
URL patterns can't conflict with FileSystemReadBlockedForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see * is not an accepted value for this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: FileSystemReadAskForUrls
- GP name: Allow read access via the File System API on these sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileSystemReadAskForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileSystemReadAskForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileSystemReadAskForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: FileSystemReadAskForUrls
- Example value:
Block read access via the File System API on these sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
If you set this policy, you can list the URL patterns that specify which sites can't ask users to grant them read access to files or directories in the host operating system's file system via the File System API.
If you don't set this policy, DefaultFileSystemReadGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, users' personal settings apply.
URL patterns can't conflict with FileSystemReadAskForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see * is not an accepted value for this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: FileSystemReadBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block read access via the File System API on these sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileSystemReadBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileSystemReadBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileSystemReadBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: FileSystemReadBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Allow write access to files and directories on these sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
If you set this policy, you can list the URL patterns that specify which sites can ask users to grant them write access to files or directories in the host operating system's file system.
If you don't set this policy, DefaultFileSystemWriteGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, users' personal settings apply.
URL patterns can't conflict with FileSystemWriteBlockedForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see * is not an accepted value for this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: FileSystemWriteAskForUrls
- GP name: Allow write access to files and directories on these sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileSystemWriteAskForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileSystemWriteAskForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileSystemWriteAskForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: FileSystemWriteAskForUrls
- Example value:
Block write access to files and directories on these sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
If you set this policy, you can list the URL patterns that specify which sites can't ask users to grant them write access to files or directories in the host operating system's file system.
If you don't set this policy, DefaultFileSystemWriteGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, users' personal settings apply.
URL patterns can't conflict with FileSystemWriteAskForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see * is not an accepted value for this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: FileSystemWriteBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block write access to files and directories on these sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileSystemWriteBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileSystemWriteBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileSystemWriteBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: FileSystemWriteBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Allow images on these sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can display images.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value is used for all sites either from the DefaultImagesSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see Wildcards (*) are allowed.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImagesAllowedForUrls
- GP name: Allow images on these sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ImagesAllowedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ImagesAllowedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ImagesAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImagesAllowedForUrls
- Example value:
Block images on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that aren't allowed to display images.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultImagesSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see Wildcards (*) are allowed.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImagesBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block images on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ImagesBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ImagesBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ImagesBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImagesBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Allow insecure content on specified sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80 or later
Create a list of URL patterns to specify sites that can display or, as of version 94, download insecure mixed content (that is, HTTP content on HTTPS sites).
If you don't configure this policy, blockable mixed content will be blocked and optionally blockable mixed content will be upgraded. However, users will be allowed to set exceptions to allow insecure mixed content for specific sites.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see Wildcards (*) are allowed.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InsecureContentAllowedForUrls
- GP name: Allow insecure content on specified sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\InsecureContentAllowedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\InsecureContentAllowedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\InsecureContentAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: InsecureContentAllowedForUrls
- Example value:
Block insecure content on specified sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80 or later
Create a list of URL patterns to specify sites that aren't allowed to display blockable (i.e. active) mixed content (that is, HTTP content on HTTPS sites) and for which optionally blockable mixed content upgrades will be disabled.
If you don't configure this policy, blockable mixed content will be blocked and optionally blockable mixed content will be upgraded. However, users will be allowed to set exceptions to allow insecure mixed content for specific sites.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see Wildcards (*) are allowed.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InsecureContentBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block insecure content on specified sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\InsecureContentBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\InsecureContentBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\InsecureContentBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: InsecureContentBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Allow intranet zone file URL links from Microsoft Edge to open in Windows File Explorer
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 95 or later
This setting allows file URL links to intranet zone files from intranet zone HTTPS websites to open Windows File Explorer for that file or directory.
If you enable this policy, intranet zone file URL links originating from intranet zone HTTPS pages will open Windows File Explorer to the parent directory of the file and select the file. Intranet zone directory URL links originating from intranet zone HTTPS pages will open Windows File Explorer to the directory with no items in the directory selected.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, file URL links will not open.
Microsoft Edge uses the definition of intranet zone as configured for Internet Explorer. Note that https://localhost/ is specifically blocked as an exception of allowed intranet zone host, while loopback addresses (127.0.0.*, [::1]) are considered internet zone by default.
Users may opt out of prompts on a per-protocol/per-site basis unless the ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox policy is disabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: IntranetFileLinksEnabled
- GP name: Allow intranet zone file URL links from Microsoft Edge to open in Windows File Explorer
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: IntranetFileLinksEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow JavaScript on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that are allowed to run JavaScript.
If you don't configure this policy, DefaultJavaScriptSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: JavaScriptAllowedForUrls
- GP name: Allow JavaScript on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\JavaScriptAllowedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\JavaScriptAllowedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\JavaScriptAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: JavaScriptAllowedForUrls
- Example value:
Block JavaScript on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that aren't allowed to run JavaScript.
If you don't configure this policy, DefaultJavaScriptSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.
For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.
Note that this policy blocks JavaScript based on whether the origin of the top-level document (usually the page URL that is also displayed in the address bar) matches any of the patterns. Therefore this policy is not appropriate for mitigating web supply-chain attacks. For example, supplying the pattern https://[\*.]
will not prevent a page hosted on, say,
from running a script loaded from
. Furthermore, supplying the pattern
will not prevent a document from
from running scripts if it is not the top-level document, but embedded as a sub-frame into a page hosted on another origin, say,
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: JavaScriptBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block JavaScript on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\JavaScriptBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\JavaScriptBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\JavaScriptBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: JavaScriptBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Allow JavaScript to use JIT on these sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93 or later
Allows you to set a list of site url patterns that specify sites which are allowed to run JavaScript with JIT (Just In Time) compiler enabled.
For detailed information on valid site url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.
JavaScript JIT policy exceptions will only be enforced at a site granularity (eTLD+1). A policy set for only will not correctly apply to or since they both resolve to the same eTLD+1 ( for which there is no policy. In this case, policy must be set on to apply correctly for both and
This policy applies on a frame-by-frame basis and not based on top level origin url alone, so e.g. if is listed in the JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites policy but loads a frame containing then will have JavaScript JIT enabled, but will use the policy from DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting, if set, or default to JavaScript JIT enabled.
If you don't configure this policy for a site then the policy from DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting applies to the site, if set, otherwise Javascript JIT is enabled for the site.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites
- GP name: Allow JavaScript to use JIT on these sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites\1 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites
- Example value:
Block JavaScript from using JIT on these sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93 or later
Allows you to set a list of site url patterns that specify sites which are not allowed to run JavaScript JIT (Just In Time) compiler enabled.
Disabling the JavaScript JIT will mean that Microsoft Edge may render web content more slowly, and may also disable parts of JavaScript including WebAssembly. Disabling the JavaScript JIT may allow Microsoft Edge to render web content in a more secure configuration.
For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.
JavaScript JIT policy exceptions will only be enforced at a site granularity (eTLD+1). A policy set for only will not correctly apply to or since they both resolve to the same eTLD+1 ( for which there is no policy. In this case, policy must be set on to apply correctly for both and
This policy applies on a frame-by-frame basis and not based on top level origin url alone, so e.g. if is listed in the JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites policy but loads a frame containing then will have JavaScript JIT disabled, but will use the policy from DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting, if set, or default to JavaScript JIT enabled.
If you don't configure this policy for a site then the policy from DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting applies to the site, if set, otherwise JavaScript JIT is enabled for the site.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites
- GP name: Block JavaScript from using JIT on these sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites\1 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites
- Example value:
Allow JavaScript optimization on these sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 134 or later
Allows you to set a list of site url patterns that specify sites for which advanced JavaScript optimizations are enabled.
For detailed information on valid site url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.
JavaScript optimization policy exceptions will only be enforced at a site granularity (eTLD+1). A policy set for only will not correctly apply to or since they both resolve to the same eTLD+1 ( for which there is no policy. In this case, policy must be set on to apply correctly for both and
This policy applies on a frame-by-frame basis and not based on top level origin url alone, so e.g. if is listed in the JavaScriptOptimizerAllowedForSites policy but loads a frame containing then will have JavaScript optimizations enabled, but will use the policy from DefaultJavaScriptOptimizerSetting, if set, or default to JavaScript optimizations enabled. Blocklist entries have higher priority than allowlist entries, which in turn have higher priority than the configured default value.
If you don't configure this policy for a site then the policy from DefaultJavaScriptOptimizerSetting applies to the site, if set, otherwise Javascript optimization is enabled for the site.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: JavaScriptOptimizerAllowedForSites
- GP name: Allow JavaScript optimization on these sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\JavaScriptOptimizerAllowedForSites
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\JavaScriptOptimizerAllowedForSites\1 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: JavaScriptOptimizerAllowedForSites
- Example value:
Block JavaScript optimizations on these sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 134 or later
Allows you to set a list of site url patterns that specify sites for which advanced JavaScript optimizations are disabled.
Disabling JavaScript optimizations will mean that Microsoft Edge may render web content more slowly.
For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see Wildcards, *, are allowed.
JavaScript optimization policy exceptions will only be enforced at a site granularity (eTLD+1). A policy set for only will not correctly apply to or since they both resolve to the same eTLD+1 ( for which there is no policy. In this case, policy must be set on to apply correctly for both and
This policy applies on a frame-by-frame basis and not based on top level origin url alone, so e.g. if is listed in the JavaScriptOptimizerBlockedForSites policy but loads a frame containing then will have JavaScript optimizations disabled, but will use the policy from DefaultJavaScriptOptimizerSetting, if set, or default to JavaScript optimizations enabled. Blocklist entries have higher priority than allowlist entries, which in turn have higher priority than the configured default value.
If you don't configure this policy for a site then the policy from DefaultJavaScriptOptimizerSetting applies to the site, if set, otherwise JavaScript optimization is enabled for the site.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: JavaScriptOptimizerBlockedForSites
- GP name: Block JavaScript optimizations on these sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\JavaScriptOptimizerBlockedForSites
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\JavaScriptOptimizerBlockedForSites\1 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: JavaScriptOptimizerBlockedForSites
- Example value:
Enable default legacy SameSite cookie behavior setting (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 94.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80, until 94
This policy doesn't work because it was only intended to serve only as a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to update their environments if they were found to be incompatible with the SameSite behavior change.
If you still require legacy cookie behavior, please use LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList to configure behavior on a per-domain basis.
Lets you revert all cookies to legacy SameSite behavior. Reverting to legacy behavior causes cookies that don't specify a SameSite attribute to be treated as if they were "SameSite=None", removes the requirement for "SameSite=None" cookies to carry the "Secure" attribute, and skips the scheme comparison when evaluating if two sites are same-site.
If you don't set this policy, the default SameSite behavior for cookies will depend on other configuration sources for the SameSite-by-default feature, the Cookies-without-SameSite-must-be-secure feature, and the Schemeful Same-Site feature. These features can also be configured by a field trial or the same-site-by-default-cookies flag, the cookies-without-same-site-must-be-secure flag, or the schemeful-same-site flag in edge://flags.
Policy options mapping:
DefaultToLegacySameSiteCookieBehavior (1) = Revert to legacy SameSite behavior for cookies on all sites
DefaultToSameSiteByDefaultCookieBehavior (2) = Use SameSite-by-default behavior for cookies on all sites
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled
- GP name: Enable default legacy SameSite cookie behavior setting (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled
- Example value:
Revert to legacy SameSite behavior for cookies on specified sites (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 132.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80, until 132
Cookies set for domains match specified patterns will revert to legacy SameSite behavior.
Reverting to legacy behavior causes cookies that don't specify a SameSite attribute to be treated as if they were "SameSite=None", removes the requirement for "SameSite=None" cookies to carry the "Secure" attribute, and skips the scheme comparison when evaluating if two sites are same-site.
If you don't set this policy, the global default value will be used. The global default will also be used for cookies on domains not covered by the patterns you specify.
The global default value can be configured using the LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled policy. If LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled is unset, the global default value falls back to other configuration sources.
For detailed information about valid URL patterns, see
Note that patterns you list in this policy are treated as domains, not URLs, so you should not specify a scheme or port.
The policy has been discontinued starting from Edge 132.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList
- GP name: Revert to legacy SameSite behavior for cookies on specified sites (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList
- Example value:
Allow notifications on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows you to create a list of url patterns to specify sites that are allowed to display notifications.
If you don't set this policy, the global default value will be used for all sites. This default value will be from the DefaultNotificationsSetting policy if it's set, or from the user's personal configuration. For detailed information on valid url patterns, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NotificationsAllowedForUrls
- GP name: Allow notifications on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NotificationsAllowedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NotificationsAllowedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NotificationsAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NotificationsAllowedForUrls
- Example value:
Block notifications on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows you to create a list of url patterns to specify sites that are not allowed to display notifications.
If you don't set this policy, the global default value will be used for all sites. This default value will be from the DefaultNotificationsSetting policy if it's set, or from the user's personal configuration. For detailed information on valid url patterns, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NotificationsBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block notifications on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NotificationsBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NotificationsBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NotificationsBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NotificationsBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Manage Blob URL Partitioning During Fetching and Navigation
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 135 or later
This policy controls whether Blob URLs are partitioned during fetching and navigation. If this policy is set to Enabled or not set, Blob URLs will be partitioned. If this policy is set to Disabled, Blob URLs won't be partitioned. This is the Blob URL behavior prior to Microsoft Edge version 135.
If storage partitioning is disabled for a given top-level origin by either ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOrigins or DefaultThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSetting, then Blob URLs will also not be partitioned.
The policy is scheduled to be available through Microsoft Edge version 140. After this version, the policy will be removed, and Microsoft Edge will no longer support unpartitioned blob storage.
For detailed information on third-party storage partitioning, please see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PartitionedBlobUrlUsage
- GP name: Manage Blob URL Partitioning During Fetching and Navigation
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PartitionedBlobUrlUsage
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PartitionedBlobUrlUsage
- Example value:
Allow the Adobe Flash plug-in on specific sites (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 87.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77, until 87
This policy doesn't work because Flash is no longer supported by Microsoft Edge.
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can run the Adobe Flash plug-in.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultPluginsSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
For detailed information on valid url patterns, see However, starting in M85, patterns with '*' and '[*.]' wildcards in the host are no longer supported for this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PluginsAllowedForUrls
- GP name: Allow the Adobe Flash plug-in on specific sites (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PluginsAllowedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PluginsAllowedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PluginsAllowedForUrls\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PluginsAllowedForUrls
- Example value:
Block the Adobe Flash plug-in on specific sites (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 87.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77, until 87
This policy doesn't work because Flash is no longer supported by Microsoft Edge.
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that are blocked from running Adobe Flash.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultPluginsSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
For detailed information on valid url patterns, see However, starting in M85, patterns with '*' and '[*.]' wildcards in the host are no longer supported for this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PluginsBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block the Adobe Flash plug-in on specific sites (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PluginsBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PluginsBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PluginsBlockedForUrls\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PluginsBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Allow pop-up windows on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can open pop-up windows. Wildcards (*) are allowed.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultPopupsSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PopupsAllowedForUrls
- GP name: Allow pop-up windows on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PopupsAllowedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PopupsAllowedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PopupsAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PopupsAllowedForUrls
- Example value:
Block pop-up windows on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that are blocked from opening pop-up windows. Wildcards (*) are allowed.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultPopupsSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PopupsBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block pop-up windows on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PopupsBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PopupsBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PopupsBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PopupsBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Register protocol handlers
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Set this policy (recommended only) to register a list of protocol handlers. This list is merged with ones registered by the user and both are available to use.
To register a protocol handler:
- Set the protocol property to the scheme (for example, "mailto")
- Set the URL property to the URL property of the application that handlers the scheme specified in the "protocol" field. The pattern can include a "%s" placeholder, which the handled URL replaces.
Users can't remove a protocol handler registered by this policy. However, they can install a new default protocol handler to override the existing protocol handlers.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: No
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RegisteredProtocolHandlers
- GP name: Register protocol handlers
- GP path (Mandatory): N/A
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Content settings
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): N/A
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: RegisteredProtocolHandlers
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\RegisteredProtocolHandlers = [
"default": true,
"protocol": "mailto",
"url": ""
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\RegisteredProtocolHandlers = [{"default": true, "protocol": "mailto", "url": ""}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RegisteredProtocolHandlers
- Example value:
Automatically grant sites permission to connect all serial ports
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 97 or later
Setting the policy allows you to list sites which are automatically granted permission to access all available serial ports.
The URLs must be valid, or the policy is ignored. Only the origin (scheme, host, and port) of the URL is considered.
This policy overrides DefaultSerialGuardSetting, SerialAskForUrls, SerialBlockedForUrls and the user's preferences.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SerialAllowAllPortsForUrls
- GP name: Automatically grant sites permission to connect all serial ports
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SerialAllowAllPortsForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SerialAllowAllPortsForUrls\1 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SerialAllowAllPortsForUrls
- Example value:
Automatically grant sites permission to connect to USB serial devices
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 97 or later
Setting the policy lets you list sites that are automatically granted permission to access USB serial devices with vendor and product IDs that match the vendor_id and product_id fields.
Optionally you can omit the product_id field. This enables site access to all the vendor's devices. When you provide a product ID, then you give the site access to a specific device from the vendor but not all devices.
The URLs must be valid, or the policy is ignored. Only the origin (scheme, host, and port) of the URL is considered.
This policy overrides DefaultSerialGuardSetting, SerialAskForUrls, SerialBlockedForUrls and the user's preferences.
This policy only affects access to USB devices through the Web Serial API. To grant access to USB devices through the WebUSB API see the WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls
- GP name: Automatically grant sites permission to connect to USB serial devices
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls = [
"devices": [
"product_id": 5678,
"vendor_id": 1234
"urls": [
"devices": [
"vendor_id": 1234
"urls": [
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls = [{"devices": [{"product_id": 5678, "vendor_id": 1234}], "urls": [""]}, {"devices": [{"vendor_id": 1234}], "urls": [""]}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls
- Example value:
Allow notifications to set Microsoft Edge as default PDF reader
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93 or later
This policy setting lets you decide whether employees should receive recommendations to set Microsoft Edge as PDF handler.
If you enable or don't configure this setting, employees receive recommendations from Microsoft Edge to set itself as the default PDF handler.
If you disable this setting, employees will not receive any notifications from Microsoft Edge to set itself as the default PDF handler.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ShowPDFDefaultRecommendationsEnabled
- GP name: Allow notifications to set Microsoft Edge as default PDF reader
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ShowPDFDefaultRecommendationsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ShowPDFDefaultRecommendationsEnabled
- Example value:
Choose whether users can receive customized background images and text, suggestions, notifications, and tips for Microsoft services
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 86 or later
Choose whether users can receive customized background images and text, suggestions, notifications, and tips for Microsoft services.
If you enable or don't configure this setting, spotlight experiences and recommendations are turned on.
If you disable this setting, spotlight experiences and recommendations are turned off.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SpotlightExperiencesAndRecommendationsEnabled
- GP name: Choose whether users can receive customized background images and text, suggestions, notifications, and tips for Microsoft services
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SpotlightExperiencesAndRecommendationsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Disable third-party storage partitioning for specific top-level origins
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 115 or later
This policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that specify top-level origins for which third-party storage partitioning (partitioning of cross-origin iframe storage) should be disabled.
If this policy isn't set or a top-level origin doesn't match one of the URL patterns, then the value from DefaultThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSetting will be used.
Note that the patterns you list are treated as origins, not URLs, so you shouldn't specify a path. For detailed information about valid origin patterns, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOrigins
- GP name: Disable third-party storage partitioning for specific top-level origins
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOrigins
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOrigins\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOrigins
- Example value:
Allow listed sites to connect to any HID device
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 109 or later
This setting allows you to list sites which are automatically granted permission to access all available devices.
The URLs must be valid or the policy is ignored. Only the origin (scheme, host and port) of the URL is evaluated.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see * is not an accepted value for this policy.
This policy overrides DefaultWebHidGuardSetting, WebHidAskForUrls, WebHidBlockedForUrls and the user's preferences.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebHidAllowAllDevicesForUrls
- GP name: Allow listed sites to connect to any HID device
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidAllowAllDevicesForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidAllowAllDevicesForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidAllowAllDevicesForUrls\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebHidAllowAllDevicesForUrls
- Example value:
Allow listed sites connect to specific HID devices
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 109 or later
This setting lets you list the URLs that specify which sites are automatically granted permission to access a HID device with the given vendor and product IDs.
Setting the policy Each item in the list requires both devices and urls fields for the item to be valid, otherwise the item is ignored.
Each item in the devices field must have a vendor_id and may have a product_id field.
Omitting the product_id field will create a policy matching any device with the specified vendor ID.
An item which has a product_id field without a vendor_id field is invalid and is ignored.
If you don't set this policy, that means DefaultWebHidGuardSetting applies, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see * is not an accepted value for this policy.
URLs in this policy shouldn't conflict with those configured through WebHidBlockedForUrls. If they do, this policy takes precedence over WebHidBlockedForUrls.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebHidAllowDevicesForUrls
- GP name: Allow listed sites connect to specific HID devices
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebHidAllowDevicesForUrls
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidAllowDevicesForUrls = [
"devices": [
"product_id": 5678,
"vendor_id": 1234
"urls": [
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidAllowDevicesForUrls = [{"devices": [{"product_id": 5678, "vendor_id": 1234}], "urls": ["", ""]}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebHidAllowDevicesForUrls
- Example value:
Automatically grant permission to these sites to connect to HID devices containing top-level collections with the given HID usage
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 109 or later
This setting allows you to list the URLs that specify which sites are automatically granted permission to access a HID device containing a top-level collection with the given HID usage.
Each item in the list requires both usages and urls fields for the policy to be valid.
Each item in the usages field must have a usage_page and may have a usage field.
Omitting the usage field will create a policy matching any device containing a top-level collection with a usage from the specified usage page.
An item which has a usage field without a usage_page field is invalid and is ignored.
If you don't set this policy, that means DefaultWebHidGuardSetting applies, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see * is not an accepted value for this policy.
URLs in this policy shouldn't conflict with those configured through WebHidBlockedForUrls. If they do, this policy takes precedence over WebHidBlockedForUrls.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebHidAllowDevicesWithHidUsagesForUrls
- GP name: Automatically grant permission to these sites to connect to HID devices containing top-level collections with the given HID usage
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebHidAllowDevicesWithHidUsagesForUrls
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidAllowDevicesWithHidUsagesForUrls = [
"urls": [
"usages": [
"usage": 5678,
"usage_page": 1234
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidAllowDevicesWithHidUsagesForUrls = [{"urls": ["", ""], "usages": [{"usage": 5678, "usage_page": 1234}]}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebHidAllowDevicesWithHidUsagesForUrls
- Example value:
Allow the WebHID API on these sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 100 or later
Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can ask users to grant them access to a HID device.
Leaving the policy unset means DefaultWebHidGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, users' personal settings apply.
For URL patterns that don't match the policy, the following values are applied in order of precedence:
WebHidBlockedForUrls (if there is a match),
DefaultWebHidGuardSetting (if set), or
Users' personal settings.
URL patterns must not conflict with WebHidBlockedForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches both patterns.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see * is not an accepted value for this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebHidAskForUrls
- GP name: Allow the WebHID API on these sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidAskForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidAskForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidAskForUrls\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebHidAskForUrls
- Example value:
Block the WebHID API on these sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 100 or later
Setting the policy lets you list the URL patterns that specify which sites can't ask users to grant them access to a HID device.
Leaving the policy unset means DefaultWebHidGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If not, users' personal settings apply.
For URL patterns that don't match the policy, the following values are applied in order of precedence:
WebHidAskForUrls (if there is a match),
DefaultWebHidGuardSetting (if set), or
Users' personal settings.
URL patterns can't conflict with WebHidAskForUrls. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches both patterns.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see * is not an accepted value for this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebHidBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block the WebHID API on these sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidBlockedForUrls\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebHidBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Grant access to specific sites to connect to specific USB devices
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows you to set a list of urls that specify which sites will automatically be granted permission to access a USB device with the given vendor and product IDs. Each item in the list must contain both devices and urls in order for the policy to be valid. Each item in devices can contain a vendor ID and product ID field. Any ID that is omitted is treated as a wildcard with one exception, and that exception is that a product ID cannot be specified without a vendor ID also being specified. Otherwise, the policy will not be valid and will be ignored.
The USB permission model uses the URL of the requesting site ("requesting URL") and the URL of the top-level frame site ("embedding URL") to grant permission to the requesting URL to access the USB device. The requesting URL may be different than the embedding URL when the requesting site is loaded in an iframe. Therefore, the "urls" field can contain up to two URL strings delimited by a comma to specify the requesting and embedding URL respectively. If only one URL is specified, then access to the corresponding USB devices will be granted when the requesting site's URL matches this URL regardless of embedding status. The URLs in "urls" must be valid URLs, otherwise the policy will be ignored.
This is deprecated and only supported for backwards compatibility in the following manner. If both a requesting and embedding URL is specified, then the embedding URL will be granted the permission as top-level origin and the requesting URL will be ignored entirely.
If this policy is left not set, the global default value will be used for all sites either from the DefaultWebUsbGuardSetting policy if it is set, or the user's personal configuration otherwise.
URL patterns in this policy should not clash with the ones configured via WebUsbBlockedForUrls. If there is a clash, this policy will take precedence over WebUsbBlockedForUrls and WebUsbAskForUrls.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls
- GP name: Grant access to specific sites to connect to specific USB devices
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls = [
"devices": [
"product_id": 5678,
"vendor_id": 1234
"urls": [
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls = [{"devices": [{"product_id": 5678, "vendor_id": 1234}], "urls": ["", ""]}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls
- Example value:
Allow WebUSB on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can ask the user for access to a USB device.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultWebUsbGuardSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
The URL patterns defined in this policy can't conflict with those configured in the WebUsbBlockedForUrls policy - you can't both allow and block a URL. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebUsbAskForUrls
- GP name: Allow WebUSB on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebUsbAskForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebUsbAskForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebUsbAskForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebUsbAskForUrls
- Example value:
Block WebUSB on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can't ask the user to grant them access to a USB device.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultWebUsbGuardSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
URL patterns in this policy can't conflict with those configured in the WebUsbAskForUrls policy. You can't both allow and block a URL. For detailed information on valid url patterns, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebUsbBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block WebUSB on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebUsbBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebUsbBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebUsbBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebUsbBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Allow Window Management permission on specified sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123 or later
Lets you configure a list of site url patterns that specify sites which will automatically grant the window management permission. This extends the ability of sites to see information about the device's screens. This information can be used to open and place windows or request fullscreen on specific screens.
For detailed information on valid site url patterns, see Wildcards, *, are allowed. This policy only matches based on site origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.
If this policy isn't configured for a site, then the policy from DefaultWindowManagementSetting applies to the site, if configured. Otherwise the permission will follow the browser's defaults and let users choose this permission per site.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WindowManagementAllowedForUrls
- GP name: Allow Window Management permission on specified sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WindowManagementAllowedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WindowManagementAllowedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WindowManagementAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WindowManagementAllowedForUrls
- Example value:
Block Window Management permission on specified sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123 or later
Lets you configure a list of site url patterns that specify sites which will automatically deny the window management permission. This limits the ability of sites to see information about the device's screens. This information can be used to open and place windows or request fullscreen on specific screens.
For detailed information on valid site url patterns, see Wildcards, *, are allowed. This policy only matches based on site origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.
If this policy isn't configured for a site, then the policy from DefaultWindowManagementSetting applies to the site, if configured. Otherwise the permission will follow the browser's defaults and let users choose this permission per site.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WindowManagementBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block Window Management permission on specified sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Content settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WindowManagementBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WindowManagementBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WindowManagementBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WindowManagementBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Default search provider policies
Enable the default search provider
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enables the ability to use a default search provider.
If you enable this policy, a user can search for a term by typing in the address bar (as long as what they type isn't a URL).
You can specify the default search provider to use by enabling the rest of the default search policies. If these are left empty (not configured) or configured incorrectly, the user can choose the default provider.
If you disable this policy, the user can't search from the address bar.
If you enable or disable this policy, users can't change or override it.
If you don't configure this policy, the default search provider is enabled, and the user can choose the default search provider and set the search provider list.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, joined to Microsoft Azure Active Directory, or instances that enrolled for device management. On macOS, this policy is available only on instances that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Starting in Microsoft Edge 84, you can set this policy as a recommended policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderEnabled
- GP name: Enable the default search provider
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Default search provider
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Default search provider
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: DefaultSearchProviderEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderEnabled
- Example value:
Default search provider encodings
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specify the character encodings supported by the search provider. Encodings are code page names like UTF-8, GB2312, and ISO-8859-1. They are tried in the order provided.
This policy is optional. If not configured, the default, UTF-8, is used.
This policy is applied only if you enable the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled and DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL policies.
Starting in Microsoft Edge 84, you can set this policy as a recommended policy. If the user has already set a default search provider, the default search provider configured by this recommended policy will not be added to the list of search providers the user can choose from. If this is the desired behavior, use the ManagedSearchEngines policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderEncodings
- GP name: Default search provider encodings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Default search provider
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Default search provider
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\DefaultSearchProviderEncodings
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended\DefaultSearchProviderEncodings
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\DefaultSearchProviderEncodings\1 = "UTF-8"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\DefaultSearchProviderEncodings\2 = "UTF-16"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\DefaultSearchProviderEncodings\3 = "GB2312"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\DefaultSearchProviderEncodings\4 = "ISO-8859-1"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderEncodings
- Example value:
Specifies the search-by-image feature for the default search provider
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specifies the URL to the search engine used for image search. Search requests are sent using the GET method.
This policy is optional. If you don't configure it, image search isn't available.
Specify Bing's Image Search URL as: '{bing:baseURL}images/detail/search?iss=sbiupload&FORM=ANCMS1#enterInsights'.
Specify Google's Image Search URL as: '{google:baseURL}searchbyimage/upload'.
See DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams policy to finish configuring image search.
This policy is applied only if you enable the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled and DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL policies.
Starting in Microsoft Edge 84, you can set this policy as a recommended policy. If the user has already set a default search provider, the default search provider configured by this recommended policy will not be added to the list of search providers the user can choose from. If this is the desired behavior, use the ManagedSearchEngines policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderImageURL
- GP name: Specifies the search-by-image feature for the default search provider
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Default search provider
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Default search provider
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: DefaultSearchProviderImageURL
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderImageURL
- Example value:
Parameters for an image URL that uses POST
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
If you enable this policy, it specifies the parameters used when an image search that uses POST is performed. The policy consists of comma-separated name/value pairs. If a value is a template parameter, like {imageThumbnail} in the preceding example, it's replaced with real image thumbnail data. This policy is applied only if you enable the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled and DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL policies.
Specify Bing's Image Search URL Post Params as: 'imageBin={google:imageThumbnailBase64}'.
Specify Google's Image Search URL Post Params as: 'encoded_image={google:imageThumbnail},image_url={google:imageURL},sbisrc={google:imageSearchSource},original_width={google:imageOriginalWidth},original_height={google:imageOriginalHeight}'.
If you don't set this policy, image search requests are sent using the GET method.
Starting in Microsoft Edge 84, you can set this policy as a recommended policy. If the user has already set a default search provider, the default search provider configured by this recommended policy will not be added to the list of search providers the user can choose from. If this is the desired behavior, use the ManagedSearchEngines policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams
- GP name: Parameters for an image URL that uses POST
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Default search provider
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Default search provider
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams
- Example value:
Default search provider keyword
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specifies the keyword, which is the shortcut used in the Address Bar to trigger the search for this provider.
This policy is optional. If you don't configure it, no keyword activates the search provider.
This policy is applied only if you enable the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled and DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL policies.
Starting in Microsoft Edge 84, you can set this policy as a recommended policy. If the user has already set a default search provider, the default search provider configured by this recommended policy will not be added to the list of search providers the user can choose from. If this is the desired behavior, use the ManagedSearchEngines policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderKeyword
- GP name: Default search provider keyword
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Default search provider
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Default search provider
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: DefaultSearchProviderKeyword
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderKeyword
- Example value:
Default search provider name
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specifies the name of the default search provider.
If you enable this policy, you set the name of the default search provider.
If you don't enable this policy or if you leave it empty, the host name specified by the search URL is used.
'DefaultSearchProviderName' should be set to an organization-approved encrypted search provider that corresponds to the encrypted search provider set in DTBC-0008. This policy is applied only if you enable the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled and DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL policies.
Starting in Microsoft Edge 84, you can set this policy as a recommended policy. If the user has already set a default search provider, the default search provider configured by this recommended policy will not be added to the list of search providers the user can choose from. If this is the desired behavior, use the ManagedSearchEngines policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderName
- GP name: Default search provider name
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Default search provider
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Default search provider
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: DefaultSearchProviderName
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
"My Intranet Search"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderName
- Example value:
<string>My Intranet Search</string>
Default search provider search URL
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specifies the URL of the search engine used for a default search. The URL contains the string '{searchTerms}', which is replaced at query time by the terms the user is searching for.
Specify Bing's search URL as:
Specify Google's search URL as: '{google:baseURL}search?q={searchTerms}&{google:RLZ}{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}{google:assistedQueryStats}{google:searchFieldtrialParameter}{google:searchClient}{google:sourceId}ie={inputEncoding}'.
This policy is required when you enable the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled policy; if you don't enable the latter policy, this policy is ignored.
Starting in Microsoft Edge 84, you can set this policy as a recommended policy. If the user has already set a default search provider, the default search provider configured by this recommended policy will not be added to the list of search providers the user can choose from. If this is the desired behavior, use the ManagedSearchEngines policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL
- GP name: Default search provider search URL
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Default search provider
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Default search provider
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL
- Example value:
Default search provider URL for suggestions
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specifies the URL for the search engine used to provide search suggestions. The URL contains the string '{searchTerms}', which is replaced at query time by the text the user has entered so far.
This policy is optional. If you don't configure it, users won't see search suggestions; they will see suggestions from their browsing history and favorites.
Bing's suggest URL can be specified as:
Google's suggest URL can be specified as: '{google:baseURL}complete/search?output=chrome&q={searchTerms}'.
This policy is applied only if you enable the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled and DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL policies.
Starting in Microsoft Edge 84, you can set this policy as a recommended policy. If the user has already set a default search provider, the default search provider configured by this recommended policy will not be added to the list of search providers the user can choose from. If this is the desired behavior, use the ManagedSearchEngines policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL
- GP name: Default search provider URL for suggestions
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Default search provider
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Default search provider
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL
- Example value:
Configure the new tab page search box experience
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 85 or later
You can configure the new tab page search box to use "Search box (Recommended)" or "Address bar" to search on new tabs. This policy only works if you set the search engine to a value other than Bing by setting the following two policies: DefaultSearchProviderEnabled and DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL.
If you disable or don't configure this policy and:
- If the address bar default search engine is Bing, the new tab page uses the search box to search on new tabs.
- If the address bar default search engine is not Bing, users are offered an additional choice (use "Address bar") when searching on new tabs.
If you enable this policy and set it to:
- "Search box (Recommended)" ('bing'), the new tab page uses the search box to search on new tabs.
- "Address bar" ('redirect'), the new tab page search box uses the address bar to search on new tabs.
Policy options mapping:
bing (bing) = Search box (Recommended)
redirect (redirect) = Address bar
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewTabPageSearchBox
- GP name: Configure the new tab page search box experience
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Default search provider
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Default search provider
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: NewTabPageSearchBox
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewTabPageSearchBox
- Example value:
Downloads policies
Enable insecure download warnings
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 128 or later
Enables warnings when potentially dangerous content is downloaded over HTTP.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, when a user tries to download potentially dangerous content from an HTTP site, the user will receive a UI warning, such as "Insecure download blocked." The user will still have an option to proceed and download the item.
If you disable this policy, the warnings for insecure downloads will be suppressed.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ShowDownloadsInsecureWarningsEnabled
- GP name: Enable insecure download warnings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Downloads
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Downloads
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ShowDownloadsInsecureWarningsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ShowDownloadsInsecureWarningsEnabled
- Example value:
Edge Website Typo Protection settings policies
Prevent bypassing Edge Website Typo Protection prompts for sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 121 or later
This policy setting lets you decide whether users can override the Edge Website Typo Protection warnings about potential typosquatting websites.
If you enable this setting, users can't ignore Edge Website Typo Protection warnings and they are blocked from continuing to the site.
If you disable or don't configure this setting, users can ignore Edge Website Typo Protection warnings and continue to the site.
This will only take effect when TyposquattingCheckerEnabled policy is not set or set to enabled.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management, or macOS instances that are that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PreventTyposquattingPromptOverride
- GP name: Prevent bypassing Edge Website Typo Protection prompts for sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Edge Website Typo Protection settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PreventTyposquattingPromptOverride
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PreventTyposquattingPromptOverride
- Example value:
Configure the list of domains for which Edge Website Typo Protection won't trigger warnings
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 121 or later
Configure the list of Edge Website Typo Protection trusted domains. This means: Edge Website Typo Protection won't check for potentially malicious typosquatting websites.
If you enable this policy, Edge Website Typo Protection trusts these domains. If you disable or don't set this policy, default Edge Website Typo Protection protection is applied to all resources.
This will only take effect when TyposquattingCheckerEnabled policy is not set or set to enabled.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10/11 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management, or macOS instances that are that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX. Also note that this policy does not apply if your organization has enabled Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. You must configure your allow and block lists in Microsoft 365 Defender portal using Indicators (Settings > Endpoints > Indicators).
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TyposquattingAllowListDomains
- GP name: Configure the list of domains for which Edge Website Typo Protection won't trigger warnings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Edge Website Typo Protection settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\TyposquattingAllowListDomains
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\TyposquattingAllowListDomains\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\TyposquattingAllowListDomains\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TyposquattingAllowListDomains
- Example value:
Configure Edge Website Typo Protection
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 96 or later
This policy setting lets you configure whether to turn on Edge Website Typo Protection. Edge Website Typo Protection provides warning messages to help protect your users from potential typosquatting sites. By default, Edge Website Typo Protection is turned on.
If you enable this policy, Edge Website Typo Protection is turned on.
If you disable this policy, Edge Website Typo Protection is turned off.
If you don't configure this policy, Edge Website Typo Protection is turned on but users can choose whether to use Edge Website Typo Protection.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TyposquattingCheckerEnabled
- GP name: Configure Edge Website Typo Protection
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Edge Website Typo Protection settings
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Edge Website Typo Protection settings
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: TyposquattingCheckerEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TyposquattingCheckerEnabled
- Example value:
Edge Workspaces settings policies
Enable Workspaces
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 106 or later
Microsoft Edge Workspaces helps improve productivity for users in your organization.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users will be able to access the Microsoft Edge Workspaces feature. If you disable this policy, users will not be able to access the Microsoft Edge Workspaces feature.
To learn more about the feature, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeWorkspacesEnabled
- GP name: Enable Workspaces
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Edge Workspaces settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeWorkspacesEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeWorkspacesEnabled
- Example value:
Configure navigation settings per groups of URLs in Microsoft Edge Workspaces
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 110 or later
This setting lets you to define groups of URLs, and apply specific Microsoft Edge Workspaces navigation settings to each group.
If this policy is configured, Microsoft Edge Workspaces will use the configured settings when deciding whether and how to share navigations among collaborators in a Microsoft Edge Workspace.
If this policy is not configured, Microsoft Edge Workspaces will use only default and internally configured navigation settings.
For more information about configuration options, see
Note, format url_patterns according to You can configure the url_regex_patterns in this policy to match multiple URLs using a Perl style regular expression for the pattern. Note that pattern matches are case sensitive. For more information about the regular expression rules that are used, refer to
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WorkspacesNavigationSettings
- GP name: Configure navigation settings per groups of URLs in Microsoft Edge Workspaces
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Edge Workspaces settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WorkspacesNavigationSettings
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WorkspacesNavigationSettings = [
"navigation_options": {
"do_not_send_to": true,
"remove_all_query_parameters": true
"url_patterns": [
"navigation_options": {
"query_parameters_to_remove": [
"url_patterns": [
"navigation_options": {
"do_not_send_from": true,
"prefer_initial_url": true
"url_regex_patterns": [
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WorkspacesNavigationSettings = [{"navigation_options": {"do_not_send_to": true, "remove_all_query_parameters": true}, "url_patterns": ["", "", ""]}, {"navigation_options": {"query_parameters_to_remove": ["username", "login_hint"]}, "url_patterns": [""]}, {"navigation_options": {"do_not_send_from": true, "prefer_initial_url": true}, "url_regex_patterns": ["\\Ahttps://.*?tafe\\..*?trs.*?\\"]}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WorkspacesNavigationSettings
- Example value:
Experimentation policies
Configure users ability to override feature flags
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93 or later
Configures users ability to override state of feature flags. If you set this policy to 'CommandLineOverridesEnabled', users can override state of feature flags using command line arguments but not edge://flags page.
If you set this policy to 'OverridesEnabled', users can override state of feature flags using command line arguments or edge://flags page.
If you set this policy to 'OverridesDisabled', users can't override state of feature flags using command line arguments or edge://flags page.
If you don't configure this policy, the behavior is the same as the 'OverridesEnabled'.
Policy options mapping:
CommandLineOverridesEnabled (2) = Allow users to override feature flags using command line arguments only
OverridesEnabled (1) = Allow users to override feature flags
OverridesDisabled (0) = Prevent users from overriding feature flags
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: FeatureFlagOverridesControl
- GP name: Configure users ability to override feature flags
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Experimentation
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: FeatureFlagOverridesControl
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: FeatureFlagOverridesControl
- Example value:
Extensions policies
Blocks external extensions from being installed
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 88 or later
Control the installation of external extensions.
If you enable this setting, external extensions are blocked from being installed.
If you disable this setting or leave it unset, external extensions are allowed to be installed.
External extensions and their installation are documented at Alternate extension distribution methods.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BlockExternalExtensions
- GP name: Blocks external extensions from being installed
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Extensions
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: BlockExternalExtensions
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: BlockExternalExtensions
- Example value:
Configure default state of Allow extensions from other stores setting
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 101 or later
This policy allows you to control the default state of the Allow extensions from other stores setting. This policy can't be used to stop installation of extensions from other stores such as Chrome Web Store. To stop installation of extensions from other stores, use the Extension Settings policy:
When enabled, Allow extensions from other stores will be turned on. So, users won't have to turn on the flag manually while installing extensions from other supported stores such as Chrome Web Store. However a user can override this setting. If the user has already turned on the setting and then turned it off, this setting may not work. If the Admin first sets the policy as Enabled, but then changes it to not configured or disabled, it will have no impact on user settings and the setting will remain as it is.
When disabled or not configured, the user can manage the Allow extensions from other store setting.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: No
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ControlDefaultStateOfAllowExtensionFromOtherStoresSettingEnabled
- GP name: Configure default state of Allow extensions from other stores setting
- GP path (Mandatory): N/A
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Extensions
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): N/A
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ControlDefaultStateOfAllowExtensionFromOtherStoresSettingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ControlDefaultStateOfAllowExtensionFromOtherStoresSettingEnabled
- Example value:
Configure allowed extension types
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Setting the policy controls which apps and extensions may be installed in Microsoft Edge, which hosts they can interact with, and limits runtime access.
If you don't set this policy, there aren't any restrictions on acceptable extension and app types.
Extensions and apps which have a type that's not on the list won't be installed. Each value should be one of these strings:
See the Microsoft Edge extensions documentation for more information about these types.
Note: This policy also affects extensions and apps to be force-installed using ExtensionInstallForcelist.
Policy options mapping:
extension (extension) = Extension
theme (theme) = Theme
user_script (user_script) = User script
hosted_app (hosted_app) = Hosted app
legacy_packaged_app (legacy_packaged_app) = Legacy packaged app
platform_app (platform_app) = Platform app
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExtensionAllowedTypes
- GP name: Configure allowed extension types
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Extensions
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionAllowedTypes
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionAllowedTypes\1 = "hosted_app"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExtensionAllowedTypes
- Example value:
Control the availability of developer mode on extensions page
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 128 or later
Control if users can turn on Developer Mode on edge://extensions.
If the policy isn't set, users can turn on developer mode on the extension page unless DeveloperToolsAvailability policy is set to DeveloperToolsDisallowed (2). If the policy is set to Allow (0), users can turn on developer mode on the extensions page. If the policy is set to Disallow (1), users cannot turn on developer mode on the extensions page.
If this policy is set, DeveloperToolsAvailability can no longer control extensions developer mode.
Policy options mapping:
Allow (0) = Allow the usage of developer mode on extensions page
Disallow (1) = Do not allow the usage of developer mode on extensions page
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExtensionDeveloperModeSettings
- GP name: Control the availability of developer mode on extensions page
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Extensions
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ExtensionDeveloperModeSettings
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExtensionDeveloperModeSettings
- Example value:
Configure a list of origins that grant an extended background lifetime to connecting extensions.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 128 or later
Extensions that connect to one of these origins will keep running as long as the port is connected. If unset, the policy's default values are used. These are the app origins that offer SDKs that are known to not offer the possibility to restart a closed connection to a previous state:
- Smart Card Connector
- Citrix Receiver (stable, beta, back-up)
- VMware Horizon (stable, beta)
If set, the default value list is extended with the newly configured values. The defaults and policy-provided entries will grant the exception to the connecting extensions, as long as the port is connected.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExtensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrls
- GP name: Configure a list of origins that grant an extended background lifetime to connecting extensions.
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Extensions
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrls\1 = "chrome-extension://abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop/"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrls\2 = "chrome-extension://bcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopa/"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExtensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrls
- Example value:
Allow specific extensions to be installed
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Setting this policy specifies which extensions are not subject to the blocklist.
A blocklist value of * means all extensions are blocked and users can only install extensions listed in the allow list.
By default, all extensions are allowed. However, if you prohibited extensions by policy, you can use the list of allowed extensions to change that policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExtensionInstallAllowlist
- GP name: Allow specific extensions to be installed
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Extensions
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallAllowlist
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallAllowlist\1 = "extension_id1"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallAllowlist\2 = "extension_id2"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExtensionInstallAllowlist
- Example value:
Control which extensions cannot be installed
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Lets you specify which extensions the users CANNOT install. Extensions already installed will be disabled if blocked, without a way for the user to enable them. After a disabled extension is removed from the blocklist it will automatically get re-enabled.
A blocklist value of '*' means all extensions are blocked unless they are explicitly listed in the allowlist.
If this policy isn't set, the user can install any extension in Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExtensionInstallBlocklist
- GP name: Control which extensions cannot be installed
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Extensions
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallBlocklist
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallBlocklist\1 = "extension_id1"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallBlocklist\2 = "extension_id2"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExtensionInstallBlocklist
- Example value:
Control which extensions are installed silently
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Set this policy to specify a list of apps and extensions that install silently, without user interaction. Users can't uninstall or turn off this setting. Permissions are granted implicitly, including the enterprise.deviceAttributes and enterprise.platformKeys extension APIs. Note: These 2 APIs aren't available to apps and extensions that aren't force-installed.
If you don't set this policy, no apps or extensions are autoinstalled and users can uninstall any app in Microsoft Edge.
This policy supercedes ExtensionInstallBlocklist policy. If a previously force-installed app or extension is removed from this list, Microsoft Edge automatically uninstalls it.
For Windows instances not joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, forced installation is limited to apps and extensions listed in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website.
On macOS instances, apps and extensions from outside the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website can only be force installed if the instance is managed via MDM, or joined to a domain via MCX.
The source code of any extension can be altered by users with developer tools, potentially rendering the extension unfunctional. If this is a concern, configure the DeveloperToolsAvailability policy.
Each list item of the policy is a string that contains an extension ID and, optionally, and an optional "update" URL separated by a semicolon (;). The extension ID is the 32-letter string found, for example, on edge://extensions when in Developer mode. If specified, the "update" URL should point to an Update Manifest XML document The update URL should use one of the following schemes: http, https or file. By default, the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website's update URL is used. The "update" URL set in this policy is only used for the initial installation; subsequent updates of the extension use the update URL in the extension's manifest. The update url for subsequent updates can be overridden using the ExtensionSettings policy, see
Note: This policy doesn't apply to InPrivate mode. Read about hosting extensions at Publish and update extensions in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExtensionInstallForcelist
- GP name: Control which extensions are installed silently
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Extensions
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallForcelist
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallForcelist\1 = "gbchcmhmhahfdphkhkmpfmihenigjmpp;"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallForcelist\2 = "abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExtensionInstallForcelist
- Example value:
Configure extension and user script install sources
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Define URLs that can install extensions and themes.
Define URLs that can install extensions and themes directly without having to drag and drop the packages to the edge://extensions page.
Each item in this list is an extension-style match pattern (see Users can easily install items from any URL that matches an item in this list. Both the location of the *.crx file and the page where the download is started from (in other words, the referrer) must be allowed by these patterns. Do not host the files at a location that requires authentication.
The ExtensionInstallBlocklist policy takes precedence over this policy. Any extensions that's on the block list won't be installed, even if it comes from a site on this list.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExtensionInstallSources
- GP name: Configure extension and user script install sources
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Extensions
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallSources
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallSources\1 = "*"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExtensionInstallSources
- Example value:
Blocklist for extension install types
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123 or later
The blocklist controls which extension install types are disallowed.
Setting the "command_line" will block an extension from being loaded from command line.
Policy options mapping:
- command_line (command_line) = Blocks extensions from being loaded from command line
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExtensionInstallTypeBlocklist
- GP name: Blocklist for extension install types
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Extensions
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallTypeBlocklist
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallTypeBlocklist\1 = "command_line"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExtensionInstallTypeBlocklist
- Example value:
Control Manifest v2 extension availability
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123 or later
Control if Manifest v2 extensions can be used by browser.
Manifest v2 extensions support will be deprecated and all extensions need to be migrated to v3 in the future. More information about, and the timeline of the migration has not been established.
If the policy is set to Default or not set, v2 extension loading is decided by browser. This will follow the preceding timeline when it's established.
If the policy is set to Disable, v2 extensions installation are blocked, and existing ones are disabled. This option is going to be treated the same as if the policy is unset after v2 support is turned off by default.
If the policy is set to Enable, v2 extensions are allowed. The option is going to be treated the same as if the policy isn't set before v2 support is turned off by default.
If the policy is set to EnableForForcedExtensions, force installed v2 extensions are allowed. This includes extensions that are listed by ExtensionInstallForcelist or ExtensionSettings with installation_mode "force_installed" or "normal_installed". All other v2 extensions are disabled. The option is always available regardless of the manifest migration state.
Extensions availabilities are still controlled by other policies.
Policy options mapping:
Default (0) = Default browser behavior
Disable (1) = Manifest v2 is disabled
Enable (2) = Manifest v2 is enabled
EnableForForcedExtensions (3) = Manifest v2 is enabled for forced extensions only
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExtensionManifestV2Availability
- GP name: Control Manifest v2 extension availability
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Extensions
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ExtensionManifestV2Availability
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExtensionManifestV2Availability
- Example value:
Configure extension management settings
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Setting this policy controls extension management settings for Microsoft Edge, including any controlled by existing extension-related policies. This policy supersedes any legacy policies that might be set.
This policy maps an extension ID or an update URL to its specific setting only. A default configuration can be set for the special ID "*", which applies to all extensions without a custom configuration in this policy. With an update URL, configuration applies to extensions with the exact update URL stated in the extension manifest. If the 'override_update_url' flag is set to true, the extension is installed and updated using the update URL specified in the ExtensionInstallForcelist policy or in 'update_url' field in this policy. The flag 'override_update_url' is ignored if the 'update_url' is the Edge Add-ons website update URL. For more details, check out the detailed guide to ExtensionSettings policy available at
To block extensions from a particular third party store, you only need to block the update_url for that store. For example, if you want to block extensions from Chrome Web Store, you can use the following JSON.
Note that you can still use ExtensionInstallForcelist and ExtensionInstallAllowlist to allow / force install specific extensions even if the store is blocked using the JSON in the previous example.
If the 'sidebar_auto_open_blocked' flag is set to true in an extension's configuration, the hub-app (sidebar app) corresponding to the specified extension will be prevented from automatically opening.
On Windows instances, apps and extensions from outside the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website can only be forced installed if the instance is joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain or joined to Microsoft Azure Active Directory®`.
On macOS instances, apps and extensions from outside the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website can only be force installed if the instance is managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExtensionSettings
- GP name: Configure extension management settings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Extensions
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ExtensionSettings
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionSettings = {
"*": {
"allowed_types": [
"blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.",
"blocked_permissions": [
"install_sources": [
"installation_mode": "blocked",
"runtime_allowed_hosts": [
"runtime_blocked_hosts": [
"abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop": {
"blocked_permissions": [
"file_url_navigation_allowed": true,
"installation_mode": "allowed",
"minimum_version_required": "1.0.1"
"bcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopa": {
"allowed_permissions": [
"installation_mode": "force_installed",
"override_update_url": true,
"runtime_allowed_hosts": [
"runtime_blocked_hosts": [
"sidebar_auto_open_blocked": true,
"toolbar_state": "force_shown",
"update_url": ""
"cdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopab": {
"blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.",
"installation_mode": "blocked"
"defghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabc,efghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcd": {
"blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.",
"installation_mode": "blocked"
"fghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcde": {
"blocked_install_message": "Custom removal message.",
"installation_mode": "removed"
"update_url:": {
"allowed_permissions": [
"blocked_permissions": [
"installation_mode": "allowed"
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionSettings = {"*": {"allowed_types": ["hosted_app"], "blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.", "blocked_permissions": ["downloads", "bookmarks"], "install_sources": ["https://company-intranet/apps"], "installation_mode": "blocked", "runtime_allowed_hosts": ["*://"], "runtime_blocked_hosts": ["*://*"]}, "abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop": {"blocked_permissions": ["history"], "file_url_navigation_allowed": true, "installation_mode": "allowed", "minimum_version_required": "1.0.1"}, "bcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopa": {"allowed_permissions": ["downloads"], "installation_mode": "force_installed", "override_update_url": true, "runtime_allowed_hosts": ["*://"], "runtime_blocked_hosts": ["*://*"], "sidebar_auto_open_blocked": true, "toolbar_state": "force_shown", "update_url": ""}, "cdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopab": {"blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.", "installation_mode": "blocked"}, "defghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabc,efghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcd": {"blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.", "installation_mode": "blocked"}, "fghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcde": {"blocked_install_message": "Custom removal message.", "installation_mode": "removed"}, "update_url:": {"allowed_permissions": ["downloads"], "blocked_permissions": ["wallpaper"], "installation_mode": "allowed"}}
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExtensionSettings
- Example value:
<string>Custom error message.</string>
<string>Custom error message.</string>
<string>Custom error message.</string>
<string>Custom removal message.</string>
Games settings policies
Enable Gamer Mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 117 or later
Microsoft Edge Gamer Mode allows gamers to personalize their browser with gaming themes and gives them the option of enabling Efficiency Mode for PC gaming, the Gaming feed on new tabs, sidebar apps for gamers, and more.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can opt into Gamer Mode. If you disable this policy, Gamer Mode will be disabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: GamerModeEnabled
- GP name: Enable Gamer Mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Games settings
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Games settings
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: GamerModeEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Generative AI policies
Settings for GenAI local foundational model
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 132 or later
Configure how Microsoft Edge downloads the foundational GenAI model and uses it for inference locally.
When the policy is set to Allowed (0) or not set, the model is downloaded automatically, and used for inference.
When the policy is set to Disabled (1), the model will not be downloaded.
Model downloading can also be disabled by ComponentUpdatesEnabled.
Policy options mapping:
Allowed (0) = Downloads model automatically
Disabled (1) = Do not download model
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: GenAILocalFoundationalModelSettings
- GP name: Settings for GenAI local foundational model
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Generative AI
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: GenAILocalFoundationalModelSettings
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: GenAILocalFoundationalModelSettings
- Example value:
HTTP authentication policies
List of origins that allow all HTTP authentication
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 102 or later
Set this policy to specify which origins allow all the HTTP authentication schemes Microsoft Edge supports regardless of the AuthSchemes policy.
Format the origin pattern according to this format ( Up to 1,000 exceptions can be defined in AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins. Wildcards are allowed for the whole origin or parts of the origin. Parts include the scheme, host, or port.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins
- GP name: List of origins that allow all HTTP authentication
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/HTTP authentication
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins\1 = "*"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins
- Example value:
Allow cross-origin HTTP Authentication prompts
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Controls whether third-party images on a page can show an authentication prompt.
Typically, this is disabled as a phishing defense. If you don't configure this policy, it's disabled and third-party images can't show an authentication prompt.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AllowCrossOriginAuthPrompt
- GP name: Allow cross-origin HTTP Authentication prompts
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/HTTP authentication
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AllowCrossOriginAuthPrompt
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AllowCrossOriginAuthPrompt
- Example value:
Specifies a list of servers that Microsoft Edge can delegate user credentials to
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Configure the list of servers that Microsoft Edge can delegate to.
Separate multiple server names with commas. Wildcards (*) are allowed.
If you don't configure this policy Microsoft Edge won't delegate user credentials even if a server is detected as Intranet.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist
- GP name: Specifies a list of servers that Microsoft Edge can delegate user credentials to
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/HTTP authentication
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist
- Example value:
Supported authentication schemes
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specifies which HTTP authentication schemes are supported.
You can configure the policy by using these values: 'basic', 'digest', 'ntlm', and 'negotiate'. Separate multiple values with commas.
Note: All values for this policy are case sensitive.
If you don't configure this policy, all four schemes are used.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AuthSchemes
- GP name: Supported authentication schemes
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/HTTP authentication
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AuthSchemes
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AuthSchemes
- Example value:
Configure list of allowed authentication servers
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specifies which servers to enable for integrated authentication. Integrated authentication is only enabled when Microsoft Edge receives an authentication challenge from a proxy or from a server in this list.
Separate multiple server names with commas. Wildcards (*) are allowed.
If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge tries to detect if a server is on the intranet - only then will it respond to IWA requests. If the server is on the internet, IWA requests from it are ignored by Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AuthServerAllowlist
- GP name: Configure list of allowed authentication servers
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/HTTP authentication
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AuthServerAllowlist
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AuthServerAllowlist
- Example value:
Allow Basic authentication for HTTP
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 88 or later
If you enable this policy or leave it unset, Basic authentication challenges received over non-secure HTTP will be allowed.
If you disable this policy, non-secure HTTP requests from the Basic authentication scheme are blocked, and only secure HTTPS is allowed.
This policy setting is ignored (and Basic is always forbidden) if the AuthSchemes policy is set and does not include Basic.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BasicAuthOverHttpEnabled
- GP name: Allow Basic authentication for HTTP
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/HTTP authentication
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: BasicAuthOverHttpEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: BasicAuthOverHttpEnabled
- Example value:
Disable CNAME lookup when negotiating Kerberos authentication
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Determines whether the generated Kerberos SPN is based on the canonical DNS name (CNAME) or on the original name entered.
If you enable this policy, CNAME lookup is skipped and the server name (as entered) is used.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, the canonical name of the server is used. This is determined through CNAME lookup.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup
- GP name: Disable CNAME lookup when negotiating Kerberos authentication
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/HTTP authentication
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup
- Example value:
Include non-standard port in Kerberos SPN
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specifies whether the generated Kerberos SPN should include a non-standard port.
If you enable this policy, and a user includes a non-standard port (a port other than 80 or 443) in a URL, that port is included in the generated Kerberos SPN.
If you don't configure or disable this policy, the generated Kerberos SPN won't include a port in any case.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnableAuthNegotiatePort
- GP name: Include non-standard port in Kerberos SPN
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/HTTP authentication
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EnableAuthNegotiatePort
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EnableAuthNegotiatePort
- Example value:
Control whether NTLMv2 authentication is enabled
Supported versions:
- On macOS since 77 or later
Controls whether NTLMv2 is enabled.
All recent versions of Samba and Windows servers support NTLMv2. You should only disable NTLMv2 to address issues with backwards compatibility as it reduces the security of authentication.
If you don't configure this policy, NTLMv2 is enabled by default.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NtlmV2Enabled
- Example value:
Windows Hello For HTTP Auth Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 90 or later
Indicates if Windows Credential UI should be used to respond to NTLM and Negotiate authentication challenges.
If you disable this policy, a basic username and password prompt will be used to respond to NTLM and Negotiate challenges. If you enable or don't configure this policy, Windows Credential UI will be used.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WindowsHelloForHTTPAuthEnabled
- GP name: Windows Hello For HTTP Auth Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/HTTP authentication
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/HTTP authentication
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: WindowsHelloForHTTPAuthEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Identity and sign-in policies
Configure the automatic profile switching site list
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 120 or later
Set this policy to control which profiles Microsoft Edge will use to open sites in. Switching configurations for sites listed in this policy take precedence over other heuristics Microsoft Edge uses for switching sites but note that sites not listed on this policy are still subject to switching by those heuristics. If this policy is not configured, Microsoft Edge will continue using its heuristics to automatically switch sites.
This policy maps a URL hostname to a profile that it should be opened in.
The 'site' field should take the form of a URL hostname.
The 'profile' field can take one of the following values:
'Work': The most recently used Microsoft Entra signed-in profile will be used to open 'site'.
'Personal': The most recently used MSA signed-in profile will be used to open 'site'.
'No preference': The currently used profile will be used to open 'site'.
Wildcard email address: This takes the form of '*'. A profile whose username ends with the contents following the '*' will be used to open 'site'.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutomaticProfileSwitchingSiteList
- GP name: Configure the automatic profile switching site list
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Identity and sign-in
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Identity and sign-in
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: AutomaticProfileSwitchingSiteList
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutomaticProfileSwitchingSiteList = [
"profile": "Work",
"site": ""
"profile": "Personal",
"site": ""
"profile": "No preference",
"site": ""
"profile": "*",
"site": ""
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutomaticProfileSwitchingSiteList = [{"profile": "Work", "site": ""}, {"profile": "Personal", "site": ""}, {"profile": "No preference", "site": ""}, {"profile": "*", "site": ""}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutomaticProfileSwitchingSiteList
- Example value:
<string>No preference</string>
Default Profile Setting Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 101 or later
Configuring this policy will let you set a default profile in Microsoft Edge to be used when opening the browser rather than the last profile used. This policy won't affect when "--profile-directory" parameter has been specified. Set the value to "Default" to refer to the default profile. The value is case sensitive. The value of the policy is the name of the profile (case sensitive) and can be configured with string that is the name of a specific profile. The value "Edge Kids Mode" and "Guest Profile" are considered not useful values because they not supposed to be a default profile. This policy won't impact the following scenarios:
- Settings specified in "Profile preferences for sites" in "Profile preferences"
- Links opening from Outlook and Teams.
The following statements are under the condition of not specify the "--profile-directory" and configured value is not "Edge Kids Mode" or "Guest Profile": If you enable this policy and configure it with a specific profile name and the specified profile can be found, Microsoft Edge will use the specified profile when launching and the setting of "Default profile for external link" is changed to the specified profile name and greyed out. If you enable this policy and configure it with a specific profile name but it can't be found, the policy will behave like it's never been set before. If you enable this policy, but don't configure or disable it, the policy will behave like it's never been set before.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeDefaultProfileEnabled
- GP name: Default Profile Setting Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Identity and sign-in
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeDefaultProfileEnabled
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Guided Switch Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 103 or later
Allows Microsoft Edge to prompt the user to switch to the appropriate profile when Microsoft Edge detects that a link is a personal or work link.
If you enable this policy, you'll be prompted to switch to another account if the current profile doesn't work for the requesting link.
If you disable this policy, you won't be prompted to switch to another account when there's a profile and link mismatch.
If this policy isn't configured, guided switch is turned on by default. A user can override this value in the browser settings.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: GuidedSwitchEnabled
- GP name: Guided Switch Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Identity and sign-in
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: GuidedSwitchEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: GuidedSwitchEnabled
- Example value:
Enable implicit sign-in
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 93 or later
Configure this policy to allow/disallow implicit sign-in.
If you have configured the BrowserSignin policy to 'Disable browser sign-in', this policy will not take any effect.
If you enable or don't configure this setting, implicit sign-in will be enabled, Edge will attempt to sign the user into their profile based on what and how they sign in to their OS.
If you disable this setting, implicit sign-in will be disabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImplicitSignInEnabled
- GP name: Enable implicit sign-in
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Identity and sign-in
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ImplicitSignInEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enable the linked account feature (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 133.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 107, until 133
This policy is obsolete because Microsoft Edge no longer supports the linked account feature.
Microsoft Edge guides a user to the account management page where they can link a Microsoft Account (MSA) to an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) account.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, linked account information will be shown on a flyout. When the Azure AD profile doesn't have a linked account it will show "Add account".
If you disable this policy, linked accounts will be turned off and no extra information will be shown.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: LinkedAccountEnabled
- GP name: Enable the linked account feature (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Identity and sign-in
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: LinkedAccountEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: LinkedAccountEnabled
- Example value:
OneAuth Authentication Flow Enforced for signin
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 93 or later
This policy allows users to decide whether to use the OneAuth library for sign-in and token fetch in Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 RS3 and above.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, signin process will use Windows Account Manager. Microsoft Edge would be able to use accounts you logged in to Windows, Microsoft Office, or other Microsoft applications for login, without the needing of password. Or you can provide valid account and password to sign in, which will be stored in Windows Account Manager for future usage. You will be able to investigate all accounts stored in Windows Account Manager through Windows Settings -> Accounts -> Email and accounts page.
If you enable this policy, OneAuth authentication flow will be used for account signin. The OneAuth authentication flow has fewer dependencies and can work without Windows shell. The account you use would not be stored in the Email and accounts page.
This policy will only take effect on Windows 10 RS3 and above. On Windows 10 below RS3, OneAuth is used for authentication in Microsoft Edge by default.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: OneAuthAuthenticationEnforced
- GP name: OneAuth Authentication Flow Enforced for signin
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Identity and sign-in
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: OneAuthAuthenticationEnforced
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Only on-premises account enabled for implicit sign-in
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 94 or later
Configure this policy to decide whether only on-premises accounts are enabled for implicit sign-in.
If you enable this policy, only on-premises accounts will be enabled for implicit sign-in. Microsoft Edge won't attempt to implicitly sign in to MSA or AAD accounts. Upgrade from on-premises accounts to AAD accounts will be stopped as well.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, all accounts will be enabled for implicit sign-in.
This policy will only take effect when policy ConfigureOnPremisesAccountAutoSignIn is enabled and set to 'SignInAndMakeDomainAccountNonRemovable'.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: OnlyOnPremisesImplicitSigninEnabled
- GP name: Only on-premises account enabled for implicit sign-in
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Identity and sign-in
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: OnlyOnPremisesImplicitSigninEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enable proactive authentication
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 126 or later
This policy controls the proactive authentication in Microsoft Edge, that connects the signed-in user identity with Microsoft Bing, MSN and Copilot services for a smooth and consistent sign-in experience.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge authentication requests are automatically sent to the services using the account that is signed-in to the browser.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge does not send authentications requests to these services and users will need to manually sign-in.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ProactiveAuthWorkflowEnabled
- GP name: Enable proactive authentication
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Identity and sign-in
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ProactiveAuthWorkflowEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ProactiveAuthWorkflowEnabled
- Example value:
Seamless Web To Browser Sign-in Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 133 or later
This policy only takes effect when the WebToBrowserSignInEnabled is enabled. If this policy is enabled, users cannot turn off Seamless Web to Browser Sign-in feature from "Automatic sign in on Microsoft Edge" setting on Microsoft Edge profile settings page and that toggle will be greyed out. If this policy is disabled, users cannot turn on Seamless Web to Browser Sign-in feature from "Automatic sign in on Microsoft Edge" setting on Microsoft Edge profile settings page and that toggle will be greyed out. If this policy is not configured, users can turn on/off Seamless Web to Browser Sign-in feature from settings by themselves.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SeamlessWebToBrowserSignInEnabled
- GP name: Seamless Web To Browser Sign-in Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Identity and sign-in
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SeamlessWebToBrowserSignInEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SeamlessWebToBrowserSignInEnabled
- Example value:
Enable sign in click to action dialog (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 130.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 99, until 130
Configure this policy to show sign in click to action dialog on New tab page.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, sign in click to action dialog is shown on New tab page.
If you disable this policy, sign in click to action dialog isn't shown on the New tab page.
This policy is obsoleted as the feature has not been enabled in Microsoft Edge, and this policy will not be supported for Microsoft Edge in the future.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: No
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SignInCtaOnNtpEnabled
- GP name: Enable sign in click to action dialog (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): N/A
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Identity and sign-in
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): N/A
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: SignInCtaOnNtpEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SignInCtaOnNtpEnabled
- Example value:
Switch intranet sites to a work or school profile
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 119 or later
Allows Microsoft Edge to switch to the appropriate profile when Microsoft Edge detects that a URL is the intranet.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, navigations to intranet URLs will switch to the most recently used work or school profile if one exists.
If you disable this policy, navigations to intranet URLs will remain in the current browser profile.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SwitchIntranetSitesToWorkProfile
- GP name: Switch intranet sites to a work or school profile
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Identity and sign-in
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SwitchIntranetSitesToWorkProfile
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SwitchIntranetSitesToWorkProfile
- Example value:
Switch sites on the IE mode site list to a work or school profile
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 119 or later
Allows Microsoft Edge to switch to the appropriate profile when navigating to a site that matches an entry on the IE mode site list. Only sites that specify IE mode or Edge mode will be switched to the work or school profile.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, navigations to URLs matching a site on the IE mode site list will switch to the most recently used work or school profile if one exists.
If you disable this policy, navigations to URLs matching a site on the IE mode site list will remain in the current browser profile.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SwitchSitesOnIEModeSiteListToWorkProfile
- GP name: Switch sites on the IE mode site list to a work or school profile
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Identity and sign-in
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SwitchSitesOnIEModeSiteListToWorkProfile
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
WAM for authentication below Windows 10 RS3 enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 93 or later
Configure this policy to decide whether WAM is used for authentication in Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 RS1 and RS2.
If you enable this setting, WAM will be used in the authentication flow on Windows 10 RS1 and RS2.
If you disable or don't configure this setting, OneAuth libraries will be used instead of WAM on Windows 10 RS1 and RS2.
Note that if this policy is enabled, then previous sign-in sessions (which used OneAuth by default) cannot be used. Please sign out of those profiles.
This policy will only take effect on Windows 10 RS1 and RS2. On Windows 10 RS3 and above, WAM is used for authentication in Microsoft Edge by default.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WAMAuthBelowWin10RS3Enabled
- GP name: WAM for authentication below Windows 10 RS3 enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Identity and sign-in
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WAMAuthBelowWin10RS3Enabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Web To Browser Sign-in Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 133 or later
Allow user to sign in to the same account in Microsoft Edge when a user signs in to a Microsoft website. If this policy is enabled or not configured, user are able to get sign in CTA or seamless sign in experience(if SeamlessWebToBrowserSignInEnabled is enabled) when user sign in on Microsoft website. If this policy is disabled, user will not get sign in CTA or seamless sign in experience when user sign in on Microsoft website.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebToBrowserSignInEnabled
- GP name: Web To Browser Sign-in Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Identity and sign-in
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebToBrowserSignInEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebToBrowserSignInEnabled
- Example value:
Idle Browser Actions policies
Delay before running idle actions
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 134 or later
Triggers an action when the computer is idle.
If you set this policy, it specifies the length of time without user input (in minutes) before the browser runs actions configured via the IdleTimeoutActions policy.
If you do not set this policy, no action will run.
The minimum threshold is 1 minute.
"User input" is defined by Operating System APIs, and includes things like moving the mouse or typing on the keyboard.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: IdleTimeout
- GP name: Delay before running idle actions
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Idle Browser Actions
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: IdleTimeout
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: IdleTimeout
- Example value:
Actions to run when the computer is idle
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 134 or later
When the timeout from the IdleTimeout policy is reached, the browser runs the actions configured in this policy.
If you do not configure the IdleTimeout policy, this policy has no effect.
If you do not configure this policy or no actions are selected, the IdleTimeout policy has no effect.
Supported actions are:
'close_browsers': close all browser windows and PWAs for this profile.
'reload_pages': reload all webpages. For some pages, the user may be prompted for confirmation first.
'clear_browsing_history', 'clear_download_history', 'clear_cookies_and_other_site_data', 'clear_cached_images_and_files', 'clear_password_signing', 'clear_autofill', 'clear_site_settings': clear the corresponding browsing data.
Setting 'clear_browsing_history', 'clear_password_signing', 'clear_autofill', and 'clear_site_settings' will disable sync for the respective data types if sync is not already disabled by setting either the SyncDisabled policy or BrowserSignin to disabled.
Policy options mapping:
close_browsers (close_browsers) = Close Browsers
clear_browsing_history (clear_browsing_history) = Clear Browsing History
clear_download_history (clear_download_history) = Clear Download History
clear_cookies_and_other_site_data (clear_cookies_and_other_site_data) = Clear Cookies and Other Site Data
clear_cached_images_and_files (clear_cached_images_and_files) = Clear Cached Images and Files
clear_password_signin (clear_password_signin) = Clear Password Signin
clear_autofill (clear_autofill) = Clear Autofill
clear_site_settings (clear_site_settings) = Clear Site Settings
reload_pages (reload_pages) = Reload Pages
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: IdleTimeoutActions
- GP name: Actions to run when the computer is idle
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Idle Browser Actions
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\IdleTimeoutActions
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\IdleTimeoutActions\1 = "close_browsers"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: IdleTimeoutActions
- Example value:
Immersive Reader settings policies
Enable Grammar Tools feature within Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 125.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 110, until 125
This policy is obsoleted because Grammar Tools is deprecated from Edge. This policy won't work in Microsoft Edge version 126. Enables the Grammar Tools feature within Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge. This helps improve reading comprehension by splitting words into syllables and highlighting nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, the Grammar Tools option shows up within Immersive Reader. If you disable this policy, users can't access the Grammar Tools feature within Immersive Reader.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImmersiveReaderGrammarToolsEnabled
- GP name: Enable Grammar Tools feature within Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Immersive Reader settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ImmersiveReaderGrammarToolsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImmersiveReaderGrammarToolsEnabled
- Example value:
Enable Picture Dictionary feature within Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 126.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 110, until 126
This Policy is obsoleted because Picture Dictionary is deprecated from Edge as of Sept, 2023. This policy won't work in Microsoft Edge Version 127. Enables the Picture Dictionary feature within Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge. This feature helps in reading comprehension by letting a user to click on any single word and see an illustration related to the meaning.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, the Picture Dictionary option shows up within Immersive Reader. If you disable this policy, users can't access the Picture Dictionary feature within Immersive Reader.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImmersiveReaderPictureDictionaryEnabled
- GP name: Enable Picture Dictionary feature within Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Immersive Reader settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ImmersiveReaderPictureDictionaryEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImmersiveReaderPictureDictionaryEnabled
- Example value:
Kiosk Mode settings policies
Configure address bar editing for kiosk mode public browsing experience
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 87 or later
This policy only applies to Microsoft Edge kiosk mode while using the public browsing experience.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can change the URL in the address bar.
If you disable this policy, it prevents users from changing the URL in the address bar.
For detailed information on configuring kiosk Mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: KioskAddressBarEditingEnabled
- GP name: Configure address bar editing for kiosk mode public browsing experience
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Kiosk Mode settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: KioskAddressBarEditingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Delete files downloaded as part of kiosk session when Microsoft Edge closes
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 87 or later
This policy only applies to Microsoft Edge kiosk mode.
If you enable this policy, files downloaded as part of the kiosk session are deleted each time Microsoft Edge closes.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, files downloaded as part of the kiosk session are not deleted when Microsoft Edge closes.
For detailed information on configuring kiosk Mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: KioskDeleteDownloadsOnExit
- GP name: Delete files downloaded as part of kiosk session when Microsoft Edge closes
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Kiosk Mode settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: KioskDeleteDownloadsOnExit
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Swipe gestures in Microsoft Edge kiosk mode enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 101 or later
This policy only applies to Microsoft Edge kiosk mode.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, swipe gestures will behave as expected.
If you disable this policy, the user will not be able to use swipe gestures (for example navigate forwards and backwards, refresh page).
For detailed information on configuring kiosk mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: KioskSwipeGesturesEnabled
- GP name: Swipe gestures in Microsoft Edge kiosk mode enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Kiosk Mode settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: KioskSwipeGesturesEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Manageability policies
Microsoft Edge management enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 115 or later
Microsoft Edge management service in Microsoft 365 Admin Center lets you set policy and manage users through a Microsoft Edge focused cloud-based management experience. This policy lets you control whether Microsoft Edge management is enabled.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will attempt to connect to the Microsoft Edge management service to download and apply policy assigned to the Azure AD account of the user.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not attempt to connect to the Microsoft Edge management service.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeManagementEnabled
- GP name: Microsoft Edge management enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Manageability
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeManagementEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Microsoft Edge management enrollment token
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 115 or later
Microsoft Edge management service in Microsoft 365 Admin Center lets you set policy and manage users through a Microsoft Edge focused cloud-based management experience. This policy lets you specify an enrollment token that's used to register with Microsoft Edge management service and deploy the associated policies. The user must be signed into Microsoft Edge with a valid work or school account otherwise Microsoft Edge will not download the policy.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will attempt to use the specified enrollment token to register with the Microsoft Edge management service and download the published policy.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will not attempt to connect to the Microsoft Edge management service.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeManagementEnrollmentToken
- GP name: Microsoft Edge management enrollment token
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Manageability
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeManagementEnrollmentToken
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Microsoft Edge management extensions feedback enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 115 or later
This setting controls whether Microsoft Edge sends data about blocked extensions to the Microsoft Edge management service.
The 'EdgeManagementEnabled' policy must also be enabled for this setting to take effect.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will send data to the Microsoft Edge service when a user tries to install a blocked extension.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge won't send any data to the Microsoft Edge service about blocked extensions.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeManagementExtensionsFeedbackEnabled
- GP name: Microsoft Edge management extensions feedback enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Manageability
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeManagementExtensionsFeedbackEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeManagementExtensionsFeedbackEnabled
- Example value:
Microsoft Edge management service policy overrides platform policy.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 119 or later
If you enable this policy, the cloud-based Microsoft Edge management service policy takes precedence if it conflicts with platform policy.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, platform policy takes precedence if it conflicts with the cloud-based Microsoft Edge management service policy.
This mandatory policy affects machine scope cloud-based Microsoft Edge management policies.
Machine policies apply to all edge browser instances regardless of the user who is logged in.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeManagementPolicyOverridesPlatformPolicy
- GP name: Microsoft Edge management service policy overrides platform policy.
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Manageability
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeManagementPolicyOverridesPlatformPolicy
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeManagementPolicyOverridesPlatformPolicy
- Example value:
Allow cloud-based Microsoft Edge management service user policies to override local user policies.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 119 or later
If you enable this policy, cloud-based Microsoft Edge management service user policies takes precedence if it conflicts with local user policy.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge management service user policies will take precedence.
The policy can be combined with EdgeManagementPolicyOverridesPlatformPolicy. If both policies are enabled, all cloud-based Microsoft Edge management service policies will take precedence over conflicting local service policies.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeManagementUserPolicyOverridesCloudMachinePolicy
- GP name: Allow cloud-based Microsoft Edge management service user policies to override local user policies.
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Manageability
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeManagementUserPolicyOverridesCloudMachinePolicy
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeManagementUserPolicyOverridesCloudMachinePolicy
- Example value:
Mobile App Management Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 89 or later
Allows the Microsoft Edge browser to retrieve policies from the Intune application management services and apply them to users' profiles.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, Mobile App Management (MAM) Policies can be applied.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not communicate with Intune to request MAM Policies.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: MAMEnabled
- GP name: Mobile App Management Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Manageability
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: MAMEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: MAMEnabled
- Example value:
Native Messaging policies
Control which native messaging hosts users can use
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Setting the policy specifies which native messaging hosts aren't subject to the deny list. A deny list value of * means all native messaging hosts are denied unless they're explicitly allowed.
All native messaging hosts are allowed by default. However, if a native messaging host is denied by policy, the admin can use the allow list to change that policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NativeMessagingAllowlist
- GP name: Control which native messaging hosts users can use
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Native Messaging
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NativeMessagingAllowlist
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NativeMessagingAllowlist\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NativeMessagingAllowlist\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NativeMessagingAllowlist
- Example value:
Configure native messaging block list
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Setting this policy specifies which native messaging hosts shouldn't be loaded. A deny list value of * means all native messaging hosts are denied unless they're explicitly allowed.
If you leave this policy unset , Microsoft Edge loads all installed native messaging hosts.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NativeMessagingBlocklist
- GP name: Configure native messaging block list
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Native Messaging
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NativeMessagingBlocklist
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NativeMessagingBlocklist\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NativeMessagingBlocklist\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NativeMessagingBlocklist
- Example value:
Allow user-level native messaging hosts (installed without admin permissions)
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
If you set this policy to Enabled or leave it unset, Microsoft Edge can use native messaging hosts installed at the user level.
If you set this policy to Disabled, Microsoft Edge can only use these hosts if they're installed at the system level.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NativeMessagingUserLevelHosts
- GP name: Allow user-level native messaging hosts (installed without admin permissions)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Native Messaging
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NativeMessagingUserLevelHosts
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NativeMessagingUserLevelHosts
- Example value:
Network settings policies
Make Access-Control-Allow-Methods matching in CORS preflight spec conformant
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123 or later
This policy controls whether request methods are uppercased when matching with Access-Control-Allow-Methods response headers in CORS preflight.
If you disable this policy, request methods are uppercased. This is the behavior on or before Microsoft Edge 108.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, request methods are not uppercased, unless matching case-insensitively with DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST, or PUT.
This would reject fetch(url, {method: 'Foo'}) + "Access-Control-Allow-Methods: FOO" response header, and would accept fetch(url, {method: 'Foo'}) + "Access-Control-Allow-Methods: Foo" response header.
Note: request methods "post" and "put" are not affected, while "patch" is affected.
This policy is intended to be temporary and will be removed in the future.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AccessControlAllowMethodsInCORSPreflightSpecConformant
- GP name: Make Access-Control-Allow-Methods matching in CORS preflight spec conformant
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Network settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AccessControlAllowMethodsInCORSPreflightSpecConformant
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AccessControlAllowMethodsInCORSPreflightSpecConformant
- Example value:
Block truncated cookies (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 131.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123, until 131
This policy provides a temporary opt-out for changes to how Microsoft Edge handles cookies set via JavaScript that contain certain control characters (NULL, carriage return, and line feed). Previously, the presence of any of these characters in a cookie string would cause it to be truncated but still set. Now, the presence of these characters will cause the whole cookie string to be ignored.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the new behavior is enabled.
If you disable this policy, the old behavior is enabled.
This policy is obsolete because this policy was originally implemented as a safety measure in case of breakage, but none have been reported.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BlockTruncatedCookies
- GP name: Block truncated cookies (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Network settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: BlockTruncatedCookies
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: BlockTruncatedCookies
- Example value:
Enable compression dictionary transport support
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 118 or later
This feature enables the use of dictionary-specific content encodings in the Accept-Encoding request header ("sbr" and "zst-d") when dictionaries are available for use.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge will accept web contents using the compression dictionary transport feature.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will turn off the compression dictionary transport feature.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CompressionDictionaryTransportEnabled
- GP name: Enable compression dictionary transport support
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Network settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: CompressionDictionaryTransportEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CompressionDictionaryTransportEnabled
- Example value:
DataURL Whitespace Preservation for all media types
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 133 or later
This policy provides a temporary opt-out for changes to how Edge handles whitepsace in data URLS. Previously, whitespace would be kept only if the top level media type was text or contained the media type string xml. Now, whitespace will be preserved in all data URLs, regardless of media type.
If this policy is left unset or is set to True, the new behavior is enabled.
When this policy is set to False, the old behavior is enabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DataURLWhitespacePreservationEnabled
- GP name: DataURL Whitespace Preservation for all media types
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Network settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DataURLWhitespacePreservationEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DataURLWhitespacePreservationEnabled
- Example value:
Enable IPv6 reachability check override
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 132 or later
This policy enables an override of the IPv6 reachability check. When overridden, the system will always query AAAA records when resolving host names. It applies to all users and interfaces on the device.
If you enable this policy, the IPv6 reachability check will be overridden.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, the IPv6 reachability check will not be overridden. The system only queries AAAA records when it is reachable to a global IPv6 host.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: IPv6ReachabilityOverrideEnabled
- GP name: Enable IPv6 reachability check override
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Network settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: IPv6ReachabilityOverrideEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: IPv6ReachabilityOverrideEnabled
- Example value:
Enable zstd content encoding support
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 125 or later
This feature enables advertising "zstd" support in the Accept-Encoding request header and support for decompressing zstd web content.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will accept server responses compressed with zstd.
If you disable this policy, the zstd content encoding feature will not be advertised or supported when processing server responses.
This policy is temporary and will be removed in the future.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ZstdContentEncodingEnabled
- GP name: Enable zstd content encoding support
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Network settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ZstdContentEncodingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ZstdContentEncodingEnabled
- Example value:
PDF Reader policies
View XFA-based PDF files using IE Mode for allowed file hash.
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 132 or later
XFA is a legacy technology that is deprecated by its original creators. It is not an ISO standard and as such, doesn't align with the modern web architecture. Continued use poses potential risks and vulnerabilities. For more information, see - ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedOrigins.
If you enable this policy, you can configure the list of base64 encoded SHA256 file hashes for which XFA PDF files will automatically open in Microsoft Edge using IE Mode.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, XFA PDFs won't be considered for opening via IE mode except the files from file origin mentioned in Policy ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedOrigins
For more information, see - Get-FileHash, Dot Net Convert API.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedFileHash
- GP name: View XFA-based PDF files using IE Mode for allowed file hash.
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/PDF Reader
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedFileHash
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedFileHash\1 = "pZGm1Av0IEBKARczz7exkNYsZb8LzaMrV7J32a2fFG4="
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedFileHash\2 = "nFeL0Q+9HX7WFI3RsmSDFTlUtrbclXH67MTdXDwWuu4="
View XFA-based PDF files using IE Mode for allowed file origin.
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 132 or later
Internet Explorer (IE) mode uses the Adobe Acrobat Active-X PDF Plugin to open XFA-based PDF files. This policy will only work if the Active-X plugin is already on the user's device, it's not installed as part of this policy.
It's important to note that XFA is a legacy technology that is deprecated by its original creators. It is not an ISO standard and as such, doesn't align with the modern web architecture. Continued use poses potential risks and vulnerabilities.
Given the deprecated status of XFA technology and the lack of any investment by its creators, we strongly recommend that you start planning your transition to a more advanced HTML\PDF form-based solutions.
In the interim, this policy provides a workaround for users to view XFA PDF in Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, you can configure the list of origins from which XFA PDF files will be automatically opened in Microsoft Edge using IE Mode.
If you disable or don't configure the policy, XFA PDFs won't be considered for opening via Internet Explorer mode.
For detailed information on valid URL patterns, see -
Alternatively, ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedFileHash can also be used to configure list of file hashes instead of URL origins, which will enable those files to be automatically opened in Microsoft Edge using IE Mode.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedOrigins
- GP name: View XFA-based PDF files using IE Mode for allowed file origin.
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/PDF Reader
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedOrigins
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedOrigins\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedOrigins\2 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedOrigins\3 = "file://account_forms/"
Password manager and protection policies
Enable deleting undecryptable passwords
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 132 or later
This policy controls whether the built-in password manager can delete undecryptable passwords from its database. This is required to restore the full functionality of the built-in password manager, but it may include a permanent data loss. Undecryptable password values will not become decryptable on their own.
If fixing them is possible, it usually requires complex user actions.
Enabling this policy or leaving it unset means that users with undecryptable passwords saved to the built-in password manager will lose them. Passwords that are still in a working state will remain untouched.
Disabling this policy means users will have their password manager data untouched, but will experience a broken password manager functionality.
If the policy is set, users can't override it in Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DeletingUndecryptablePasswordsEnabled
- GP name: Enable deleting undecryptable passwords
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Password manager and protection
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DeletingUndecryptablePasswordsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DeletingUndecryptablePasswordsEnabled
- Example value:
Prevent passwords from being deleted if any Edge settings is enabled to delete browsing data when Microsoft Edge closes
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 117 or later
When this policy is enabled, the passwords saved with Edge Password Manager are exempted from deletion when the browser closes. This policy is only effective when the ClearBrowsingDataOnExit policy is enabled.
If you enable this policy, passwords won't be cleared when the browser closes. If you disable or don't configure this policy, the user's personal configuration is used.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PasswordDeleteOnBrowserCloseEnabled
- GP name: Prevent passwords from being deleted if any Edge settings is enabled to delete browsing data when Microsoft Edge closes
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Password manager and protection
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Password manager and protection
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: PasswordDeleteOnBrowserCloseEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PasswordDeleteOnBrowserCloseEnabled
- Example value:
Allow users to get a strong password suggestion whenever they are creating an account online
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93 or later
Configures the Password Generator Settings toggle that enables/disables the feature for users.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, then Password Generator will offer users a strong and unique password suggestion (via a dropdown) on Signup and Change Password pages.
If you disable this policy, users will no longer see strong password suggestions on Signup or Change Password pages.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PasswordGeneratorEnabled
- GP name: Allow users to get a strong password suggestion whenever they are creating an account online
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Password manager and protection
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PasswordGeneratorEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PasswordGeneratorEnabled
- Example value:
Configure the list of domains for which the password manager UI (Save and Fill) will be disabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 99 or later
Configure the list of domains where Microsoft Edge should disable the password manager. This means that Save and Fill workflows will be disabled, ensuring that passwords for those websites can't be saved or auto filled into web forms.
If you enable this policy, the password manager will be disabled for the specified set of domains.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, password manager will work as usual for all domains.
If you configure this policy, that is, add domains for which password manager is blocked, users can't change or override the behavior in Microsoft Edge. In addition, users can't use password manager for those URLs.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PasswordManagerBlocklist
- GP name: Configure the list of domains for which the password manager UI (Save and Fill) will be disabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Password manager and protection
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PasswordManagerBlocklist
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PasswordManagerBlocklist\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PasswordManagerBlocklist\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PasswordManagerBlocklist
- Example value:
Enable saving passwords to the password manager
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enable Microsoft Edge to save user passwords. The next time a user visits a site with a saved password, Microsoft Edge will enter the password automatically.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can save and add their passwords in Microsoft Edge.
If you disable this policy, users can't save and add new passwords, but they can still use previously saved passwords.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PasswordManagerEnabled
- GP name: Enable saving passwords to the password manager
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Password manager and protection
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Password manager and protection
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: PasswordManagerEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PasswordManagerEnabled
- Example value:
Restrict the length of passwords that can be saved in the Password Manager
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 104 or later
Make Microsoft Edge restrict the length of usernames and/or passwords that can be saved in the Password Manager.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not let the user save credentials with usernames and/or passwords longer than 256 characters.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will let the user save credentials with arbitrarily long usernames and/or passwords.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PasswordManagerRestrictLengthEnabled
- GP name: Restrict the length of passwords that can be saved in the Password Manager
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Password manager and protection
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PasswordManagerRestrictLengthEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PasswordManagerRestrictLengthEnabled
- Example value:
Allow users to be alerted if their passwords are found to be unsafe
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 85 or later
- On macOS since 93 or later
Allow Microsoft Edge to monitor user passwords.
If you enable this policy, the user will get alerted if any of their passwords stored in Microsoft Edge are found to be unsafe. Microsoft Edge will show an alert and this information will also be available in Settings > Passwords > Password Monitor.
If you disable this policy, users will not be asked for permission to enable this feature. Their passwords will not be scanned and they will not be alerted either.
If you don't configure the policy, users can turn this feature on or off.
To learn more about how Microsoft Edge finds unsafe passwords see
Additional guidance:
This policy can be set as both Recommended as well as Mandatory, however with an important callout.
Mandatory enabled: If the policy is set to Mandatory enabled, the UI in Settings will be disabled but remain in 'On' state, and a briefcase icon will be made visible next to it with this description displayed on hover - "This setting is managed by your organization."
Recommended enabled: If the policy is set to Recommended enabled, the UI in Settings will remain in 'Off' state, but a briefcase icon will be made visible next to it with this description displayed on hover - "Your organization recommends a specific value for this setting and you have chosen a different value"
Mandatory and Recommended disabled: Both these states will work the normal way, with the usual captions being shown to users.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PasswordMonitorAllowed
- GP name: Allow users to be alerted if their passwords are found to be unsafe
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Password manager and protection
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Password manager and protection
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: PasswordMonitorAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PasswordMonitorAllowed
- Example value:
Configure the change password URL
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Configures the change password URL (HTTP and HTTPS schemes only).
Password protection service will send users to this URL to change their password after seeing a warning in the browser.
If you enable this policy, then password protection service sends users to this URL to change their password.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, then password protection service will not redirect users to a change password URL.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, joined to Microsoft Azure Active Directory, or instances that enrolled for device management. On macOS, this policy is available only on instances that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL
- GP name: Configure the change password URL
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Password manager and protection
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL
- Example value:
Configure the list of enterprise login URLs where the password protection service should capture salted hashes of a password
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Configure the list of enterprise login URLs (HTTP and HTTPS schemes only) where Microsoft Edge should capture the salted hashes of passwords and use it for password reuse detection.
If you enable this policy, the password protection service captures fingerprints of passwords on the defined URLs.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, no password fingerprints are captured.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, joined to Microsoft Azure Active Directory, or instances that enrolled for device management. On macOS, this policy is available only on instances that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PasswordProtectionLoginURLs
- GP name: Configure the list of enterprise login URLs where the password protection service should capture salted hashes of a password
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Password manager and protection
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PasswordProtectionLoginURLs
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PasswordProtectionLoginURLs\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PasswordProtectionLoginURLs\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PasswordProtectionLoginURLs
- Example value:
Configure password protection warning trigger
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows you to control when to trigger password protection warning. Password protection alerts users when they reuse their protected password on potentially suspicious sites.
You can use the PasswordProtectionLoginURLs and PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL policies to configure which passwords to protect.
Exemptions: Passwords for the sites listed in PasswordProtectionLoginURLs and PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL, as well as for the sites listed in SmartScreenAllowListDomains, will not trigger a password-protection warning.
Set to 'PasswordProtectionWarningOff' to not show password protection warningss.
Set to 'PasswordProtectionWarningOnPasswordReuse' to show password protection warnings when the user reuses their protected password on a non-allowlisted site.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, then the warning trigger is not shown.
Policy options mapping:
PasswordProtectionWarningOff (0) = Password protection warning is off
PasswordProtectionWarningOnPasswordReuse (1) = Password protection warning is triggered by password reuse
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PasswordProtectionWarningTrigger
- GP name: Configure password protection warning trigger
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Password manager and protection
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PasswordProtectionWarningTrigger
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PasswordProtectionWarningTrigger
- Example value:
Enable Password reveal button
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 87 or later
Lets you configure the default display of the browser password reveal button for password input fields on websites.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the browser user setting defaults to displaying the password reveal button.
If you disable this policy, the browser user setting won't display the password reveal button.
For accessibility, users can change the browser setting from the default policy.
This policy only affects the browser password reveal button, it doesn't affect websites' custom reveal buttons.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: No
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PasswordRevealEnabled
- GP name: Enable Password reveal button
- GP path (Mandatory): N/A
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Password manager and protection
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): N/A
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: PasswordRevealEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PasswordRevealEnabled
- Example value:
Configures a setting that asks users to enter their device password while using password autofill
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93 or later
The feature helps users add an additional layer of privacy to their online accounts by requiring device authentication (as a way of confirming the user's identity) before the saved password is auto-filled into a web form. This ensures that non-authorized persons can't use saved passwords for autofill. Note that this feature does not protect against locally-running malware.
This group policy configures the radio button selector that enables this feature for users. It also has a frequency control where users can specify how often they would like to be prompted for authentication.
If you set this policy to 'Automatically', disable this policy, or don't configure this policy, autofill will not have any authentication flow.
If you set this policy to 'WithDevicePassword', users will have to enter their device password (or preferred mode of authentication under Windows) to prove their identity before their password is auto filled. Authentication modes include Windows Hello, PIN, face recognition, or fingerprint. The frequency for authentication prompt will be set to 'Ask permission once per browsing session' by default. However, users can change it to the other option, which is 'Always ask permission'.
If you set this policy to 'WithCustomPrimaryPassword', users will be asked to create their custom password and then to be redirected to Settings. After the custom password is set, users can authenticate themselves using the custom password and their passwords will get auto-filled after successful authentication. The frequency for authentication prompt will be set to 'Ask permission once per browsing session' by default. However, users can change it to the other option, which is 'Always ask permission'.
If you set this policy to 'AutofillOff', saved passwords will no longer be suggested for autofill.
Policy options mapping:
Automatically (0) = Automatically
WithDevicePassword (1) = With device password
WithCustomPrimaryPassword (2) = With custom primary password
AutofillOff (3) = Autofill off
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrimaryPasswordSetting
- GP name: Configures a setting that asks users to enter their device password while using password autofill
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Password manager and protection
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PrimaryPasswordSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PrimaryPasswordSetting
- Example value:
Performance policies
Configure when efficiency mode should become active
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 96 or later
This policy setting lets you configure when efficiency mode will become active. By default, efficiency mode is set to 'BalancedSavings'. On devices with no battery, efficiency mode is disabled by default and will not become active. Please note that Windows Energy Saver settings can influence when efficiency mode becomes active on all devices.
Individual sites may be blocked from participating in efficiency mode by configuring the policy SleepingTabsBlockedForUrls.
Set this policy to 'AlwaysActive' and efficiency mode will always be active.
Set this policy to 'NeverActive' and efficiency mode will never become active.
Set this policy to 'ActiveWhenUnplugged' and efficiency mode will become active when the device is unplugged.
Set this policy to 'ActiveWhenUnpluggedBatteryLow' and efficiency mode will become active when the device is unplugged and the battery is low.
Set this policy to 'BalancedSavings' and when the device is unplugged, efficiency mode will take moderate steps to save battery. When the device is unplugged and the battery is low, efficiency mode will take additional steps to save battery.
Set this policy to 'MaximumSavings' and when the device is unplugged or unplugged and the battery is low, efficiency mode takes additional steps to save battery.
If the device does not have a battery, efficiency mode will never become active in any mode other than 'AlwaysActive' unless the setting or EfficiencyModeEnabled policy is enabled.
This policy has no effect if the EfficiencyModeEnabled policy is disabled.
Learn more about efficiency mode:
Learn more about energy saver:
Policy options mapping:
AlwaysActive (0) = Efficiency mode is always active
NeverActive (1) = Efficiency mode is never active
ActiveWhenUnplugged (2) = Efficiency mode is active when the device is unplugged
ActiveWhenUnpluggedBatteryLow (3) = Efficiency mode is active when the device is unplugged and the battery is low
BalancedSavings (4) = When the device is unplugged, efficiency mode takes moderate steps to save battery. When the device is unplugged and the battery is low, efficiency mode takes additional steps to save battery.
MaximumSavings (5) = When the device is unplugged or unplugged and the battery is low, efficiency mode takes additional steps to save battery.
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EfficiencyMode
- GP name: Configure when efficiency mode should become active
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Performance
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Performance
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: EfficiencyMode
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EfficiencyMode
- Example value:
Efficiency mode enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 106 or later
Enables efficiency mode which helps extend battery life by saving computer resources. By default, efficiency mode is enabled for devices with a battery and disabled otherwise.
If you enable this policy, efficiency mode will become active according to the setting chosen by the user. You can configure the efficiency mode setting using the EfficiencyMode policy. If the device does not have a battery, efficiency mode will always be active.
If you disable this policy, efficiency mode will never become active. The EfficiencyMode and EfficiencyModeOnPowerEnabled policies will have no effect.
If you don't configure this policy, efficiency mode will be enabled for devices with a battery and disabled otherwise. Users can choose the efficiency mode option they want in edge://settings/system.
Learn more about efficiency mode:
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EfficiencyModeEnabled
- GP name: Efficiency mode enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Performance
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Performance
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: EfficiencyModeEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EfficiencyModeEnabled
- Example value:
Enable efficiency mode when the device is connected to a power source
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 106 or later
Allows efficiency mode to become active when the device is connected to a power source. On devices with no battery, this policy has no effect.
If you enable this policy, efficiency mode will become active when the device is connected to a power source.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, efficiency mode will never become active when the device is connected to a power source.
This policy has no effect if the EfficiencyModeEnabled policy is disabled.
Learn more about efficiency mode:
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EfficiencyModeOnPowerEnabled
- GP name: Enable efficiency mode when the device is connected to a power source
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Performance
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Performance
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: EfficiencyModeOnPowerEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EfficiencyModeOnPowerEnabled
- Example value:
Extensions Performance Detector enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 130 or later
This policy controls if users can access the Extensions Performance Detector Recommended Action feature in Browser Essentials. This feature alerts extension users if their extensions are causing performance regressions in the browser and allows them to take action to resolve the issue.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users will receive Extensions Performance Detector notifications from Browser Essentials. When there is an active alert, users will be able to view the impact of extensions on their browser's performance and make an informed decision to disable impacting extensions. The detector will exclude browser-managed extensions, such as Google Docs offline, component extensions, and organization-managed extensions (ie. extensions that cannot be disabled).
If you disable this policy, users will not receive notifications or be able to view the Extensions Performance Detector Recommended Action.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExtensionsPerformanceDetectorEnabled
- GP name: Extensions Performance Detector enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Performance
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Performance
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ExtensionsPerformanceDetectorEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExtensionsPerformanceDetectorEnabled
- Example value:
Performance Detector Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 107 or later
The performance detector detects tab performance issues and recommends actions to fix the performance issues.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, performance detector is turned on.
If you disable this policy, performance detector is turned off.
The user can configure its behavior in edge://settings/system.
Learn more about performance detector:
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PerformanceDetectorEnabled
- GP name: Performance Detector Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Performance
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Performance
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: PerformanceDetectorEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PerformanceDetectorEnabled
- Example value:
Pin browser essentials toolbar button
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 114 or later
This policy lets you configure whether to pin the Browser essentials button on the toolbar.
When the button is pinned, it will always appear on the toolbar.
When the button isn't pinned, it will only appear when there's an alert. An example of this kind of alert is the performance detector alert that indicates the browser is using high CPU or memory.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the Browser essentials button will be pinned on the toolbar.
If you disable this policy, the Browser essentials button won't be pinned on the toolbar.
Learn more about browser essentials:
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PinBrowserEssentialsToolbarButton
- GP name: Pin browser essentials toolbar button
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Performance
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Performance
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: PinBrowserEssentialsToolbarButton
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PinBrowserEssentialsToolbarButton
- Example value:
Enable startup boost
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 88 or later
Allows Microsoft Edge processes to start at OS sign-in and restart in background after the last browser window is closed.
If Microsoft Edge is running in background mode, the browser might not close when the last window is closed and the browser won't be restarted in background when the window closes. See the BackgroundModeEnabled policy for information about what happens after configuring Microsoft Edge background mode behavior.
If you enable this policy, startup boost is turned on.
If you disable this policy, startup boost is turned off.
If you don't configure this policy, startup boost may initially be off or on. The user can configure its behavior in edge://settings/system.
Learn more about startup boost:
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: StartupBoostEnabled
- GP name: Enable startup boost
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Performance
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Performance
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: StartupBoostEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Permit or deny screen capture policies
Allow Same Origin Tab capture by these origins
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 97 or later
Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that can capture tabs with their same Origin.
Leaving the policy unset means that sites will not be considered for an override at this scope of capture.
If a site matches a URL pattern in this policy, the following policies will not be considered: TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins, ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins, ScreenCaptureAllowed.
For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins
- GP name: Allow Same Origin Tab capture by these origins
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Permit or deny screen capture
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins
- Example value:
Allow Desktop, Window, and Tab capture by these origins
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 97 or later
Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that can use Desktop, Window, and Tab Capture.
Leaving the policy unset means that sites will not be considered for an override at this scope of Capture.
This policy is not considered if a site matches a URL pattern in any of the following policies: WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins, TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins.
If a site matches a URL pattern in this policy, the ScreenCaptureAllowed will not be considered.
For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins
- GP name: Allow Desktop, Window, and Tab capture by these origins
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Permit or deny screen capture
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins
- Example value:
Allow Tab capture by these origins
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 97 or later
Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that can use Tab Capture.
Leaving the policy unset means that sites will not be considered for an override at this scope of capture.
This policy is not considered if a site matches a URL pattern in the SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins policy.
If a site matches a URL pattern in this policy, the following policies will not be considered: WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins, ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins, ScreenCaptureAllowed.
For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins
- GP name: Allow Tab capture by these origins
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Permit or deny screen capture
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins
- Example value:
Allow Window and Tab capture by these origins
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 97 or later
Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that can use Window and Tab Capture.
Leaving the policy unset means that sites will not be considered for an override at this scope of Capture.
This policy is not considered if a site matches a URL pattern in any of the following policies: TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins.
If a site matches a URL pattern in this policy, the following policies will not be considered: ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins, ScreenCaptureAllowed.
For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins
- GP name: Allow Window and Tab capture by these origins
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Permit or deny screen capture
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins
- Example value:
Printing policies
Default printer selection rules
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Overrides Microsoft Edge default printer selection rules. This policy determines the rules for selecting the default printer in Microsoft Edge, which happens the first time a user tries to print a page.
When this policy is set, Microsoft Edge tries to find a printer that matches all of the specified attributes and uses it as default printer. If there are multiple printers that meet the criteria, the first printer that matches is used.
If you don't configure this policy or no matching printers are found within the timeout, the printer defaults to the built-in PDF printer or no printer, if the PDF printer isn't available.
The value is parsed as a JSON object, conforming to the following schema: { "type": "object", "properties": { "idPattern": { "description": "Regular expression to match printer id.", "type": "string" }, "namePattern": { "description": "Regular expression to match printer display name.", "type": "string" } } }
Omitting a field means all values match; for example, if you don't specify connectivity Print Preview starts discovering all kinds of local printers. Regular expression patterns must follow the JavaScript RegExp syntax and matches are case sensitive.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultPrinterSelection
- GP name: Default printer selection rules
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultPrinterSelection
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
"{ \"idPattern\": \".*public\", \"namePattern\": \".*Color\" }"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultPrinterSelection
- Example value:
<string>{ "idPattern": ".*public", "namePattern": ".*Color" }</string>
Out-of-process print drivers allowed
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 134 or later
This policy determines whether Microsoft Edge handles interactions with printer drivers through a separate service process.
Using a service process for tasks like querying available printers, retrieving print driver settings, and submitting documents to local printers improves browser stability and prevents UI freezing during Print Preview.
Enabled or Not Set: Microsoft Edge will use a separate service process for these printing tasks.
Disabled: Microsoft Edge will perform these printing tasks within the browser process.
Note: This policy will be deprecated in the future once the transition to out-of-process print drivers is fully implemented.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: OopPrintDriversAllowed
- GP name: Out-of-process print drivers allowed
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: OopPrintDriversAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: OopPrintDriversAllowed
- Example value:
Print headers and footers
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Force 'headers and footers' to be on or off in the printing dialog.
If you don't configure this policy, users can decide whether to print headers and footers.
If you disable this policy, users can't print headers and footers.
If you enable this policy, users always print headers and footers.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrintHeaderFooter
- GP name: Print headers and footers
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Printing
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: PrintHeaderFooter
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PrintHeaderFooter
- Example value:
Print PDF as Image Default
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 106 or later
Controls if Microsoft Edge makes the Print as image option the default when printing PDFs.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will default to setting the Print as image option in the Print Preview when printing a PDF.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will not default to setting the Print as image option in the Print Preview when printing a PDF.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrintPdfAsImageDefault
- GP name: Print PDF as Image Default
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PrintPdfAsImageDefault
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PrintPdfAsImageDefault
- Example value:
Print PostScript Mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 96 or later
Controls how Microsoft Edge prints on Microsoft Windows.
Printing to a PostScript printer on Microsoft Windows different PostScript generation methods can affect printing performance.
If you set this policy to Default, Microsoft Edge will use a set of default options when generating PostScript. For text in particular, text will always be rendered using Type 3 fonts.
If you set this policy to Type42, Microsoft Edge will render text using Type 42 fonts if possible. This should increase printing speed for some PostScript printers.
If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will be in Default mode.
Policy options mapping:
Default (0) = Default
Type42 (1) = Type42
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrintPostScriptMode
- GP name: Print PostScript Mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PrintPostScriptMode
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Configure the sticky print preview settings
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 110 or later
Configuring this policy sets the print preview settings as the most recent choice in Print Preview instead of the default print preview settings.
Each item of this policy expects a boolean:
Layout specifies if the webpage layout should be kept sticky or not in print preview settings. If we set this to True the webpage layout uses the recent choice otherwise it will set to default value.
Size specifies if the page size should be kept sticky or not in print preview settings. If we set this to True the page size uses the recent choice otherwise it will set to default value.
Scale Type specifies if the scaling percentage and scale type should be kept sticky or not in print preview settings. If we set this to True the scale percentage and scale type both uses the recent choice oherwise it will set to default value.
Margins specifies if the page margin should be kept sticky or not in print preview settings. If we set this to True the page margins uses the recent choice otherwise it will set to default value.
If you enable this policy, the selected values will use the most recent choice in Print Preview.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, print preview settings will not be impacted.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrintPreviewStickySettings
- GP name: Configure the sticky print preview settings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Printing
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: PrintPreviewStickySettings
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PrintPreviewStickySettings = {
"layout": false,
"margins": true,
"scaleType": false,
"size": true
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PrintPreviewStickySettings = {"layout": false, "margins": true, "scaleType": false, "size": true}
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PrintPreviewStickySettings
- Example value:
Set the system default printer as the default printer
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Tells Microsoft Edge to use the system default printer as the default choice in Print Preview instead of the most recently used printer.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, Print Preview uses the most recently used printer as the default destination choice.
If you enable this policy, Print Preview uses the OS system default printer as the default destination choice.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrintPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinter
- GP name: Set the system default printer as the default printer
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Printing
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: PrintPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinter
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PrintPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinter
- Example value:
Print Rasterization Mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 90 or later
Controls how Microsoft Edge prints on Windows.
When printing to a non-PostScript printer on Windows, sometimes print jobs need to be rasterized to print correctly.
If you set this policy to 'Full' or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge will do full page rasterization if necessary.
If you set this policy to 'Fast', Microsoft Edge will reduce the amount of rasterization which can help reduce print job sizes and increase printing speed.
Policy options mapping:
Full (0) = Full page rasterization
Fast (1) = Avoid rasterization if possible
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrintRasterizationMode
- GP name: Print Rasterization Mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PrintRasterizationMode
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Print Rasterize PDF DPI
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 96 or later
Controls print image resolution when Microsoft Edge prints PDFs with rasterization.
When printing a PDF using the Print to image option, it can be beneficial to specify a print resolution other than a device's printer setting or the PDF default. A high resolution will significantly increase the processing and printing time while a low resolution can lead to poor imaging quality.
If you set this policy, it allows a particular resolution to be specified for use when rasterizing PDFs for printing.
If you set this policy to zero or don't configure it, the system default resolution will be used during rasterization of page images.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrintRasterizePdfDpi
- GP name: Print Rasterize PDF DPI
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PrintRasterizePdfDpi
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PrintRasterizePdfDpi
- Example value:
Print preview sticky settings
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 98 or later
Specifies whether print preview should apply last used settings for Microsoft Edge PDF and webpages.
If you set this policy to 'EnableAll' or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge applies the last used print preview settings for both PDF and webpages.
If you set this policy to 'DisableAll', Microsoft Edge doesn't apply the last used print preview settings for both PDF and webpages.
If you set this policy to 'DisablePdf', Microsoft Edge doesn't apply the last used print preview settings for PDF printing and retains it for webpages.
If you set this policy to 'DisableWebpage', Microsoft Edge doesn't apply the last used print preview settings for webpage printing and retain it for PDF.
This policy is only available if you enable or don't configure the PrintingEnabled policy.
Policy options mapping:
EnableAll (0) = Enable sticky settings for PDF and Webpages
DisableAll (1) = Disable sticky settings for PDF and Webpages
DisablePdf (2) = Disable sticky settings for PDF
DisableWebpage (3) = Disable sticky settings for Webpages
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrintStickySettings
- GP name: Print preview sticky settings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PrintStickySettings
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PrintStickySettings
- Example value:
Disable printer types on the deny list
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 88 or later
The printer types on the deny list won't be discovered or have their capabilities fetched.
Placing all printer types on the deny list effectively disables printing, because there's no print destination for documents.
If you don't configure this policy, or the printer list is empty, all printer types are discoverable.
Printer destinations include extension printers and local printers. Extension printers are also known as print provider destinations, and include any destination that belongs to a Microsoft Edge extension. Local printers are also known as native printing destinations, and include destinations available to the local machine and shared network printers.
In Microsoft version 93 or later, if you set this policy to 'pdf' it also disables the 'save as Pdf' option from the right click context menu.
In Microsoft version 103 or later, if you set this policy to 'onedrive' it also disables the 'save as Pdf (OneDrive)' option from print preview.
Policy options mapping:
privet (privet) = Zeroconf-based (mDNS + DNS-SD) protocol destinations
extension (extension) = Extension-based destinations
pdf (pdf) = The 'Save as PDF' destination. (93 or later, also disables from context menu)
local (local) = Local printer destinations
onedrive (onedrive) = Save as PDF (OneDrive) printer destinations. (103 or later)
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrinterTypeDenyList
- GP name: Disable printer types on the deny list
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PrinterTypeDenyList
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PrinterTypeDenyList\1 = "local"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PrinterTypeDenyList\2 = "privet"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PrinterTypeDenyList
- Example value:
Restrict background graphics printing mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 89 or later
Restricts background graphics printing mode. If this policy isn't set there's no restriction on printing background graphics.
Policy options mapping:
any (any) = Allow printing with and without background graphics
enabled (enabled) = Allow printing only with background graphics
disabled (disabled) = Allow printing only without background graphics
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes
- GP name: Restrict background graphics printing mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes
- Example value:
Default background graphics printing mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 89 or later
Overrides the last used setting for printing background graphics. If you enable this setting, background graphics printing is enabled. If you disable this setting, background graphics printing is disabled.
Policy options mapping:
enabled (enabled) = Enable background graphics printing mode by default
disabled (disabled) = Disable background graphics printing mode by default
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefault
- GP name: Default background graphics printing mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefault
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefault
- Example value:
Enable printing
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enables printing in Microsoft Edge and prevents users from changing this setting.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, users can print.
If you disable this policy, users can't print from Microsoft Edge. Printing is disabled in the wrench menu, extensions, JavaScript applications, and so on. Users can still print from plug-ins that bypass Microsoft Edge while printing. For example, certain Adobe Flash applications have the print option in their context menu, which isn't covered by this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrintingEnabled
- GP name: Enable printing
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PrintingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PrintingEnabled
- Example value:
Enable Printing LPAC Sandbox
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 129 or later
Setting this policy to Enabled or leaving it unset enables the LPAC Sandbox for printing services when the system configuration supports it.
Setting this policy to Disabled has a detrimental effect on Microsoft Edge's security because services used for printing might run in a weaker sandbox configuration.
Only turn this policy off if there are compatibility issues with third party software that prevent printing services from operating correctly inside the LPAC Sandbox.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrintingLPACSandboxEnabled
- GP name: Enable Printing LPAC Sandbox
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PrintingLPACSandboxEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Default printing page size
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
Overrides default printing page size.
name should contain one of the listed formats or 'custom' if required paper size is not in the list. If 'custom' value is provided custom_size property should be specified. It describes the desired height and width in micrometers. Otherwise custom_size property shouldn't be specified. Policy that violates these rules is ignored.
If the page size is unavailable on the printer chosen by the user this policy is ignored.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrintingPaperSizeDefault
- GP name: Default printing page size
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PrintingPaperSizeDefault
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PrintingPaperSizeDefault = {
"custom_size": {
"height": 297000,
"width": 210000
"name": "custom"
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PrintingPaperSizeDefault = {"custom_size": {"height": 297000, "width": 210000}, "name": "custom"}
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PrintingPaperSizeDefault
- Example value:
Sets layout for printing
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93 or later
Configuring this policy sets the layout for printing webpages.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can decide whether to print webpages in Portrait or Landscape layout.
If you enable this policy, the selected option is set as the layout option.
Policy options mapping:
portrait (0) = Sets layout option as portrait
landscape (1) = Sets layout option as landscape
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrintingWebpageLayout
- GP name: Sets layout for printing
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Printing
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: PrintingWebpageLayout
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PrintingWebpageLayout
- Example value:
Print using system print dialog
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Shows the system print dialog instead of print preview.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge opens the system print dialog instead of the built-in print preview when a user prints a page.
If you don't configure or disable this policy, print commands trigger the Microsoft Edge print preview screen.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: UseSystemPrintDialog
- GP name: Print using system print dialog
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: UseSystemPrintDialog
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: UseSystemPrintDialog
- Example value:
Private Network Request Settings policies
Specifies whether to allow websites to make requests to any network endpoint in an insecure manner.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 92 or later
Controls whether websites are allowed to make requests to more-private network endpoints.
When this policy is enabled, all Private Network Access checks are disabled for all origins. This may allow attackers to perform cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks on private network servers.
When this policy is disabled or not configured, the default behavior for requests to more-private network endpoints will depend on the user's personal configuration for the BlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequests, PrivateNetworkAccessSendPreflights, and PrivateNetworkAccessRespectPreflightResults feature flags. These flags may be controlled by experimentation or set via the command line.
This policy relates to the Private Network Access specification. See for more details.
A network endpoint is more private than another if:
- Its IP address is localhost and the other is not.
- Its IP address is private and the other is public. In the future, depending on spec evolution, this policy might apply to all cross-origin requests directed at private IPs or localhost.
When this policy enabled, websites are allowed to make requests to any network endpoint, subject to other cross-origin checks.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed
- GP name: Specifies whether to allow websites to make requests to any network endpoint in an insecure manner.
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Private Network Request Settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed
- Example value:
Allow the listed sites to make requests to more-private network endpoints from in an insecure manner
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 92 or later
List of URL patterns. Requests initiated from websites served by matching origins are not subject to Private Network Access checks.
If this policy is not set, this policy behaves as if set to the empty list.
For origins not covered by the patterns specified here, the global default value will be used either from the InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed policy, if it is set, or the user's personal configuration otherwise.
For detailed information on valid URL patterns, see Filter format for URL list-based policies.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls
- GP name: Allow the listed sites to make requests to more-private network endpoints from in an insecure manner
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Private Network Request Settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls
- Example value:
Specifies whether to apply restrictions to requests to more private network endpoints
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 131 or later
Specifies whether to apply restrictions to requests to more private network endpoints
When this policy is Enabled, any time when a warning is supposed to be displayed in the DevTools due to Private Network Access checks failing, the request is blocked.
When this policy is Disabled or unset, all Private Network Access warnings are not enforced and the requests are not blocked.
See for Private Network Access restrictions.
Note: A network endpoint is more private than another if:
- Its IP address is localhost and the other is not.
- Its IP address is private and the other is public.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PrivateNetworkAccessRestrictionsEnabled
- GP name: Specifies whether to apply restrictions to requests to more private network endpoints
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Private Network Request Settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PrivateNetworkAccessRestrictionsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PrivateNetworkAccessRestrictionsEnabled
- Example value:
Proxy server policies
Configure proxy bypass rules (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
This policy is deprecated, use ProxySettings instead. It won't work in Microsoft Edge version 91.
Defines a list of hosts for which Microsoft Edge bypasses any proxy.
This policy is applied only if the ProxySettings policy isn't specified and you have selected either fixed_servers or pac_script in the ProxyMode policy. If you selected any other mode for configuring proxy policies, don't enable or configure this policy.
If you enable this policy, you can create a list of hosts for which Microsoft Edge doesn't use a proxy.
If you don't configure this policy, no list of hosts is created for which Microsoft Edge bypasses a proxy. Leave this policy unconfigured if you've specified any other method for setting proxy policies.
For more detailed examples go to
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ProxyBypassList
- GP name: Configure proxy bypass rules (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Proxy server
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ProxyBypassList
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ProxyBypassList
- Example value:
Configure proxy server settings (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
This policy is deprecated, use ProxySettings instead. It won't work in Microsoft Edge version 91.
If you set this policy to Enabled you can specify the proxy server Microsoft Edge uses and prevents users from changing proxy settings. Microsoft Edge ignores all proxy-related options specified from the command line. The policy is only applied if the ProxySettings policy isn't specified.
Other options are ignored if you choose one of the following options:
- direct = Never use a proxy server and always connect directly
- system = Use system proxy settings
- auto_detect = Auto detect the proxy server
If you choose to use:
- fixed_servers = Fixed proxy servers. You can specify further options with ProxyServer and ProxyBypassList.
- pac_script = A .pac proxy script. Use ProxyPacUrl to set the URL to a proxy .pac file.
For detailed examples, go to
If you don't configure this policy, users can choose their own proxy settings.
Policy options mapping:
ProxyDisabled (direct) = Never use a proxy
ProxyAutoDetect (auto_detect) = Auto detect proxy settings
ProxyPacScript (pac_script) = Use a .pac proxy script
ProxyFixedServers (fixed_servers) = Use fixed proxy servers
ProxyUseSystem (system) = Use system proxy settings
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ProxyMode
- GP name: Configure proxy server settings (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Proxy server
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ProxyMode
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ProxyMode
- Example value:
Set the proxy .pac file URL (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
This policy is deprecated, use ProxySettings instead. It won't work in Microsoft Edge version 91.
Specifies the URL for a proxy auto-config (PAC) file.
This policy is applied only if the ProxySettings policy isn't specified and you have selected pac_script in the ProxyMode policy. If you selected any other mode for configuring proxy policies, don't enable or configure this policy.
If you enable this policy, you can specify the URL for a PAC file, which defines how the browser automatically chooses the appropriate proxy server for fetching a particular website.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, no PAC file is specified. Leave this policy unconfigured if you've specified any other method for setting proxy policies.
For detailed examples, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ProxyPacUrl
- GP name: Set the proxy .pac file URL (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Proxy server
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ProxyPacUrl
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ProxyPacUrl
- Example value:
Configure address or URL of proxy server (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
This policy is deprecated, use ProxySettings instead. It won't work in Microsoft Edge version 91.
Specifies the URL of the proxy server.
This policy is applied only if the ProxySettings policy isn't specified and you have selected fixed_servers in the ProxyMode policy. If you selected any other mode for configuring proxy policies, don't enable or configure this policy.
If you enable this policy, the proxy server configured by this policy will be used for all URLs.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can choose their own proxy settings while in this proxy mode. Leave this policy unconfigured if you've specified any other method for setting proxy policies.
For more options and detailed examples, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ProxyServer
- GP name: Configure address or URL of proxy server (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Proxy server
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ProxyServer
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ProxyServer
- Example value:
Proxy settings
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Configures the proxy settings for Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge ignores all proxy-related options specified from the command line.
If you don't configure this policy, users can choose their own proxy settings.
This policy overrides the following individual policies:
Setting the ProxySettings policy accepts the following fields:
ProxyMode, which lets you specify the proxy server used by Microsoft Edge and prevents users from changing proxy settings
ProxyPacUrl, a URL to a proxy .pac file, or a PAC script encoded as a data URL with MIME type application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig
ProxyPacMandatory, a boolean flag which prevents the network stack from falling back to direct connections with invalid or unavailable PAC script
ProxyServer, a URL for the proxy server
ProxyBypassList, a list of proxy hosts that Microsoft Edge bypasses
For ProxyMode, if you choose the value:
direct, a proxy is never used and all other fields are ignored.
system, the systems's proxy is used and all other fields are ignored.
auto_detect, all other fields are ignored.
fixed_servers, the ProxyServer and ProxyBypassList fields are used.
pac_script, the ProxyPacUrl, ProxyPacMandatory and ProxyBypassList fields are used.
For more detailed examples go to
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ProxySettings
- GP name: Proxy settings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Proxy server
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ProxySettings
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ProxySettings = {
"ProxyBypassList": ",,https://internalsite/",
"ProxyMode": "pac_script",
"ProxyPacMandatory": false,
"ProxyPacUrl": "",
"ProxyServer": ""
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ProxySettings = {"ProxyBypassList": ",,https://internalsite/", "ProxyMode": "pac_script", "ProxyPacMandatory": false, "ProxyPacUrl": "", "ProxyServer": ""}
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ProxySettings
- Example value:
Related Website Sets Settings policies
Enable Related Website Sets
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 121 or later
This policy lets you control the enablement of the Related Website Sets feature. Related Website Sets (RWS) is a way for an organisation to declare relationships among sites, so that Microsoft Edge allows limited third-party cookie access for specific purposes across those sites.
If this policy set to True or unset, the Related Website Sets feature is enabled.
If this policy is set to False, the Related Website Sets feature is disabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RelatedWebsiteSetsEnabled
- GP name: Enable Related Website Sets
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Related Website Sets Settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RelatedWebsiteSetsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RelatedWebsiteSetsEnabled
- Example value:
Override Related Website Sets.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 121 or later
This policy provides a way to override the list of sets Microsoft Edge uses for Related Website Sets
Each set in the browser's list of Related Website Sets must meet the requirements of a Related Website Set. A Related Website Set must contain a primary site and one or more member sites. A set can also contain a list of service sites that it owns, as well as a map from a site to all its ccTLD variants. See for more information on how Microsoft Edge uses Related Website Sets.
All sites in a Related Website Set must be a registrable domain served over HTTPS. Each site in a Related Website Set must also be unique, which means a site can't be listed more than once in a Related Website Set.
When this policy is given an empty dictionary, Microsoft Edge uses the public list of Related Website Sets.
For all sites in a Related Website Set from the replacements list, if a site is also present on a Related Website Set in the browser's list, then that site will be removed from the browser's Related Website Set. After this, the policy's Related Website Set will be added to the Microsoft Edge's list of Related Website Sets.
For all sites in a Related Website Set from the additions list, if a site is also present on a Related Website Set in Microsoft Edge's list, then the browser's Related Website Set will be updated so that the new Related Website Set can be added to the browser's list. After the browser's list has been updated, the policy's Related Website Set will be added to the browser's list of Related Website Sets.
The browser's list of Related Website Sets requires that for all sites in its list, no site is in more than one set. This is also required for both the replacements list and the additions list. Similarly, a site can't be in both the replacements list and the additions list.
Wildcards (*) aren't supported as a policy value, or as a value within any Related Website Set in these lists.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RelatedWebsiteSetsOverrides
- GP name: Override Related Website Sets.
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Related Website Sets Settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RelatedWebsiteSetsOverrides
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\RelatedWebsiteSetsOverrides = {
"additions": [
"associatedSites": [
"ccTLDs": {
"https://associate2.test": [
"primary": "https://primary2.test",
"serviceSites": [
"replacements": [
"associatedSites": [
"ccTLDs": {
"https://associate1.test": [
"primary": "https://primary1.test",
"serviceSites": [
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\RelatedWebsiteSetsOverrides = {"additions": [{"associatedSites": ["https://associate2.test"], "ccTLDs": {"https://associate2.test": [""]}, "primary": "https://primary2.test", "serviceSites": ["https://associate2-content.test"]}], "replacements": [{"associatedSites": ["https://associate1.test"], "ccTLDs": {"https://associate1.test": [""]}, "primary": "https://primary1.test", "serviceSites": ["https://associate1-content.test"]}]}
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RelatedWebsiteSetsOverrides
- Example value:
Scareware Blocker settings policies
Configure Edge Scareware Blocker Protection
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 134 or later
This policy setting allows administrators to control whether Microsoft Edge enables the Scareware Blocker, an AI-powered feature that provides warning messages to help protect users from potential tech scams.
If this policy is enabled, Edge Scareware Blocker will warn users of potential tech scams.
If this policy is disabled, Edge Scareware Blocker will not warn users of potential tech scams.
If this policy is not configured, Edge Scareware Blocker will not warn users of potential tech scams, but users can choose warnings in settings.
By configuring this policy, administrators determine whether users receive proactive scam warnings or must manually enable them.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ScarewareBlockerProtectionEnabled
- GP name: Configure Edge Scareware Blocker Protection
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Scareware Blocker settings
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Scareware Blocker settings
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ScarewareBlockerProtectionEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Sleeping tabs settings policies
Configure auto discard sleeping tabs
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 120 or later
Setting this policy enables inactive (sleeping) tabs to be automatically discarded after 1.5 days of inactivity. This is done to save memory. When the user switches back to a discarded tab, the tab will need to be reloaded.
If the SleepingTabsEnabled policy is enabled, then this feature will be enabled by default.
If the SleepingTabsEnabled is disabled, then this feature will be disabled by default and cannot be enabled.
If enabled, idle background tabs will be discarded after 1.5 days.
If disabled, idle background tab will not be discarded after 1.5 days. Tabs can still be discarded for other reasons if this policy is disabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutoDiscardSleepingTabsEnabled
- GP name: Configure auto discard sleeping tabs
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Sleeping tabs settings
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Sleeping tabs settings
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: AutoDiscardSleepingTabsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutoDiscardSleepingTabsEnabled
- Example value:
Block sleeping tabs on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 88 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that are not allowed to be put to sleep by sleeping tabs. Sites in this list are also excluded from other performance optimizations like efficiency mode and tab discard.
If the policy SleepingTabsEnabled is disabled, this list is not used and no sites will be put to sleep automatically.
If you don't configure this policy, all sites will be eligible to be put to sleep unless the user's personal configuration blocks them.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SleepingTabsBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block sleeping tabs on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Sleeping tabs settings
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Sleeping tabs settings
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SleepingTabsBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended\SleepingTabsBlockedForUrls
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SleepingTabsBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SleepingTabsBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SleepingTabsBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Configure sleeping tabs
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 88 or later
This policy setting lets you configure whether to turn on sleeping tabs. Sleeping tabs reduces CPU, battery, and memory usage by putting idle background tabs to sleep. Microsoft Edge uses heuristics to avoid putting tabs to sleep that do useful work in the background, such as display notifications, play sound, and stream video. By default, sleeping tabs is turned on.
Individual sites may be blocked from being put to sleep by configuring the policy SleepingTabsBlockedForUrls.
If you enable this setting, sleeping tabs is turned on.
If you disable this setting, sleeping tabs is turned off.
If you don't configure this setting, users can choose whether to use sleeping tabs.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SleepingTabsEnabled
- GP name: Configure sleeping tabs
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Sleeping tabs settings
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Sleeping tabs settings
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: SleepingTabsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SleepingTabsEnabled
- Example value:
Set the background tab inactivity timeout for sleeping tabs
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 88 or later
This policy setting lets you configure the timeout, in seconds, after which inactive background tabs will be automatically put to sleep if sleeping tabs is enabled. By default, this timeout is 7,200 seconds (2 hours).
Tabs are only put to sleep automatically when the policy SleepingTabsEnabled is enabled or is not configured and the user has enabled the sleeping tabs setting.
If you don't configure this policy, users can choose the timeout value.
Policy options mapping:
30Seconds (30) = 30 seconds of inactivity
5Minutes (300) = 5 minutes of inactivity
15Minutes (900) = 15 minutes of inactivity
30Minutes (1800) = 30 minutes of inactivity
1Hour (3600) = 1 hour of inactivity
2Hours (7200) = 2 hours of inactivity
3Hours (10800) = 3 hours of inactivity
6Hours (21600) = 6 hours of inactivity
12Hours (43200) = 12 hours of inactivity
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SleepingTabsTimeout
- GP name: Set the background tab inactivity timeout for sleeping tabs
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Sleeping tabs settings
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Sleeping tabs settings
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: SleepingTabsTimeout
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SleepingTabsTimeout
- Example value:
SmartScreen settings policies
Disable SmartScreen AppRep based warnings for specified file types on specified domains
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 118 or later
You can enable this policy to create a dictionary of file type extensions with a corresponding list of domains that will be exempted from SmartScreen AppRep warnings. For example, if the "vbe" extension is associated with "", users would not see a SmartScreen AppRep warning when downloading "vbe" files from "", but may see a download warning when downloading "vbe" files from "".
Files with file type extensions specified for domains identified by this policy will still be subject to file type extension-based security warnings and mixed-content download warnings.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, files that trigger SmartScreen AppRep download warnings will show warnings to the user.
If you enable this policy:
- The URL pattern should be formatted according to
- The file type extension entered must be in lower-cased ASCII. The leading separator should not be included when listing the file type extension, so "vbe" should be used instead of ".vbe".
The following example value would prevent SmartScreen AppRep warnings on msi, exe, and vbe extensions for * domains. It may show the user a SmartScreen AppRep warning on any other domain for exe and msi files, but not for vbe files.
[ { "file_extension": "msi", "domains": [""] }, { "file_extension": "exe", "domains": [""] }, { "file_extension": "vbe", "domains": ["*"] } ]
Note that while the preceding example shows the suppression of SmartScreen AppRep download warnings for "vbe" files for all domains, applying suppression of such warnings for all domains is not recommended due to security concerns. It is shown in the example merely to demonstrate the ability to do so.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExemptSmartScreenDownloadWarnings
- GP name: Disable SmartScreen AppRep based warnings for specified file types on specified domains
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/SmartScreen settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ExemptSmartScreenDownloadWarnings
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExemptSmartScreenDownloadWarnings = [
"domains": [
"file_extension": "msi"
"domains": [
"file_extension": "vbe"
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExemptSmartScreenDownloadWarnings = [{"domains": ["", ""], "file_extension": "msi"}, {"domains": ["*"], "file_extension": "vbe"}]
Enable new SmartScreen library (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 107.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 95, until 107
This policy doesn't work because it was only intended to be a short-term mechanism to support the update to a new SmartScreen client.
Allows the Microsoft Edge browser to load the new SmartScreen library (libSmartScreenN) for any SmartScreen checks on site URLs or application downloads.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will use the new SmartScreen library (libSmartScreenN).
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will use the old SmartScreen library (libSmartScreen).
Before Microsoft Edge version 103, if you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will use the old SmartScreen library (libSmartScreen).
This policy is only available on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management. This also includes macOS instances that are that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewSmartScreenLibraryEnabled
- GP name: Enable new SmartScreen library (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/SmartScreen settings
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/SmartScreen settings
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: NewSmartScreenLibraryEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewSmartScreenLibraryEnabled
- Example value:
Prevent bypassing Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prompts for sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
This policy setting lets you decide whether users can override the Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings about potentially malicious websites.
If you enable this setting, users can't ignore Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings and they are blocked from continuing to the site.
If you disable or don't configure this setting, users can ignore Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings and continue to the site.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management, or macOS instances that are that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PreventSmartScreenPromptOverride
- GP name: Prevent bypassing Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prompts for sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/SmartScreen settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PreventSmartScreenPromptOverride
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PreventSmartScreenPromptOverride
- Example value:
Prevent bypassing of Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings about downloads
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 77 or later
- On macOS since 79 or later
This policy lets you determine whether users can override Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings about unverified downloads.
If you enable this policy, users in your organization can't ignore Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings, and they're prevented from completing the unverified downloads.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can ignore Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings and complete unverified downloads.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management, or macOS instances that are that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PreventSmartScreenPromptOverrideForFiles
- GP name: Prevent bypassing of Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings about downloads
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/SmartScreen settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PreventSmartScreenPromptOverrideForFiles
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PreventSmartScreenPromptOverrideForFiles
- Example value:
Configure the list of domains for which Microsoft Defender SmartScreen won't trigger warnings
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Configure the list of Microsoft Defender SmartScreen trusted domains. This means: Microsoft Defender SmartScreen won't check for potentially malicious resources like phishing software and other malware if the source URLs match these domains. The Microsoft Defender SmartScreen download protection service won't check downloads hosted on these domains.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Defender SmartScreen trusts these domains. If you disable or don't set this policy, default Microsoft Defender SmartScreen protection is applied to all resources.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10/11 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management, or macOS instances that are that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX. Note: If your organization has enabled Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, this policy and any allow list created with it will be ignored. You must configure your allow and block lists in Microsoft 365 Defender portal using Indicators (Settings > Endpoints > Indicators).
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SmartScreenAllowListDomains
- GP name: Configure the list of domains for which Microsoft Defender SmartScreen won't trigger warnings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/SmartScreen settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SmartScreenAllowListDomains
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SmartScreenAllowListDomains\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SmartScreenAllowListDomains\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SmartScreenAllowListDomains
- Example value:
Enable Microsoft Defender SmartScreen DNS requests
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 97 or later
This policy lets you configure whether to enable DNS requests made by Microsoft Defender SmartScreen. Note: Disabling DNS requests will prevent Microsoft Defender SmartScreen from getting IP addresses, and potentially impact the IP-based protections provided.
If you enable or don't configure this setting, Microsoft Defender SmartScreen will make DNS requests.
If you disable this setting, Microsoft Defender SmartScreen will not make any DNS requests.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management, or macOS instances that are that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SmartScreenDnsRequestsEnabled
- GP name: Enable Microsoft Defender SmartScreen DNS requests
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/SmartScreen settings
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/SmartScreen settings
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: SmartScreenDnsRequestsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SmartScreenDnsRequestsEnabled
- Example value:
Configure Microsoft Defender SmartScreen
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
This policy setting lets you configure whether to turn on Microsoft Defender SmartScreen. Microsoft Defender SmartScreen provides warning messages to help protect your users from potential phishing scams and malicious software. By default, Microsoft Defender SmartScreen is turned on.
If you enable this setting, Microsoft Defender SmartScreen is turned on.
If you disable this setting, Microsoft Defender SmartScreen is turned off.
If you don't configure this setting, users can choose whether to use Microsoft Defender SmartScreen.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management, or macOS instances that are that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SmartScreenEnabled
- GP name: Configure Microsoft Defender SmartScreen
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/SmartScreen settings
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/SmartScreen settings
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: SmartScreenEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SmartScreenEnabled
- Example value:
Force Microsoft Defender SmartScreen checks on downloads from trusted sources
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 78 or later
This policy setting lets you configure whether Microsoft Defender SmartScreen checks download reputation from a trusted source.
In Windows, the policy determines a trusted source by checking its Internet zone. If the source comes from the local system, intranet, or trusted sites zone, then the download is considered trusted and safe.
If you enable or don't configure this setting, Microsoft Defender SmartScreen checks the download's reputation regardless of source.
If you disable this setting, Microsoft Defender SmartScreen doesn't check the download's reputation when downloading from a trusted source.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SmartScreenForTrustedDownloadsEnabled
- GP name: Force Microsoft Defender SmartScreen checks on downloads from trusted sources
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/SmartScreen settings
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/SmartScreen settings
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: SmartScreenForTrustedDownloadsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Configure Microsoft Defender SmartScreen to block potentially unwanted apps
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80 or later
This policy setting lets you configure whether to turn on blocking for potentially unwanted apps with Microsoft Defender SmartScreen. Potentially unwanted app blocking with Microsoft Defender SmartScreen provides warning messages to help protect users from adware, coin miners, bundleware, and other low-reputation apps that are hosted by websites. Potentially unwanted app blocking with Microsoft Defender SmartScreen is turned off by default.
If you enable this setting, potentially unwanted app blocking with Microsoft Defender SmartScreen is turned on.
If you disable this setting, potentially unwanted app blocking with Microsoft Defender SmartScreen is turned off.
If you don't configure this setting, users can choose whether to use potentially unwanted app blocking with Microsoft Defender SmartScreen.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management, or macOS instances that are that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SmartScreenPuaEnabled
- GP name: Configure Microsoft Defender SmartScreen to block potentially unwanted apps
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/SmartScreen settings
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/SmartScreen settings
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: SmartScreenPuaEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SmartScreenPuaEnabled
- Example value:
Startup, home page and new tab page policies
Set the new tab page as the home page
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Configures the default home page in Microsoft Edge. You can set the home page to a URL you specify or to the new tab page.
If you enable this policy, the Home button is set to the new tab page as configured by the user or with the policy NewTabPageLocation and the URL set with the policy HomepageLocation is not taken into consideration.
If you disable this policy, the Home button is the set URL as configured by the user or as configured in the policy HomepageLocation.
If you don't configure this policy, users can choose whether the set URL or the new tab page is their home page.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, joined to Microsoft Azure Active Directory, or instances that enrolled for device management. On macOS, this policy is available only on instances that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: HomepageIsNewTabPage
- GP name: Set the new tab page as the home page
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: HomepageIsNewTabPage
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: HomepageIsNewTabPage
- Example value:
Configure the home page URL
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Configures the default home page URL in Microsoft Edge.
The home page is the page opened by the Home button. The pages that open on startup are controlled by the RestoreOnStartup policies.
You can either set a URL here or set the home page to open the new tab page 'edge://newtab'. By default, the Home button will open the new tab page (as configured by the user or with the policy NewTabPageLocation), and the user will be able to choose between the URL configured by this policy and the new tab page.
If you enable this policy, users can't change their home page URL, but they can choose the behavior for the Home button to open either the set URL or the new tab page. If you wish to enforce the usage of the set URL you must also configure HomepageIsNewTabPage=Disabled.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can choose their own home page, as long as the HomepageIsNewTabPage policy isn't enabled.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, joined to Microsoft Azure Active Directory, or instances that enrolled for device management. On macOS, this policy is available only on instances that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: HomepageLocation
- GP name: Configure the home page URL
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: HomepageLocation
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: HomepageLocation
- Example value:
Configure the background types allowed for the new tab page layout
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
You can configure which types of background image that are allowed on the new tab page layout in Microsoft Edge.
If you don't configure this policy, all background image types on the new tab page are enabled.
Policy options mapping:
DisableImageOfTheDay (1) = Disable daily background image type
DisableCustomImage (2) = Disable custom background image type
DisableAll (3) = Disable all background image types
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes
- GP name: Configure the background types allowed for the new tab page layout
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes
- Example value:
Hide App Launcher on Microsoft Edge new tab page
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 108 or later
By default, the App Launcher is shown every time a user opens a new tab page.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, there is no change on the Microsoft Edge new tab page and App Launcher is there for users.
If you disable this policy, App Launcher doesn't appear and users won't be able to launch M365 apps from Microsoft Edge new tab page via the App Launcher.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewTabPageAppLauncherEnabled
- GP name: Hide App Launcher on Microsoft Edge new tab page
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NewTabPageAppLauncherEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewTabPageAppLauncherEnabled
- Example value:
Disable Bing chat entry-points on Microsoft Edge Enterprise new tab page
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 117 or later
By default, there are two Bing chat entry-points on new tab page. One is inside the new tab page search box, and one is in the Bing Autosuggest drawer on-click.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, there is no change on the Microsoft Edge Enterprise new tab page and the Bing chat entry-points are there for users.
If you disable this policy, Bing chat entry-points don't appear on the new tab page.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewTabPageBingChatEnabled
- GP name: Disable Bing chat entry-points on Microsoft Edge Enterprise new tab page
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NewTabPageBingChatEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewTabPageBingChatEnabled
- Example value:
Set new tab page company logo (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 85.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 79, until 85
This policy didn't work as expected due to changes in operational requirements. Therefore it's obsolete and should not be used.
Specifies the company logo to use on the new tab page in Microsoft Edge.
The policy should be configured as a string that expresses the logo(s) in JSON format. For example: { "default_logo": { "url": "", "hash": "cd0aa9856147b6c5b4ff2b7dfee5da20aa38253099ef1b4a64aced233c9afe29" }, "light_logo": { "url": "", "hash": "517d286edb416bb2625ccfcba9de78296e90da8e32330d4c9c8275c4c1c33737" } }
You configure this policy by specifying the URL from which Microsoft Edge can download the logo and its cryptographic hash (SHA-256), which is used to verify the integrity of the download. The logo must be in PNG or SVG format, and its file size must not exceed 16 MB. The logo is downloaded and cached, and it will be redownloaded whenever the URL or the hash changes. The URL must be accessible without any authentication.
The 'default_logo' is required and will be used when there's no background image. If 'light_logo' is provided, it will be used when the user's new tab page has a background image. We recommend a horizontal logo with a transparent background that is left-aligned and vertically centered. The logo should have a minimum height of 32 pixels and an aspect ratio from 1:1 to 4:1. The 'default_logo' should have proper contrast against a white/black background while the 'light_logo' should have proper contrast against a background image.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge downloads and shows the specified logo(s) on the new tab page. Users can't override or hide the logo(s).
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will show no company logo or a Microsoft logo on the new tab page.
For help with determining the SHA-256 hash, see Get-FileHash.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewTabPageCompanyLogo
- GP name: Set new tab page company logo (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NewTabPageCompanyLogo
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NewTabPageCompanyLogo = {
"default_logo": {
"hash": "cd0aa9856147b6c5b4ff2b7dfee5da20aa38253099ef1b4a64aced233c9afe29",
"url": ""
"light_logo": {
"hash": "517d286edb416bb2625ccfcba9de78296e90da8e32330d4c9c8275c4c1c33737",
"url": ""
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NewTabPageCompanyLogo = {"default_logo": {"hash": "cd0aa9856147b6c5b4ff2b7dfee5da20aa38253099ef1b4a64aced233c9afe29", "url": ""}, "light_logo": {"hash": "517d286edb416bb2625ccfcba9de78296e90da8e32330d4c9c8275c4c1c33737", "url": ""}}
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewTabPageCompanyLogo
- Example value:
Set the company logo backplate color on the new tab page.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 135 or later
By default, the new tab page sets the company logo backplate color to the neutralStrokeActive (#cecece) constant.
You can configure this policy with a color hex code to change the company logo backplate color on the new tab page.
If this policy is not configured, the default neutralStrokeActive (#cecece) color will be used as the backplate color.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewTabPageCompanyLogoBackplateColor
- GP name: Set the company logo backplate color on the new tab page.
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NewTabPageCompanyLogoBackplateColor
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewTabPageCompanyLogoBackplateColor
- Example value:
Hide the company logo on the Microsoft Edge new tab page
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 117 or later
By default, the company logo is shown on the new tab page if the company logo is configured in Admin Portal.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, there is no change on the Microsoft Edge new tab page and the company logo is there for users.
If you disable this policy, the company logo doesn't appear on Microsoft Edge new tab page.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewTabPageCompanyLogoEnabled
- GP name: Hide the company logo on the Microsoft Edge new tab page
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NewTabPageCompanyLogoEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewTabPageCompanyLogoEnabled
- Example value:
Allow Microsoft content on the new tab page
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 91 or later
This policy applies for Microsoft Edge to all profile types, namely unsigned local user profiles, profiles signed in using a Microsoft Account, profiles signed in using Active Directory and profiles signed in using Microsoft Entra ID. The Enterprise new tab page for profiles signed in using Microsoft Entra ID can be configured in the M365 admin portal, but this policy setting takes precedence, so any M365 admin portal configurations will be ignored.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge displays Microsoft content on the new tab page. The user can choose different display options for the content. These options include, but aren't limited to: Content off, Content visible on scroll, Headings only, and Content visible. Enabling this policy doesn't force content to be visible - the user can keep setting their own preferred content position.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge doesn't display Microsoft content on the new tab page, the Content control in the NTP settings flyout is disabled and set to "Content off", and the Layout control in the NTP settings flyout is disabled and set to "Custom".
Related policies: NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes, NewTabPageQuickLinksEnabled
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewTabPageContentEnabled
- GP name: Allow Microsoft content on the new tab page
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NewTabPageContentEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewTabPageContentEnabled
- Example value:
Hide the default top sites from the new tab page
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Hides the default top sites from the new tab page in Microsoft Edge.
If you set this policy to true, the default top site tiles are hidden.
If you set this policy to false or don't configure it, the default top site tiles remain visible.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewTabPageHideDefaultTopSites
- GP name: Hide the default top sites from the new tab page
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NewTabPageHideDefaultTopSites
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewTabPageHideDefaultTopSites
- Example value:
Configure the new tab page URL
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Configures the default URL for the new tab page.
The recommended version of this policy does not currently work and functions exactly like the mandatory version.
This policy determines the page that's opened when new tabs are created (including when new windows are opened). It also affects the startup page if that's set to open to the new tab page.
This policy doesn't determine which page opens on startup; that's controlled by the RestoreOnStartup policy. It also doesn't affect the home page if that's set to open to the new tab page.
If you don't configure this policy, the default new tab page is used.
If you configure this policy and the NewTabPageSetFeedType policy, this policy has precedence.
If a blank tab is preferred, "about:blank" is the correct URL to use, not "about://blank".
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, joined to Microsoft Azure Active Directory, or instances that enrolled for device management. On macOS, this policy is available only on instances that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewTabPageLocation
- GP name: Configure the new tab page URL
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: NewTabPageLocation
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewTabPageLocation
- Example value:
Set new tab page quick links
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 79 or later
By default, Microsoft Edge displays quick links on the new tab page from user-added shortcuts and top sites based on browsing history. With this policy, you can configure up to three quick link tiles on the new tab page, expressed as a JSON object:
[ { "url": "", "title": "Contoso Portal", "pinned": true/false }, ... ]
The 'url' field is required; 'title' and 'pinned' are optional. If 'title' is not provided, the URL is used as the default title. If 'pinned' is not provided, the default value is false.
Microsoft Edge presents these in the order listed, from left to right, with all pinned tiles displayed ahead of non-pinned tiles.
If the policy is set as mandatory, the 'pinned' field will be ignored and all tiles will be pinned. The tiles can't be deleted by the user and will always appear at the front of the quick links list.
If the policy is set as recommended, pinned tiles will remain in the list but the user has the ability to edit and delete them. Quick link tiles that aren't pinned behave like default top sites and are pushed off the list if other websites are visited more frequently. When applying non-pinned links via this policy to an existing browser profile, the links may not appear at all, depending on how they rank compared to the user's browsing history.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewTabPageManagedQuickLinks
- GP name: Set new tab page quick links
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: NewTabPageManagedQuickLinks
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NewTabPageManagedQuickLinks = [
"pinned": true,
"title": "Contoso Portal",
"url": ""
"title": "Fabrikam",
"url": ""
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NewTabPageManagedQuickLinks = [{"pinned": true, "title": "Contoso Portal", "url": ""}, {"title": "Fabrikam", "url": ""}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewTabPageManagedQuickLinks
- Example value:
<string>Contoso Portal</string>
Enable preload of the new tab page for faster rendering
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 85 or later
If you configure this policy, preloading the New tab page is enabled, and users can't change this setting. If you don't configure this policy, preloading is enabled and a user can change this setting.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewTabPagePrerenderEnabled
- GP name: Enable preload of the new tab page for faster rendering
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: NewTabPagePrerenderEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewTabPagePrerenderEnabled
- Example value:
Allow quick links on the new tab page
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 91 or later
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge displays quick links on the new tab page, and the user can interact with the control, turning quick links on and off. Enabling this policy does not force quick links to be visible - the user can continue to turn quick links on and off.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge hides quick links on the new tab page and disables the quick links control in the NTP settings flyout.
This policy only applies for Microsoft Edge local user profiles, profiles signed in using a Microsoft Account, and profiles signed in using Active Directory. To configure the Enterprise new tab page for profiles signed in using Azure Active Directory, use the M365 admin portal.
Related policies: NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes, NewTabPageContentEnabled
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewTabPageQuickLinksEnabled
- GP name: Allow quick links on the new tab page
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NewTabPageQuickLinksEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewTabPageQuickLinksEnabled
- Example value:
Configure the Microsoft Edge new tab page experience (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 92.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 79, until 92
This policy is obsolete because the new version of the enterprise new tab page no longer requires choosing between different content types. Instead, the content that is presented to the user can be controlled via the Microsoft 365 admin center. To get to the Microsoft 365 admin center, sign in at with your admin account.
Lets you choose either the Microsoft News or Office 365 feed experience for the new tab page.
When you set this policy to 'News', users will see the Microsoft News feed experience on the new tab page.
When you set this policy to 'Office', users with an Azure Active Directory browser sign-in will see the Office 365 feed experience on the new tab page.
If you disable or don't configure this policy:
Users with an Azure Active Directory browser sign-in are offered the Office 365 new tab page feed experience, as well as the standard new tab page feed experience.
Users without an Azure Active Directory browser sign-in will see the standard new tab page experience.
If you configure this policy and the NewTabPageLocation policy, NewTabPageLocation has precedence.
Default setting: Disabled or not configured.
Policy options mapping:
News (0) = Microsoft News feed experience
Office (1) = Office 365 feed experience
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewTabPageSetFeedType
- GP name: Configure the Microsoft Edge new tab page experience (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: NewTabPageSetFeedType
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewTabPageSetFeedType
- Example value:
Action to take on Microsoft Edge startup
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specify how Microsoft Edge behaves when it starts.
If you want a new tab to always open on startup, choose 'RestoreOnStartupIsNewTabPage'.
If you want to reopen URLs that were open the last time Microsoft Edge closed, choose 'RestoreOnStartupIsLastSession'. The browsing session will be restored as it was. Note that this option disables some settings that rely on sessions or that perform actions on exit (such as Clear browsing data on exit or session-only cookies).
If you want to open a specific set of URLs, choose 'RestoreOnStartupIsURLs'.
Starting in Microsoft Edge version 125, if you want to reopen URLs that were open the last time Microsoft Edge closed and open a specific set of URLs, choose 'RestoreOnStartupIsLastSessionAndURLs'.
Disabling this setting is the same as leaving it not configured. Users will be able to change it in Microsoft Edge.
This policy is only available on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, joined to Microsoft Azure Active Directory, or instances that enrolled for device management. On macOS, this policy is only available on instances that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Policy options mapping:
RestoreOnStartupIsNewTabPage (5) = Open a new tab
RestoreOnStartupIsLastSession (1) = Restore the last session
RestoreOnStartupIsURLs (4) = Open a list of URLs
RestoreOnStartupIsLastSessionAndURLs (6) = Open a list of URLs and restore the last session
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RestoreOnStartup
- GP name: Action to take on Microsoft Edge startup
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: RestoreOnStartup
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RestoreOnStartup
- Example value:
Sites to open when the browser starts
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specify a list of websites to open automatically when the browser starts. If you don't configure this policy, no site is opened on startup.
This policy only works if you also set the RestoreOnStartup policy to 'Open a list of URLs' (4).
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, joined to Microsoft Azure Active Directory` or instances that enrolled for device management.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RestoreOnStartupURLs
- GP name: Sites to open when the browser starts
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\RestoreOnStartupURLs
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended\RestoreOnStartupURLs
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\RestoreOnStartupURLs\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\RestoreOnStartupURLs\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RestoreOnStartupURLs
- Example value:
Allow users to add and remove their own sites during startup when the RestoreOnStartupURLs policy is configured
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 107 or later
- On macOS since 111 or later
This policy only works if you set the RestoreOnStartup policy to 'Open a list of URLs' (4) and the RestoreOnStartupURLs policy as mandatory. If you enable this policy, users are allowed to add and remove their own URLs to open when starting Edge while maintaining the admin specified mandatory list of sites specified by setting RestoreOnStartup policy to open a list of URLS and providing the list of sites in the RestoreOnStartupURLs policy.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, there is no change to how the RestoreOnStartup and RestoreOnStartupURLs policies work.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RestoreOnStartupUserURLsEnabled
- GP name: Allow users to add and remove their own sites during startup when the RestoreOnStartupURLs policy is configured
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RestoreOnStartupUserURLsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RestoreOnStartupUserURLsEnabled
- Example value:
Show Home button on toolbar
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Shows the Home button on Microsoft Edge's toolbar.
Enable this policy to always show the Home button. Disable it to never show the button.
If you don't configure the policy, users can choose whether to show the home button.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ShowHomeButton
- GP name: Show Home button on toolbar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Startup, home page and new tab page
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ShowHomeButton
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ShowHomeButton
- Example value:
WebRtc settings policies
WebRTC IP Handling Policy for URL Patterns
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 135 or later
Controls which IP addresses and network interfaces WebRTC can use when establishing connections for specific URL patterns.
How It Works: Accepts a list of URL patterns, each paired with a handling type. WebRTC evaluates patterns sequentially; the first match determines the handling type. If no match is found, WebRTC defaults to the WebRtcLocalhostIpHandling WebRtcLocalhostIpHandling. policy. This policy applies only to origins—URL path components are ignored. Wildcards (*) are supported in URL patterns.
Supported Handling Values: default – Uses all available network interfaces. default_public_and_private_interfaces – WebRTC uses all public and private interfaces. default_public_interface_only – WebRTC uses only public interfaces. disable_non_proxied_udp – WebRTC uses UDP SOCKS proxying or falls back to TCP proxying.
More Information: Valid input patterns: Handling types:
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebRtcIPHandlingUrl
- GP name: WebRTC IP Handling Policy for URL Patterns
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/WebRtc settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebRtcIPHandlingUrl
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebRtcIPHandlingUrl = [
"handling": "default_public_and_private_interfaces",
"url": ""
"handling": "default_public_interface_only",
"url": "https://[*.]"
"handling": "disable_non_proxied_udp",
"url": "*"
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebRtcIPHandlingUrl = [{"handling": "default_public_and_private_interfaces", "url": ""}, {"handling": "default_public_interface_only", "url": "https://[*.]"}, {"handling": "disable_non_proxied_udp", "url": "*"}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebRtcIPHandlingUrl
- Example value:
Restrict exposure of local IP address by WebRTC
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows you to set whether or not WebRTC exposes the user's local IP address.
If you set this policy to "AllowAllInterfaces" or "AllowPublicAndPrivateInterfaces", WebRTC exposes the local IP address.
If you set this policy to "AllowPublicInterfaceOnly" or "DisableNonProxiedUdp", WebRTC doesn't expose the local IP address.
If you don't set this policy, or if you disable it, WebRTC exposes the local IP address.
Note: This policy does not provide an option to exclude specific domains.
Policy options mapping:
AllowAllInterfaces (default) = Allow all interfaces. This exposes the local IP address
AllowPublicAndPrivateInterfaces (default_public_and_private_interfaces) = Allow public and private interfaces over http default route. This exposes the local IP address
AllowPublicInterfaceOnly (default_public_interface_only) = Allow public interface over http default route. This doesn't expose the local IP address
DisableNonProxiedUdp (disable_non_proxied_udp) = Use TCP unless proxy server supports UDP. This doesn't expose the local IP address
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebRtcLocalhostIpHandling
- GP name: Restrict exposure of local IP address by WebRTC
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/WebRtc settings
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebRtcLocalhostIpHandling
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebRtcLocalhostIpHandling
- Example value:
Additional policies
Single sign-on for work or school sites using this profile enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 92 or later
'Allow single sign-on for work or school sites using this profile' option allows non-AAD profiles to be able to use single sign-on for work or school sites using work or school credentials present on the machine. This option shows up for end-users as a toggle in Settings -> Profiles -> Profile Preferences for non-AAD profiles only.
If you enable or disable this policy, 'Intelligent enablement of Single sign-on (SSO) for all Windows Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) accounts for users with a single non-Azure AD Microsoft Edge profile' will be turned off.
If you don't configure this policy, users can control whether to use SSO using other credentials present on the machine in edge://settings/profiles/multiProfileSettings.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AADWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileEnabled
- GP name: Single sign-on for work or school sites using this profile enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: AADWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AADWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileEnabled
- Example value:
Enables DALL-E themes generation
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 122 or later
This policy lets you generate browser themes using DALL-E and apply them to Microsoft Edge.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the AI generated themes will be enabled.
If you disable this policy, the AI generated themes will be disabled for your organization.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AIGenThemesEnabled
- GP name: Enables DALL-E themes generation
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AIGenThemesEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AIGenThemesEnabled
- Example value:
Let screen reader users get image descriptions from Microsoft
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 97 or later
Lets screen reader users get descriptions of unlabeled images on the web.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users have the option of using an anonymous Microsoft service. This service provides automatic descriptions for unlabeled images users encounter on the web when they're using a screen reader.
If you disable this policy, users can't enable the Get Image Descriptions from Microsoft feature.
When this feature is enabled, the content of images that need a generated description is sent to Microsoft servers to generate a description.
No cookies or other user data is sent to Microsoft, and Microsoft doesn't save or log any image content.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AccessibilityImageLabelsEnabled
- GP name: Let screen reader users get image descriptions from Microsoft
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AccessibilityImageLabelsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AccessibilityImageLabelsEnabled
- Example value:
Native application signing during Progressive Web Application installation
Supported versions:
- On macOS since 132 or later
Enabling this policy or leaving it unset enables the use of ad-hoc signatures for the native application that's created when installing a Progressive Web Application (PWA). This ensures that each installed application has a unique identity to macOS system components.
Disabling this policy will result in every native application created when installing Progressive Web Applications having the same identity. This can interfere with macOS functionality.
Only turn off the policy if you are using an endpoint security solution that blocks applications with an ad-hoc signature.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AdHocCodeSigningForPWAsEnabled
- Example value:
Enable additional search box in browser
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123 or later
A search box is an additional text input field located next to the address bar in a web browser. It allows users to perform web searches directly from the browser interface.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the search box will be visible and available for use. Users can toggle the search box in Edge Settings page edge://settings/appearance#SearchBoxInToolbar.
If you disable this policy, search box will not be visible, and users will have to use the address bar or navigate to a search engine to perform web searches.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AdditionalSearchBoxEnabled
- GP name: Enable additional search box in browser
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AdditionalSearchBoxEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AdditionalSearchBoxEnabled
- Example value:
Configure address bar editing
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 98 or later
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can change the URL in the address bar.
If you disable this policy, it prevents users from changing the URL in the address bar.
Note: This policy doesn't prevent the browser from navigating to any URL. Users can still navigate to any URL by using the search option in the default New Tab Page, or using any link that leads to a web search engine. To ensure that users can only go to sites you expect, consider configuring the following policies in addition to this policy:
URLBlocklist and URLAllowlist to scope the pages that browser can navigate to.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AddressBarEditingEnabled
- GP name: Configure address bar editing
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AddressBarEditingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AddressBarEditingEnabled
- Example value:
Enable Microsoft Search in Bing suggestions in the address bar
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 81 or later
Enables the display of relevant Microsoft Search in Bing suggestions in the address bar's suggestion list when the user types a search string in the address bar. If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can see internal results powered by Microsoft Search in Bing in the Microsoft Edge address bar suggestion list. To see the Microsoft Search in Bing results, the user must be signed into Microsoft Edge with their Azure AD account for that organization. If you disable this policy, users can't see internal results in the Microsoft Edge address bar suggestion list. Starting with Microsoft Edge version 89, Microsoft Search in Bing suggestions will be available even if Bing isn't the user's default search provider.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AddressBarMicrosoftSearchInBingProviderEnabled
- GP name: Enable Microsoft Search in Bing suggestions in the address bar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AddressBarMicrosoftSearchInBingProviderEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AddressBarMicrosoftSearchInBingProviderEnabled
- Example value:
Enable Microsoft Bing trending suggestions in the address bar
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 135 or later
This policy controls whether Microsoft Bing trending suggestions appear in the address bar’s suggestion dropdown when users click the address bar while on a New Tab Page.
If this policy is enabled or not configured, Microsoft Bing trending suggestions will appear in the address bar suggestion dropdown.
If this policy is disabled, Microsoft Edge will not display Microsoft Bing trending suggestions when users click the address bar.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AddressBarTrendingSuggestEnabled
- GP name: Enable Microsoft Bing trending suggestions in the address bar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AddressBarTrendingSuggestEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AddressBarTrendingSuggestEnabled
- Example value:
Enable Work Search suggestions in the address bar
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 134 or later
Enables the display of relevant workplace suggestions in the address bar’s suggestion dropdown when users type a query in the address bar.
If this policy is enabled or not configured, users can view internal work-related suggestions, such as bookmarks, files, and people results powered by Microsoft 365, in the Microsoft Edge address bar suggestion dropdown. To access these results, users must be signed into Microsoft Edge with their Entra ID account associated with that organization.
If this policy is disabled, users will not see internal workplace results in the Microsoft Edge address bar suggestion dropdown.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AddressBarWorkSearchResultsEnabled
- GP name: Enable Work Search suggestions in the address bar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AddressBarWorkSearchResultsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AddressBarWorkSearchResultsEnabled
- Example value:
Ads setting for sites with intrusive ads
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 78 or later
Controls whether ads are blocked on sites with intrusive ads.
Policy options mapping:
AllowAds (1) = Allow ads on all sites
BlockAds (2) = Block ads on sites with intrusive ads. (Default value)
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AdsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites
- GP name: Ads setting for sites with intrusive ads
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AdsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AdsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites
- Example value:
Configure if the ads transparency feature is enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 100 or later
Lets you decide whether the ads transparency feature is enabled. This behavior only applies to the "balanced" mode of tracking prevention, and does not impact "basic" or "strict" modes. Your users' tracking prevention level can be configured using the TrackingPrevention policy. AdsTransparencyEnabled will only have an effect if TrackingPrevention is set to TrackingPreventionBalanced or is not configured.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, transparency metadata provided by ads will be available to the user when the feature is active.
When the feature is enabled, Tracking Prevention will enable exceptions for the associated ad providers that have met Microsoft's privacy standards.
If you disable this policy, Tracking Prevention will not adjust its behavior even when transparency metadata is provided by ads.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AdsTransparencyEnabled
- GP name: Configure if the ads transparency feature is enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AdsTransparencyEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AdsTransparencyEnabled
- Example value:
Allow pages with Cache-Control: no-store header to enter back/forward cache
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123 or later
This policy controls if a page with Cache-Control: no-store header can be stored in back/forward cache. The website setting this header may not expect the page to be restored from back/forward cache since some sensitive information could still be displayed after the restoration even if it is no longer accessible.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the page with Cache-Control: no-store header might be restored from back/forward cache unless the cache eviction is triggered (e.g. when there is HTTP-only cookie change to the site).
If you disable this policy, the page with Cache-Control: no-store header will not be stored in back/forward cache.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AllowBackForwardCacheForCacheControlNoStorePageEnabled
- GP name: Allow pages with Cache-Control: no-store header to enter back/forward cache
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AllowBackForwardCacheForCacheControlNoStorePageEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AllowBackForwardCacheForCacheControlNoStorePageEnabled
- Example value:
Enable deleting browser and download history
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enables deleting browser history and download history and prevents users from changing this setting.
Note that even with this policy is disabled, the browsing and download history aren't guaranteed to be retained: users can edit or delete the history database files directly, and the browser itself may remove (based on expiration period) or archive any or all history items at any time.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, users can delete the browsing and download history.
If you disable this policy, users can't delete browsing and download history. Disabling this policy will disable history sync and open tab sync.
If you enable this policy, don't enable the ClearBrowsingDataOnExit policy, because they both deal with deleting data. If you enable both, the ClearBrowsingDataOnExit policy takes precedence and deletes all data when Microsoft Edge closes, regardless of how this policy is configured.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AllowDeletingBrowserHistory
- GP name: Enable deleting browser and download history
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AllowDeletingBrowserHistory
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AllowDeletingBrowserHistory
- Example value:
Allow file selection dialogs
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allow access to local files by letting Microsoft Edge display file selection dialogs.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can open file selection dialogs as normal.
If you disable this policy, whenever the user performs an action that triggers a file selection dialog (like importing favorites, uploading files, or saving links), a message is displayed instead, and the user is assumed to have clicked Cancel on the file selection dialog.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AllowFileSelectionDialogs
- GP name: Allow file selection dialogs
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AllowFileSelectionDialogs
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AllowFileSelectionDialogs
- Example value:
Allow users to access the games menu (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 99 or later
This policy is deprecated because it can be managed using the HubsSidebarEnabled policy.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can access the games menu.
If you disable this policy, users won't be able to access the games menu.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AllowGamesMenu
- GP name: Allow users to access the games menu (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AllowGamesMenu
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AllowGamesMenu
- Example value:
Allows a page to show popups during its unloading (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 87.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 78, until 87
This policy allows an admin to specify that a page can show popups during its unloading.
When the policy is set to enabled, pages are allowed to show popups while they're being unloaded.
When the policy is set to disabled or unset, pages aren't allowed to show popups while they're being unloaded. This is as per the spec: (
This policy was removed in Microsoft Edge 88 and is ignored if set.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AllowPopupsDuringPageUnload
- GP name: Allows a page to show popups during its unloading (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AllowPopupsDuringPageUnload
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AllowPopupsDuringPageUnload
- Example value:
Allow surf game
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 83 or later
If you disable this policy, users won't be able to play the surf game when the device is offline or if the user navigates to edge://surf.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can play the surf game.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AllowSurfGame
- GP name: Allow surf game
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AllowSurfGame
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AllowSurfGame
- Example value:
Allow pages to send synchronous XHR requests during page dismissal (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 99.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 79, until 99
This policy is obsolete because it was only intended to be a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to update their web content if and when it was found to be incompatible with the change to disallow synchronous XHR requests during page dismissal. It doesn't work in Microsoft Edge after version 99.
This policy lets you specify that a page can send synchronous XHR requests during page dismissal.
If you enable this policy, pages can send synchronous XHR requests during page dismissal.
If you disable this policy or don't configure this policy, pages aren't allowed to send synchronous XHR requests during page dismissal.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal
- GP name: Allow pages to send synchronous XHR requests during page dismissal (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal
- Example value:
Allows system notifications
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 117 or later
Lets you use system notifications instead of Microsoft Edge's embedded Message Center on Windows and Linux.
If set to True or not set, Microsoft Edge is allowed to use system notifications.
If set to False, Microsoft Edge will not use system notifications. Microsoft Edge's embedded Message Center will be used as a fallback.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AllowSystemNotifications
- GP name: Allows system notifications
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AllowSystemNotifications
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Configure the list of sites for which Microsoft Edge will attempt to establish a Token Binding with (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 129.
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 83, until 129
This policy is obsolete because Token Binding is no longer supported, starting with Microsoft Edge 130.
Configure the list of URL patterns for sites that the browser will attempt to perform the Token Binding protocol with. For the domains on this list, the browser will send the Token Binding ClientHello in the TLS handshake (See If the server responds with a valid ServerHello response, the browser will create and send Token Binding messages on subsequent https requests. See for more info.
If this list is empty, Token Binding will be disabled.
This policy is only available on Windows 10 devices with Virtual Secure Mode capability.
Starting in Microsoft Edge 86, this policy no longer supports dynamic refresh.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AllowTokenBindingForUrls
- GP name: Configure the list of sites for which Microsoft Edge will attempt to establish a Token Binding with (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AllowTokenBindingForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AllowTokenBindingForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AllowTokenBindingForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AllowTokenBindingForUrls\3 = "[*.]"
Configure tracking prevention exceptions for specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 78 or later
Configure the list of URL patterns that are excluded from tracking prevention.
If you configure this policy, the list of configured URL patterns is excluded from tracking prevention.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the "Block tracking of users' web-browsing activity" policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AllowTrackingForUrls
- GP name: Configure tracking prevention exceptions for specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AllowTrackingForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AllowTrackingForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AllowTrackingForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AllowTrackingForUrls
- Example value:
Allow Web Authentication requests on sites with broken TLS certificates.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123 or later
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will allow Web Authentication requests on websites that have TLS certificates with errors (i.e. websites considered not secure).
If you disable or don't configure this policy, the default behavior of blocking such requests will apply.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AllowWebAuthnWithBrokenTlsCerts
- GP name: Allow Web Authentication requests on sites with broken TLS certificates.
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AllowWebAuthnWithBrokenTlsCerts
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AllowWebAuthnWithBrokenTlsCerts
- Example value:
Define domains allowed to access Google Workspace
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 104 or later
Setting the policy on Microsoft Edge turns on the restricted sign-in feature in Google Workspace and prevents users from changing this setting. Users can only access Google tools using accounts from the specified domains. To allow gmail or googlemail accounts, add consumer_accounts to the list of domains. This policy is based on the Chrome policy of the same name.
If you don't provide a domain name or leave this policy unset, users can access Google Workspace with any account.
Users cannot change or override this setting.
Note: This policy causes the X-GoogApps-Allowed-Domains header to be appended to all HTTP and HTTPS requests to all domains, as described in
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AllowedDomainsForApps
- GP name: Define domains allowed to access Google Workspace
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AllowedDomainsForApps
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AllowedDomainsForApps
- Example value:
Suggest similar pages when a webpage can't be found
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80 or later
Allow Microsoft Edge to issue a connection to a web service to generate URL and search suggestions for connectivity issues such as DNS errors.
If you enable this policy, a web service is used to generate url and search suggestions for network errors.
If you disable this policy, no calls to the web service are made and a standard error page is shown.
If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge respects the user preference that's set under Services at edge://settings/privacy. Specifically, there's a Suggest similar pages when a webpage can't be found toggle, which the user can switch on or off. Note that if you have enable this policy (AlternateErrorPagesEnabled), the Suggest similar pages when a webpage can't be found setting is turned on, but the user can't change the setting by using the toggle. If you disable this policy, the Suggest similar pages when a webpage can't be found setting is turned off, and the user can't change the setting by using the toggle.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AlternateErrorPagesEnabled
- GP name: Suggest similar pages when a webpage can't be found
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: AlternateErrorPagesEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AlternateErrorPagesEnabled
- Example value:
Always open PDF files externally
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Disables the internal PDF viewer in Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy Microsoft Edge treats PDF files as downloads and lets users open them with the default application.
If Microsoft Edge is the default PDF reader, PDF files aren't downloaded and will continue to open in Microsoft Edge.
If you don't configure this policy or disable it, Microsoft Edge will open PDF files (unless the user disables it).
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AlwaysOpenPdfExternally
- GP name: Always open PDF files externally
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AlwaysOpenPdfExternally
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AlwaysOpenPdfExternally
- Example value:
Enable Ambient Authentication for InPrivate and Guest profiles
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 81 or later
Configure this policy to allow/disallow ambient authentication for InPrivate and Guest profiles in Microsoft Edge.
Ambient Authentication is http authentication with default credentials when explicit credentials aren't provided via NTLM/Kerberos/Negotiate challenge/response schemes.
If you set the policy to 'RegularOnly', it allows ambient authentication for Regular sessions only. InPrivate and Guest sessions won't be allowed to ambiently authenticate.
If you set the policy to 'InPrivateAndRegular', it allows ambient authentication for InPrivate and Regular sessions. Guest sessions won't be allowed to ambiently authenticate.
If you set the policy to 'GuestAndRegular', it allows ambient authentication for Guest and Regular sessions. InPrivate sessions won't be allowed to ambiently authenticate
If you set the policy to 'All', it allows ambient authentication for all sessions.
Note that ambient authentication is always allowed on regular profiles.
In Microsoft Edge version 81 and later, if the policy is left not set, ambient authentication will be enabled in regular sessions only.
Policy options mapping:
RegularOnly (0) = Enable ambient authentication in regular sessions only
InPrivateAndRegular (1) = Enable ambient authentication in InPrivate and regular sessions
GuestAndRegular (2) = Enable ambient authentication in guest and regular sessions
All (3) = Enable ambient authentication in regular, InPrivate and guest sessions
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AmbientAuthenticationInPrivateModesEnabled
- GP name: Enable Ambient Authentication for InPrivate and Guest profiles
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AmbientAuthenticationInPrivateModesEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AmbientAuthenticationInPrivateModesEnabled
- Example value:
Allows the AppCache feature to be re-enabled, even if it's turned off by default (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 96.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 84, until 96
Support for AppCache and this policy was removed from Microsoft Edge starting in version 97.
If you set this policy to true, the AppCache is enabled, even when AppCache in Microsoft Edge is not available by default.
If you set this policy to false, or don't set it, AppCache will follow Microsoft Edge's defaults.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AppCacheForceEnabled
- GP name: Allows the AppCache feature to be re-enabled, even if it's turned off by default (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AppCacheForceEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AppCacheForceEnabled
- Example value:
Enable Application Bound Encryption
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 127 or later
Enabling this policy or leaving it unset binds the encryption keys used for local data storage to Microsoft Edge whenever possible.
Disabling this policy has a detrimental effect on Microsoft Edge's security because unknown and potentially hostile apps can retrieve the encryption keys used to secure data.
Only turn off this policy if there are compatibility issues, such as scenarios where other applications need legitimate access to Microsoft Edge's data. Encrypted user data is expected to be fully portable between different computers or the integrity and location of Microsoft Edge's executable files isn’t consistent.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ApplicationBoundEncryptionEnabled
- GP name: Enable Application Bound Encryption
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ApplicationBoundEncryptionEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Set application locale
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 77 or later
Configures the application locale in Microsoft Edge and prevents users from changing the locale.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge uses the specified locale. If the configured locale isn't supported, 'en-US' is used instead.
If you disable or don't configure this setting, Microsoft Edge uses either the user-specified preferred locale (if configured) or the fallback locale 'en-US'.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ApplicationLocaleValue
- GP name: Set application locale
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ApplicationLocaleValue
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Get user confirmation before closing a browser window with multiple tabs
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 104 or later
This policy lets you configure whether users see a confirmation dialog before closing a browser window with multiple tabs. This dialog asks users to confirm that the browser window can be closed.
If you enable this policy, users will be presented with a confirmation dialog when closing a browser window with multiple tabs.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, a browser window with multiple tabs will close immediately without user confirmation.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AskBeforeCloseEnabled
- GP name: Get user confirmation before closing a browser window with multiple tabs
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: AskBeforeCloseEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AskBeforeCloseEnabled
- Example value:
Allow or block audio capture
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows you to set whether a user is prompted to grant a website access to their audio capture device. This policy applies to all URLs except for those configured in the AudioCaptureAllowedUrls list.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it (the default setting), the user is prompted for audio capture access except from the URLs in the AudioCaptureAllowedUrls list. These listed URLs are granted access without prompting.
If you disable this policy, the user is not prompted, and audio capture is accessible only to the URLs configured in AudioCaptureAllowedUrls.
This policy affects all types of audio inputs, not only the built-in microphone.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AudioCaptureAllowed
- GP name: Allow or block audio capture
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AudioCaptureAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AudioCaptureAllowed
- Example value:
Sites that can access audio capture devices without requesting permission
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specify websites, based on URL patterns, that can use audio capture devices without asking the user for permission. Patterns in this list are matched against the security origin of the requesting URL. If they match, the site is automatically granted access to audio capture devices. Note, however, that the pattern "*", which matches any URL, is not supported by this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AudioCaptureAllowedUrls
- GP name: Sites that can access audio capture devices without requesting permission
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AudioCaptureAllowedUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AudioCaptureAllowedUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AudioCaptureAllowedUrls\2 = "https://[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AudioCaptureAllowedUrls
- Example value:
Allow the audio process to run with priority above normal on Windows
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 96 or later
This policy controls the priority of the audio process on Windows. If this policy is enabled, the audio process will run with above normal priority. If this policy is disabled, the audio process will run with normal priority. If this policy is not configured, the default configuration for the audio process will be used. This policy is intended as a temporary measure to give enterprises the ability to run audio with higher priority to address certain performance issues with audio capture. This policy will be removed in the future.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AudioProcessHighPriorityEnabled
- GP name: Allow the audio process to run with priority above normal on Windows
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AudioProcessHighPriorityEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow the audio sandbox to run
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 81 or later
This policy controls the audio process sandbox.
If you enable this policy, the audio process will run sandboxed.
If you disable this policy, the audio process will run unsandboxed and the WebRTC audio-processing module will run in the renderer process. This leaves users open to security risks related to running the audio subsystem unsandboxed.
If you don't configure this policy, the default configuration for the audio sandbox will be used, which might differ based on the platform.
This policy is intended to give enterprises flexibility to disable the audio sandbox if they use security software setups that interfere with the sandbox.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AudioSandboxEnabled
- GP name: Allow the audio sandbox to run
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AudioSandboxEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AudioSandboxEnabled
- Example value:
Automatically import another browser's data and settings at first run
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
If you enable this policy, all supported datatypes and settings from the specified browser will be silently and automatically imported at first run. During the First Run Experience, the import section will also be skipped.
The browser data from Microsoft Edge Legacy will always be silently migrated at the first run, irrespective of the value of this policy.
If this policy is set to 'FromDefaultBrowser', then the datatypes corresponding to the default browser on the managed device will be imported.
If the browser specified as the value of this policy is not present in the managed device, Microsoft Edge will simply skip the import without any notification to the user.
If you set this policy to 'DisabledAutoImport', the import section of the first-run experience is skipped entirely and Microsoft Edge doesn't import browser data and settings automatically.
If this policy is set to the value of 'FromInternetExplorer', the following datatypes will be imported from Internet Explorer:
- Favorites or bookmarks
- Saved passwords
- Search engines
- Browsing history
- Home page
If this policy is set to the value of 'FromGoogleChrome', the following datatypes will be imported from Google Chrome:
- Favorites
- Saved passwords
- Addresses and more
- Payment info
- Browsing history
- Settings
- Pinned and Open tabs
- Extensions
- Cookies
Note: For more details on what is imported from Google Chrome, please see
If this policy is set to the value of 'FromSafari', user data is no longer imported into Microsoft Edge. This is due to the way Full Disk Access works on Mac. On macOS Mojave and above, it's no longer possible to have automated and unattended import of Safari data into Microsoft Edge.
Starting with Microsoft Edge version 83, if this policy is set to the value of 'FromMozillaFirefox', the following datatypes will be imported from Mozilla Firefox:
- Favorites or bookmarks
- Saved passwords
- Addresses and more
- Browsing History
If you want to restrict specific datatypes from getting imported on the managed devices, you can use this policy with other policies such as ImportAutofillFormData, ImportBrowserSettings, ImportFavorites, and etc.
Policy options mapping:
FromDefaultBrowser (0) = Automatically imports all supported datatypes and settings from the default browser
FromInternetExplorer (1) = Automatically imports all supported datatypes and settings from Internet Explorer
FromGoogleChrome (2) = Automatically imports all supported datatypes and settings from Google Chrome
FromSafari (3) = Automatically imports all supported datatypes and settings from Safari
DisabledAutoImport (4) = Disables automatic import, and the import section of the first-run experience is skipped
FromMozillaFirefox (5) = Automatically imports all supported datatypes and settings from Mozilla Firefox
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutoImportAtFirstRun
- GP name: Automatically import another browser's data and settings at first run
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AutoImportAtFirstRun
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutoImportAtFirstRun
- Example value:
AutoLaunch Protocols Component Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 96 or later
Specifies whether the AutoLaunch Protocols component should be enabled. This component allows Microsoft to provide a list similar to that of the AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins policy, allowing certain external protocols to launch without prompt or blocking certain protocols (on specified origins). By default, this component is enabled.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the AutoLaunch Protocols component is enabled.
If you disable this policy, the AutoLaunch Protocols component is disabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutoLaunchProtocolsComponentEnabled
- GP name: AutoLaunch Protocols Component Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AutoLaunchProtocolsComponentEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutoLaunchProtocolsComponentEnabled
- Example value:
Define a list of protocols that can launch an external application from listed origins without prompting the user
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 85 or later
Allows you to set a list of protocols, and for each protocol an associated list of allowed origin patterns, that can launch an external application without prompting the user. The trailing separator should not be included when listing the protocol and the protocol should be all lower case. For example, list "skype" instead of "skype:", "skype://" or "Skype".
If you configure this policy, a protocol will only be permitted to launch an external application without prompting by policy if:
the protocol is listed
the origin of the site trying to launch the protocol matches one of the origin patterns in that protocol's allowed_origins list.
If either condition is false, the external protocol launch prompt will not be omitted by policy.
If you don't configure this policy, no protocols can launch without a prompt. Users can opt out of prompts on a per-protocol/per-site basis unless the ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox policy is set to Disabled. This policy has no impact on per-protocol/per-site prompt exemptions set by users.
The origin matching patterns use a similar format to those for the URLBlocklist policy, which are documented at
However, origin matching patterns for this policy cannot contain "/path" or "@query" elements. Any pattern that does contain a "/path" or "@query" element will be ignored.
This policy does not work as expected with file://* wildcards.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins
- GP name: Define a list of protocols that can launch an external application from listed origins without prompting the user
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins = [
"allowed_origins": [
"protocol": "spotify"
"allowed_origins": [
"protocol": "msteams"
"allowed_origins": [
"protocol": "msoutlook"
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins = [{"allowed_origins": ["", ""], "protocol": "spotify"}, {"allowed_origins": ["", ""], "protocol": "msteams"}, {"allowed_origins": ["*"], "protocol": "msoutlook"}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins
- Example value:
URLs where AutoOpenFileTypes can apply
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 85 or later
A list of URLs to which AutoOpenFileTypes will apply to. This policy has no impact on automatically open values set by users via the download shelf ... > "Always open files of this type" menu entry.
If you set URLs in this policy, files will only automatically open by policy if the URL is part of this set and the file type is listed in AutoOpenFileTypes. If either condition is false, the download won't automatically open by policy.
If you don't set this policy, all downloads where the file type is in AutoOpenFileTypes will automatically open.
A URL pattern has to be formatted according to
This policy does not work as expected with file://* wildcards.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutoOpenAllowedForURLs
- GP name: URLs where AutoOpenFileTypes can apply
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoOpenAllowedForURLs
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoOpenAllowedForURLs\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoOpenAllowedForURLs\2 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoOpenAllowedForURLs\3 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoOpenAllowedForURLs\4 = "https://server:8080/path"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoOpenAllowedForURLs\5 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutoOpenAllowedForURLs
- Example value:
List of file types that should be automatically opened on download
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 85 or later
This policy sets a list of file types that should be automatically opened on download. Note: The leading separator should not be included when listing the file type, so list "txt" instead of ".txt".
By default, these file types will be automatically opened on all URLs. You can use the AutoOpenAllowedForURLs policy to restrict the URLs for which these file types will be automatically opened on.
Files with types that should be automatically opened will still be subject to the enabled Microsoft Defender SmartScreen checks and won't be opened if they fail those checks.
File types that a user has already specified to automatically be opened will continue to do so when downloaded. The user will continue to be able to specify other file types to be automatically opened.
If you don't set this policy, only file types that a user has already specified to automatically be opened will do so when downloaded.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, joined to Microsoft Azure Active Directory or instances that enrolled for device management.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutoOpenFileTypes
- GP name: List of file types that should be automatically opened on download
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoOpenFileTypes
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoOpenFileTypes\1 = "exe"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoOpenFileTypes\2 = "txt"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutoOpenFileTypes
- Example value:
Enable AutoFill for addresses
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enables the AutoFill feature and allows users to auto-complete address information in web forms using previously stored information.
If this policy is enabled or not configured, users can manage AutoFill for addresses in Microsoft Edge settings. AutoFill allows users to complete address fields in web forms using previously saved information.
If this policy is disabled, Microsoft Edge does not suggest, fill in, or save address information. AutoFill is also disabled for all web forms except payment and password fields, and previously saved addresses are not available.
Disabling this policy also turns off EdgeAutofillMlEnabled.
Note that if you disable this policy you also stop all activity for all web forms, except payment and password forms. No further entries are saved, and Microsoft Edge won't suggest or AutoFill any previous entries.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutofillAddressEnabled
- GP name: Enable AutoFill for addresses
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: AutofillAddressEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutofillAddressEnabled
- Example value:
Enable AutoFill for payment instruments
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enables Microsoft Edge's AutoFill feature and lets users auto complete payment instruments like credit or debit cards in web forms using previously stored information. This includes suggesting new payment instruments like Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) in web forms and Express Checkout.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, users can control AutoFill for payment instruments.
If you disable this policy, AutoFill never suggests, fills, or recommends new payment Instruments. Additionally, it won't save any payment instrument information that users submit while browsing the web.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutofillCreditCardEnabled
- GP name: Enable AutoFill for payment instruments
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: AutofillCreditCardEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutofillCreditCardEnabled
- Example value:
Save and fill memberships
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 110 or later
This policy lets you decide whether users can have their membership info (for example, program name and membership number) automatically saved and used to fill form fields while using Microsoft Edge. By default, users can choose whether to enable it or not.
If you enable this policy, users can only have their membership info automatically saved and used to fill form fields while using Microsoft Edge.
If you don't configure this policy, users can choose whether to have their membership info automatically saved and used to fill form fields while using Microsoft Edge.
If you disable this policy, users can't have their membership info automatically saved and used to fill form fields while using Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutofillMembershipsEnabled
- GP name: Save and fill memberships
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: AutofillMembershipsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutofillMembershipsEnabled
- Example value:
Configure Automatic HTTPS
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 92 or later
This policy lets you manage settings for AutomaticHttpsDefault, which switches connections from HTTP to HTTPS.
This feature helps protect against man-in-the-middle attacks by enforcing more secure connections, but users might experience more connection errors.
Microsoft Edge attempts to upgrade some navigations from HTTP to HTTPS, when possible. This policy can be used to disable this behavior. If set to "AlwaysUpgrade" or left unset, this feature will be enabled by default.
The separate HttpAllowlist policy can be used to exempt specific hostnames or hostname patterns from being upgraded to HTTPS by this feature.
Starting in Microsoft Edge 111, "UpgradePossibleDomains" is deprecated and is treated the same as "DisableAutomaticHttps". It won't work in Microsoft Edge version 114.
Policy options mapping:
DisableAutomaticHttps (0) = Automatic HTTPS functionality is disabled.
UpgradeCapableDomains (1) = (Deprecated) Navigations delivered over HTTP are switched to HTTPS, only on domains likely to support HTTPS.
AlwaysUpgrade (2) = All navigations delivered over HTTP are switched to HTTPS. Connection errors might occur more often.
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutomaticHttpsDefault
- GP name: Configure Automatic HTTPS
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: AutomaticHttpsDefault
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutomaticHttpsDefault
- Example value:
Allow media autoplay for websites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 78 or later
This policy sets the media autoplay policy for websites.
The default setting, "Not configured" respects the current media autoplay settings and lets users configure their autoplay settings.
Setting to "Enabled" sets media autoplay to "Allow". All websites are allowed to autoplay media. Users can't override this policy.
Setting to "Disabled" sets media autoplay to "Limit". This limits websites that are allowed to autoplay media to webpages with high media engagement and active WebRTC streams. Prior to Microsoft Edge version 92, this would set media autoplay to "Block". Users can't override this policy.
A tab will need to be closed and re-opened for this policy to take effect.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutoplayAllowed
- GP name: Allow media autoplay for websites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: AutoplayAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutoplayAllowed
- Example value:
Allow media autoplay on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that are allowed to autoplay media.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the AutoplayAllowed policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see
Note: * is not an accepted value for this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: AutoplayAllowlist
- GP name: Allow media autoplay on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoplayAllowlist
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoplayAllowlist\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoplayAllowlist\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: AutoplayAllowlist
- Example value:
Continue running background apps after Microsoft Edge closes
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 77 or later
Allows Microsoft Edge processes to start at OS sign-in and keep running after the last browser window is closed. In this scenario, background apps and the current browsing session remain active, including any session cookies. An open background process displays an icon in the system tray and can always be closed from there.
If you enable this policy, background mode is turned on.
If you disable this policy, background mode is turned off.
If you don't configure this policy, background mode is initially turned off, and the user can configure its behavior in edge://settings/system.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BackgroundModeEnabled
- GP name: Continue running background apps after Microsoft Edge closes
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: BackgroundModeEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enables background updates to the list of available templates for Collections and other features that use templates (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 79 or later
This policy is deprecated because we are moving to a new policy. It won't work in Microsoft Edge as soon as version 104. The new policy to use is EdgeAssetDeliveryServiceEnabled.
Lets you enable or disable background updates to the list of available templates for Collections and other features that use templates. Templates are used to extract rich metadata from a webpage when the page is saved to a collection.
If you enable this setting or the setting is unconfigured, the list of available templates will be downloaded in the background from a Microsoft service every 24 hours.
If you disable this setting the list of available templates will be downloaded on demand. This type of download might result in small performance penalties for Collections and other features.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BackgroundTemplateListUpdatesEnabled
- GP name: Enables background updates to the list of available templates for Collections and other features that use templates (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: BackgroundTemplateListUpdatesEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: BackgroundTemplateListUpdatesEnabled
- Example value:
Control the behavior for the cancel dialog produced by the beforeunload event (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 130.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 118, until 130
This policy provides a temporary opt-out for two related fixes to the behavior of the confirmation dialog that’s shown by the beforeunload event.
When this policy is Enabled, the new (correct) behavior will be used. When this policy is Disabled, the old (legacy) behavior will be used. When this policy is left not set, the default behavior will be used. Note: This policy is a temporary workaround and will be removed in a future release.
New and correct behavior: In beforeunload
, calling event.preventDefault()
will trigger the confirmation dialog. Setting event.returnValue
to the empty string won’t trigger the confirmation dialog.
Old and legacy behavior: In beforeunload
, calling event.preventDefault()
won’t trigger the confirmation dialog. Setting event.returnValue
to the empty string will trigger the confirmation dialog.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BeforeunloadEventCancelByPreventDefaultEnabled
- GP name: Control the behavior for the cancel dialog produced by the beforeunload event (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: BeforeunloadEventCancelByPreventDefaultEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: BeforeunloadEventCancelByPreventDefaultEnabled
- Example value:
Block all ads on Bing search results
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 83 or later
Enables an ad-free search experience on
If you enable this policy, then a user can search on and have an ad-free search experience. At the same time, the SafeSearch setting will be set to 'Strict' and can't be changed by the user.
If you don't configure this policy, then the default experience will have ads in the search results on SafeSearch will be set to 'Moderate' by default and can be changed by the user.
This policy is only available for K-12 SKUs that are identified as EDU tenants by Microsoft.
Please refer to to learn more about this policy or if the following scenarios apply to you:
You have an EDU tenant, but the policy doesn't work.
You had your IP allowlisted for having an ad free search experience.
You were experiencing an ad-free search experience on Microsoft Edge Legacy and want to upgrade to the new version of Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BingAdsSuppression
- GP name: Block all ads on Bing search results
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: BingAdsSuppression
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: BingAdsSuppression
- Example value:
Block third party cookies
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Block web page elements that aren't from the domain that's in the address bar from setting cookies.
If you enable this policy, web page elements that are not from the domain that is in the address bar can't set cookies
If you disable this policy, web page elements from domains other than in the address bar can set cookies.
If you don't configure this policy, third-party cookies are enabled but users can change this setting.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BlockThirdPartyCookies
- GP name: Block third party cookies
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: BlockThirdPartyCookies
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: BlockThirdPartyCookies
- Example value:
Enable profile creation from the Identity flyout menu or the Settings page
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows users to create new profiles, using the Add profile option. If you enable this policy or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge allows users to use Add profile on the Identity flyout menu or the Settings page to create new profiles.
If you disable this policy, users cannot add new profiles from the Identity flyout menu or the Settings page.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BrowserAddProfileEnabled
- GP name: Enable profile creation from the Identity flyout menu or the Settings page
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: BrowserAddProfileEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: BrowserAddProfileEnabled
- Example value:
Configure browser process code integrity guard setting
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 104 or later
This policy controls the use of code integrity guard in the browser process, which only allows Microsoft signed binaries to load.
Setting this policy to Enabled will enable code integrity guard in the browser process.
Setting this policy to Disabled, or if the policy is not set, will prevent the browser from enabling code integrity guard in the browser process.
The policy value Audit (1) is obsolete as of version 110. Setting this value is equivalent to the Disabled value.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, or Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management.
This policy will only take effect on Windows 10 RS2 and above.
Policy options mapping:
Disabled (0) = Do not enable code integrity guard in the browser process.
Audit (1) = Enable code integrity guard audit mode in the browser process.
Enabled (2) = Enable code integrity guard enforcement in the browser process.
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BrowserCodeIntegritySetting
- GP name: Configure browser process code integrity guard setting
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: BrowserCodeIntegritySetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enable guest mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enable the option to allow the use of guest profiles in Microsoft Edge. In a guest profile, the browser doesn't import browsing data from existing profiles, and it deletes browsing data when all guest profiles are closed.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge lets users browse in guest profiles.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge doesn't let users browse in guest profiles.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BrowserGuestModeEnabled
- GP name: Enable guest mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: BrowserGuestModeEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: BrowserGuestModeEnabled
- Example value:
Enable browser legacy extension point blocking
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 95 or later
Sets the ProcessExtensionPointDisablePolicy on Microsoft Edge's browser process to block code injection from legacy third party applications.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the ProcessExtensionPointDisablePolicy is applied to block legacy extension points in the browser process.
If you disable this policy, the ProcessExtensionPointDisablePolicy is not applied to block legacy extension points in the browser process. This has a detrimental effect on Microsoft Edge's security and stability as unknown and potentially hostile code can load inside Microsoft Edge's browser process. Only turn off the policy if there are compatibility issues with third-party software that must run inside Microsoft Edge's browser process.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BrowserLegacyExtensionPointsBlockingEnabled
- GP name: Enable browser legacy extension point blocking
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: BrowserLegacyExtensionPointsBlockingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow queries to a Browser Network Time service
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Prevents Microsoft Edge from occasionally sending queries to a browser network time service to retrieve an accurate timestamp.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will stop sending queries to a browser network time service.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge will occasionally send queries to a browser network time service.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BrowserNetworkTimeQueriesEnabled
- GP name: Allow queries to a Browser Network Time service
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: BrowserNetworkTimeQueriesEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: BrowserNetworkTimeQueriesEnabled
- Example value:
Browser sign-in settings
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specify whether a user can sign into Microsoft Edge with their account and use account-related services like sync and single sign on. To control the availability of sync, use the SyncDisabled policy instead.
If you set this policy to 'Disable', make sure that you also set the NonRemovableProfileEnabled policy to disabled because NonRemovableProfileEnabled disables the creation of an automatically signed in browser profile. If both policies are set, Microsoft Edge will use the 'Disable browser sign-in' policy and behave as if NonRemovableProfileEnabled is set to disabled.
If you set this policy to 'Enable', users can sign into the browser. Signing into the browser doesn't mean that sync is turned on by default; the user must separately opt-in to use this feature.
If you set this policy to 'Force', users must sign into a profile to use the browser. By default, this will allow the user to choose whether they want to sync to their account, unless sync is disabled by the domain admin or with the SyncDisabled policy. The default value of BrowserGuestModeEnabled policy is set to false.
If you don't configure this policy users can decide if they want to enable the browser sign-in option and use it as they see fit.
Policy options mapping:
Disable (0) = Disable browser sign-in
Enable (1) = Enable browser sign-in
Force (2) = Force users to sign-in to use the browser (all profiles)
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BrowserSignin
- GP name: Browser sign-in settings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: BrowserSignin
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: BrowserSignin
- Example value:
Browsing Data Lifetime Settings
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 89 or later
Configures browsing data lifetime settings for Microsoft Edge. This policy controls the lifetime of selected browsing data. This policy has no effect if Sync is enabled. The available data types are the 'browsing_history', 'download_history', 'cookies_and_other_site_data', 'cached_images_and_files', 'password_signin', 'autofill', 'site_settings' and 'hosted_app_data'. Microsoft Edge will regularly remove data of selected types that is older than 'time_to_live_in_hours'. The deletion of expired data will happen 15 seconds after the browser starts then every hour while the browser is running.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BrowsingDataLifetime
- GP name: Browsing Data Lifetime Settings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: BrowsingDataLifetime
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\BrowsingDataLifetime = [
"data_types": [
"time_to_live_in_hours": 24
"data_types": [
"time_to_live_in_hours": 12
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\BrowsingDataLifetime = [{"data_types": ["browsing_history"], "time_to_live_in_hours": 24}, {"data_types": ["password_signin", "autofill"], "time_to_live_in_hours": 12}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: BrowsingDataLifetime
- Example value:
Use built-in DNS client
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Controls whether to use the built-in DNS client.
This policy controls which software stack is used to communicate with the DNS server: the operating system DNS client, or Microsoft Edge's built-in DNS client. This policy does not affect which DNS servers are used: if, for example, the operating system is configured to use an enterprise DNS server, that same server would be used by the built-in DNS client. It also does not control if DNS-over-HTTPS is used; Microsoft Edge always uses the built-in resolver for DNS-over-HTTPS requests. Please see the DnsOverHttpsMode policy for information on controlling DNS-over-HTTPS.
If you enable this policy or you don't configure this policy, the built-in DNS client is used.
If you disable this policy, the built-in DNS client is only used when DNS-over-HTTPS is in use.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: BuiltInDnsClientEnabled
- GP name: Use built-in DNS client
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: BuiltInDnsClientEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: BuiltInDnsClientEnabled
- Example value:
Determines whether the built-in certificate verifier will be used to verify server certificates (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 106.
Supported versions:
- On macOS since 83, until 106
This policy is obsolete because it was a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to update their environments and report issues if they are found to be incompatible with the built-in certificate verifier.
The policy doesn't work in Microsoft Edge version 107.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: BuiltinCertificateVerifierEnabled
- Example value:
CECPQ2 post-quantum key-agreement enabled for TLS (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 113.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93, until 113
This policy was removed in Microsoft Edge 114 and is ignored if set. It served to disable CECPQ2, but CECPQ2 has been disabled by default. A separate policy will be introduced to control the rollout of the replacement of CECPQ2. That replacement will be a combination of the standard key-agreement X25519 with NIST's chosen post-quantum KEM, called "Kyber".
If this policy is not configured, or is set to enabled, then Microsoft Edge will follow the default rollout process for CECPQ2, a post-quantum key-agreement algorithm in TLS.
CECPQ2 results in larger TLS messages which, in very rare cases, can trigger bugs in some networking hardware. This policy can be set to False to disable CECPQ2 while networking issues are resolved.
This policy is a temporary measure and will be removed in future versions of Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CECPQ2Enabled
- GP name: CECPQ2 post-quantum key-agreement enabled for TLS (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: CECPQ2Enabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CECPQ2Enabled
- Example value:
CORS non-wildcard request header support enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 97 or later
This policy lets you configure support of CORS non-wildcard request headers.
Microsoft Edge version 97 introduces support for CORS non-wildcard request headers. When a script makes a cross-origin network request via fetch() and XMLHttpRequest with a script-added Authorization header, the header must be explicitly allowed by the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header in the CORS preflight response. "Explicitly" here means that the wild card symbol "*" doesn't cover the Authorization header. See for more detail.
If you enable or don't configure the policy, Microsoft Edge will support the CORS non-wildcard request headers and behave as previously described.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will allow the wildcard symbol ("*") in the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header in the CORS preflight response to cover the Authorization header.
This policy is a temporary workaround for the new CORS non-wildcard request header feature. It's intended to be removed in the future.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CORSNonWildcardRequestHeadersSupport
- GP name: CORS non-wildcard request header support enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: CORSNonWildcardRequestHeadersSupport
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CORSNonWildcardRequestHeadersSupport
- Example value:
Controls whether the deprecated :--foo syntax for CSS custom state is enabled (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 132.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 127, until 132
The :--foo syntax for the CSS custom state feature is being changed to :state(foo) in Microsoft Edge in order to comply with changes that have been made in Firefox and Safari. This policy lets the deprecated syntax to be used until Stable 132.
This deprecation might break some Microsoft Edge-only websites that use the deprecated :--foo syntax.
If you enable this policy, the deprecated syntax will be enabled.
If you disable this policy or don't set it, the deprecated syntax will be disabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CSSCustomStateDeprecatedSyntaxEnabled
- GP name: Controls whether the deprecated :--foo syntax for CSS custom state is enabled (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: CSSCustomStateDeprecatedSyntaxEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CSSCustomStateDeprecatedSyntaxEnabled
- Example value:
Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Disables enforcement of Certificate Transparency requirements for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes.
This policy lets you disable Certificate Transparency disclosure requirements for certificate chains that contain certificates with one of the specified subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes. This allows certificates that would otherwise be untrusted because they were not properly publicly disclosed to still be used for Enterprise hosts.
To disable Certificate Transparency enforcement when this policy is set, one of the following sets of conditions must be met:
- The hash is of the server certificate's subjectPublicKeyInfo.
- The hash is of a subjectPublicKeyInfo that appears in a CA certificate in the certificate chain, that CA certificate is constrained via the X.509v3 nameConstraints extension, one or more directoryName nameConstraints are present in the permittedSubtrees, and the directoryName contains an organizationName attribute.
- The hash is of a subjectPublicKeyInfo that appears in a CA certificate in the certificate chain, the CA certificate has one or more organizationName attributes in the certificate Subject, and the server's certificate contains the same number of organizationName attributes, in the same order, and with byte-for-byte identical values.
A subjectPublicKeyInfo hash is specified by concatenating the hash algorithm name, the "/" character, and the Base64 encoding of that hash algorithm applied to the DER-encoded subjectPublicKeyInfo of the specified certificate. This Base64 encoding is the same format as an SPKI Fingerprint, as defined in RFC 7469, Section 2.4. Unrecognized hash algorithms are ignored. The only supported hash algorithm at this time is "sha256".
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, any certificate that's required to be disclosed via Certificate Transparency will be treated as untrusted if it's not disclosed according to the Certificate Transparency policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas
- GP name: Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas\1 = "sha256/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=="
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas\2 = "sha256//////////////////////w=="
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas
- Example value:
Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of legacy certificate authorities (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 131.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77, until 131
Disables enforcing Certificate Transparency requirements for a list of legacy certificate authorities (Cas).
This policy lets you disable Certificate Transparency disclosure requirements for certificate chains that contain certificates with one of the specified subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes. This allows certificates that would otherwise be untrusted because they were not properly publicly disclosed, continue to be used for enterprise hosts.
In order for Certificate Transparency enforcement to be disabled, you must set the hash to a subjectPublicKeyInfo appearing in a CA certificate that is recognized as a legacy certificate authority (CA). A legacy CA is a CA that has been publicly trusted by default by one or more operating systems supported by Microsoft Edge.
You specify a subjectPublicKeyInfo hash by concatenating the hash algorithm name, the "/" character, and the Base64 encoding of that hash algorithm applied to the DER-encoded subjectPublicKeyInfo of the specified certificate. This Base64 encoding is the same format as an SPKI Fingerprint, as defined in RFC 7469, Section 2.4. Unrecognized hash algorithms are ignored. The only supported hash algorithm at this time is "sha256".
If you don't configure this policy, any certificate that's required to be disclosed via Certificate Transparency will be treated as untrusted if it isn't disclosed according to the Certificate Transparency policy.
This policy is obsolete because the feature to disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for legacy certificates has been removed.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForLegacyCas
- GP name: Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of legacy certificate authorities (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForLegacyCas
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForLegacyCas\1 = "sha256/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=="
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForLegacyCas\2 = "sha256//////////////////////w=="
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForLegacyCas
- Example value:
Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for specific URLs
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Disables enforcing Certificate Transparency requirements for the listed URLs.
This policy lets you not disclose certificates for the hostnames in the specified URLs via Certificate Transparency. This lets you use certificates that would otherwise be untrusted, because they weren't properly publicly disclosed, but it makes it harder to detect mis-issued certificates for those hosts.
Form your URL pattern according to Because certificates are valid for a given hostname, independent of the scheme, port, or path, only the hostname part of the URL is considered. Wildcard hosts are not supported.
If you don't configure this policy, any certificate that should be disclosed via Certificate Transparency is treated as untrusted if it's not disclosed.
This policy does not work as expected with file://* wildcards.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls
- GP name: Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for specific URLs
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls
- Example value:
Clear browsing data when Microsoft Edge closes
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 78 or later
Microsoft Edge doesn't clear the browsing data by default when it closes. Browsing data includes information entered in forms, passwords, and even the websites visited.
If you enable this policy, all browsing data is deleted each time Microsoft Edge closes. Note that if you enable this policy, it takes precedence over how you configured DefaultCookiesSetting
If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can configure the Clear browsing data option in Settings.
If you enable this policy, don't configure the AllowDeletingBrowserHistory or the ClearCachedImagesAndFilesOnExit policy, because they all deal with deleting browsing data. If you configure the preceding policies and this policy, all browsing data is deleted when Microsoft Edge closes, regardless of how you configured AllowDeletingBrowserHistory or ClearCachedImagesAndFilesOnExit.
To exclude cookies from being deleted on exit, configure the SaveCookiesOnExit policy. To exclude passwords from being deleted on exit, configure the PasswordDeleteOnBrowserCloseEnabled policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ClearBrowsingDataOnExit
- GP name: Clear browsing data when Microsoft Edge closes
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ClearBrowsingDataOnExit
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ClearBrowsingDataOnExit
- Example value:
Clear cached images and files when Microsoft Edge closes
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 83 or later
Microsoft Edge doesn't clear cached images and files by default when it closes.
If you enable this policy, cached images and files will be deleted each time Microsoft Edge closes.
If you disable this policy, users cannot configure the cached images and files option in edge://settings/clearBrowsingDataOnClose.
If you don't configure this policy, users can choose whether cached images and files are cleared on exit.
If you disable this policy, don't enable the ClearBrowsingDataOnExit policy, because they both deal with deleting data. If you configure both, the ClearBrowsingDataOnExit policy takes precedence and deletes all data when Microsoft Edge closes, regardless of how you configured ClearCachedImagesAndFilesOnExit.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ClearCachedImagesAndFilesOnExit
- GP name: Clear cached images and files when Microsoft Edge closes
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ClearCachedImagesAndFilesOnExit
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ClearCachedImagesAndFilesOnExit
- Example value:
Allow users to open files using the ClickOnce protocol
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 78 or later
Allow users to open files using the ClickOnce protocol. The ClickOnce protocol allows websites to request that the browser open files from a specific URL using the ClickOnce file handler on the user's computer or device.
If you enable this policy, users can open files using the ClickOnce protocol. This policy overrides the user's ClickOnce setting in the edge://flags/ page.
If you disable this policy, users can't open files using the ClickOnce protocol. Instead, the file will be saved to the file system using the browser. This policy overrides the user's ClickOnce setting in the edge://flags/ page.
If you don't configure this policy, users with Microsoft Edge versions before Microsoft Edge 87 can't open files using the ClickOnce protocol by default. However, they have the option to enable the use of the ClickOnce protocol with the edge://flags/ page. Users with Microsoft Edge versions 87 and later can open files using the ClickOnce protocol by default but have the option to disable the ClickOnce protocol with edge://flags/ page.
Disabling ClickOnce may prevent ClickOnce applications (.application files) from launching properly.
For more information about ClickOnce, see and
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ClickOnceEnabled
- GP name: Allow users to open files using the ClickOnce protocol
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ClickOnceEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow clipboard use on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 109 or later
Configure the list of URL patterns that specify which sites can use the clipboard site permission.
Setting the policy lets you create a list of URL patterns that specify which sites can use the clipboard site permission. This doesn't include all clipboard operations on origins that match the patterns. For example, users will still be able to paste using keyboard shortcuts because this isn't controlled by the clipboard site permission.
Leaving the policy unset means DefaultClipboardSetting applies for all sites if it's set. If it isn't set, the user's personal setting applies.
For more information about valid url patterns, see Wildcards, *, are allowed.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ClipboardAllowedForUrls
- GP name: Allow clipboard use on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ClipboardAllowedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ClipboardAllowedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ClipboardAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ClipboardAllowedForUrls
- Example value:
Block clipboard use on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 109 or later
Configure the list of URL patterns that specify which sites can use the clipboard site permission.
Setting the policy lets you create a list of URL patterns that specify sites that can't use the clipboard site permission. This doesn't include all clipboard operations on origins that match the patterns. For example, users will still be able to paste using keyboard shortcuts because this isn't controlled by the clipboard site permission.
Leaving the policy unset means DefaultClipboardSetting applies for all sites if it's set. If it isn't set, the user's personal setting applies.
For more information about valid url patterns, see Wildcards, *, are allowed.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ClipboardBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block clipboard use on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ClipboardBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ClipboardBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ClipboardBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ClipboardBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Block access to a specified list of services and export targets in Collections
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
List specific services and export targets that users can't access in the Collections feature in Microsoft Edge. This includes displaying additional data from Bing and exporting collections to Microsoft products or external partners.
If you enable this policy, services and export targets that match the given list are blocked.
If you don't configure this policy, no restrictions on the acceptable services and export targets are enforced.
Policy options mapping:
pinterest_suggestions (pinterest_suggestions) = Pinterest suggestions
collections_share (collections_share) = Sharing of Collections
local_pdf (local_pdf) = Save local PDFs in Collections to OneDrive
send_word (send_word) = Send collection to Microsoft Word
send_excel (send_excel) = Send collection to Microsoft Excel
send_onenote (send_onenote) = Send collection to Microsoft OneNote
send_pinterest (send_pinterest) = Send collection to Pinterest
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CollectionsServicesAndExportsBlockList
- GP name: Block access to a specified list of services and export targets in Collections
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CollectionsServicesAndExportsBlockList
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CollectionsServicesAndExportsBlockList\1 = "collections_share"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CollectionsServicesAndExportsBlockList\2 = "local_pdf"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CollectionsServicesAndExportsBlockList\3 = "send_word"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CollectionsServicesAndExportsBlockList\4 = "send_excel"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CollectionsServicesAndExportsBlockList\5 = "send_onenote"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CollectionsServicesAndExportsBlockList
- Example value:
Enable security warnings for command-line flags
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 78 or later
If disabled, this policy prevents security warnings from appearing when Microsoft Edge is launched with potentially dangerous command-line flags.
If enabled or unset, security warnings are displayed when these command-line flags are used to launch Microsoft Edge.
For example, the --disable-gpu-sandbox flag generates this warning: You're using an unsupported command-line flag: --disable-gpu-sandbox. This poses stability and security risks.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, joined to Microsoft Azure Active Directory, or instances that enrolled for device management. On macOS, this policy is available only on instances that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CommandLineFlagSecurityWarningsEnabled
- GP name: Enable security warnings for command-line flags
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: CommandLineFlagSecurityWarningsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CommandLineFlagSecurityWarningsEnabled
- Example value:
Enable component updates in Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
If you enable or don't configure this policy, component updates are enabled in Microsoft Edge.
If you disable this policy or set it to false, component updates are disabled for all components in Microsoft Edge.
However, some components are exempt from this policy. This includes any component that doesn't contain executable code, that doesn't significantly alter the behavior of the browser, or that's critical for security. That is, updates that are deemed "critical for security" are still applied even if you disable this policy.
Examples of such components include the certificate revocation lists and security lists like tracking prevention lists.
Please note that disabling this policy can potentially prevent the Microsoft Edge developers from providing critical security fixes in a timely manner and is thus not recommended.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ComponentUpdatesEnabled
- GP name: Enable component updates in Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ComponentUpdatesEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ComponentUpdatesEnabled
- Example value:
Compose is enabled for writing on the web
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 115 or later
This policy lets you configure Compose in Microsoft Edge. Compose provides help for writing with AI-generated text, which lets the user get ideas for writing. This includes elaborating on text, re-writing, changing tone, formatting the text, and more.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Compose can provide text generation for eligible fields, which are text editable and don't have an autocomplete attribute.
If you disable this policy, Compose will not be able to provide text generation for eligible fields. Compose will still be available for prompt-based text generation through the sidebar and must be managed with either EdgeDiscoverEnabled policy or HubsSidebarEnabled policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ComposeInlineEnabled
- GP name: Compose is enabled for writing on the web
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ComposeInlineEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ComposeInlineEnabled
- Example value:
Configure Do Not Track
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specify whether to send Do Not Track requests to websites that ask for tracking info. Do Not Track requests let the websites you visit know that you don't want your browsing activity to be tracked. By default, Microsoft Edge doesn't send Do Not Track requests, but users can turn on this feature to send them.
If you enable this policy, Do Not Track requests are always sent to websites asking for tracking info.
If you disable this policy, requests are never sent.
If you don't configure this policy, users can choose whether to send these requests.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ConfigureDoNotTrack
- GP name: Configure Do Not Track
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ConfigureDoNotTrack
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ConfigureDoNotTrack
- Example value:
Configure the default paste format of URLs copied from Microsoft Edge, and determine if additional formats will be available to users
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 87 or later
- On macOS since 88 or later
If FriendlyURLs are enabled, Microsoft Edge will compute additional representations of the URL and place them on the clipboard.
This policy configures what format will be pasted when the user pastes in external applications, or inside Microsoft Edge without the 'Paste as' context menu item.
If configured, this policy makes a choice on behalf of the user. The options in edge://settings/shareCopyPaste will be grayed out, and the options in the 'Paste As' context menu will not be available.
Not configured = The user will be able to choose their preferred paste format. By default, this is set to the friendly URL format. The 'Paste As' menu will be available in Microsoft Edge.
1 = No additional formats will be stored on the clipboard. There will be no 'Paste as' context menu item in Microsoft Edge and the only format available to paste will be the plain text URL format. Effectively, the friendly URL feature will be disabled.
3 = The user will get a friendly URL whenever they paste into surfaces that accept rich text. The plain URL will still be available for non-rich surfaces. There will be no 'Paste As' menu in Microsoft Edge.
4 = (Not currently used)
The richer formats may not be well-supported in some paste destinations and/or websites. In these scenarios, the plain URL option is recommended when configuring this policy.
The recommended policy is available in Microsoft Edge 105 or later.
Policy options mapping:
PlainText (1) = The plain URL without any extra information, such as the page's title. This is the recommended option when this policy is configured. For more information, see the description.
TitledHyperlink (3) = Titled Hyperlink: A hyperlink that points to the copied URL, but whose visible text is the title of the destination page. This is the Friendly URL format.
WebPreview (4) = Coming soon. If set, behaves the same as 'Plain URL'.
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ConfigureFriendlyURLFormat
- GP name: Configure the default paste format of URLs copied from Microsoft Edge, and determine if additional formats will be available to users
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ConfigureFriendlyURLFormat
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ConfigureFriendlyURLFormat
- Example value:
Configure the list of commands for which to disable keyboard shortcuts
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 101 or later
Configure the list of Microsoft Edge commands for which to disable keyboard shortcuts.
See for a list of possible commands to disable.
If you enable this policy, commands in the 'disabled' list will no longer be activated by keyboard shortcuts.
If you disable this policy, all keyboard shortcuts behave as usual.
Note: Disabling a command will only remove its shortcut mapping. Commands in the 'disabled' list will still function if accessed via browser UI.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ConfigureKeyboardShortcuts
- GP name: Configure the list of commands for which to disable keyboard shortcuts
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ConfigureKeyboardShortcuts
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ConfigureKeyboardShortcuts = {
"disabled": [
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ConfigureKeyboardShortcuts = {"disabled": ["new_tab", "fullscreen"]}
Configure automatic sign in with an Active Directory domain account when there is no Azure AD domain account
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 81 or later
Enable the use of Active Directory accounts for automatic sign in if your users' machines are Domain Joined and your environment is not hybrid joined. If you want users automatically signed in with their Azure Active Directory accounts instead, please Azure AD join (See for more information) or hybrid join (See for more information) your environment.
On every launch, Microsoft Edge will try to sign-in using this policy, as long as the first profile being launched isn't signed-in or an auto sign-in hasn't happened before.
If you have configured the BrowserSignin policy to disabled, this policy will not take any effect.
If you enable this policy and set it to 'SignInAndMakeDomainAccountNonRemovable', Microsoft Edge will automatically sign in users that are on domain joined machines using their Active Directory accounts.
If you set this policy to 'Disabled' or don't set it, Microsoft Edge will not automatically sign in users that are on domain joined machines with Active Directory accounts.
From Microsoft Edge 89 onwards, if there is an existing on-premises profile with RoamingProfileSupportEnabled policy disabled and machine is now hybrid joined i.e it has an Azure AD account, it will auto-upgrade the on-premises profile to Azure AD profile to get full Azure AD sync facilities.
From Microsoft Edge 93 onwards, if policy ImplicitSignInEnabled is disabled, this policy will not take any effect.
From Microsoft Edge 94 onwards, if policy OnlyOnPremisesImplicitSigninEnabled is enabled, and this policy is set to 'SignInAndMakeDomainAccountNonRemovable', it will take effect even on hybrid joined environment. Microsoft Edge will automatically sign in users using their Active Directory domain account even if there are MSA or AAD accounts.
Policy options mapping:
Disabled (0) = Disabled
SignInAndMakeDomainAccountNonRemovable (1) = Sign in and make domain account non-removable
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ConfigureOnPremisesAccountAutoSignIn
- GP name: Configure automatic sign in with an Active Directory domain account when there is no Azure AD domain account
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ConfigureOnPremisesAccountAutoSignIn
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Configure Online Text To Speech
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Set whether the browser can leverage Online Text to Speech voice fonts, part of Azure Cognitive Services. These voice fonts are higher quality than the pre-installed system voice fonts.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, web-based applications that use the SpeechSynthesis API can use Online Text to Speech voice fonts.
If you disable this policy, the voice fonts aren't available.
Read more about this feature here: SpeechSynthesis API: Cognitive Services:
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ConfigureOnlineTextToSpeech
- GP name: Configure Online Text To Speech
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ConfigureOnlineTextToSpeech
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ConfigureOnlineTextToSpeech
- Example value:
Configure the Share experience
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 83 or later
- On macOS since 93 or later
If you set this policy to 'ShareAllowed' (the default), users will be able to access the Share experience from the Settings and More Menu in Microsoft Edge to share with other apps on the system.
If you set this policy to 'ShareDisallowed', users won't be able to access the Share experience. If the Share button is on the toolbar, it will also be hidden.
Policy options mapping:
ShareAllowed (0) = Allow using the Share experience
ShareDisallowed (1) = Don't allow using the Share experience
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ConfigureShare
- GP name: Configure the Share experience
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ConfigureShare
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ConfigureShare
- Example value:
Configure the View in File Explorer feature for SharePoint pages in Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 93 or later
This setting allows you to configure the View in File Explorer capability for file management in SharePoint Online while using Microsoft Edge.
You will need to list the specific domains where this is allowed and list cookies needed for SharePoint authentication (rtFa and FedAuth).
Behind the scenes, the policy allows URLs with the viewinfileexplorer: scheme to open WebDAV URLs in Windows File Explorer on pages matching the list of domains and uses the cookies you specified for WebDAV authentication.
If you enable this policy, you can use the "View in File Explorer" feature on the SharePoint document libraries you list. You will need to specify the SharePoint domain and authentication cookies. See example value below.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, you cannot use the "View in File Explorer" feature on SharePoint document libraries.
Note that while this is an available option through Microsoft Edge, rather than use the View in File Explorer option, the recommended approach to managing files and folders outside of SharePoint is to sync your SharePoint files or move or copy files in SharePoint. Sync your SharePoint files: Move or copy files in SharePoint:
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, or Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances enrolled for device management.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ConfigureViewInFileExplorer
- GP name: Configure the View in File Explorer feature for SharePoint pages in Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ConfigureViewInFileExplorer
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ConfigureViewInFileExplorer = [
"cookies": [
"domain": ""
"cookies": [
"domain": ""
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ConfigureViewInFileExplorer = [{"cookies": ["rtFa", "FedAuth"], "domain": ""}, {"cookies": ["rtFa", "FedAuth"], "domain": ""}]
Control Copilot with Commercial Data Protection access to page context for Microsoft Entra ID profiles (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 132.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 124, until 132
This policy has been obsoleted as of Edge 133. Instead of this obsolete policy, we recommend using EdgeEntraCopilotPageContext.
This policy controls access to page contents for Copilot with Commercial Data Protection in the Edge sidebar. This policy applies only to Microsoft Entra ID profiles. To summarize pages and interact with text selections, it needs to be able to access the page contents. This policy does not apply to MSA profiles. This policy doesn't control access for Copilot without Commercial Data Protection. Access for Copilot without Commercial Data Protection is controlled by the policy CopilotPageContext.
If you enable this policy, Copilot with Commercial Data Protection will have access to page context.
If you don't configure this policy, a user can enable access to page context for Copilot with Commercial Data Protection using the setting toggle in Edge.
If you disable this policy, Copilot with Commercial Data Protection will not be able to access page context.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CopilotCDPPageContext
- GP name: Control Copilot with Commercial Data Protection access to page context for Microsoft Entra ID profiles (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: CopilotCDPPageContext
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CopilotCDPPageContext
- Example value:
Control Copilot access to page context for Microsoft Entra ID profiles
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 124 or later
This policy controls access to page contents for Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar when users are logged into their MSA Copilot account. This policy applies only to Microsoft Entra ID Microsoft Edge profiles. To summarize pages and interact with text selections, it needs to be able to access the page contents. This policy does not apply to MSA Microsoft Edge profiles. This policy doesn't control access for Copilot with enterprise data protection (EDP). Access for Copilot with enterprise data protection (EDP) is controlled by the EdgeEntraCopilotPageContext policy.
If you enable this policy, Copilot will have access to page content when logged in with Entra ID.
If this policy is not configured, the default behavior for non-EU countries is that access is initially enabled. For EU countries, the default behavior is that access is initially disabled. In both cases, if the policy is not configured, users can enable or disable Copilot's access to page content using the setting toggle in Microsoft Edge.
If you disable this policy, Copilot will not be able to access page context.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CopilotPageContext
- GP name: Control Copilot access to page context for Microsoft Entra ID profiles
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: CopilotPageContext
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CopilotPageContext
- Example value:
Control whether passkey creation will default to iCloud Keychain.
Supported versions:
- On macOS since 132 or later
Microsoft Edge may direct passkey/WebAuthn creation requests directly to iCloud Keychain on macOS 13.5 or later. If iCloud Keychain syncing is not enabled yet, this will prompt the user to sign in with iCloud, or might prompt them to enable iCloud Keychain syncing.
If this policy is set to "true" then iCloud Keychain will be the default whenever the WebAuthn request is compatible with that choice.
If this policy isn't set then the default behavior depends on factors such as whether iCloud Drive is enabled, or whether the user has recently used or created a credential in their Microsoft Edge profile.
If this policy is set to false, iCloud Keychain will not be used by default and the previous behavior (of creating the credential in the Microsoft Edge profile) may be used instead. Users will still be able to select iCloud Keychain as an option, and may still see iCloud Keychain credentials when signing in.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CreatePasskeysInICloudKeychain
- Example value:
Specifies whether WebAssembly modules can be sent cross-origin (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 98.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 95, until 98
Specifies whether WebAssembly modules can be sent to another window or worker cross-origin. Cross-origin WebAssembly module sharing was deprecated as part of the efforts to deprecate document.domain, see This policy allowed re-enabling of cross-origin WebAssembly module sharing. This policy is obsolete because it was intended to offer a longer transition period in the deprecation process.
If you enable this policy, sites can send WebAssembly modules cross-origin without restrictions.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, sites can only send WebAssembly modules to windows and workers in the same origin.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CrossOriginWebAssemblyModuleSharingEnabled
- GP name: Specifies whether WebAssembly modules can be sent cross-origin (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: CrossOriginWebAssemblyModuleSharingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CrossOriginWebAssemblyModuleSharingEnabled
- Example value:
Enable CryptoWallet feature (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 128.
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 112, until 128
This policy is obsoleted because this feature will no longer be supported, starting in Microsoft Edge 128. There is no replacement for this policy. Enables CryptoWallet feature in Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, users can use CryptoWallet feature which allows users to securely store, manage and transact digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies. Therefore, Microsoft Edge may access Microsoft servers to communicate with the web3 world during the use of the CryptoWallet feature.
If you disable this policy, users can't use CryptoWallet feature.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CryptoWalletEnabled
- GP name: Enable CryptoWallet feature (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: CryptoWalletEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Specify custom help link
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 79 or later
Specify a link for the Help menu or the F1 key.
If you enable this policy, an admin can specify a link for the Help menu or the F1 key.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, the default link for the Help menu or the F1 key is used.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management, or macOS instances that are that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: CustomHelpLink
- GP name: Specify custom help link
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: CustomHelpLink
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: CustomHelpLink
- Example value:
DNS interception checks enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80 or later
This policy configures a local switch that can be used to disable DNS interception checks. These checks attempt to discover whether the browser is behind a proxy that redirects unknown host names.
This detection might not be necessary in an enterprise environment where the network configuration is known. It can be disabled to avoid additional DNS and HTTP traffic on start-up and each DNS configuration change.
If you enable or don't set this policy, the DNS interception checks are performed.
If you disable this policy, DNS interception checks aren't performed.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DNSInterceptionChecksEnabled
- GP name: DNS interception checks enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DNSInterceptionChecksEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DNSInterceptionChecksEnabled
- Example value:
Set Microsoft Edge as default browser
Supported versions:
- On Windows 7 and macOS since 77 or later
If you set this policy to True, Microsoft Edge always checks whether it's the default browser on startup and, if possible, automatically registers itself.
If you set this policy to False, Microsoft Edge is stopped from ever checking if it's the default and turns user controls off for this option.
If you don't set this policy, Microsoft Edge lets users control whether it's the default and, if not, whether user notifications should appear.
Note for Windows administrators: This policy only works for PCs running Windows 7. For later versions of Windows, you have to deploy a "default application associations" file that makes Microsoft Edge the handler for the https and http protocols (and, optionally, the ftp protocol and file formats such as .html, .htm, .pdf, .svg, .webp). See for more information.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled
- GP name: Set Microsoft Edge as default browser
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled
- Example value:
Enables default browser settings campaigns
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 113 or later
This policy enables the default browser settings campaign. If a user clicks to accept the campaign, their default browser and/or default search engine will be changed to Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Bing, respectively. If the user dismisses the campaign, the user's browser settings will remain unchanged.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users will be prompted to set Microsoft Edge as the default browser and Microsoft Bing as the default search engine, if they do not have those browser settings.
If you disable this policy, users will not be prompted to set Microsoft Edge as the default browser, or to set Microsoft Bing as the default search engine.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultBrowserSettingsCampaignEnabled
- GP name: Enables default browser settings campaigns
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultBrowserSettingsCampaignEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Default clipboard site permission
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 109 or later
This policy controls the default value for the clipboard site permission.
Setting the policy to 2 blocks sites from using the clipboard site permission.
Setting the policy to 3 or leaving it unset lets the user change the setting and decide if the clipboard APIs are available when a site wants to use an API.
This policy can be overridden for specific URL patterns using the ClipboardAllowedForUrls and ClipboardBlockedForUrls policies.
This policy only affects clipboard operations controlled by the clipboard site permission and doesn't affect sanitized clipboard writes or trusted copy and paste operations.
Policy options mapping:
BlockClipboard (2) = Do not allow any site to use the clipboard site permission
AskClipboard (3) = Allow sites to ask the user to grant the clipboard site permission
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultClipboardSetting
- GP name: Default clipboard site permission
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultClipboardSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultClipboardSetting
- Example value:
Allow default search provider context menu search access
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 85 or later
Enables the use of a default search provider on the context menu.
If you set this policy to disabled the search context menu item that relies on your default search provider and sidebar search will not be available.
If this policy is set to enabled or not set, the context menu item for your default search provider and sidebar search will be available.
The policy value is only applied when the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled policy is enabled, and is not applicable otherwise.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderContextMenuAccessAllowed
- GP name: Allow default search provider context menu search access
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultSearchProviderContextMenuAccessAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderContextMenuAccessAllowed
- Example value:
Default sensors setting
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
Set whether websites can access and use sensors such as motion and light sensors. You can completely block or allow websites to get access to sensors.
Setting the policy to 1 lets websites access and use sensors. Setting the policy to 2 denies access to sensors.
You can override this policy for specific URL patterns by using the SensorsAllowedForUrls and SensorsBlockedForUrls policies.
If you don't configure this policy, websites can access and use sensors, and users can change this setting. This is the global default for SensorsAllowedForUrls and SensorsBlockedForUrls.
Policy options mapping:
AllowSensors (1) = Allow sites to access sensors
BlockSensors (2) = Do not allow any site to access sensors
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultSensorsSetting
- GP name: Default sensors setting
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultSensorsSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultSensorsSetting
- Example value:
Control use of the Serial API
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
Set whether websites can access serial ports. You can completely block access or ask the user each time a website wants to get access to a serial port.
Setting the policy to 3 lets websites ask for access to serial ports. Setting the policy to 2 denies access to serial ports.
You can override this policy for specific URL patterns by using the SerialAskForUrls and SerialBlockedForUrls policies.
If you don't configure this policy, by default, websites can ask users whether they can access a serial port, and users can change this setting.
Policy options mapping:
BlockSerial (2) = Do not allow any site to request access to serial ports via the Serial API
AskSerial (3) = Allow sites to ask for user permission to access a serial port
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultSerialGuardSetting
- GP name: Control use of the Serial API
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefaultSerialGuardSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultSerialGuardSetting
- Example value:
Set the default "share additional operating system region" setting
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 108 or later
This policy controls the default value for the "share additional operating system region" setting in Microsoft Edge.
The "share additional operating system region" Microsoft Edge setting controls whether the OS Regional format setting will be shared with the web through the default JavaScript locale. If shared, websites will be able to query the OS Regional format using JavaScript code, for example; "Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().locale". The default value for the setting is "Limited".
If you set this policy to "Limited", the OS Regional format will only be shared if its language part matches the Microsoft Edge display language.
If you set this policy to "Always", the OS Regional format will always be shared. This value could cause unexpected website behavior if the OS Regional format language is different from the Microsoft Edge display language. For example, if a website uses the JavaScript default locale to format dates, the names of the days and months can be displayed in one language while the surrounding text is displayed in another language.
If you set this policy to "Never", the OS Regional format will never be shared.
Example 1: In this example the OS Regional format is set to "en-GB" and the browser display language is set to "en-US". Then the OS Regional format will be shared if the policy is set to "Limited", or "Always".
Example 2: In this example the OS Regional format is set to "es-MX" and the browser display language is set to "en-US". Then the OS Regional format will be shared if the policy is set to "Always" but will not if the policy is set to "Limited".
For more information about this setting, see
Policy options mapping:
Limited (0) = Limited
Always (1) = Always share the OS Regional format
Never (2) = Never share the OS Regional format
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefaultShareAdditionalOSRegionSetting
- GP name: Set the default "share additional operating system region" setting
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: DefaultShareAdditionalOSRegionSetting
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefaultShareAdditionalOSRegionSetting
- Example value:
Define an ordered list of preferred languages that websites should display in if the site supports the language
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 89 or later
Configures the language variants that Microsoft Edge sends to websites as part of the Accept-Language request HTTP header and prevents users from adding, removing, or changing the order of preferred languages in Microsoft Edge settings. Users who want to change the languages Microsoft Edge displays in or offers to translate pages to will be limited to the languages configured in this policy.
If you enable this policy, websites will appear in the first language in the list that they support unless other site-specific logic is used to determine the display language. The language variants defined in this policy override the languages configured as part of the SpellcheckLanguage policy.
If you don't configure or disable this policy, Microsoft Edge sends websites the user-specified preferred languages as part of the Accept-Language request HTTP header.
For detailed information on valid language variants, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DefinePreferredLanguages
- GP name: Define an ordered list of preferred languages that websites should display in if the site supports the language
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DefinePreferredLanguages
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DefinePreferredLanguages
- Example value:
Require that the Enterprise Mode Site List is available before tab navigation
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 84 or later
Lets you specify whether Microsoft Edge tabs wait to navigate until the browser has downloaded the initial Enterprise Mode Site List. This setting is intended for the scenario where the browser home page should load in Internet Explorer mode, and it is important that is does so on browser first run after IE mode is enabled. If this scenario does not exist, we recommend not enabling this setting because it can negatively impact the performance of loading the home page. The setting only applies when Microsoft Edge does not have a cached Enterprise Mode Site List, such as on browser first run after IE mode is enabled.
This setting works in conjunction with: InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel is set to 'IEMode' and one of either the InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteList or the InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudSiteList policy where the list has at least one entry.
The timeout behavior of this policy can be configured with the NavigationDelayForInitialSiteListDownloadTimeout policy.
If you set this policy to 'All', when Microsoft Edge does not have a cached version of the Enterprise Mode Site List, tabs delay navigating until the browser has downloaded the site list. Sites configured to open in Internet Explorer mode by the site list will load in Internet Explorer mode, even during the initial navigation of the browser. Sites that cannot possibly be configured to open in Internet Explorer, such as any site with a scheme other than http:, https:, file:, or ftp: do not delay navigating and load immediately in Edge mode.
When used in conjunction with the InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudSiteList policy, during first launch of Microsoft Edge, there is a delay because implicit sign-in needs to finish before Microsoft Edge attempts to download the site list from the Microsoft cloud, since this requires authentication to the cloud service.
If you set this policy to 'None' or don't configure it, when Microsoft Edge does not have a cached version of the Enterprise Mode Site List, tabs will navigate immediately, and not wait for the browser to download the Enterprise Mode Site List. Sites configured to open in Internet Explorer mode by the site list will open in Microsoft Edge mode until the browser has finished downloading the Enterprise Mode Site List.
Policy options mapping:
None (0) = None
All (1) = All eligible navigations
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DelayNavigationsForInitialSiteListDownload
- GP name: Require that the Enterprise Mode Site List is available before tab navigation
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DelayNavigationsForInitialSiteListDownload
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Delete old browser data on migration
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 83 or later
This policy determines whether user browsing data from Microsoft Edge Legacy will be deleted after migrating to the Microsoft Edge version 81 or later.
If you set this policy to "Enabled", all browsing data from Microsoft Edge Legacy after migrating to the Microsoft Edge version 81 or later will be deleted. This policy must be set before migrating to the Microsoft Edge version 81 or later to have any effect on existing browsing data.
If you set this policy to "Disabled", or the policy is not configured, user browsing data isn't deleted after migrating to the Microsoft Edge version 83 or later.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DeleteDataOnMigration
- GP name: Delete old browser data on migration
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DeleteDataOnMigration
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Control where developer tools can be used
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Control where developer tools can be used.
If you set this policy to 'DeveloperToolsDisallowedForForceInstalledExtensions' (the default), users can access the developer tools and the JavaScript console in general, but not in the context of extensions installed by enterprise policy.
If you set this policy to 'DeveloperToolsAllowed', users can access the developer tools and the JavaScript console in all contexts, including extensions installed by enterprise policy.
If you set this policy to 'DeveloperToolsDisallowed', users can't access the developer tools or inspect website elements. Keyboard shortcuts and menu or context menu entries that open the developer tools or the JavaScript Console are disabled.
As of Microsoft Edge version 99, this setting also controls entry points for the 'View page source' feature. If you set this policy to 'DeveloperToolsDisallowed', users cannot access source viewing via keyboard shortcut or the context menu. To fully block source viewing, you must also add 'view-source:*' to the URLBlocklist policy.
As of Microsoft Edge version 119, this setting also controls whether developer mode for Isolated Web Apps can be activated and used.
As of Microsoft Edge version 128, this setting will not control developer mode on extensions page if ExtensionDeveloperModeSettings policy is set.
Policy options mapping:
DeveloperToolsDisallowedForForceInstalledExtensions (0) = Block the developer tools on extensions installed by enterprise policy, allow in other contexts
DeveloperToolsAllowed (1) = Allow using the developer tools
DeveloperToolsDisallowed (2) = Don't allow using the developer tools
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DeveloperToolsAvailability
- GP name: Control where developer tools can be used
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DeveloperToolsAvailability
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DeveloperToolsAvailability
- Example value:
Send required and optional diagnostic data about browser usage
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 122 or later
- On macOS since 86 or later
This policy controls sending required and optional diagnostic data about browser usage to Microsoft.
Required diagnostic data is collected to keep Microsoft Edge secure, up to date and performing as expected.
Optional diagnostic data includes data about how you use the browser, websites you visit and crash reports to Microsoft for product and service improvement.
Up to version 121, this policy is not supported on Windows 10 devices. To control this data collection on Windows 10 for 121 and previous, IT admins must use the Windows diagnostic data group policy. This policy will either be 'Allow Telemetry' or 'Allow Diagnostic Data', depending on the version of Windows. Learn more about Windows 10 diagnostic data collection:
For version 122 and later, this policy is supported on Windows 10 devices to allow controlling Microsoft Edge data collection separately from Windows 10 diagnostics data collection.
Use one of the following settings to configure this policy:
'Off' turns off required and optional diagnostic data collection. This option is not recommended.
'RequiredData' sends required diagnostic data but turns off optional diagnostic data collection. Microsoft Edge will send required diagnostic data to keep Microsoft Edge secure, up to date and performing as expected.
'OptionalData' sends optional diagnostic data includes data about browser usage, websites that are visited, crash reports sent to Microsoft for product and service improvement.
On Windows 7/macOS, this policy controls sending required and optional data to Microsoft.
If you don't configure this policy or disable it, Microsoft Edge will default to the user's preference.
Policy options mapping:
Off (0) = Off (Not recommended)
RequiredData (1) = Required data
OptionalData (2) = Optional data
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DiagnosticData
- GP name: Send required and optional diagnostic data about browser usage
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DiagnosticData
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DiagnosticData
- Example value:
Allow users to open files using the DirectInvoke protocol
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 78 or later
Allow users to open files using the DirectInvoke protocol. The DirectInvoke protocol allows websites to request that the browser open files from a specific URL using a specific file handler on the user's computer or device.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can open files using the DirectInvoke protocol.
If you disable this policy, users can't open files using the DirectInvoke protocol. Instead, the file will be saved to the file system.
Note: Disabling DirectInvoke may prevent certain Microsoft SharePoint Online features from working as expected.
For more information about DirectInvoke, see and
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DirectInvokeEnabled
- GP name: Allow users to open files using the DirectInvoke protocol
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DirectInvokeEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Disable support for 3D graphics APIs
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Prevent web pages from accessing the graphics processing unit (GPU). Specifically, web pages can't access the WebGL API and plug-ins can't use the Pepper 3D API.
If you don't configure or disable this policy, it potentially allows web pages to use the WebGL API and plug-ins to use the Pepper 3D API. Microsoft Edge might, by default, still require command line arguments to be passed in order to use these APIs.
If HardwareAccelerationModeEnabled policy is set to false, the setting for 'Disable3DAPIs' policy is ignored - it's the equivalent of setting 'Disable3DAPIs' policy to true.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: Disable3DAPIs
- GP name: Disable support for 3D graphics APIs
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: Disable3DAPIs
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: Disable3DAPIs
- Example value:
Disable taking screenshots
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Controls if users can take screenshots of the browser page.
If you enable this policy, users can't take screenshots using keyboard shortcuts or extension APIs.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can take screenshots.
Note: Even if you disable screenshots using this policy, users might still be able to take screenshots using Web Capture within the browser or other methods outside of the browser. For example, using an operating system feature or another application.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DisableScreenshots
- GP name: Disable taking screenshots
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DisableScreenshots
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DisableScreenshots
- Example value:
Enable Discover access to page contents for AAD profiles (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 127.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 113, until 127
This policy has been obsoleted as of Edge 127. Two new Edge Policies have taken its place. Those policies are CopilotPageContext (Control Copilot access to page contents for AAD profiles), and CopilotCDPPageContext (Control Copilot with Commercial Data Protection access to page contents for AAD profiles).
This policy did not allow for separate control of Copilot and Copilot with Commercial Data Protection. The new policies allow separate control of these versions of Copilot. The new policies also allow admins to force-enable Copilot access to Edge page contents by enabling the policy, whereas DiscoverPageContextEnabled only allowed force-disabling of Copilot page access.
This policy controls Discover access to page contents for AAD profiles. Discover is an extension that hosts Bing Chat. In order to summarize pages and interact with text selections, it needs to be able to access the page contents. When enabled, page contents will be sent to Bing. This policy does not affect MSA profiles.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Discover will have access to page contents.
If you disable this policy, Discover will not be able to access page contents.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DiscoverPageContextEnabled
- GP name: Enable Discover access to page contents for AAD profiles (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DiscoverPageContextEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DiscoverPageContextEnabled
- Example value:
Set disk cache directory
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Configures the directory to use to store cached files.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge uses the provided directory regardless of whether the user has specified the '--disk-cache-dir' flag. To avoid data loss or other unexpected errors, don't configure this policy to a volume's root directory or to a directory used for other purposes, because Microsoft Edge manages its contents.
See for a list of variables you can use when specifying directories and paths.
If you don't configure this policy, the default cache directory is used, and users can override that default with the '--disk-cache-dir' command line flag.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DiskCacheDir
- GP name: Set disk cache directory
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DiskCacheDir
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DiskCacheDir
- Example value:
Set disk cache size, in bytes
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Configures the size of the cache, in bytes, used to store files on the disk.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge uses the provided cache size regardless of whether the user has specified the '--disk-cache-size' flag. The value specified in this policy isn't a hard boundary but rather a suggestion to the caching system; any value below a few megabytes is too small and will be rounded up to a reasonable minimum.
If you set the value of this policy to 0, the default cache size is used, and users can't change it.
If you don't configure this policy, the default size is used, but users can override it with the '--disk-cache-size' flag.
Note: The value specified in this policy is used as a hint to various cache subsystems in the browser. The aggregate disk usage of all caches may therefore be larger than (but within the same order of magnitude as) the value specified.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DiskCacheSize
- GP name: Set disk cache size, in bytes
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DiskCacheSize
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DiskCacheSize
- Example value:
Specifies whether the display-capture permissions-policy is checked or skipped (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 109.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 95, until 109
This policy is obsolete. The policy was a temporary workaround for non-spec-compliant enterprise applications.
This policy stopped working in Microsoft Edge 107 and was obsoleted in Microsoft Edge 110.
The display-capture permissions-policy gates access to getDisplayMedia(), as per this spec: However, if this policy is Disabled, this requirement is not enforced, and getDisplayMedia() is allowed from contexts that would otherwise be forbidden.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, sites can only call getDisplayMedia() from contexts which are allowlisted by the display-capture permissions-policy.
If you disable this policy, sites can call getDisplayMedia() even from contexts which are not allowlisted by the display-capture permissions policy. Note that other restrictions may still apply.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DisplayCapturePermissionsPolicyEnabled
- GP name: Specifies whether the display-capture permissions-policy is checked or skipped (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DisplayCapturePermissionsPolicyEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DisplayCapturePermissionsPolicyEnabled
- Example value:
Control the mode of DNS-over-HTTPS
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 83 or later
Control the mode of the DNS-over-HTTPS resolver. Note that this policy will only set the default mode for each query. The mode can be overridden for special types of queries such as requests to resolve a DNS-over-HTTPS server hostname.
The "off" mode will disable DNS-over-HTTPS.
The "automatic" mode will send DNS-over-HTTPS queries first if a DNS-over-HTTPS server is available and may fallback to sending insecure queries on error.
The "secure" mode will only send DNS-over-HTTPS queries and will fail to resolve on error.
If this policy is not configured for managed devices, DNS-over-HTTPS queries will not be sent. Instead, the browser may send DNS requests to a resolver associated with the user's system resolver. This could lead to a less secure or private DNS resolution process, depending on the resolver in use.
Policy options mapping:
off (off) = Disable DNS-over-HTTPS
automatic (automatic) = Enable DNS-over-HTTPS with insecure fallback
secure (secure) = Enable DNS-over-HTTPS without insecure fallback
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DnsOverHttpsMode
- GP name: Control the mode of DNS-over-HTTPS
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DnsOverHttpsMode
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DnsOverHttpsMode
- Example value:
Specify URI template of desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolver
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 83 or later
The URI template of the desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolver. To specify multiple DNS-over-HTTPS resolvers, separate the corresponding URI templates with spaces.
If you set DnsOverHttpsMode to "secure" then this policy must be set and cannot be empty.
If you set DnsOverHttpsMode to "automatic" and this policy is set then the URI templates specified will be used. If you don't set this policy, then hardcoded mappings will be used to attempt to upgrade the user's current DNS resolver to a DoH resolver operated by the same provider.
If the URI template contains a dns variable, requests to the resolver will use GET; otherwise requests will use POST.
Incorrectly formatted templates will be ignored.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DnsOverHttpsTemplates
- GP name: Specify URI template of desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolver
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DnsOverHttpsTemplates
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DnsOverHttpsTemplates
- Example value:
Define a list of protocols that can not be silently blocked by anti-flood protection
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 99 or later
Allows you to create a list of protocols, and for each protocol an associated list of allowed origin patterns. These origins won't be silently blocked from launching an external application by anti-flood protection. The trailing separator shouldn't be included when listing the protocol. For example, list "skype" instead of "skype:" or "skype://".
If you configure this policy, a protocol will only be permitted to bypass being silently blocked by anti-flood protection if:
the protocol is listed
the origin of the site trying to launch the protocol matches one of the origin patterns in that protocol's allowed_origins list.
If either condition is false, the external protocol launch may be blocked by anti-flood protection.
If you don't configure this policy, no protocols can bypass being silently blocked.
The origin matching patterns use a similar format to those for the URLBlocklist policy, that are documented at
However, origin matching patterns for this policy cannot contain "/path" or "@query" elements. Any pattern that does contain a "/path" or "@query" element will be ignored.
This policy doesn't work as expected with file://* wildcards.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DoNotSilentlyBlockProtocolsFromOrigins
- GP name: Define a list of protocols that can not be silently blocked by anti-flood protection
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DoNotSilentlyBlockProtocolsFromOrigins
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\DoNotSilentlyBlockProtocolsFromOrigins = [
"allowed_origins": [
"protocol": "spotify"
"allowed_origins": [
"protocol": "msteams"
"allowed_origins": [
"protocol": "msoutlook"
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\DoNotSilentlyBlockProtocolsFromOrigins = [{"allowed_origins": ["", ""], "protocol": "spotify"}, {"allowed_origins": ["", ""], "protocol": "msteams"}, {"allowed_origins": ["*"], "protocol": "msoutlook"}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DoNotSilentlyBlockProtocolsFromOrigins
- Example value:
Double Click feature in Microsoft Edge enabled (only available in China)
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 104 or later
This policy lets you configure the double click feature in Microsoft Edge.
Double Click lets users close a tab by double clicking the left mouse button.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, you can use the double click feature to close a tab on Microsoft Edge to start using this feature.
If you disable this policy, you can't use the double click feature in Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DoubleClickCloseTabEnabled
- GP name: Double Click feature in Microsoft Edge enabled (only available in China)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DoubleClickCloseTabEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DoubleClickCloseTabEnabled
- Example value:
Set download directory
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Configures the directory to use when downloading files.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge uses the provided directory regardless of whether the user has specified one or chosen to be prompted for download location every time. See for a list of variables that can be used.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, the default download directory is used, and the user can change it.
If you set an invalid path, Microsoft Edge will default to the user's default download directory.
If the folder specified by the path doesn't exist, the download will trigger a prompt that asks the user where they want to save their download.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DownloadDirectory
- GP name: Set download directory
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: DownloadDirectory
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
"\n Linux-based OSes (including Mac): /home/${user_name}/Downloads\n Windows: C:\\Users\\${user_name}\\Downloads"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DownloadDirectory
- Example value:
Linux-based OSes (including Mac): /home/${user_name}/Downloads
Windows: C:\Users\${user_name}\Downloads</string>
Allow download restrictions
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Configures the type of downloads that Microsoft Edge completely blocks, without letting users override the security decision.
Set 'BlockDangerousDownloads' to allow all downloads except for those that carry Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings of known dangerous downloads or that have dangerous file type extensions.
Set 'BlockPotentiallyDangerousDownloads' to allow all downloads except for those that carry Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings of potentially dangerous or unwanted downloads or that have dangerous file type extensions.
Set 'BlockAllDownloads' to block all downloads.
Set 'BlockMaliciousDownloads' to allow all downloads except for those that carry Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings of known malicious downloads.
If you don't configure this policy or set the 'DefaultDownloadSecurity' option, the downloads go through the usual security restrictions based on Microsoft Defender SmartScreen analysis results.
Note that these restrictions apply to downloads from web page content, as well as the 'download link...' context menu option. These restrictions don't apply to saving or downloading the currently displayed page, nor do they apply to the Save as PDF option from the printing options.
See for more info on Microsoft Defender SmartScreen.
Policy options mapping:
DefaultDownloadSecurity (0) = No special restrictions
BlockDangerousDownloads (1) = Block malicious downloads and dangerous file types
BlockPotentiallyDangerousDownloads (2) = Block potentially dangerous or unwanted downloads and dangerous file types
BlockAllDownloads (3) = Block all downloads
BlockMaliciousDownloads (4) = Block malicious downloads
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DownloadRestrictions
- GP name: Allow download restrictions
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: DownloadRestrictions
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: DownloadRestrictions
- Example value:
Dynamic Code Settings
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 128 or later
This policy controls the dynamic code settings for Microsoft Edge.
Disabling dynamic code improves the security of Microsoft Edge by preventing potentially hostile dynamic code and third-party code from making changes to Microsoft Edge's behavior. However this might cause compatibility issues with third-party software that must run in the browser process.
If you set this policy to 0 (the default) or leave unset, then Microsoft Edge will use the default settings.
If you set this policy to 1 – (EnabledForBrowser) then the Microsoft Edge browser process is prevented from creating dynamic code.
Policy options mapping:
Default (0) = Default dynamic code settings
EnabledForBrowser (1) = Prevent the browser process from creating dynamic code
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: DynamicCodeSettings
- GP name: Dynamic Code Settings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: DynamicCodeSettings
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Edge 3P SERP Telemetry Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 120 or later
Edge3P Telemetry in Microsoft Edge captures the searches user does on third party search providers without identifying the person or the device and captures only if the user has consented to this collection of data. User can turn off the collection at any time in the browser settings.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Edge 3P SERP Telemetry feature will be enabled.
If you disable this policy, Edge 3P SERP Telemetry feature will be disabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: Edge3PSerpTelemetryEnabled
- GP name: Edge 3P SERP Telemetry Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: Edge3PSerpTelemetryEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow features to download assets from the Asset Delivery Service
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 101 or later
The Asset Delivery Service is a general pipeline used to deliver assets to the Microsoft Edge Clients. These assets can be config files or Machine Learning models that power the features that use this service.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, features can download assets from the Asset Delivery Service.
If you disable this policy, features won't be able to download assets needed for them to run correctly.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeAssetDeliveryServiceEnabled
- GP name: Allow features to download assets from the Asset Delivery Service
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: EdgeAssetDeliveryServiceEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeAssetDeliveryServiceEnabled
- Example value:
Machine learning powered autofill suggestions
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 132 or later
Allows ML technology to predict and fill in forms and text fields for better browsing. Your personal data is secure and will not be used elsewhere.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, users can benefit from machine learning powered autofill suggestions, which improve efficiency by offering more accurate, context aware form recommendations based on historical autofill data.
If you disable this policy, machine learning powered autofill suggestions will not be shown, and autofill will no longer use cloud-based machine learning models to enhance form filling with smarter, context aware suggestions. Instead, autofill will rely on basic form data without the benefits of machine learning.
This policy will be disabled if you disable AutofillAddressEnabled..
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeAutofillMlEnabled
- GP name: Machine learning powered autofill suggestions
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: EdgeAutofillMlEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeAutofillMlEnabled
- Example value:
Enable the Collections feature
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 78 or later
Lets you allow users to access the Collections feature, where they can collect, organize, share, and export content more efficiently and with Office integration.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can access and use the Collections feature in Microsoft Edge.
If you disable this policy, users can't access and use Collections in Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeCollectionsEnabled
- GP name: Enable the Collections feature
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeCollectionsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeCollectionsEnabled
- Example value:
Discover feature In Microsoft Edge (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 105.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 97, until 105
This policy doesn't work because Discover is now contained within the Edge Sidebar and can be managed using the HubsSidebarEnabled policy.
This policy lets you configure the Discover feature in Microsoft Edge.
Working in the background when enabled, this feature sends URLs to Microsoft Bing to search for related recommendations.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, you can use the Discover button on Microsoft Edge to start using this feature.
If you disable this policy, you can't use the Discover feature in Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeDiscoverEnabled
- GP name: Discover feature In Microsoft Edge (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: EdgeDiscoverEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeDiscoverEnabled
- Example value:
Enable Drop feature in Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 104 or later
This policy lets you configure the Drop feature in Microsoft Edge.
Drop lets users send messages or files to themselves.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, you can use the Drop feature in Microsoft Edge.
If you disable this policy, you can't use the Drop feature in Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeEDropEnabled
- GP name: Enable Drop feature in Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeEDropEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeEDropEnabled
- Example value:
Enhance images enabled (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 121.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 97, until 121
The enhance images feature is deprecated and starting in 122 this policy will be removed. Set whether Microsoft Edge can automatically enhance images to show you sharper images with better color, lighting, and contrast.
If you enable this policy or don't configure the policy, Microsoft Edge will automatically enhance images on specific web applications.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not enhance images.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeEnhanceImagesEnabled
- GP name: Enhance images enabled (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeEnhanceImagesEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeEnhanceImagesEnabled
- Example value:
Control Copilot access to Microsoft Edge page content for Entra account user profiles when using Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidepane
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 130 or later
This policy controls whether Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidepane can access Microsoft Edge page content. This includes page summarization and similar contextual queries sent to Copilot.
This policy only applies to users who are signed in to Microsoft Edge with their Entra account and are using Copilot in the sidepane. This policy applies to all Copilot products in the Microsoft Edge sidepane - namely, Microsoft 365 Copilot Business Chat and Microsoft Copilot with enterprise data protection (EDP).
If you enable this policy, Copilot will be able to access Microsoft Edge page content when users ask a contextual query to Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidepane.
If you disable this policy, Copilot will not be able to access Microsoft Edge page content.
If you don't configure this policy, the default behavior is as follows:
For non-EU countries, access is enabled by default.
For EU countries, access is disabled by default.
In both cases, if the policy is not configured, users can enable or disable Copilot access to Microsoft Edge page content using the toggle in Microsoft Edge settings.
Exceptions to the preceding behavior include when a page is protected using data loss prevention (DLP) measures. In that case, Copilot will not be able to access Microsoft Edge page content even when this policy is enabled. This behavior is to ensure the integrity of DLP.
Learn more about Copilot's data usage and consent at
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeEntraCopilotPageContext
- GP name: Control Copilot access to Microsoft Edge page content for Entra account user profiles when using Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidepane
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeEntraCopilotPageContext
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeEntraCopilotPageContext
- Example value:
Enable Follow service in Microsoft Edge (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 126.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 98, until 126
Lets Microsoft Edge browser enable Follow service and apply it to users.
Users can use the Follow feature for an influencer, site, or topic in Microsoft Edge..
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Follow in Microsoft Edge can be applied.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not communicate with Follow service to provide the follow feature.
This policy is obsolete after version 126.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeFollowEnabled
- GP name: Enable Follow service in Microsoft Edge (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeFollowEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeFollowEnabled
- Example value:
Enable open in sidebar
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 122 or later
Allow/Disallow user open a website or an app to the sidebar.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users will be able to access the feature. If you disable this policy, users will not be able to access the feature.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeOpenInSidebarEnabled
- GP name: Enable open in sidebar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeOpenInSidebarEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeOpenInSidebarEnabled
- Example value:
Shopping in Microsoft Edge Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 87 or later
This policy lets users compare the prices of a product they are looking at, get coupons or rebates from the website they're on, auto-apply coupons and help checkout faster using autofill data.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, shopping features such as price comparison, coupons, rebates and express checkout will be automatically applied for retail domains. Coupons for the current retailer and prices from other retailers will be fetched from a server.
If you disable this policy shopping features such as price comparison, coupons, rebates and express checkout will not be automatically found for retail domains.
Starting in version 90.0.818.56, the behavior of the messaging letting users know that there is a coupon, rebate, price comparison or price history available on shopping domains is also done through a horizontal banner below the address bar. Previously this messaging was done on the address bar.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeShoppingAssistantEnabled
- GP name: Shopping in Microsoft Edge Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: EdgeShoppingAssistantEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeShoppingAssistantEnabled
- Example value:
Allow specific apps to be opened in Microsoft Edge sidebar
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 131 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that are not subject to the EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostBlockList.
If you don't configure this policy, a user can open any app in sidebar except the urls listed in EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostBlockList.
If you configure this policy, the apps listed in the allow list could be opened in sidebar even if they are listed in the block list.
By default, all apps are allowed. However, if you prohibited apps by policy, you can use the list of allowed apps to change that policy.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostAllowList
- GP name: Allow specific apps to be opened in Microsoft Edge sidebar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostAllowList
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostAllowList\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostAllowList\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostAllowList
- Example value:
Control which apps cannot be opened in Microsoft Edge sidebar
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 127 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that cannot be opened in sidebar.
If you don't configure this policy, a user can open any app in sidebar.
If the HubsSidebarEnabled policy is disabled, this list isn't used and no sidebar can be opened.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, see
Note: A blocklist value of '*' means all apps are blocked unless they are explicitly listed in the EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostAllowList policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostBlockList
- GP name: Control which apps cannot be opened in Microsoft Edge sidebar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostBlockList
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostBlockList\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostBlockList\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostBlockList
- Example value:
Control which apps are forced to be shown in Microsoft Edge sidebar
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 133 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL, that are forced to be shown in sidebar.
If you don't configure this policy, no app is forced to be shown in sidebar.
If the HubsSidebarEnabled policy is disabled, this list isn't used and no sidebar can be shown.
For detailed information about valid url, see
Note: URL patterns are not supported in this policy. You should provide the exact URL of the app.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostForceList
- GP name: Control which apps are forced to be shown in Microsoft Edge sidebar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostForceList
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostForceList\1 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeSidebarAppUrlHostForceList
- Example value:
Enable sidebar customize
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 122 or later
Allow/Disallow to use sidebar customize.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users will be able to access sidebar customize. If you disable this policy, users will not be able to access the sidebar customize.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeSidebarCustomizeEnabled
- GP name: Enable sidebar customize
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EdgeSidebarCustomizeEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeSidebarCustomizeEnabled
- Example value:
Enable Wallet Checkout feature
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 114 or later
Enables Wallet Checkout feature in Microsoft Edge.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can choose whether to use wallet checkout while shopping on Microsoft Edge.
If you disable this policy, users can't use wallet checkout while shopping on Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeWalletCheckoutEnabled
- GP name: Enable Wallet Checkout feature
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: EdgeWalletCheckoutEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Edge Wallet E-Tree Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 117 or later
The Edge Wallet E-Tree feature in Microsoft Edge allows users to plant a E-Tree for their own.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can use the Edge Wallet E-Tree feature.
If you disable this policy, users can't use the Edge Wallet E-Tree feature.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EdgeWalletEtreeEnabled
- GP name: Edge Wallet E-Tree Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: EdgeWalletEtreeEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EdgeWalletEtreeEnabled
- Example value:
Allows users to edit favorites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enable this policy to let users add, remove, and modify favorites. This is the default behavior if you don't configure the policy.
Disable this policy to stop users from adding, removing, or modifying favorites. They can still use existing favorites.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EditFavoritesEnabled
- GP name: Allows users to edit favorites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EditFavoritesEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EditFavoritesEnabled
- Example value:
Re-enable deprecated web platform features for a limited time (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 86.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77, until 86
This policy is obsolete because dedicated web platform policies are now used to manage individual web platform feature deprecations.
Specify a list of deprecated web platform features to temporarily re-enable.
This policy lets you re-enable deprecated web platform features for a limited time. Features are identified by a string tag.
If you don't configure this policy, if the list is empty, or if a feature doesn't match one of the supported string tags, all deprecated web platform features remain disabled.
While the policy itself is supported on the above platforms, the feature it's enabling might not be available on all of those platforms. Not all deprecated Web Platform features can be re-enabled. Only those explicitly listed below can be re-enabled, and only for a limited period of time, which differs per feature. You can review the intent behind the Web Platform feature changes at
The general format of the string tag is [DeprecatedFeatureName]_EffectiveUntil[yyyymmdd].
Policy options mapping:
- ExampleDeprecatedFeature (ExampleDeprecatedFeature_EffectiveUntil20080902) = Enable ExampleDeprecatedFeature API through 2008/09/02
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnableDeprecatedWebPlatformFeatures
- GP name: Re-enable deprecated web platform features for a limited time (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EnableDeprecatedWebPlatformFeatures
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EnableDeprecatedWebPlatformFeatures\1 = "ExampleDeprecatedFeature_EffectiveUntil20080902"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EnableDeprecatedWebPlatformFeatures
- Example value:
Enable Domain Actions Download from Microsoft (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 84.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77, until 84
This policy doesn't work because conflicting states should be avoided. This policy was used to enable/disable download of the domain actions list, but it didn't always achieve the desired state. The Experimentation and Configuration Service, which handles the download, has its own policy to configure what is downloaded from the service. Use the ExperimentationAndConfigurationServiceControl policy instead.
In Microsoft Edge, Domain Actions represent a series of compatibility features that help the browser work correctly on the web.
Microsoft keeps a list of actions to take on certain domains for compatibility reasons. For example, the browser may override the User Agent string on a website if that website is broken due to the new User Agent string on Microsoft Edge. Each of these actions is intended to be temporary while Microsoft tries to resolve the issue with the site owner.
When the browser starts up and then periodically afterwards, the browser will contact the Experimentation and Configuration Service that contains the most up to date list of compatibility actions to perform. This list is saved locally after it is first retrieved so that subsequent requests will only update the list if the server's copy has changed.
If you enable this policy, the list of Domain Actions will continue to be downloaded from the Experimentation and Configuration Service.
If you disable this policy, the list of Domain Actions will no longer be downloaded from the Experimentation and Configuration Service.
If you don't configure this policy, the list of Domain Actions will continue to be downloaded from the Experimentation and Configuration Service.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnableDomainActionsDownload
- GP name: Enable Domain Actions Download from Microsoft (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EnableDomainActionsDownload
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EnableDomainActionsDownload
- Example value:
Enable online OCSP/CRL checks
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Online revocation checks don't provide a significant security benefit and are disabled by default.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will perform soft-fail, online OCSP/CRL checks. "Soft fail" means that if the revocation server can't be reached, the certificate will be considered valid.
If you disable the policy or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge won't perform online revocation checks.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnableOnlineRevocationChecks
- GP name: Enable online OCSP/CRL checks
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EnableOnlineRevocationChecks
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EnableOnlineRevocationChecks
- Example value:
Allow certificates signed using SHA-1 when issued by local trust anchors (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 91.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 85, until 91
When this setting is enabled, Microsoft Edge allows connections secured by SHA-1 signed certificates so long as the the certificate chains to a locally-installed root certificate and is otherwise valid.
Note that this policy depends on the operating system (OS) certificate verification stack allowing SHA-1 signatures. If an OS update changes the OS handling of SHA-1 certificates, this policy might no longer have effect. Further, this policy is intended as a temporary workaround to give enterprises more time to move away from SHA-1. This policy will be removed in Microsoft Edge 92 releasing in mid 2021.
If you don't set this policy or set it to false, or the SHA-1 certificate chains to a publicly trusted certificate root, then Microsoft Edge won't allow certificates signed by SHA-1.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management, or macOS instances that are that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnableSha1ForLocalAnchors
- GP name: Allow certificates signed using SHA-1 when issued by local trust anchors (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EnableSha1ForLocalAnchors
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EnableSha1ForLocalAnchors
- Example value:
TLS Encrypted ClientHello Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 108 or later
Encrypted ClientHello (ECH) is an extension to TLS that encrypts the sensitive fields of ClientHello to improve privacy.
If ECH is enabled, Microsoft Edge might or might not use ECH depending on server support, the availability of the HTTPS DNS record, or the rollout status.
If you enable or do not configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will follow the default rollout process for ECH.
If this policy is disabled, Microsoft Edge will not enable ECH.
Because ECH is an evolving protocol, Microsoft Edge's implementation is subject to change.
As such, this policy is a temporary measure to control the initial experimental implementation. It will be replaced with final controls as the protocol finalizes.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EncryptedClientHelloEnabled
- GP name: TLS Encrypted ClientHello Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EncryptedClientHelloEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EncryptedClientHelloEnabled
- Example value:
Determines whether the built-in certificate verifier will enforce constraints encoded into trust anchors loaded from the platform trust store (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 127.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 113, until 127
X.509 certificates may encode constraints, such as Name Constraints, in extensions in the certificate. RFC 5280 specifies that enforcing such constraints on trust anchor certificates is optional.
Starting in Microsoft Edge 112, such constraints in certificates loaded from the platform certificate store will now be enforced.
This policy exists as a temporary opt-out in case an enterprise encounters issues with the constraints encoded in their private roots. In that case this policy may be used to temporarily disable enforcement of the constraints while correcting the certificate issues.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge will enforce constraints encoded into trust anchors loaded from the platform trust store.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not enforce constraints encoded into trust anchors loaded from the platform trust store.
This policy has no effect if the MicrosoftRootStoreEnabled policy is disabled.
This policy was removed in Microsoft Edge version 128. Starting with that version, constraints in trust anchors are always enforced.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnforceLocalAnchorConstraintsEnabled
- GP name: Determines whether the built-in certificate verifier will enforce constraints encoded into trust anchors loaded from the platform trust store (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EnforceLocalAnchorConstraintsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EnforceLocalAnchorConstraintsEnabled
- Example value:
Enhance the security state in Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 98 or later
This policy lets you enhance the security state in Microsoft Edge.
If you set this policy to 'StandardMode', the enhanced mode will be turned off and Microsoft Edge will fallback to its standard security mode.
If you set this policy to 'BalancedMode', the security state will be in balanced mode.
If you set this policy to 'StrictMode', the security state will be in strict mode.
If you set this policy to 'BasicMode', the security state will be in basic mode.
Note: Sites that use WebAssembly (WASM) are not supported on 32-bit systems when EnhanceSecurityMode is enabled. If you require access to a site that uses WASM, consider adding it to your exception list as described in
Starting in Microsoft Edge 113, 'BasicMode' is deprecated and is treated the same as 'BalancedMode'. It won't work in Microsoft Edge version 116.
For detailed information about Enhanced Security Mode, see
Policy options mapping:
StandardMode (0) = Standard mode
BalancedMode (1) = Balanced mode
StrictMode (2) = Strict mode
BasicMode (3) = (Deprecated) Basic mode
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnhanceSecurityMode
- GP name: Enhance the security state in Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EnhanceSecurityMode
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EnhanceSecurityMode
- Example value:
Allow users to bypass Enhanced Security Mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 122 or later
Microsoft Edge will let users bypass Enhanced Security Mode on a site via Settings page or PageInfo flyout. This policy lets you configure whether users can bypass Enhanced Security Mode.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge won't allow users to bypass Enhanced Security Mode.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will allow users to bypass Enhanced Security Mode.
For detailed information about Enhanced Security Mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnhanceSecurityModeAllowUserBypass
- GP name: Allow users to bypass Enhanced Security Mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EnhanceSecurityModeAllowUserBypass
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enhanced Security Mode configuration for Intranet zone sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 107 or later
Microsoft Edge will apply Enhanced Security Mode on Intranet zone sites by default. This may lead to Intranet zone sites acting in an unexpected manner.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge won't apply Enhanced Security Mode on Intranet zone sites.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will apply Enhanced Security Mode on Intranet zone sites.
For detailed information about Enhanced Security Mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnhanceSecurityModeBypassIntranet
- GP name: Enhanced Security Mode configuration for Intranet zone sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EnhanceSecurityModeBypassIntranet
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Configure the list of domains for which enhance security mode will not be enforced
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 98 or later
Configure the list of enhance security trusted domains. This means that enhance security mode will not be enforced when loading the sites in trusted domains.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnhanceSecurityModeBypassListDomains
- GP name: Configure the list of domains for which enhance security mode will not be enforced
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EnhanceSecurityModeBypassListDomains
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EnhanceSecurityModeBypassListDomains\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EnhanceSecurityModeBypassListDomains\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EnhanceSecurityModeBypassListDomains
- Example value:
Configure the list of domains for which enhance security mode will always be enforced
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 98 or later
Configure the list of enhance security untrusted domains. This means that enhance security mode will always be enforced when loading the sites in untrusted domains.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnhanceSecurityModeEnforceListDomains
- GP name: Configure the list of domains for which enhance security mode will always be enforced
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EnhanceSecurityModeEnforceListDomains
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EnhanceSecurityModeEnforceListDomains\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EnhanceSecurityModeEnforceListDomains\2 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EnhanceSecurityModeEnforceListDomains
- Example value:
Manage the indicator UI of the Enhanced Security Mode (ESM) feature in Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 115 or later
This policy lets you manage whether the indicator User Interface (UI) for enhanced security mode is shown or not when ESM is turned on.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the indicator UI is on.
If you disable this policy, the indicator UI is off.
Note: If this policy is used, only the indicator User Interface experience is supressed - ESM is still turned on. For more information, see the EnhanceSecurityMode policy.
For detailed information about Enhanced Security Mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnhanceSecurityModeIndicatorUIEnabled
- GP name: Manage the indicator UI of the Enhanced Security Mode (ESM) feature in Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EnhanceSecurityModeIndicatorUIEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EnhanceSecurityModeIndicatorUIEnabled
- Example value:
Manage opt-out user experience for Enhanced Security Mode (ESM) in Microsoft Edge (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 115 or later
This policy lets you manage whether the opt-out user experience for enhanced security mode is presented when ESM is turned on for Microsoft Edge.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the UI for the opt-out user experience is on.
If you disable this policy, the UI for the opt-out user experience is off.
Note: If this policy is used, only the User Interface for the opt-out experience is supressed - ESM is still turned on. For more information, see the EnhanceSecurityMode policy.
For detailed information about Enhanced Security Mode, see
After careful evaluation, we have determined that this experimental opt-out UX is not required. As a result, this policy will be deprecated and stop working after Edge version 130.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnhanceSecurityModeOptOutUXEnabled
- GP name: Manage opt-out user experience for Enhanced Security Mode (ESM) in Microsoft Edge (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EnhanceSecurityModeOptOutUXEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EnhanceSecurityModeOptOutUXEnabled
- Example value:
Allow managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 78 or later
When this policy is set to enabled, extensions installed by enterprise policy are allowed to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API. When this policy is set to disabled or isn't set, no extensions are allowed to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API. This policy also applies to component extensions.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled
- GP name: Allow managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled
- Example value:
Allow access to the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager tool
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 86 or later
Allows you to set whether Enterprise Mode Site List Manager is available to users.
If you enable this policy, users can see the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager nav button on edge://compat page, navigate to the tool and use it.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, users won't see the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager nav button and won't be able to use it.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EnterpriseModeSiteListManagerAllowed
- GP name: Allow access to the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager tool
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EnterpriseModeSiteListManagerAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Re-enable the Event.path API until Microsoft Edge version 115 (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 115.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 107, until 115
Starting in Microsoft Edge version 109, the non-standard API Event.path will be removed to improve web compatibility. This policy re-enables the API until version 115.
If you enable this policy, the Event.path API will be available.
If you disable this policy, the Event.path API will be unavailable.
If this policy is not set, the Event.path API will be in the following default states: available before version 109, and unavailable in version 109 to version 114.
This policy will be made obsolete after Microsoft Edge version 115.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: EventPathEnabled
- GP name: Re-enable the Event.path API until Microsoft Edge version 115 (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: EventPathEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: EventPathEnabled
- Example value:
Disable download file type extension-based warnings for specified file types on domains (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 109.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 85, until 109
This policy has been obsoleted in favor of ExemptFileTypeDownloadWarnings because of a type mismatch that caused errors in Mac.
You can enable this policy to create a dictionary of file type extensions with a corresponding list of domains that will be exempted from file type extension-based download warnings. This lets enterprise administrators block file type extension-based download warnings for files that are associated with a listed domain. For example, if the "jnlp" extension is associated with "", users would not see a warning when downloading "jnlp" files from "", but see a download warning when downloading "jnlp" files from "".
Files with file type extensions specified for domains identified by this policy will still be subject to non-file type extension-based security warnings such as mixed-content download warnings and Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, file types that trigger extension-based download warnings will show warnings to the user.
If you enable this policy:
- The URL pattern should be formatted according to
- The file type extension entered must be in lower-cased ASCII. The leading separator should not be included when listing the file type extension, so list "jnlp" should be used instead of ".jnlp".
The following example value would prevent file type extension-based download warnings on swf, exe, and jnlp extensions for * domains. It will show the user a file type extension-based download warning on any other domain for exe and jnlp files, but not for swf files.
[ { "file_extension": "jnlp", "domains": [""] }, { "file_extension": "exe", "domains": [""] }, { "file_extension": "swf", "domains": ["*"] } ]
Note that while the preceding example shows the suppression of file type extension-based download warnings for "swf" files for all domains, applying suppression of such warnings for all domains for any dangerous file type extension is not recommended due to security concerns. It is shown in the example merely to demonstrate the ability to do so.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings
- GP name: Disable download file type extension-based warnings for specified file types on domains (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings\1 = {"domains": ["", ""], "file_extension": "jnlp"}
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings\2 = {"domains": ["*"], "file_extension": "swf"}
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings
- Example value:
<string>{'domains': ['', ''], 'file_extension': 'jnlp'}</string>
<string>{'domains': ['*'], 'file_extension': 'swf'}</string>
Disable download file type extension-based warnings for specified file types on domains
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 105 or later
You can enable this policy to create a dictionary of file type extensions with a corresponding list of domains that will be exempted from file type extension-based download warnings. This lets enterprise administrators block file type extension-based download warnings for files that are associated with a listed domain. For example, if the "jnlp" extension is associated with "", users would not see a warning when downloading "jnlp" files from "", but see a download warning when downloading "jnlp" files from "".
Files with file type extensions specified for domains identified by this policy will still be subject to non-file type extension-based security warnings such as mixed-content download warnings and Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, file types that trigger extension-based download warnings will show warnings to the user.
If you enable this policy:
- The URL pattern should be formatted according to
- The file type extension entered must be in lower-cased ASCII. The leading separator should not be included when listing the file type extension, so list "jnlp" should be used instead of ".jnlp".
The following example value would prevent file type extension-based download warnings on swf, exe, and jnlp extensions for * domains. It will show the user a file type extension-based download warning on any other domain for exe and jnlp files, but not for swf files.
[ { "file_extension": "jnlp", "domains": [""] }, { "file_extension": "exe", "domains": [""] }, { "file_extension": "swf", "domains": ["*"] } ]
Note that while the preceding example shows the suppression of file type extension-based download warnings for "swf" files for all domains, applying suppression of such warnings for all domains for any dangerous file type extension is not recommended due to security concerns. It is shown in the example merely to demonstrate the ability to do so.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExemptFileTypeDownloadWarnings
- GP name: Disable download file type extension-based warnings for specified file types on domains
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ExemptFileTypeDownloadWarnings
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExemptFileTypeDownloadWarnings = [
"domains": [
"file_extension": "jnlp"
"domains": [
"file_extension": "swf"
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExemptFileTypeDownloadWarnings = [{"domains": ["", ""], "file_extension": "jnlp"}, {"domains": ["*"], "file_extension": "swf"}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExemptFileTypeDownloadWarnings
- Example value:
Control communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
The Experimentation and Configuration Service is used to deploy Experimentation and Configuration payloads to the client.
Experimentation payload consists of a list of early in development features that Microsoft is enabling for testing and feedback.
Configuration payload consists of a list of recommended settings that Microsoft wants to deploy to optimize the user experience.
Configuration payload may also contain a list of actions to take on certain domains for compatibility reasons. For example, the browser may override the User Agent string on a website if that website is broken. Each of these actions is intended to be temporary while Microsoft tries to resolve the issue with the site owner.
If you set this policy to 'FullMode', the full payload is downloaded from the Experimentation and Configuration Service. This includes both the experimentation and configuration payloads.
If you set this policy to 'ConfigurationsOnlyMode', only the configuration payload is downloaded.
If you set this policy to 'RestrictedMode', the communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service is stopped completely. Microsoft does not recommend this setting.
If you don't configure this policy on a managed device, the behavior on Beta and Stable channels is the same as the 'ConfigurationsOnlyMode'. On Canary and Dev channels the behavior is the same as 'FullMode'.
If you don't configure this policy on an unmanaged device, the behavior is the same as the 'FullMode'.
Policy options mapping:
FullMode (2) = Retrieve configurations and experiments
ConfigurationsOnlyMode (1) = Retrieve configurations only
RestrictedMode (0) = Disable communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExperimentationAndConfigurationServiceControl
- GP name: Control communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ExperimentationAndConfigurationServiceControl
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExperimentationAndConfigurationServiceControl
- Example value:
Explicitly allowed network ports
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 91 or later
There is a list of restricted ports built into Microsoft Edge. Connections to these ports will fail. This policy allows bypassing that list. The set of ports is defined as a comma-separated list that outgoing connections should be permitted on.
Ports are restricted to prevent Microsoft Edge from being used as a vector to exploit various network vulnerabilities. Setting this policy may expose your network to attacks. This policy is intended as a temporary workaround for error code "ERR_UNSAFE_PORT" while migrating a service running on a blocked port to a standard port (for example port 80 or 443).
Malicious websites can easily detect that this policy is set, and for which ports, then use that information to target attacks.
Each port listed in this policy is labeled with a date that it can be unblocked until. After that date the port will be restricted regardless of if it's specified by the value of this policy.
Leaving the value empty or unset means that all restricted ports will be blocked. Invalid port values set through this policy will be ignored while valid ones will still be applied.
This policy overrides the "--explicitly-allowed-ports" command-line option.
Policy options mapping:
554 (554) = port 554 (can be unblocked until 2021/10/15)
10080 (10080) = port 10080 (can be unblocked until 2022/04/01)
6566 (6566) = port 6566 (can be unblocked until 2021/10/15)
989 (989) = port 989 (can be unblocked until 2022/02/01)
990 (990) = port 990 (can be unblocked until 2022/02/01)
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExplicitlyAllowedNetworkPorts
- GP name: Explicitly allowed network ports
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExplicitlyAllowedNetworkPorts
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExplicitlyAllowedNetworkPorts\1 = "10080"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExplicitlyAllowedNetworkPorts
- Example value:
Show an "Always open" checkbox in external protocol dialog
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 79 or later
This policy controls whether the "Always allow this site to open links of this type" checkbox is shown on external protocol launch confirmation prompts. This policy only applies to https:// links.
If you enable this policy, when an external protocol confirmation prompt is shown, the user can select "Always allow" to skip all future confirmation prompts for the protocol on this site.
If you disable this policy, the "Always allow" checkbox isn't displayed. The user will be prompted for confirmation every time an external protocol is invoked.
Prior to Microsoft Edge 83, if you don't configure this policy, the "Always allow" checkbox isn't displayed. The user will be prompted for confirmation every time an external protocol is invoked.
On Microsoft Edge 83, if you don't configure this policy, the checkbox visibility is controlled by the "Enable remembering protocol launch prompting preferences" flag in edge://flags
As of Microsoft Edge 84, if you don't configure this policy, when an external protocol confirmation prompt is shown, the user can select "Always allow" to skip all future confirmation prompts for the protocol on this site.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox
- GP name: Show an "Always open" checkbox in external protocol dialog
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox
- Example value:
Allow users to configure Family safety and Kids Mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 83 or later
This policy disables two family safety related features in the browser. This will hide the Family page inside Settings and navigation to edge://settings/family will be blocked. The family settings page describes what features are available with family groups with Microsoft Family Safety. Learn more about Family Safety here: ( Starting in Microsoft Edge 90, this policy also disables Kids Mode, a kid friendly browsing mode with custom themes and allow list browsing that requires the device password to exit. Learn more about Kids Mode here: (
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, the family page in Settings will be shown and Kids Mode will be available.
If you disable this policy, the family page will not be shown, and Kids Mode will be hidden.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: FamilySafetySettingsEnabled
- GP name: Allow users to configure Family safety and Kids Mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: FamilySafetySettingsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: FamilySafetySettingsEnabled
- Example value:
Enable favorites bar
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enables or disables the favorites bar.
If you enable this policy, users will see the favorites bar.
If you disable this policy, users won't see the favorites bar.
If this policy is not configured, then the user can decide to use the favorites bar or not.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: FavoritesBarEnabled
- GP name: Enable favorites bar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: FavoritesBarEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: FavoritesBarEnabled
- Example value:
Fetch keepalive duration on shutdown
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 90 or later
Controls the duration (in seconds) that keepalive requests are allowed to prevent the browser from completing its shutdown.
If you configure this policy, the browser will block completing shutdown while it processes any outstanding keepalive requests (see up to the maximum period of time specified by this policy.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, the default value of 0 seconds is used and outstanding keepalive requests will be immediately cancelled during browser shutdown.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: FetchKeepaliveDurationSecondsOnShutdown
- GP name: Fetch keepalive duration on shutdown
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: FetchKeepaliveDurationSecondsOnShutdown
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: FetchKeepaliveDurationSecondsOnShutdown
- Example value:
Allow file or directory picker APIs to be called without prior user gesture
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123 or later
For security reasons, the showOpenFilePicker(), showSaveFilePicker() and showDirectoryPicker() web APIs require a prior user gesture ("transient activation") to be called or will otherwise fail.
If you enable this policy, admins can specify origins on which these APIs can be called without prior user gesture.
For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, all origins will require a prior user gesture to call these APIs.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins
- GP name: Allow file or directory picker APIs to be called without prior user gesture
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins
- Example value:
Enforce Bing SafeSearch
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Ensure that queries in Bing web search are done with SafeSearch set to the value specified. Users can't change this setting.
If you configure this policy to 'BingSafeSearchNoRestrictionsMode', SafeSearch in Bing search falls back to the value.
If you configure this policy to 'BingSafeSearchModerateMode', the moderate setting is used in SafeSearch. The moderate setting filters adult videos and images but not text from search results.
If you configure this policy to 'BingSafeSearchStrictMode', the strict setting in SafeSearch is used. The strict setting filters adult text, images, and videos.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, SafeSearch in Bing search isn't enforced, and users can set the value they want on
Policy options mapping:
BingSafeSearchNoRestrictionsMode (0) = Don't configure search restrictions in Bing
BingSafeSearchModerateMode (1) = Configure moderate search restrictions in Bing
BingSafeSearchStrictMode (2) = Configure strict search restrictions in Bing
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ForceBingSafeSearch
- GP name: Enforce Bing SafeSearch
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ForceBingSafeSearch
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ForceBingSafeSearch
- Example value:
Forces Microsoft Edge to use its built-in WNS push client to connect to the Windows Push Notification Service.
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 118 or later
In some environments, the Windows OS client can't connect to the Windows Push Notification Service (WNS). For these environments, you can use the Microsoft Edge built-in WNS push client, which may be able to connect successfully.
If enabled, Microsoft Edge will use its built-in WNS push client to connect to WNS.
If disabled or not configured, Microsoft Edge will use the Windows OS client to connect to the Windows Push Notification Service. This is the default setting.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ForceBuiltInPushMessagingClient
- GP name: Forces Microsoft Edge to use its built-in WNS push client to connect to the Windows Push Notification Service.
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ForceBuiltInPushMessagingClient
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Configure whether Microsoft Edge should automatically select a certificate when there are multiple certificate matches for a site configured with "AutoSelectCertificateForUrls" (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 81 or later
This policy is deprecated because we are moving to a new policy. It won't work in Microsoft Edge version 104. The new policy to use is PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates.
Toggles whether users are prompted to select a certificate if there are multiple certificates available and a site is configured with AutoSelectCertificateForUrls. If you don't configure AutoSelectCertificateForUrls for a site, the user will always be prompted to select a certificate.
If you set this policy to True, Microsoft Edge will prompt a user to select a certificate for sites on the list defined in AutoSelectCertificateForUrls if and only if there is more than one certificate.
If you set this policy to False or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge will automatically select a certificate even if there are multiple matches for a certificate. The user will not be prompted to select a certificate for sites on the list defined in AutoSelectCertificateForUrls.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ForceCertificatePromptsOnMultipleMatches
- GP name: Configure whether Microsoft Edge should automatically select a certificate when there are multiple certificate matches for a site configured with "AutoSelectCertificateForUrls" (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ForceCertificatePromptsOnMultipleMatches
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ForceCertificatePromptsOnMultipleMatches
- Example value:
Enable use of ephemeral profiles
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Controls whether user profiles are switched to ephemeral mode. An ephemeral profile is created when a session begins, is deleted when the session ends, and is associated with the user's original profile.
If you enable this policy, profiles run in ephemeral mode. This lets users work from their own devices without saving browsing data to those devices. If you enable this policy as an OS policy (by using GPO on Windows, for example), it applies to every profile on the system.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, users get their regular profiles when they sign in to the browser.
In ephemeral mode, profile data is saved on disk only for the length of the user session. Features like browser history, extensions and their data, web data like cookies, and web databases aren't saved after the browser is closed. This doesn't prevent a user from manually downloading any data to disk, or from saving pages or printing them. If the user has enabled sync, all data is preserved in their sync accounts just like with regular profiles. Users can also use InPrivate browsing in ephemeral mode unless you explicitly disable this.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ForceEphemeralProfiles
- GP name: Enable use of ephemeral profiles
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ForceEphemeralProfiles
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ForceEphemeralProfiles
- Example value:
Enforce Google SafeSearch
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Forces queries in Google Web Search to be performed with SafeSearch set to active, and prevents users from changing this setting.
If you enable this policy, SafeSearch in Google Search is always active.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, SafeSearch in Google Search isn't enforced.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ForceGoogleSafeSearch
- GP name: Enforce Google SafeSearch
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ForceGoogleSafeSearch
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ForceGoogleSafeSearch
- Example value:
Use a default referrer policy of no-referrer-when-downgrade (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 88.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 81, until 88
This policy doesn't work because it was only intended to be a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to update their web content if it was found to be incompatible with the new default referrer policy.
Microsoft Edge's default referrer policy was strengthened from the value of no-referrer-when-downgrade to the more secure strict-origin-when-cross-origin.
When this enterprise policy is enabled, Microsoft Edge's default referrer policy will be set to its old value of no-referrer-when-downgrade.
This enterprise policy is disabled by default.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ForceLegacyDefaultReferrerPolicy
- GP name: Use a default referrer policy of no-referrer-when-downgrade (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ForceLegacyDefaultReferrerPolicy
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ForceLegacyDefaultReferrerPolicy
- Example value:
Enable or disable freezing the User-Agent string at major version 99 (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 117.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 99, until 117
This policy was removed in Microsoft Edge 118 and is ignored if configured.
This policy controls whether the User-Agent string major version should be frozen at 99.
The User-Agent request header lets websites identify the application, operating system, vendor, and/or version of the requesting user agent. Some websites make assumptions about how this header is formatted and may encounter issues with version strings that include three digits in the major position (for example,
Setting the policy to 'Default' or leaving it unset will default to browser settings for the User-Agent string major version. If set to 'ForceEnabled', the User-Agent string will always report the major version as 99 and include the browser's major version in the minor position. For example, browser version would send a User-Agent request header that reports version If set to 'ForceDisabled', the User-Agent string will not freeze the major version.
This policy is temporary and will be deprecated in the future. Note that if this policy and User-Agent Reduction are both enabled, the User-Agent version string will always be
Policy options mapping:
Default (0) = Default to browser settings for User-Agent string version.
ForceDisabled (1) = The User-Agent string will not freeze the major version.
ForceEnabled (2) = The User-Agent string will freeze the major version as 99 and include the browser's major version in the minor position.
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ForceMajorVersionToMinorPositionInUserAgent
- GP name: Enable or disable freezing the User-Agent string at major version 99 (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ForceMajorVersionToMinorPositionInUserAgent
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ForceMajorVersionToMinorPositionInUserAgent
- Example value:
Force networking code to run in the browser process (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 83.
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 78, until 83
This policy doesn't work because it was only intended to be a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to migrate to 3rd party software that doesn't depend on hooking networking APIs. Proxy servers are recommended over LSPs and Win32 API patching.
This policy forces networking code to run in the browser process.
This policy is disabled by default. If enabled, users are open to security issues when the networking process is sandboxed.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ForceNetworkInProcess
- GP name: Force networking code to run in the browser process (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ForceNetworkInProcess
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Controls whether unload event handlers can be disabled.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 118 or later
unload event handlers are being deprecated. Whether they fire depends on the unload Permissions-Policy. Currently, they are allowed by policy by default. In the future they will gradually move to being disallowed by default and sites must explicitly enable them using Permissions-Policy headers. This enterprise policy can be used to opt out of this gradual deprecation by forcing the default to stay enabled.
Pages might depend on unload event handlers to save data or signal the end of a user session to the server. This is not recommended because it's unreliable and impacts performance by blocking use of BackForwardCache. Recommended alternatives exist, but the unload event has been used for a long time. Some applications might still rely on them.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, unload event handlers will gradually be deprecated in-line with the deprecation rollout and sites which don't set Permissions-Policy header will stop firing unload
If you enable this policy then unload event handlers will continue to work by default.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ForcePermissionPolicyUnloadDefaultEnabled
- GP name: Controls whether unload event handlers can be disabled.
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ForcePermissionPolicyUnloadDefaultEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ForcePermissionPolicyUnloadDefaultEnabled
- Example value:
Force synchronization of browser data and do not show the sync consent prompt
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
Forces data synchronization in Microsoft Edge. This policy also prevents the user from turning sync off.
If you don't configure this policy, users will be able to turn sync on or off. If you enable this policy, users will not be able to turn sync off.
For this policy to work as intended, BrowserSignin policy must not be configured, or must be set to enabled. If BrowserSignin is set to disabled, then ForceSync will not take affect.
SyncDisabled must not be configured or must be set to False. If this is set to True, ForceSync will not take affect. If you wish to ensure specific datatypes sync or do not sync, use the ForceSyncTypes policy and SyncTypesListDisabled policy.
0 = Do not automatically start sync and show the sync consent (default) 1 = Force sync to be turned on for Azure AD/Azure AD-Degraded user profile and do not show the sync consent prompt
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ForceSync
- GP name: Force synchronization of browser data and do not show the sync consent prompt
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ForceSync
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ForceSync
- Example value:
Configure the list of types that are included for synchronization
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 96 or later
If you enable this policy all the specified data types will be included for synchronization for Azure AD/Azure AD-Degraded user profiles. This policy can be used to ensure the type of data uploaded to the Microsoft Edge synchronization service.
You can provide one of the following data types for this policy: "favorites", "settings", "passwords", "addressesAndMore", "extensions", "history", "openTabs", "edgeWallet", "collections", "apps", and "edgeFeatureUsage". The "edgeFeatureUsage" data type will be supported starting in Microsoft Edge version 134. Note that these data type names are case sensitive.
Users will not be able to override the enabled data types.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ForceSyncTypes
- GP name: Configure the list of types that are included for synchronization
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ForceSyncTypes
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ForceSyncTypes\1 = "favorites"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ForceSyncTypes
- Example value:
Force minimum YouTube Restricted Mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enforces a minimum Restricted Mode on YouTube and prevents users from picking a less restricted mode.
Set to 'Strict' to enforce Strict Restricted Mode on YouTube.
Set to 'Moderate' to enforce the user to only use Moderate Restricted Mode and Strict Restricted Mode on YouTube. They can't disable Restricted Mode.
Set to 'Off' or don't configure this policy to not enforce Restricted Mode on YouTube. External policies such as YouTube policies might still enforce Restricted Mode.
Policy options mapping:
Off (0) = Do not enforce Restricted Mode on YouTube
Moderate (1) = Enforce at least Moderate Restricted Mode on YouTube
Strict (2) = Enforce Strict Restricted Mode for YouTube
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ForceYouTubeRestrict
- GP name: Force minimum YouTube Restricted Mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ForceYouTubeRestrict
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ForceYouTubeRestrict
- Example value:
Allow full screen mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 77 or later
Set the availability of full screen mode - all Microsoft Edge UI is hidden and only web content is visible.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, the user, apps, and extensions with appropriate permissions can enter full screen mode.
If you disable this policy, users, apps, and extensions can't enter full screen mode.
Opening Microsoft Edge in kiosk mode using the command line is unavailable when full screen mode is disabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: FullscreenAllowed
- GP name: Allow full screen mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: FullscreenAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enable globally scoped HTTP auth cache
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 81 or later
This policy configures a single global per profile cache with HTTP server authentication credentials.
If you disable or don't set this policy, the browser will use the default behavior of cross-site auth, which as of version 80, will be to scope HTTP server authentication credentials by top-level site. So, if two sites use resources from the same authenticating domain, credentials will need to be provided independently in the context of both sites. Cached proxy credentials will be reused across sites.
If you enable this policy HTTP auth credentials entered in the context of one site will automatically be used in the context of another site.
Enabling this policy leaves sites open to some types of cross-site attacks, and allows users to be tracked across sites even without cookies by adding entries to the HTTP auth cache using credentials embedded in URLs.
This policy is intended to give enterprises depending on the legacy behavior a chance to update their login procedures and will be removed in the future.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: GloballyScopeHTTPAuthCacheEnabled
- GP name: Enable globally scoped HTTP auth cache
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: GloballyScopeHTTPAuthCacheEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: GloballyScopeHTTPAuthCacheEnabled
- Example value:
Force direct intranet site navigation instead of searching on single word entries in the Address Bar
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 78 or later
If you enable this policy, the top auto-suggest result in the address bar suggestion list will navigate to intranet sites if the text entered in the address bar is a single word without punctuation.
Default navigation when typing a single word without punctuation will conduct a navigation to an intranet site matching the entered text.
If you enable this policy, the second auto-suggest result in the address bar suggestion list will conduct a web search exactly as it was entered, provided that this text is a single word without punctuation. The default search provider will be used unless a policy to prevent web search is also enabled.
Two effects of enabling this policy are:
Navigation to sites in response to single word queries that would typically resolve to a history item will no longer happen. Instead, the browser will attempt navigate to internal sites that may not exist in an organization's intranet. This will result in a 404 error.
Popular, single-word search terms will require manual selection of search suggestions to properly conduct a search.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: GoToIntranetSiteForSingleWordEntryInAddressBar
- GP name: Force direct intranet site navigation instead of searching on single word entries in the Address Bar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: GoToIntranetSiteForSingleWordEntryInAddressBar
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: GoToIntranetSiteForSingleWordEntryInAddressBar
- Example value:
Configure the list of names that will bypass the HSTS policy check
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 79 or later
Setting the policy specifies a list of hostnames that bypass preloaded HSTS upgrades from http to https.
Only single-label hostnames are allowed in this policy, and this policy only applies to static HSTS-preloaded entries (for example, "app", "new", "search", "play"). This policy does not prevent HSTS upgrades for servers that have dynamically requested HSTS upgrades using a Strict-Transport-Security response header.
Supplied hostnames must be canonicalized: Any IDNs must be converted to their A-label format, and all ASCII letters must be lowercase. This policy only applies to the specific single-label hostnames specified, not to subdomains of those names.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: HSTSPolicyBypassList
- GP name: Configure the list of names that will bypass the HSTS policy check
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\HSTSPolicyBypassList
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\HSTSPolicyBypassList\1 = "meet"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: HSTSPolicyBypassList
- Example value:
Use graphics acceleration when available
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
If you enable this policy, or leave it unconfigured, graphics acceleration will be utilized if it’s available. If you disable this policy, turns off graphics acceleration.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: HardwareAccelerationModeEnabled
- GP name: Use graphics acceleration when available
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: HardwareAccelerationModeEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: HardwareAccelerationModeEnabled
- Example value:
Control use of the Headless Mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 92 or later
This policy setting lets you decide whether users can launch Microsoft Edge in headless mode.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge allows use of the headless mode.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge denies use of the headless mode.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: HeadlessModeEnabled
- GP name: Control use of the Headless Mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: HeadlessModeEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: HeadlessModeEnabled
- Example value:
Hide the First-run experience and splash screen
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80 or later
If you enable this policy, the First-run experience and the splash screen will not be shown to users when they run Microsoft Edge for the first time.
For the configuration options shown in the First Run Experience, the browser will default to the following:
-On the New Tab Page, the feed type will be set to MSN News and the layout to Inspirational.
-The user will still be automatically signed into Microsoft Edge if the Windows account is of Azure AD or MSA type.
-Sync will not be enabled by default and users will be prompted to choose whether they'd like to sync on browser startup. You can use the ForceSync or the SyncDisabled policy to configure sync and the sync consent prompt.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, the First-run experience and the Splash screen will be shown.
Note: The specific configuration options shown to the user in the First Run Experience, can also be managed by using other specific policies. You can use the HideFirstRunExperience policy in combination with these policies to configure a specific browser experience on your managed devices. Some of these other policies are:
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: HideFirstRunExperience
- GP name: Hide the First-run experience and splash screen
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: HideFirstRunExperience
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: HideFirstRunExperience
- Example value:
Hide the one-time redirection dialog and the banner on Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 87 or later
This policy gives an option to disable one-time redirection dialog and the banner. When this policy is enabled, users will not see both the one-time dialog and the banner. Users will continue to be redirected to Microsoft Edge when they encounter an incompatible website on Internet Explorer, but their browsing data will not be imported.
If you enable this policy the one-time redirection dialog and banner will never be shown to users. Users' browsing data will not be imported when a redirection happens.
If you disable or don't set this policy, the redirection dialog will be shown on the first redirection and the persistent redirection banner will be shown to users on sessions that begin with a redirection. Users' browsing data will be imported every time user encounters such redirection (ONLY IF user consents to it on the one-time dialog).
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: HideInternetExplorerRedirectUXForIncompatibleSitesEnabled
- GP name: Hide the one-time redirection dialog and the banner on Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: HideInternetExplorerRedirectUXForIncompatibleSitesEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Hide restore pages dialog after browser crash
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 100 or later
This policy gives an option to hide the "Restore pages" dialog after Microsoft Edge has crashed. The "Restore pages" dialog gives users the option to restore the pages that were previously open before Microsoft Edge crashed.
If you enable this policy, the "Restore pages" dialog will not be shown. In the event of a crash, Microsoft Edge will not restore previous tabs and will start the session with a new tab page.
If you disable or don't set this policy, the "Restore pages" dialog will be shown.
If you set this policy, do not set the ClearBrowsingDataOnExit or SavingBrowserHistoryDisabled policy since that prevents history from being saved which also disables the dialog.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: HideRestoreDialogEnabled
- GP name: Hide restore pages dialog after browser crash
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: HideRestoreDialogEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: HideRestoreDialogEnabled
- Example value:
HTTP Allowlist
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123 or later
Setting the policy specifies a list of hostnames or hostname patterns (such as '[*.]') that will not be upgraded to HTTPS and will not show an error interstitial if HTTPS-First Mode is enabled. Organizations can use this policy to maintain access to servers that do not support HTTPS, without needing to disable AutomaticHttpsDefault.
Supplied hostnames must be canonicalized: Any IDNs must be converted to their A-label format, and all ASCII letters must be lowercase.
Blanket host wildcards (i.e., "" or "[]") are not allowed. Instead, HTTPS-First Mode and HTTPS Upgrades should be explicitly disabled via their specific policies.
Note: This policy does not apply to HSTS upgrades.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: HttpAllowlist
- GP name: HTTP Allowlist
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\HttpAllowlist
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\HttpAllowlist\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\HttpAllowlist\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: HttpAllowlist
- Example value:
Show Hubs Sidebar
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 99 or later
Sidebar is a launcher bar on the right side of Microsoft Edge's screen.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the Sidebar will be shown. If you disable this policy, the Sidebar will never be shown.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: HubsSidebarEnabled
- GP name: Show Hubs Sidebar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: HubsSidebarEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: HubsSidebarEnabled
- Example value:
Allow importing of autofill form data
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows users to import autofill form data from another browser into Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, the option to manually import autofill data is automatically selected.
If you disable this policy, autofill form data isn't imported at first run, and users can't import it manually.
If you don't configure this policy, autofill data is imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import this data manually during later browsing sessions.
You can set this policy as a recommendation. This means that Microsoft Edge will import autofill data on first run, but users can select or clear autofill data option during manual import.
Note: This policy currently manages importing from Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS) and Mozilla Firefox (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS) browsers.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImportAutofillFormData
- GP name: Allow importing of autofill form data
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ImportAutofillFormData
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImportAutofillFormData
- Example value:
Allow importing of browser settings
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 78 or later
Allows users to import browser settings from another browser into Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, the Browser settings check box is automatically selected in the Import browser data dialog box.
If you disable this policy, browser settings aren't imported at first run, and users can't import them manually.
If you don't configure this policy, browser settings are imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import them manually during later browsing sessions.
You can also set this policy as a recommendation. This means that Microsoft Edge imports the settings on first run, but users can select or clear the browser settings option during manual import.
Note: This policy currently manages importing Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS).
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImportBrowserSettings
- GP name: Allow importing of browser settings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ImportBrowserSettings
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImportBrowserSettings
- Example value:
Allow importing of Cookies
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 81 or later
Allows users to import Cookies from another browser into Microsoft Edge.
If you disable this policy, Cookies aren't imported on first run.
If you don't configure this policy, Cookies are imported on first run.
You can also set this policy as a recommendation. This means that Microsoft Edge imports Cookies on first run.
Note: This policy currently manages importing Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS).
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImportCookies
- GP name: Allow importing of Cookies
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ImportCookies
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImportCookies
- Example value:
Allow importing of extensions
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 81 or later
Allows users to import extensions from another browser into Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, the Extensions check box is automatically selected in the Import browser data dialog box.
If you disable this policy, extensions aren't imported at first run, and users can't import them manually.
If you don't configure this policy, extensions are imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import them manually during later browsing sessions.
You can also set this policy as a recommendation. This means that Microsoft Edge imports extensions on first run, but users can select or clear the extensions option during manual import.
Note: This policy currently only supports importing from Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS).
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImportExtensions
- GP name: Allow importing of extensions
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ImportExtensions
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImportExtensions
- Example value:
Allow importing of favorites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows users to import favorites from another browser into Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, the Favorites check box is automatically selected in the Import browser data dialog box.
If you disable this policy, favorites aren't imported at first run, and users can't import them manually.
If you don't configure this policy, favorites are imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import them manually during later browsing sessions.
You can also set this policy as a recommendation. This means that Microsoft Edge imports favorites on first run, but users can select or clear the favorites option during manual import.
Note: This policy currently manages importing from Internet Explorer (on Windows 7, 8, and 10), Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS), Mozilla Firefox (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS), and Apple Safari (on macOS) browsers.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImportFavorites
- GP name: Allow importing of favorites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ImportFavorites
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImportFavorites
- Example value:
Allow importing of browsing history
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows users to import their browsing history from another browser into Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, the Browsing history check box is automatically selected in the Import browser data dialog box.
If you disable this policy, browsing history data isn't imported at first run, and users can't import this data manually.
If you don't configure this policy, browsing history data is imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import it manually during later browsing sessions.
You can also set this policy as a recommendation. This means that Microsoft Edge imports browsing history on first run, but users can select or clear the history option during manual import.
Note: This policy currently manages importing from Internet Explorer (on Windows 7, 8, and 10), Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS), Mozilla Firefox (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS), and Apple Safari (macOS) browsers.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImportHistory
- GP name: Allow importing of browsing history
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ImportHistory
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImportHistory
- Example value:
Allow importing of home page settings
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows users to import their home page setting from another browser into Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, the option to manually import the home page setting is automatically selected.
If you disable this policy, the home page setting isn't imported at first run, and users can't import it manually.
If you don't configure this policy, the home page setting is imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import this data manually during later browsing sessions.
You can set this policy as a recommendation. This means that Microsoft Edge imports the home page setting on first run, but users can select or clear the home page option during manual import.
Note: This policy currently manages importing from Internet Explorer (on Windows 7, 8, and 10).
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImportHomepage
- GP name: Allow importing of home page settings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ImportHomepage
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImportHomepage
- Example value:
Allow import of data from other browsers on each Microsoft Edge launch
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 104 or later
If you enable this policy, users will see a prompt to import their browsing data from other browsers on each Microsoft Edge launch.
If you disable this policy, users will never see a prompt to import their browsing data from other browsers on each Microsoft Edge launch.
If the policy is left unconfigured, users can activate this feature from a Microsoft Edge prompt or from the Settings page.
Note: A similar policy named AutoImportAtFirstRun exists. This policy should be used if you want to import supported data from other browsers only once while setting up your device.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImportOnEachLaunch
- GP name: Allow import of data from other browsers on each Microsoft Edge launch
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ImportOnEachLaunch
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow importing of open tabs
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 79 or later
Allows users to import open and pinned tabs from another browser into Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, the Open tabs check box is automatically selected in the Import browser data dialog box.
If you disable this policy, open tabs aren't imported at first run, and users can't import them manually.
If you don't configure this policy, open tabs are imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import them manually during later browsing sessions.
You can also set this policy as a recommendation. This means that Microsoft Edge imports open tabs on first run, but users can select or clear the Open tabs option during manual import.
Note: This policy currently only supports importing from Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS).
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImportOpenTabs
- GP name: Allow importing of open tabs
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ImportOpenTabs
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImportOpenTabs
- Example value:
Allow importing of payment info
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows users to import payment info from another browser into Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, the payment info check box is automatically selected in the Import browser data dialog box.
If you disable this policy, payment info isn't imported at first run, and users can't import it manually.
If you don't configure this policy, payment info is imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import it manually during later browsing sessions.
You can also set this policy as a recommendation. This means that Microsoft Edge imports payment info on first run, but users can select or clear the payment info option during manual import.
Note: This policy currently manages importing from Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS).
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImportPaymentInfo
- GP name: Allow importing of payment info
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ImportPaymentInfo
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImportPaymentInfo
- Example value:
Allow importing of saved passwords
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows users to import saved passwords from another browser into Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, the option to manually import saved passwords is automatically selected.
If you disable this policy, saved passwords aren't imported on first run, and users can't import them manually.
If you don't configure this policy, no passwords are imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import them manually during later browsing sessions.
You can set this policy as a recommendation. This means that Microsoft Edge imports passwords on first run, but users can select or clear the passwords option during manual import.
Note: This policy currently manages importing from Internet Explorer (on Windows 7, 8, and 10), Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS), and Mozilla Firefox (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS) browsers.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImportSavedPasswords
- GP name: Allow importing of saved passwords
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ImportSavedPasswords
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImportSavedPasswords
- Example value:
Allow importing of search engine settings
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows users to import search engine settings from another browser into Microsoft Edge.
If you enable, this policy, the option to import search engine settings is automatically selected.
If you disable this policy, search engine settings aren't imported at first run, and users can't import them manually.
If you don't configure this policy, search engine settings are imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import this data manually during later browsing sessions.
You can set this policy as a recommendation. This means that Microsoft Edge imports search engine settings on first run, but users can select or clear the search engine option during manual import.
Note: This policy currently manages importing from Internet Explorer (on Windows 7, 8, and 10).
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImportSearchEngine
- GP name: Allow importing of search engine settings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ImportSearchEngine
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImportSearchEngine
- Example value:
Allow importing of shortcuts
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 81 or later
Allows users to import Shortcuts from another browser into Microsoft Edge.
If you disable this policy, Shortcuts aren't imported on first run.
If you don't configure this policy, Shortcuts are imported on first run.
You can also set this policy as a recommendation. This means that Microsoft Edge imports Shortcuts on first run.
Note: This policy currently manages importing from Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS).
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImportShortcuts
- GP name: Allow importing of shortcuts
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ImportShortcuts
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ImportShortcuts
- Example value:
Allow importing of startup page settings
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 91 or later
Allows users to import Startup settings from another browser into Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, the Startup settings are always imported.
If you disable this policy, startup settings are not imported at first run or at manual import.
If you don't configure this policy, startup settings are imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import this data manually by selecting browser settings option during later browsing sessions.
You can set this policy as a recommendation. This means that Microsoft Edge will import startup settings on first run, but users can select or clear browser settings option during manual import.
Note: This policy currently manages importing from Microsoft Edge Legacy and Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10) browsers.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ImportStartupPageSettings
- GP name: Allow importing of startup page settings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ImportStartupPageSettings
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
In-app support Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 98 or later
Microsoft Edge uses the in-app support feature (enabled by default) to allow users to contact our support agents directly from the browser. Also, by default, users can't disable (turn off) the in-app support feature.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, users can invoke in-app support.
If you disable this policy, users can't invoke in-app support.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InAppSupportEnabled
- GP name: In-app support Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InAppSupportEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: InAppSupportEnabled
- Example value:
Configure InPrivate mode availability
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specifies whether the user can open pages in InPrivate mode in Microsoft Edge.
If you don't configure this policy or set it to 'Enabled', users can open pages in InPrivate mode.
Set this policy to 'Disabled' to stop users from using InPrivate mode.
Set this policy to 'Forced' to always use InPrivate mode.
Policy options mapping:
Enabled (0) = InPrivate mode available
Disabled (1) = InPrivate mode disabled
Forced (2) = InPrivate mode forced
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InPrivateModeAvailability
- GP name: Configure InPrivate mode availability
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InPrivateModeAvailability
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: InPrivateModeAvailability
- Example value:
Enable warnings for insecure forms (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
This policy controls the handling of insecure forms (forms submitted over HTTP) embedded in secure (HTTPS) sites in the browser. If you enable this policy or don't set it, a full page warning will be shown when an insecure form is submitted. Additionally, a warning bubble will be shown next to the form fields when they are focused, and autofill will be disabled for those forms. If you disable this policy, warnings will not be shown for insecure forms, and autofill will work normally.
This policy may be removed as soon as Edge 132. The feature is enabled by default since Edge 131.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InsecureFormsWarningsEnabled
- GP name: Enable warnings for insecure forms (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InsecureFormsWarningsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: InsecureFormsWarningsEnabled
- Example value:
Control the IntensiveWakeUpThrottling feature
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 85 or later
When enabled the IntensiveWakeUpThrottling feature causes Javascript timers in background tabs to be aggressively throttled and coalesced, running no more than once per minute after a page has been backgrounded for 5 minutes or more.
This is a web standards compliant feature, but it may break functionality on some websites by causing certain actions to be delayed by up to a minute. However, it results in significant CPU and battery savings when enabled. See for more details.
If you enable this policy, the feature will be force enabled, and users will not be able to override this setting. If you disable this policy, the feature will be force disabled, and users will not be able to override this setting. If you don't configure this policy, the feature will be controlled by its own internal logic. Users can manually configure this setting.
Note that the policy is applied per renderer process, with the most recent value of the policy setting in force when a renderer process starts. A full restart is required to ensure that all the loaded tabs receive a consistent policy setting. It is harmless for processes to be running with different values of this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingEnabled
- GP name: Control the IntensiveWakeUpThrottling feature
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingEnabled
- Example value:
Always use the OS capture engine to avoid issues with capturing Internet Explorer mode tabs
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 106 or later
Configure this policy to control whether Microsoft Edge will use the "OS capture engine" or the "Browser capture engine" when capturing browser windows in the same process using the screen-share APIs.
You should configure this policy if you want to capture the contents of Internet Explorer mode tabs. However, enabling this policy may negatively impact performance when capturing browser windows in the same process.
This policy only affects window capture, not tab capture. The contents of Internet Explorer mode tabs will not be captured when you choose to capture only a single tab, even if you configure this policy.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will always use the OS capture engine for window capture. Internet Explorer mode tabs will have their contents captured.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will use the Browser capture engine for browser windows in the same process. Internet Explorer mode tabs in these windows will not have their contents captured.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationAlwaysUseOSCapture
- GP name: Always use the OS capture engine to avoid issues with capturing Internet Explorer mode tabs
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationAlwaysUseOSCapture
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Wait for Internet Explorer mode tabs to completely unload before ending the browser session
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 105 or later
This policy causes Microsoft Edge to continue running until all Internet Explorer tabs have completely finished unloading. This allows Internet Explorer plugins like ActiveX controls to perform additional critical work even after the browser has been closed. However, this can cause stability and performance issues, and Microsoft Edge processes may remain active in the background with no visible windows if the webpage or plugin prevents Internet Explorer from unloading. This policy should only be used if your organization depends on a plugin that requires this behavior.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will always wait for Internet Explorer mode tabs to fully unload before ending the browser session.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will not always wait for Internet Explorer mode tabs to fully unload before ending the browser session.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationAlwaysWaitForUnload
- GP name: Wait for Internet Explorer mode tabs to completely unload before ending the browser session
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationAlwaysWaitForUnload
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Configure reporting of potentially misconfigured neutral site URLs to the M365 Admin Center Site Lists app
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 99 or later
This setting lets you enable reporting of sites that might need to be configured as a neutral site on the Enterprise Mode Site List. The user must be signed into Microsoft Edge with a valid work or school account for reports to be sent, and the user's account tenant must match the tenant specified by the policy.
If you configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will send a report to the M365 Admin Center Site Lists app when a navigation appears stuck redirecting back and forth between the Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer engines several times. This usually indicates that redirection to an authentication server is switching engines, which repeatedly fails in a loop. The report will show the URL of the site that is the redirect target, minus any query string or fragment. The user's identity isn't reported.
For this reporting to work correctly, you must have successfully visited the Microsoft Edge Site Lists app in the M365 Admin Center at least once. This activates a per-tenant storage account used to store these reports. Microsoft Edge will still attempt to send reports if this step hasn't been completed. However, the reports will not be stored in the Site Lists app.
When enabling this policy, you must specify your O365 tenant ID. To learn more about finding your O365 tenant ID, see
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will never send reports about potentially misconfigured neutral sites to the Site Lists app.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudNeutralSitesReporting
- GP name: Configure reporting of potentially misconfigured neutral site URLs to the M365 Admin Center Site Lists app
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudNeutralSitesReporting
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Configure the Enterprise Mode Cloud Site List
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 93 or later
The Microsoft Edge Site Lists setting in the M365 Admin Center allows you to host your site list(s) in a compliant cloud location and manage the contents of your site list(s) through the built-in experience. This setting allows you to specify which site list within the M365 Admin Center to deploy to your users. The user must be signed into Microsoft Edge with a valid work or school account. Otherwise, Microsoft Edge will not download the site list from the cloud location.
This setting is applicable only when the InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel setting is configured.
If you configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will use the specified site list. When enabled, you can enter the identifier of the site list that you created and published to the cloud in M365 Admin Center.
This setting takes precedence over Microsoft Edge's InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteList policy as well as Internet Explorer's site list setting (Use the Enterprise mode IE website list). If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will use the InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteList policy instead.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudSiteList
- GP name: Configure the Enterprise Mode Cloud Site List
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudSiteList
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Configure reporting of IE Mode user list entries to the M365 Admin Center Site Lists app
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 99 or later
This setting lets you enable reporting of sites that Microsoft Edge users add to their local IE Mode site list. The user must be signed into Microsoft Edge with a valid work or school account for reports to be sent, and the user's account tenant must match the tenant specified by the policy.
If you configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will send a report to the M365 Admin Center Site Lists app when a user adds a site to their local IE mode site list. The report will show the URL of the site the user added, minus any query string or fragment. The user's identity isn't reported.
For this reporting to work correctly, you must have successfully visited the Microsoft Edge Site Lists app in the M365 Admin Center at least once. This activates a per-tenant storage account used to store these reports. Microsoft Edge will still attempt to send reports if this step hasn't been completed. However, the reports will not be stored in the Site Lists app.
When enabling this policy, you must specify your O365 tenant ID. To learn more about finding your O365 tenant ID, see
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will never send reports about URLs added to a user's local site list to the Site Lists app.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudUserSitesReporting
- GP name: Configure reporting of IE Mode user list entries to the M365 Admin Center Site Lists app
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudUserSitesReporting
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Configure whether form data and HTTP headers will be sent when entering or exiting Internet Explorer mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 96 or later
Starting with Microsoft Edge version 96, navigations that switch between Internet Explorer mode and Microsoft Edge will include form data.
If you enable this policy, you can specify which data types should be included in navigations between Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer mode.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will use the new behavior of including form data in navigations that change modes.
To learn more, see
Policy options mapping:
IncludeNone (0) = Do not send form data or headers
IncludeFormDataOnly (1) = Send form data only
IncludeHeadersOnly (2) = Send additional headers only
IncludeFormDataAndHeaders (3) = Send form data and additional headers
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationComplexNavDataTypes
- GP name: Configure whether form data and HTTP headers will be sent when entering or exiting Internet Explorer mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationComplexNavDataTypes
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Configure enhanced hang detection for Internet Explorer mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 84 or later
Enhanced hang detection is a more granular approach to detecting hung webpages in Internet Explorer mode than what standalone Internet Explorer uses. When a hung webpage is detected, the browser will apply a mitigation to prevent the rest of the browser from hanging.
This setting allows you to configure the use of enhanced hang detection in case you run into incompatible issues with any of your websites. We recommend disabling this policy only if you see notifications such as "(website) is not responding" in Internet Explorer mode but not in standalone Internet Explorer.
This setting works in conjunction with: InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel is set to 'IEMode' and InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteList policy where the list has at least one entry.
If you set this policy to 'Enabled' or don't configure it, websites running in Internet Explorer mode will use enhanced hang detection.
If you set this policy to 'Disabled', enhanced hang detection is disabled, and users will get the basic Internet Explorer hang detection behavior.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Policy options mapping:
Disabled (0) = Enhanced hang detection disabled
Enabled (1) = Enhanced hang detection enabled
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationEnhancedHangDetection
- GP name: Configure enhanced hang detection for Internet Explorer mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationEnhancedHangDetection
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Configure Internet Explorer integration
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 77 or later
For guidance about configuring the optimal experience for Internet Explorer mode see
Policy options mapping:
None (0) = None
IEMode (1) = Internet Explorer mode
NeedIE (2) = Internet Explorer 11
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel
- GP name: Configure Internet Explorer integration
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow launching of local files in Internet Explorer mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 88 or later
This policy controls the availability of the --ie-mode-file-url command line argument which is used to launch Microsoft Edge with a local file specified on the command line into Internet Explorer mode.
This setting works in conjunction with: InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel is set to 'IEMode'.
If you set this policy to true, or don't configure it, the user is allowed to use the --ie-mode-file-url command line argument for launching local files in Internet Explorer mode.
If you set this policy to false, the user isn't allowed to use the --ie-mode-file-url command line argument for launching local files in Internet Explorer mode.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalFileAllowed
- GP name: Allow launching of local files in Internet Explorer mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalFileAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Open local files in Internet Explorer mode file extension allow list
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 88 or later
This policy limits which file:// URLs are allowed to be launched into Internet Explorer mode based on file extension.
This setting works in conjunction with: InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel is set to 'IEMode'.
When a file:// URL is requested to launch in Internet Explorer mode, the file extension of the URL must be present in this list in order for the URL to be allowed to launch in Internet Explorer mode. A URL which is blocked from opening in Internet Explorer mode will instead open in Edge mode.
If you set this policy to the special value "*" or don't configure it, all file extensions are allowed.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalFileExtensionAllowList
- GP name: Open local files in Internet Explorer mode file extension allow list
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalFileExtensionAllowList
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalFileExtensionAllowList\1 = ".mht"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalFileExtensionAllowList\2 = ".pdf"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalFileExtensionAllowList\3 = ".vsdx"
Show context menu to open a file:// link in Internet Explorer mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 88 or later
This policy controls the visibility of the 'Open link in new Internet Explorer mode tab' option on the context menu for file:// links.
This setting works in conjunction with: InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel is set to 'IEMode'.
If you set this policy to true, the 'Open link in new Internet Explorer mode tab' context menu item will be available for file:// links.
If you set this policy to false or don't configure it, the context menu item will not be added.
If the InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed policy allows users to reload sites in Internet Explorer mode, then the 'Open link in new Internet Explorer mode tab' context menu item will be available for all links, except links to sites explicitly configured by the site list to use Microsoft Edge mode. In this case, if you set this policy to true, the context menu item will be available for file:// links even for sites configured to use Microsoft Edge mode. If you set this policy to false or don't configure it, this policy has no effect.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalFileShowContextMenu
- GP name: Show context menu to open a file:// link in Internet Explorer mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalFileShowContextMenu
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow local MHTML files to open automatically in Internet Explorer mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 107 or later
This policy controls whether local mht or mhtml files launched from the command line can open automatically in Internet Explorer mode based on the file content without specifying the --ie-mode-file-url command line.
This setting works in conjunction with: InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel is set to 'IEMode' and InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalFileAllowed is enabled or not configured.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, local mht or mhtml files can launch in Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer mode to best view the file.
If you disable this policy, local mht or mhtml files will launch in Microsoft Edge.
Note that if you use the --ie-mode-file-url command line argument for launching local mht or mhtml files, it takes precedence over how you configured this policy.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalMhtFileAllowed
- GP name: Allow local MHTML files to open automatically in Internet Explorer mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalMhtFileAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Specify the number of days that a site remains on the local IE mode site list
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 92 or later
If the InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed policy is enabled or not configured, users will be able to tell Microsoft Edge to load specific pages in Internet Explorer mode for a limited number of days.
You can use this setting to determine how many days that configuration is remembered in the browser. After this period has elapsed, the individual page will no longer automatically load in IE mode.
If you disable the InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed policy, this policy has no effect.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, the default value of 30 days is used.
If you enable this policy, you must enter the number of days for which the sites are retained on the user's local site list in Microsoft Edge. The value can be from 0 to 90 days.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalSiteListExpirationDays
- GP name: Specify the number of days that a site remains on the local IE mode site list
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalSiteListExpirationDays
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow unconfigured sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 92 or later
This policy allows users to reload unconfigured sites (that are not configured in the Enterprise Mode Site List) in Internet Explorer mode when browsing in Microsoft Edge and a site requires Internet Explorer for compatibility.
After a site has been reloaded in Internet Explorer mode, "in-page" navigations will stay in Internet Explorer mode (for example, a link, script, or form on the page, or a server-side redirect from another "in-page" navigation). Users can choose to exit from Internet Explorer mode, or Microsoft Edge will automatically exit from Internet Explorer mode when a navigation that isn't "in-page" occurs (for example, using the address bar, the back button, or a favorite link).
Users can also optionally tell Microsoft Edge to use Internet Explorer mode for the site in the future. This choice will be remembered for a length of time managed by the InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalSiteListExpirationDays policy.
If the InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel policy is set to 'IEMode', then sites explicitly configured by the InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteList policy's site list to use Microsoft Edge can't be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode, and sites configured by the site list or by the SendIntranetToInternetExplorer policy to use Internet Explorer mode can't exit from Internet Explorer mode.
If you enable this policy, users are allowed to reload unconfigured sites in Internet Explorer mode.
If you disable this policy, users aren't allowed to reload unconfigured sites in Internet Explorer mode.
Note that if you enable this policy, it takes precedence over how you configured the InternetExplorerIntegrationTestingAllowed policy, and that policy will be disabled.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed
- GP name: Allow unconfigured sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Configure the Enterprise Mode Site List
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 78 or later
For guidance about configuring the optimal experience for Internet Explorer mode see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteList
- GP name: Configure the Enterprise Mode Site List
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteList
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Configure how frequently the Enterprise Mode Site List is refreshed
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 93 or later
This setting lets you specify a custom refresh interval for the Enterprise Mode Site List. The refresh interval is specified in minutes. The minimum refresh interval is 30 minutes.
This setting is applicable only when the InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteList or InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudSiteList setting is configured.
If you configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will attempt to retrieve an updated version of the configured Enterprise Mode Site List using the specified refresh interval.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will use a default refresh interval, it is 10080 minutes (7 days) starting from version 110 or later, 120 minutes from version 93 to 110, and 30 minutes before version 93.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteListRefreshInterval
- GP name: Configure how frequently the Enterprise Mode Site List is refreshed
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteListRefreshInterval
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Specify how "in-page" navigations to unconfigured sites behave when started from Internet Explorer mode pages
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 81 or later
An "in-page" navigation is started from a link, a script, or a form on the current page. It can also be a server-side redirect of a previous "in-page" navigation attempt. Conversely, a user can start a navigation that isn't "in-page" that's independent of the current page in several ways by using the browser controls. For example, using the address bar, the back button, or a favorite link.
This setting lets you specify whether navigations from pages loaded in Internet Explorer mode to unconfigured sites (that are not configured in the Enterprise Mode Site List) switch back to Microsoft Edge or remain in Internet Explorer mode.
This setting works in conjunction with: InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel is set to 'IEMode' and InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteList policy where the list has at least one entry.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, only sites configured to open in Internet Explorer mode will open in that mode. Any site not configured to open in Internet Explorer mode will be redirected back to Microsoft Edge.
If you set this policy to 'Default', only sites configured to open in Internet Explorer mode will open in that mode. Any site not configured to open in Internet Explorer mode will be redirected back to Microsoft Edge.
If you set this policy to 'AutomaticNavigationsOnly', you get the default experience except that all automatic navigations (such as 302 redirects) to unconfigured sites will be kept in Internet Explorer mode.
If you set this policy to 'AllInPageNavigations', all navigations from pages loaded in IE mode to unconfigured sites are kept in Internet Explorer mode (Least Recommended).
If the InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed policy allows users to reload sites in Internet Explorer mode, then all in-page navigations from unconfigured sites that users have chosen to reload in Internet Explorer mode will be kept in Internet Explorer mode, regardless of how this policy is configured.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Policy options mapping:
Default (0) = Default
AutomaticNavigationsOnly (1) = Keep only automatic navigations in Internet Explorer mode
AllInPageNavigations (2) = Keep all in-page navigations in Internet Explorer mode
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteRedirect
- GP name: Specify how "in-page" navigations to unconfigured sites behave when started from Internet Explorer mode pages
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteRedirect
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow Internet Explorer mode testing (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 94.
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 86, until 94
This policy is obsolete because it has been superseded by an improved feature. It doesn't work in Microsoft Edge after version 94. To allow users to open applications in Internet Explorer mode, use the InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed policy instead. Alternatively, users can still use the --ie-mode-test flag.
This policy allows users to test applications in Internet Explorer mode by opening an Internet Explorer mode tab in Microsoft Edge.
Users can do so from within the "More tools" menu by selecting 'Open sites in Internet Explorer mode'.
Additionally, users can test their applications in a modern browser without removing applications from the site list using the option 'Open sites in Edge mode'.
This setting works in conjunction with: InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel is set to 'IEMode'.
If you enable this policy, the option to 'Open sites in Internet Explorer mode' will be visible under "More tools". Users can view their sites in Internet Explorer mode on this tab. Another option to 'Open sites in Edge mode' will also be visible under "More tools" to help testing sites in a modern browser without removing them from the site list. Note that if the InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed policy is enabled, it takes precedence and these options will not be visible under "More tools".
If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can't see the options 'Open in Internet Explorer mode' and 'Open in Edge mode' under "More tools" menu. However, users can configure these options with the --ie-mode-test flag.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationTestingAllowed
- GP name: Allow Internet Explorer mode testing (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationTestingAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Configure the pixel adjustment between heights sourced from IE mode pages vs. Edge mode pages
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 95 or later
This setting lets you specify a custom adjustment to the height of popup windows generated via from the Internet Explorer mode site.
If you configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will add the adjustment value to the height, in pixels. The exact difference depends on the UI configuration of both IE and Edge, but a typical difference is 5.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will treat IE mode the same as Edge mode in window height calculations.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationWindowOpenHeightAdjustment
- GP name: Configure the pixel adjustment between heights sourced from IE mode pages vs. Edge mode pages
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationWindowOpenHeightAdjustment
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Configure the pixel adjustment between widths sourced from IE mode pages vs. Edge mode pages
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 95 or later
This setting lets you specify a custom adjustment to the width of popup windows generated via from the Internet Explorer mode site.
If you configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will add the adjustment value to the width, in pixels. The exact difference depends on the UI configuration of both IE and Edge, but a typical difference is 4.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will treat IE mode the same as Edge mode in window width calculations.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationWindowOpenWidthAdjustment
- GP name: Configure the pixel adjustment between widths sourced from IE mode pages vs. Edge mode pages
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationWindowOpenWidthAdjustment
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Automatically open downloaded MHT or MHTML files from the web in Internet Explorer mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 117 or later
This policy controls whether MHT or MHTML files that are downloaded from the web are automatically opened in Internet Explorer mode.
If you enable this policy, the MHT or MHTML files that are downloaded from the web can be opened in both Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer mode to provide the best user experience.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, MHT or MHTML files that are downloaded from the web won't automatically open in Internet Explorer mode.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerIntegrationZoneIdentifierMhtFileAllowed
- GP name: Automatically open downloaded MHT or MHTML files from the web in Internet Explorer mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationZoneIdentifierMhtFileAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Clear history for IE and IE mode every time you exit
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 111 or later
This policy controls whether browsing history is deleted from Internet Explorer and Internet Explorer mode every time Microsoft Edge is closed.
Users can configure this setting in the 'Clear browsing data for Internet Explorer' option in the Privacy, search, and services menu of Settings.
If you enable this policy, on browser exit Internet Explorer browsing history will be cleared.
If you disable or do not configure this policy, Internet Explorer browsing history will not be cleared on browser exit.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerModeClearDataOnExitEnabled
- GP name: Clear history for IE and IE mode every time you exit
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerModeClearDataOnExitEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow Save page as in Internet Explorer mode
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 101 or later
This policy enables 'Save page as' functionality in Internet Explorer mode. Users can use this option to save the current page in the browser. When a user re-opens a saved page, it will be loaded in the default browser.
If you enable this policy, the "Save page as" option will be clickable in "More tools".
If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can't select the "Save page as" option in "More tools".
Note: To make the "Ctrl+S" shortcut work, users must enable the Internet Explorer policy, 'Enable extended hot key in Internet Explorer mode'.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerModeEnableSavePageAs
- GP name: Allow Save page as in Internet Explorer mode
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerModeEnableSavePageAs
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow sites configured for Internet Explorer mode to open in Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 97 or later
This policy lets sites configured to open in Internet Explorer mode to be opened by Microsoft Edge for testing on a modern browser without removing them from the site list.
Users can configure this setting in the "More tools" menu by selecting 'Open sites in Microsoft Edge'.
If you enable this policy, the option to 'Open sites in Microsoft Edge' will be visible under "More tools". Users use this option to test IE mode sites on a modern browser.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can't see the option 'Open in Microsoft Edge' under the "More tools" menu. However, users can access this menu option with the --ie-mode-test flag.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerModeTabInEdgeModeAllowed
- GP name: Allow sites configured for Internet Explorer mode to open in Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerModeTabInEdgeModeAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Show the Reload in Internet Explorer mode button in the toolbar
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 96 or later
Set this policy to show the Reload in Internet Explorer mode button in the toolbar. Users can hide the button in the toolbar through edge://settings/appearance. The button will only be shown on the toolbar when the InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed policy is enabled or if the user has chosen to enable "Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode".
If you enable this policy, the Reload in Internet mode button is pinned to the toolbar.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, the Reload in Internet Explorer mode button isn't shown in the toolbar by default. Users can toggle the Show Internet Explorer mode button in edge://settings/appearance.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerModeToolbarButtonEnabled
- GP name: Show the Reload in Internet Explorer mode button in the toolbar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: InternetExplorerModeToolbarButtonEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Keep the active Microsoft Edge window with an Internet Explorer mode tab always in the foreground.
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 126 or later
This policy controls whether to always keep the active Microsoft Edge window with an Internet Explorer mode tab in the foreground.
If you enable this policy, the active Microsoft Edge window with an Internet Explorer mode tab will always be in the foreground.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, the active Microsoft Edge window with an Internet Explorer mode tab will not be kept in the foreground.
To learn more about Internet Explorer mode, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerSetForegroundWhenActive
- GP name: Keep the active Microsoft Edge window with an Internet Explorer mode tab always in the foreground.
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerSetForegroundWhenActive
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Display zoom in IE Mode tabs with DPI Scale included like it is in Internet Explorer
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 103 or later
Lets you display zoom in IE Mode tabs similar to how it was displayed in Internet Explorer, where the DPI scale of the display is factored in.
For example, if you have a page zoomed to 200% on a 100 DPI scale display and you change the display to 150 DPI, Microsoft Edge would still display the zoom as 200%. However, Internet Explorer factors in the DPI scale and displays 300%.
If you enable this policy, zoom values will be displayed with the DPI scale included for IE Mode tabs.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, zoom values will be displayed without DPI scale included for IE Mode tabs
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: InternetExplorerZoomDisplay
- GP name: Display zoom in IE Mode tabs with DPI Scale included like it is in Internet Explorer
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: InternetExplorerZoomDisplay
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Intranet Redirection Behavior
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 88 or later
This policy configures behavior for intranet redirection via DNS interception checks. The checks attempt to discover whether the browser is behind a proxy that redirects unknown host names.
If this policy isn't configured, the browser will use the default behavior of DNS interception checks and intranet redirect suggestions. In M88, they are enabled by default but will be disabled by default in the future release.
DNSInterceptionChecksEnabled is a related policy that might also disable DNS interception checks. However, this policy is a more flexible version which might separately control intranet redirection infobars and might be expanded in the future. If either DNSInterceptionChecksEnabled or this policy make a request to disable interception checks, the checks will be disabled. If DNS interception checks are disabled by this policy but GoToIntranetSiteForSingleWordEntryInAddressBar is enabled, single word queries will still result in intranet navigations.
Policy options mapping:
Default (0) = Use default browser behavior.
DisableInterceptionChecksDisableInfobar (1) = Disable DNS interception checks and did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars.
DisableInterceptionChecksEnableInfobar (2) = Disable DNS interception checks; allow did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars.
EnableInterceptionChecksEnableInfobar (3) = Allow DNS interception checks and did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars.
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: IntranetRedirectBehavior
- GP name: Intranet Redirection Behavior
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: IntranetRedirectBehavior
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: IntranetRedirectBehavior
- Example value:
Enable site isolation for specific origins
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specify origins to run in an isolated process.
By default, Microsoft Edge isolates pages from each Site into its own process. This policy enables more granular isolation based on Origin rather than Site. For example, specifying will cause pages from to be isolated in a different process than pages from other Origins within the Site.
If you enable this policy, each of the named origins in a comma-separated list will run in its own process.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, pages will be isolated on a per-Site basis.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: IsolateOrigins
- GP name: Enable site isolation for specific origins
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: IsolateOrigins
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: IsolateOrigins
- Example value:
Enable keyboard focusable scrollers
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 128 or later
This policy provides a temporary opt-out for the new keyboard focusable scrollers behavior.
When this policy is Enabled or unset, scrollers without focusable children are keyboard focusable by default.
When this policy is Disabled, scrollers are not keyboard focusable by default.
This policy is a temporary workaround and will be removed in Edge Stable 135.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: KeyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled
- GP name: Enable keyboard focusable scrollers
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: KeyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: KeyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled
- Example value:
Live captions allowed
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 103 or later
Allow users to turn the Live captions feature on or off.
Live captions is an accessibility feature that converts speech from the audio that plays in Microsoft Edge in to text and shows this text in a separate window. The entire process happens on the device and no audio or caption text ever leaves the device.
Note: This feature is not generally available. Clients that have the ExperimentationAndConfigurationServiceControl policy set to 'FullMode' may receive the feature before broad availability. Broad availability will be announced via Microsoft Edge release notes.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can turn this feature on or off at edge://settings/accessibility.
If you disable this policy, users will not be able to turn this accessibility feature on. If speech recognition files have been downloaded previously, they will be deleted from the device in 30 days. We recommend avoiding this option unless it's needed in your environment.
If users choose to turn on Live captions, speech recognition files (approximately 100 megabytes) will be downloaded to the device on first run and then periodically to improve performance and accuracy. These files will be deleted after 30 days.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: LiveCaptionsAllowed
- GP name: Live captions allowed
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: LiveCaptionsAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enable Windows to search local Microsoft Edge browsing data
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 93 or later
Enables Windows to index Microsoft Edge browsing data stored locally on the user's device and allows users to find and launch previously stored browsing data directly from Windows features such as the search box on the taskbar in Windows.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge will publish local browsing data to the Windows Indexer.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not share data to the Windows Indexer.
Note that if you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will remove the data shared with Windows on the device and stop sharing any new browsing data.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: LocalBrowserDataShareEnabled
- GP name: Enable Windows to search local Microsoft Edge browsing data
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: LocalBrowserDataShareEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow suggestions from local providers
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 83 or later
Allow suggestions from suggestion providers on the device (local providers), for example, Favorites and Browsing History, in Microsoft Edge's Address Bar and Auto-Suggest List.
If you enable this policy, suggestions from local providers are used.
If you disable this policy, suggestions from local providers are never used. Local history and local favorites suggestions will not appear.
If you do not configure this policy, suggestions from local providers are allowed but the user can change that using the settings toggle.
Note that some features may not be available if a policy to disable this feature has been applied. For example, Browsing History suggestions will not be available if you enable the SavingBrowserHistoryDisabled policy.
This policy requires a browser restart to finish applying.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: LocalProvidersEnabled
- GP name: Allow suggestions from local providers
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: LocalProvidersEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: LocalProvidersEnabled
- Example value:
Always use Microsoft AutoUpdate as the updater for Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On macOS since 93 or later
This policy lets you configure the updater that Microsoft Edge uses.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will only be updated by Microsoft AutoUpdate.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will be updated by Microsoft Edge Update.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: MAUEnabled
- Example value:
Allow single sign-on for Microsoft personal sites using this profile
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93 or later
'Allow single sign-on for Microsoft personal sites using this profile' option allows non-MSA profiles to be able to use single sign-on for Microsoft sites using MSA credentials present on the machine. This option shows up for end-users as a toggle in Settings -> Profiles -> Profile Preferences for non-MSA profiles only.
If you disable this policy, non-MSA profiles will not be able to use single sign-on for Microsoft sites using MSA credentials present on the machine.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, users will be able to use the Settings option to ensure non-MSA profiles are able to use single sign-on for Microsoft sites using MSA credentials present on the machine provided only a single MSA account exists on the machine.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: MSAWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileAllowed
- GP name: Allow single sign-on for Microsoft personal sites using this profile
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: MSAWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: MSAWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileAllowed
- Example value:
Sets managed configuration values for websites to specific origins
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 90 or later
Setting this policy defines the return value of Managed Configuration API for given origin.
Managed Configuration API is a key-value configuration that can be accessed via navigator.device.getManagedConfiguration() javascript call. This API is only available to origins which correspond to force-installed web applications via WebAppInstallForceList.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin
- GP name: Sets managed configuration values for websites to specific origins
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin = [
"managed_configuration_hash": "asd891jedasd12ue9h",
"managed_configuration_url": "",
"origin": ""
"managed_configuration_hash": "djio12easd89u12aws",
"managed_configuration_url": "",
"origin": ""
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin = [{"managed_configuration_hash": "asd891jedasd12ue9h", "managed_configuration_url": "", "origin": ""}, {"managed_configuration_hash": "djio12easd89u12aws", "managed_configuration_url": "", "origin": ""}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin
- Example value:
Configure favorites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Configures a list of managed favorites.
The policy creates a list of favorites. Each favorite contains the keys "name" and "url," which hold the favorite's name and its target. You can configure a subfolder by defining a favorites without an "url" key but with an additional "children" key that contains a list of favorites as defined above (some of which may be folders again). Microsoft Edge amends incomplete URLs as if they were submitted via the Address Bar, for example "" becomes "".
These favorites are placed in a folder that can't be modified by the user (but the user can choose to hide it from the favorites bar). By default the folder name is "Managed favorites" but you can change it by adding to the list of favorites a dictionary containing the key "toplevel_name" with the desired folder name as the value.
Managed favorites are not synced to the user account and can't be modified by extensions.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ManagedFavorites
- GP name: Configure favorites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ManagedFavorites
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ManagedFavorites = [
"toplevel_name": "My managed favorites folder"
"name": "Microsoft",
"url": ""
"name": "Bing",
"url": ""
"children": [
"name": "Microsoft Edge Insiders",
"url": ""
"name": "Microsoft Edge",
"url": ""
"name": "Microsoft Edge links"
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ManagedFavorites = [{"toplevel_name": "My managed favorites folder"}, {"name": "Microsoft", "url": ""}, {"name": "Bing", "url": ""}, {"children": [{"name": "Microsoft Edge Insiders", "url": ""}, {"name": "Microsoft Edge", "url": ""}], "name": "Microsoft Edge links"}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ManagedFavorites
- Example value:
<string>My managed favorites folder</string>
<string>Microsoft Edge Insiders</string>
<string>Microsoft Edge</string>
<string>Microsoft Edge links</string>
Manage Search Engines
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Lets you configure a list of up to 10 search engines, one of which must be marked as the default search engine. Starting in Microsoft Edge version 100, you can configure up to 100 engines.
You do not need to specify the encoding. Starting in Microsoft Edge 80, the suggest_url and image_search_url parameters are optional. The optional parameter, image_search_post_params (consists of comma-separated name/value pairs), is available starting in Microsoft Edge 80.
Starting in Microsoft Edge 83, you can enable search engine discovery with the optional allow_search_engine_discovery parameter. This parameter must be the first item in the list. If allow_search_engine_discovery isn't specified, search engine discovery will be disabled by default. Starting in Microsoft Edge 84, you can set this policy as a recommended policy to allow search provider discovery. You don't need to add the optional allow_search_engine_discovery parameter. Starting in Microsoft Edge 100, setting this policy as a recommended policy will also allow users to manually add new search engines from their Microsoft Edge settings.
If you enable this policy, users can't add, remove, or change any search engine in the list. Users can set their default search engine to any search engine in the list.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can modify the search engines list as desired.
If the DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL policy is set, this policy (ManagedSearchEngines) is ignored. The user must restart their browser to finish applying this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ManagedSearchEngines
- GP name: Manage Search Engines
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ManagedSearchEngines
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ManagedSearchEngines = [
"allow_search_engine_discovery": true
"is_default": true,
"keyword": "",
"name": "Example1",
"search_url": "{searchTerms}",
"suggest_url": "{searchTerms}"
"image_search_post_params": "content={imageThumbnail},url={imageURL},sbisrc={SearchSource}",
"image_search_url": "",
"keyword": "",
"name": "Example2",
"search_url": "{searchTerms}",
"suggest_url": "{searchTerms}"
"encoding": "UTF-8",
"image_search_url": "",
"keyword": "",
"name": "Example3",
"search_url": "{searchTerms}",
"suggest_url": "{searchTerms}"
"keyword": "",
"name": "Example4",
"search_url": "{searchTerms}"
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ManagedSearchEngines = [{"allow_search_engine_discovery": true}, {"is_default": true, "keyword": "", "name": "Example1", "search_url": "{searchTerms}", "suggest_url": "{searchTerms}"}, {"image_search_post_params": "content={imageThumbnail},url={imageURL},sbisrc={SearchSource}", "image_search_url": "", "keyword": "", "name": "Example2", "search_url": "{searchTerms}", "suggest_url": "{searchTerms}"}, {"encoding": "UTF-8", "image_search_url": "", "keyword": "", "name": "Example3", "search_url": "{searchTerms}", "suggest_url": "{searchTerms}"}, {"keyword": "", "name": "Example4", "search_url": "{searchTerms}"}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ManagedSearchEngines
- Example value:
Let users snip a Math problem and get the solution with a step-by-step explanation in Microsoft Edge (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 125.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 91, until 125
This policy is obsoleted because Math Solver is deprecated from Edge. This policy won't work in Microsoft Edge version 126. This policy lets you manage whether users can use the Math Solver tool in Microsoft Edge or not.
If you enable or don't configure the policy, then a user can take a snip of the Math problem and get the solution including a step-by-step explanation of the solution in a Microsoft Edge side pane.
If you disable the policy, then the Math Solver tool will be disabled and users will not be able to use it.
Note: Setting the ComponentUpdatesEnabled policy to disabled will also disable the Math Solver component.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: MathSolverEnabled
- GP name: Let users snip a Math problem and get the solution with a step-by-step explanation in Microsoft Edge (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: MathSolverEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: MathSolverEnabled
- Example value:
Maximum number of concurrent connections to the proxy server
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the proxy server.
Some proxy servers can't handle a high number of concurrent connections per client - you can solve this by setting this policy to a lower value.
The value of this policy should be lower than 100 and higher than 6. The default value is 32.
Some web apps are known to consume many connections with hanging GETs - lowering the maximum connections below 32 may lead to browser networking hangs if too many of these kind of web apps are open.
If you don't configure this policy, the default value (32) is used.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: MaxConnectionsPerProxy
- GP name: Maximum number of concurrent connections to the proxy server
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: MaxConnectionsPerProxy
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: MaxConnectionsPerProxy
- Example value:
Allow Google Cast to connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enable this policy to let Google Cast connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses, not just RFC1918/RFC4193 private addresses.
Disable this policy to restrict Google Cast to Cast devices on RFC1918/RFC4193 private addresses.
If you don't configure this policy, Google Cast connects to Cast devices on RFC1918/RFC4193 private addresses only, unless you enable the CastAllowAllIPs feature.
If the EnableMediaRouter policy is disabled, then this policy has no effect.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: MediaRouterCastAllowAllIPs
- GP name: Allow Google Cast to connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: MediaRouterCastAllowAllIPs
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: MediaRouterCastAllowAllIPs
- Example value:
Enable usage and crash-related data reporting (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 88.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77, until 88
This policy is no longer supported. It is replaced by DiagnosticData (for Windows 7, Windows 8, and macOS) and Allow Telemetry on Win 10 (
This policy enables reporting of usage and crash-related data about Microsoft Edge to Microsoft.
Enable this policy to send reporting of usage and crash-related data to Microsoft. Disable this policy to not send the data to Microsoft. In both cases, users can't change or override the setting.
On Windows 10, if you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will default to the Windows diagnostic data setting. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will only send usage data if the Windows Diagnostic data setting is set to Enhanced or Full. If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not send usage data. Crash-related data is sent based on the Windows Diagnostic data setting. Learn more about Windows Diagnostic data settings at
On Windows 7, Windows 8, and macOS, this policy controls sending usage and crash-related data. If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will default to the user's preference.
To enable this policy,SendSiteInfoToImproveServices must be set to Enabled. If MetricsReportingEnabled or SendSiteInfoToImproveServices is Not Configured or Disabled, this data will not be sent to Microsoft.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management, or macOS instances that are that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: MetricsReportingEnabled
- GP name: Enable usage and crash-related data reporting (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: MetricsReportingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: MetricsReportingEnabled
- Example value:
Microsoft Edge Insider Promotion Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 98 or later
Shows content promoting the Microsoft Edge Insider channels on the About Microsoft Edge settings page.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the Microsoft Edge Insider promotion content will be shown on the About Microsoft Edge page.
If you disable this policy, the Microsoft Edge Insider promotion content will not be shown on the About Microsoft Edge page.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: MicrosoftEdgeInsiderPromotionEnabled
- GP name: Microsoft Edge Insider Promotion Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: MicrosoftEdgeInsiderPromotionEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: MicrosoftEdgeInsiderPromotionEnabled
- Example value:
Spell checking provided by Microsoft Editor
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 105 or later
The Microsoft Editor service provides enhanced spell and grammar checking for editable text fields on web pages.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Editor spell check can be used for eligible text fields.
If you disable this policy, spell check can only be provided by local engines that use platform or Hunspell services. The results from these engines might be less informative than the results Microsoft Editor can provide.
If the SpellcheckEnabled policy is set to disabled, or the user disables spell checking in the settings page, this policy will have no effect.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: MicrosoftEditorProofingEnabled
- GP name: Spell checking provided by Microsoft Editor
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: MicrosoftEditorProofingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: MicrosoftEditorProofingEnabled
- Example value:
Synonyms are provided when using Microsoft Editor spell checker
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 105 or later
The Microsoft Editor service provides enhanced spell and grammar checking for editable text fields on web pages, and synonyms can be suggested as an integrated feature.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Editor spell checker will provide synonyms for suggestions for misspelled words.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Editor spell checker will not provide synonyms for suggestions for misspelled words.
If the SpellcheckEnabled policy or the MicrosoftEditorProofingEnabled policy are set to disabled, or the user disables spell checking or chooses not to use Microsoft Editor spell checker in the settings page, this policy will have no effect.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: MicrosoftEditorSynonymsEnabled
- GP name: Synonyms are provided when using Microsoft Editor spell checker
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: MicrosoftEditorSynonymsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: MicrosoftEditorSynonymsEnabled
- Example value:
Allow users to access the Microsoft Office menu (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 100 or later
This policy is deprecated because it's been replaced by the Microsoft Edge sidebar. Microsoft Office applications are now available in the sidebar, which can be managed by HubsSidebarEnabled policy.
When users can access the Microsoft Office menu, they can get access to Office applications such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can open the Microsoft Office menu.
If you disable this policy, users won't be able to access the Microsoft Office menu.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: MicrosoftOfficeMenuEnabled
- GP name: Allow users to access the Microsoft Office menu (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: MicrosoftOfficeMenuEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: MicrosoftOfficeMenuEnabled
- Example value:
Determines whether the Microsoft Root Store and built-in certificate verifier will be used to verify server certificates (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 121.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 109, until 114
When this policy is set to enabled, Microsoft Edge will perform verification of server certificates using the built-in certificate verifier with the Microsoft Root Store as the source of public trust.
When this policy is set to disabled, Microsoft Edge will use the system certificate verifier and system root certificates.
When this policy is not set, the Microsoft Root Store or system provided roots may be used.
This policy is planned to be removed in Microsoft Edge version 121 for Android devices when support for using the platform supplied roots is planned to be removed.
This policy was removed in Microsoft Edge version 115 for Microsoft Windows and macOS, Microsoft Edge version 120 for Linux, and Microsoft Edge version 121 for Android when support for using the platform supplied certificate verifier and roots was removed.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: MicrosoftRootStoreEnabled
- GP name: Determines whether the Microsoft Root Store and built-in certificate verifier will be used to verify server certificates (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: MicrosoftRootStoreEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: MicrosoftRootStoreEnabled
- Example value:
Mouse Gesture Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 112 or later
This policy lets you configure the Mouse Gesture feature in Microsoft Edge.
This feature provides an easy way for users to complete tasks like scroll forward or backward, open new tab, refresh page, etc. They can finish a task by pressing and holding the mouse right button to draw certain patterns on a webpage, instead of clicking the buttons or using keyboard shortcuts.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, you can use the Mouse Gesture feature on Microsoft Edge to start using this feature.
If you disable this policy, you can't use the Mouse Gesture feature in Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: MouseGestureEnabled
- GP name: Mouse Gesture Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: MouseGestureEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enable deprecated/removed Mutation Events (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 124 or later
This policy provides a temporary opt-in back to a deprecated and removed set of platform events named Mutation Events.
If you enable this policy, mutation events will continue to be fired, even if they've been disabled by default for normal web users.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, these events will not be fired.
This policy is a temporary workaround, and enterprises should still work to remove their dependencies on these mutation events.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: MutationEventsEnabled
- GP name: Enable deprecated/removed Mutation Events (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: MutationEventsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: MutationEventsEnabled
- Example value:
Force Windows executable Native Messaging hosts to launch directly
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 121 or later
This policy controls whether native host executables launch directly on Windows.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge is forced to launch native messaging hosts implemented as executables directly.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will launch hosts using cmd.exe as an intermediary process.
If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will decide which approach to use based on a progressive rollout from the legacy behavior to the Launch Directly behavior, guided by ecosystem compatibility.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NativeHostsExecutablesLaunchDirectly
- GP name: Force Windows executable Native Messaging hosts to launch directly
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NativeHostsExecutablesLaunchDirectly
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enable Native Window Occlusion (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 84 or later
This policy is deprecated, use the 'WindowOcclusionEnabled' policy instead. It won't work in Microsoft Edge version 92.
Enables native window occlusion in Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this setting, to reduce CPU and power consumption Microsoft Edge will detect when a window is covered by other windows, and will suspend work painting pixels.
If you disable this setting Microsoft Edge will not detect when a window is covered by other windows.
If this policy is left not set, occlusion detection will be enabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NativeWindowOcclusionEnabled
- GP name: Enable Native Window Occlusion (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NativeWindowOcclusionEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Set a timeout for delay of tab navigation for the Enterprise Mode Site List
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 84 or later
Allows you to set a timeout, in seconds, for Microsoft Edge tabs waiting to navigate until the browser has downloaded the initial Enterprise Mode Site List.
This setting works in conjunction with: InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel is set to 'IEMode' and InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteList policy where the list has at least one entry and DelayNavigationsForInitialSiteListDownload is set to "All eligible navigations" (1).
Tabs will not wait longer than this timeout for the Enterprise Mode Site List to download. If the browser has not finished downloading the Enterprise Mode Site List when the timeout expires, Microsoft Edge tabs will continue navigating anyway. The value of the timeout should be no greater than 20 seconds and no fewer than 1 second.
If you set the timeout in this policy to a value greater than 2 seconds, an information bar is shown to the user after 2 seconds. The information bar contains a button that allows the user to quit waiting for the Enterprise Mode Site List download to complete.
If you don't configure this policy, the default timeout of 4 seconds is used. This default is subject to change in the future.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NavigationDelayForInitialSiteListDownloadTimeout
- GP name: Set a timeout for delay of tab navigation for the Enterprise Mode Site List
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NavigationDelayForInitialSiteListDownloadTimeout
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enable network prediction
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enables network prediction and prevents users from changing this setting.
This controls DNS prefetching, TCP and SSL preconnection, and prerendering of web pages.
If you don't configure this policy, network prediction is enabled but the user can change it.
Policy options mapping:
NetworkPredictionAlways (0) = Predict network actions on any network connection
NetworkPredictionWifiOnly (1) = Not supported, if this value is used it will be treated as if 'Predict network actions on any network connection' (0) was set
NetworkPredictionNever (2) = Don't predict network actions on any network connection
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NetworkPredictionOptions
- GP name: Enable network prediction
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: NetworkPredictionOptions
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NetworkPredictionOptions
- Example value:
Enable the network service sandbox
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 102 or later
This policy controls whether or not the network service process runs sandboxed. If this policy is enabled, the network service process will run sandboxed. If this policy is disabled, the network service process will run unsandboxed. This leaves users open to additional security risks related to running the network service unsandboxed. If this policy is not set, the default configuration for the network sandbox will be used. This may vary depending on Microsoft Edge release, currently running field trials, and platform. This policy is intended to give enterprises flexibility to disable the network sandbox if they use third party software that interferes with the network service sandbox.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NetworkServiceSandboxEnabled
- GP name: Enable the network service sandbox
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NetworkServiceSandboxEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allows enabling the feature NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehavior (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123 or later
NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehavior is a Microsoft Edge feature that causes about:blank and about:srcdoc frames to consistently inherit their base url values via snapshots of their initiator's base url.
If you disable this policy, it prevents users or Microsoft Edge variations from enabling NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehavior, in case compatibility issues are discovered.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, it allows enabling NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehavior.
This policy is being deprecated because the feature NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehaviorAllowed has been removed.
This policy will be obsolete in release 133.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehaviorAllowed
- GP name: Allows enabling the feature NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehavior (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehaviorAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehaviorAllowed
- Example value:
Microsoft Edge built-in PDF reader powered by Adobe Acrobat enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 111 or later
The policy lets Microsoft Edge launch the new version of the built-in PDF reader that's powered by Adobe Acrobat's PDF rendering engine. The new PDF reader ensures that there's no loss of functionality and delivers an enhanced PDF experience. This experience includes richer rendering, improved performance, strong security for PDF handling, and greater accessibility.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will use the new Adobe Acrobat powered built-in PDF reader to open all PDF files.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will use the existing PDF reader to open all PDF files.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NewPDFReaderEnabled
- GP name: Microsoft Edge built-in PDF reader powered by Adobe Acrobat enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: NewPDFReaderEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: NewPDFReaderEnabled
- Example value:
Configure whether a user always has a default profile automatically signed in with their work or school account
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 78 or later
This policy determines if a user can remove the Microsoft Edge profile automatically signed in with a user's work or school account.
If you enable this policy, a non-removable profile will be created with the user's work or school account on Windows. This profile can't be signed out or removed. The profile will be non-removable only if profile is signed-in with either on-premises account or Azure AD account that matches OS sign-in account.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, the profile automatically signed in with a user's work or school account on Windows can be signed out or removed by the user.
If you want to configure browser sign in, use the BrowserSignin policy.
This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management.
From Microsoft Edge 89 onwards, if there is an existing on-premises profile with sync disabled and machine is hybrid joined, it will auto-upgrade the on-premises profile to Azure AD profile and make it non-removable instead of creating a new non-removable Azure AD profile.
From Microsoft Edge 93 onwards, if policy ImplicitSignInEnabled is disabled, this policy will not take any effect.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: NonRemovableProfileEnabled
- GP name: Configure whether a user always has a default profile automatically signed in with their work or school account
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: NonRemovableProfileEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow your organization's logo from Microsoft Entra to be overlaid on the Microsoft Edge app icon of a work or school profile
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 120 or later
Allow your organization's logo from Entra, if any, to be overlaid on the Microsoft Edge app icon of a profile that's signed in with an Entra ID (formerly known as Azure Active Directory) account. This requires a browser restart to take effect.
If you enable this policy, your organization's logo from Entra will be used.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, your organization's logo from Entra won't be used.
For more information about configuring your organization's logo on Entra, please visit
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: No
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: OrganizationLogoOverlayOnAppIconEnabled
- GP name: Allow your organization's logo from Microsoft Entra to be overlaid on the Microsoft Edge app icon of a work or school profile
- GP path (Mandatory): N/A
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): N/A
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: OrganizationLogoOverlayOnAppIconEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: OrganizationLogoOverlayOnAppIconEnabled
- Example value:
Allow the use of your organization's branding assets from Microsoft Entra on the profile-related UI of a work or school profile
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 119 or later
Allow the use of your organization's branding assets from Entra, if any, on the profile-related UI of a profile that's signed in with an Entra ID (formerly known as Azure Active Directory) account. This requires a browser restart to take effect.
If you enable this policy, your organization's branding assets from Entra will be used.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, your organization's branding assets from Entra won't be used.
For more information about configuring your organization's branding assets on Entra, please visit
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: No
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: OrganizationalBrandingOnWorkProfileUIEnabled
- GP name: Allow the use of your organization's branding assets from Microsoft Entra on the profile-related UI of a work or school profile
- GP path (Mandatory): N/A
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): N/A
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: OrganizationalBrandingOnWorkProfileUIEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: OrganizationalBrandingOnWorkProfileUIEnabled
- Example value:
Origin-keyed agent clustering enabled by default
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 103 or later
The Origin-Agent-Cluster: HTTP header controls whether a document is isolated in an origin-keyed agent cluster or in a site-keyed agent cluster. This has security implications because an origin-keyed agent cluster allows isolating documents by origin. The consequence of this for developers is that the document.domain accessor can no longer be set when origin-keyed agent clustering is enabled.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, documents without the Origin-Agent-Cluster: header will be assigned to origin-keyed agent clustering by default. On these documents, the document.domain accessor will not be settable.
If you disable this policy, documents without the Origin-Agent-Cluster: header will be assigned to site-keyed agent clusters by default. On these documents, the document.domain accessor will be settable.
See for additional details.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled
- GP name: Origin-keyed agent clustering enabled by default
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled
- Example value:
Allow users to access the Outlook menu (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 105.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 102, until 105
This policy doesn't work because the Outlook menu is now contained within the Edge Sidebar and can be managed using the HubsSidebarEnabled policy.
This policy is used to manage access to the Outlook menu from Microsoft Edge.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can access the Outlook menu. If you disable this policy, users can't access the Outlook menu.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: OutlookHubMenuEnabled
- GP name: Allow users to access the Outlook menu (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: OutlookHubMenuEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: OutlookHubMenuEnabled
- Example value:
Control where security restrictions on insecure origins apply
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specifies a list of origins (URLs) or hostname patterns (like "*") for which security restrictions on insecure origins don't apply.
This policy allows you to specify permitted origins for legacy applications that cannot deploy TLS or for internal web development staging servers. It enables developers to test features requiring secure contexts without the need to configure TLS on the staging server. Patterns are only accepted for hostnames; URLs or origins with schemes must be exact matches. This policy also prevents the origin from being labeled "Not Secure" in the omnibox.
Setting a list of URLs in this policy has the same effect as setting the command-line flag '--unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure' to a comma-separated list of the same URLs. If you enable this policy, it overrides the command-line flag.
For more information on secure contexts, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin
- GP name: Control where security restrictions on insecure origins apply
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin\2 = "*"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin
- Example value:
Secure mode and Certificate-based Digital Signature validation in native PDF reader
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 100 or later
The policy enables Digital Signature validation for PDF files in a secure environment, which shows the correct validation status of the signatures.
If you enable this policy, PDF files with Certificate-based digital signatures are opened with an option to view and verify the validity of the signatures with high security.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, the capability to view and verify the signature will not be available.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PDFSecureMode
- GP name: Secure mode and Certificate-based Digital Signature validation in native PDF reader
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PDFSecureMode
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PDFSecureMode
- Example value:
XFA support in native PDF reader enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 104 or later
Lets the Microsoft Edge browser enable XFA (XML Forms Architecture) support in the native PDF reader and allows users to open XFA PDF files in the browser.
If you enable this policy, XFA support in the native PDF reader will be enabled.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will not enable XFA support in the native PDF reader.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PDFXFAEnabled
- GP name: XFA support in native PDF reader enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PDFXFAEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PDFXFAEnabled
- Example value:
Allow websites to query for available payment methods
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80 or later
Allows you to set whether websites can check if the user has payment methods saved.
If you disable this policy, websites that use PaymentRequest.canMakePayment or PaymentRequest.hasEnrolledInstrument API will be informed that no payment methods are available.
If you enable this policy or don't set this policy, websites can check if the user has payment methods saved.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PaymentMethodQueryEnabled
- GP name: Allow websites to query for available payment methods
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PaymentMethodQueryEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PaymentMethodQueryEnabled
- Example value:
Use out-of-process iframe PDF Viewer
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 133 or later
Determines whether the PDF viewer in Microsoft Edge uses an out-of-process iframe (OOPIF). This will be the new PDF viewer architecture going forward, as it is simpler in design and makes adding new features easier. The current GuestView PDF viewer, which relies on an outdated and overly complex architecture, is being deprecated.
When this policy is set to Enabled or not set, Microsoft Edge will use the OOPIF PDF viewer architecture. Once Enabled or not set, the default behavior will be decided by Microsoft Edge.
When this policy is set to Disabled, Microsoft Edge will strictly use the existing GuestView PDF viewer. This approach embeds a web page with its own separate frame tree into another web page.
This policy will be removed in the future, after the OOPIF PDF viewer feature has fully rolled out.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PdfViewerOutOfProcessIframeEnabled
- GP name: Use out-of-process iframe PDF Viewer
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PdfViewerOutOfProcessIframeEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PdfViewerOutOfProcessIframeEnabled
- Example value:
Allow personalization of ads, Microsoft Edge, search, news and other Microsoft services by sending browsing history, favorites and collections, usage and other browsing data to Microsoft
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80 or later
This policy prevents Microsoft from collecting a user's Microsoft Edge browsing history, favorites and collections, usage, and other browsing data to be used for personalizing advertising, search, news, Microsoft Edge and other Microsoft services.
This setting is not available for child accounts or enterprise accounts.
If you disable this policy, users can't change or override the setting. If this policy is enabled or not configured, Microsoft Edge will default to the user's preference.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PersonalizationReportingEnabled
- GP name: Allow personalization of ads, Microsoft Edge, search, news and other Microsoft services by sending browsing history, favorites and collections, usage and other browsing data to Microsoft
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PersonalizationReportingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PersonalizationReportingEnabled
- Example value:
Personalize my top sites in Customize Sidebar enabled by default
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 132 or later
This policy controls whether Microsoft Edge browser be allowed to use the browsing history to personalize the top sites in the customize sidebar page.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will use the browsing history to personalize the top sites in the customize sidebar page.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not use the browsing history to personalize the top sites in the customize sidebar page.
If you don't configure this policy, the default behavior is to use the browsing history to personalize the top sites in the customize sidebar page.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PersonalizeTopSitesInCustomizeSidebarEnabled
- GP name: Personalize my top sites in Customize Sidebar enabled by default
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PersonalizeTopSitesInCustomizeSidebarEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PersonalizeTopSitesInCustomizeSidebarEnabled
- Example value:
Enable Picture in Picture overlay feature on supported webpages in Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 118 or later
This policy lets you configure the Picture in Picture floating overlay button in Microsoft Edge.
The Picture in Picture floating overlay button lets user to watch videos in a floating window on top of other windows.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, you can use the Picture in Picture floating overlay button in Microsoft Edge.
If you disable this policy, you can't use the Picture in Picture floating overlay button in Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PictureInPictureOverlayEnabled
- GP name: Enable Picture in Picture overlay feature on supported webpages in Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PictureInPictureOverlayEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PictureInPictureOverlayEnabled
- Example value:
Allow Pin to taskbar wizard
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 80 or later
Microsoft Edge uses the Pin to taskbar wizard to help users pin suggested sites to the taskbar. The Pin to taskbar wizard feature is enabled by default and accessible to the user through the Settings and more menu.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, users can call the Pin to taskbar wizard from the Settings and More menu. The wizard can also be called via a protocol launch.
If you disable this policy, the Pin to taskbar wizard is disabled in the menu and cannot be called via a protocol launch.
User settings to enable or disable the Pin to taskbar wizard aren't available.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PinningWizardAllowed
- GP name: Allow Pin to taskbar wizard
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PinningWizardAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enable post-quantum key agreement for TLS
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 120 or later
This policy configures whether Microsoft Edge will offer a post-quantum key agreement algorithm in TLS. This lets supporting servers protect user traffic from being decrypted by quantum computers.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will offer a post-quantum key agreement in TLS connections. TLS connections will be protected from quantum computers when communicating with compatible servers.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not offer a post-quantum key agreement in TLS connections. User traffic will be unprotected from decryption by quantum computers.
If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will follow the default rollout process for offering a post-quantum key agreement.
Offering a post-quantum key agreement is backwards-compatible. Existing TLS servers and networking middleware are expected to ignore the new option and continue selecting previous options.
However, devices that don't implement TLS correctly may malfunction when offered the new option. For example, they might disconnect in response to unrecognized options or the resulting larger messages. These devices are not post-quantum-ready and will interfere with an enterprise's post-quantum transition. If this issue is encountered, administrators should contact the vendor for a fix.
This policy is a temporary measure and will be removed in future versions of Microsoft Edge. You can enable it to test for issues and you can disable it while you resolve issues.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled
- GP name: Enable post-quantum key agreement for TLS
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled
- Example value:
Enable Proactive Authentication (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 90.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77, until 90
This policy is obsolete because it does not work independently of browser sign in. It does not work in Microsoft Edge after version 90. If you want to configure browser sign in, use the BrowserSignin policy.
Lets you configure whether to turn on Proactive Authentication in Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge tries to seamlessly authenticate to websites and services using the account which is signed-in to the browser.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge does not try to authenticate with websites or services using single sign-on (SSO). Authenticated experiences like the Enterprise New Tab Page will not work (e.g. recent and recommended Office documents will not be available).
If you don't configure this policy, Proactive Authentication is turned on.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ProactiveAuthEnabled
- GP name: Enable Proactive Authentication (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ProactiveAuthEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ProactiveAuthEnabled
- Example value:
Enable full-tab promotional content (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Control the presentation of full-tab promotional or educational content. This setting controls the presentation of welcome pages that help users sign into Microsoft Edge, choose their default browser, or learn about product features.
If you enable this policy (set it true) or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge can show full-tab content to users to provide product information.
If you disable (set to false) this policy, Microsoft Edge can't show full-tab content to users.
This is deprecated - use ShowRecommendationsEnabled instead.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PromotionalTabsEnabled
- GP name: Enable full-tab promotional content (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PromotionalTabsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PromotionalTabsEnabled
- Example value:
Ask where to save downloaded files
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Set whether to ask where to save a file before downloading it.
If you enable this policy, the user is asked where to save each file before downloading; if you don't configure it, files are saved automatically to the default location, without asking the user.
If you don't configure this policy, the user will be able to change this setting.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PromptForDownloadLocation
- GP name: Ask where to save downloaded files
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PromptForDownloadLocation
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PromptForDownloadLocation
- Example value:
Prompt the user to select a certificate when multiple certificates match
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 100 or later
This policy controls whether the user is prompted to select a client certificate when more than one certificate matches AutoSelectCertificateForUrls. If this policy is set to True, the user is prompted to select a client certificate whenever the auto-selection policy matches multiple certificates. If this policy is set to False or not set, the user may only be prompted when no certificate matches the auto-selection.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates
- GP name: Prompt the user to select a certificate when multiple certificates match
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates
- Example value:
Enable QR Code Generator
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 125 or later
This policy enables the QR Code generator feature in Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, the QR Code Generator feature is enabled.
If you disable this policy, the QR Code Generator feature is disabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: QRCodeGeneratorEnabled
- GP name: Enable QR Code Generator
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: QRCodeGeneratorEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: QRCodeGeneratorEnabled
- Example value:
Allow QUIC protocol
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows use of the QUIC protocol in Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, the QUIC protocol is allowed.
If you disable this policy, the QUIC protocol is blocked.
QUIC is a transport layer network protocol that can improve performance of web applications that currently use TCP.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: QuicAllowed
- GP name: Allow QUIC protocol
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: QuicAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: QuicAllowed
- Example value:
Enables Microsoft Edge mini menu
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 104 or later
Enables Microsoft Edge mini menu on websites and PDFs. The mini menu is triggered on text selection and has basic actions like copy and smart actions like definitions.
If you enable or don't config this policy, selecting text on websites and PDFs will show the Microsoft Edge mini menu.
If you disable this policy, the Microsoft Edge mini menu will not be shown when text on websites and PDFs is selected.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: QuickSearchShowMiniMenu
- GP name: Enables Microsoft Edge mini menu
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: QuickSearchShowMiniMenu
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: QuickSearchShowMiniMenu
- Example value:
Manage QuickView Office files capability in Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 90 or later
Allows you to set whether users can view publicly accessible Office files on the web that aren't on OneDrive or SharePoint. (For example: Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and Excel spreadsheets)
If you enable or don't configure this policy, these files can be viewed in Microsoft Edge using Office Viewer instead of downloading the files.
If you disable this policy, these files will be downloaded to be viewed.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: QuickViewOfficeFilesEnabled
- GP name: Manage QuickView Office files capability in Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: QuickViewOfficeFilesEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: QuickViewOfficeFilesEnabled
- Example value:
Check RSA key usage for server certificates issued by local trust anchors (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123 or later
This policy is deprecated because RSAKeyUsageForLocalAnchorsEnabled feature has been removed.
This policy will be removed in version 133.
The X.509 key usage extension declares how the key in a certificate can be used. These instructions ensure certificates aren't used in an unintended context, which protects against a class of cross-protocol attacks on HTTPS and other protocols. HTTPS clients must verify that server certificates match the connection's TLS parameters.
Starting in Microsoft Edge 124, this check is always enabled.
Microsoft Edge 123 and earlier have the following behavior:
If this policy is set to enabled, Microsoft Edge will perform this key check. This helps prevent attacks where an attacker manipulates the browser into interpreting a key in ways that the certificate owner did not intend.
If this policy is set to disabled, Microsoft Edge will skip this key check in HTTPS connections that negotiate TLS 1.2 and use an RSA certificate that chains to a local trust anchor. Examples of local trust anchors include policy-provided or user-installed root certificates. In all other cases, the check is performed independent of this policy's setting.
If this policy is not configured, Microsoft Edge will behave as if the policy is enabled.
This policy is available for administrators to preview the behavior of a future release, which will enable this check by default. At that point, this policy will remain temporarily available for administrators that need more time to update their certificates to meet the new RSA key usage requirements.
Connections that fail this check will fail with the error ERR_SSL_KEY_USAGE_INCOMPATIBLE. Sites that fail with this error likely have a misconfigured certificate. Modern ECDHE_RSA cipher suites use the "digitalSignature" key usage option, while legacy RSA decryption cipher suites use the "keyEncipherment" key usage option. If uncertain, administrators should include both in RSA certificates meant for HTTPS.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RSAKeyUsageForLocalAnchorsEnabled
- GP name: Check RSA key usage for server certificates issued by local trust anchors (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RSAKeyUsageForLocalAnchorsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RSAKeyUsageForLocalAnchorsEnabled
- Example value:
Enable Read Aloud feature in Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 113 or later
Enables the Read Aloud feature within Microsoft Edge. Using this feature, users can listen to the content on the web page. This enables users to multi-task or improve their reading comprehension by hearing content at their own pace.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, the Read Aloud option shows up in the address bar, right click context menu, more menu, on the PDF toolbar, and within Immersive Reader. If you disable this policy, users can't access the Read Aloud feature from the address bar, right click context menu, more menu, on the PDF toolbar, and within Immersive Reader.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ReadAloudEnabled
- GP name: Enable Read Aloud feature in Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ReadAloudEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ReadAloudEnabled
- Example value:
Prevent install of the BHO to redirect incompatible sites from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 87 or later
This setting lets you specify whether to block the install of the Browser Helper Object (BHO) that enables redirecting incompatible sites from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge for sites that require a modern browser.
If you enable this policy, the BHO will not be installed. If it is already installed it will be uninstalled on the next Microsoft Edge update.
If this policy is not configured or is disabled, the BHO will be installed.
The BHO is required for incompatible site redirection to occur, however whether redirection occurs or not is also controlled by RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerRedirectMode.
For more information about this policy see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerPreventBHOInstall
- GP name: Prevent install of the BHO to redirect incompatible sites from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerPreventBHOInstall
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Redirect incompatible sites from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 87 or later
This setting lets you specify whether Internet Explorer will redirect navigations to sites that require a modern browser to Microsoft Edge. If you set this policy to 'Disable' ('Prevent redirection', value 0), Internet Explorer will not redirect any traffic to Microsoft Edge.
If you set this policy to 'Sitelist', starting with Microsoft Edge major release 87 , Internet Explorer (IE) will redirect sites that require a modern browser to Microsoft Edge. (Note: The Sitelist setting is 'Redirect sites based on the incompatible sites sitelist', value 1).
When a site is redirected from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge, the Internet Explorer tab that started loading the site is closed if it had no prior content. Otherwise, the user is taken to a Microsoft help page that explains why the site was redirected to Microsoft Edge. When Microsoft Edge is launched to load an IE site, an information bar explains that the site works best in a modern browser.
If you want to redirect all navigations, you can configure the Disable Internet Explorer 11 policy, which redirects all navigations from IE11 to Microsoft Edge. It also hides the IE11 app icon from the user after the first launch.
If don't configure this policy:
- Starting with Microsoft Edge major release 87, you will have the same experience as setting the policy to 'Sitelist': Internet Explorer will redirect sites that require a modern browser to Microsoft Edge.
- In the future, the default for your organization might change to automatically redirect all navigations. If you don't want automatic redirection, set this policy to 'Disable' or 'Sitelist'.
For more information about this policy see
Policy options mapping:
Disable (0) = Prevent redirection
Sitelist (1) = Redirect sites based on the incompatible sites sitelist
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerRedirectMode
- GP name: Redirect incompatible sites from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerRedirectMode
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Configure Related Matches in Find on Page (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 134.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 99, until 134
Specifies how the user receives related matches in Find on Page, which provides spellcheck, synonyms, and Q&A results in Microsoft Edge.
If you enable or do not configure this policy, users can receive related matches in Find on Page on all sites. The results are processed through a cloud service.
If you disable this policy, users can receive related matches in Find on Page on a limited set of sites. In this case, results are processed locally on the user's device.
Note: This policy is obsoleted because this feature has never been enabled in Microsoft Edge. As a result, this policy is not supported in any version of Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RelatedMatchesCloudServiceEnabled
- GP name: Configure Related Matches in Find on Page (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RelatedMatchesCloudServiceEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RelatedMatchesCloudServiceEnabled
- Example value:
Notify a user that a browser restart is recommended or required for pending updates
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Notify users that they need to restart Microsoft Edge to apply a pending update.
If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge adds a recycle icon at the far right of the top menu bar to prompt users to restart the browser to apply the update.
If you enable this policy and set it to 'Recommended', a recurring warning prompts users that a restart is recommended. Users can dismiss this warning and defer the restart.
If you set the policy to 'Required', a recurring warning prompts users that the browser will be restarted automatically as soon as a notification period passes. The default period is seven days. You can configure this period with the RelaunchNotificationPeriod policy.
The user's session is restored when the browser restarts.
Policy options mapping:
Recommended (1) = Recommended - Show a recurring prompt to the user indicating that a restart is recommended
Required (2) = Required - Show a recurring prompt to the user indicating that a restart is required
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RelaunchNotification
- GP name: Notify a user that a browser restart is recommended or required for pending updates
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RelaunchNotification
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RelaunchNotification
- Example value:
Set the time period for update notifications
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows you to set the time period, in milliseconds, over which users are notified that Microsoft Edge must be relaunched to apply a pending update.
Over this time period, the user will be repeatedly informed of the need for an update. In Microsoft Edge the app menu changes to indicate that a relaunch is needed once one third of the notification period passes. This notification changes color once two thirds of the notification period passes, and again once the full notification period has passed. The additional notifications enabled by the RelaunchNotification policy follow this same schedule.
If not set, the default period of 604800000 milliseconds (one week) is used.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RelaunchNotificationPeriod
- GP name: Set the time period for update notifications
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RelaunchNotificationPeriod
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RelaunchNotificationPeriod
- Example value:
Set the time interval for relaunch
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93 or later
Specifies a target time window for the end of the relaunch notification period.
Users are notified of the need for a browser relaunch or device restart based on the RelaunchNotification and RelaunchNotificationPeriod policy settings. Browsers and devices are forcibly restarted at the end of the notification period when the RelaunchNotification policy is set to 'Required'. This RelaunchWindow policy can be used to defer the end of the notification period so that it falls within a specific time window.
If you don't configure this policy, the default target time window is the whole day (i.e., the end of the notification period is never deferred).
Note: Though the policy can accept multiple items in entries, all but the first item are ignored. Warning: Setting this policy may delay application of software updates.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RelaunchWindow
- GP name: Set the time interval for relaunch
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RelaunchWindow
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\RelaunchWindow = {
"entries": [
"duration_mins": 240,
"start": {
"hour": 2,
"minute": 15
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\RelaunchWindow = {"entries": [{"duration_mins": 240, "start": {"hour": 2, "minute": 15}}]}
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RelaunchWindow
- Example value:
Allow remote debugging
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93 or later
Controls whether users may use remote debugging.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users may use remote debugging by specifying --remote-debug-port and --remote-debugging-pipe command line switches.
If you disable this policy, users are not allowed to use remote debugging.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RemoteDebuggingAllowed
- GP name: Allow remote debugging
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RemoteDebuggingAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RemoteDebuggingAllowed
- Example value:
Enable renderer in app container
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 96 or later
Launches Renderer processes into an App Container for additional security benefits.
If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will launch the renderer process in an app container in a future update.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will launch the renderer process in an app container.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not launch the renderer process in an app container.
Only turn off the policy if there are compatibility issues with third-party software that must run inside Microsoft Edge's renderer processes.
This policy will only take effect on Windows 10 RS5 and above.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RendererAppContainerEnabled
- GP name: Enable renderer in app container
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RendererAppContainerEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enable renderer code integrity (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 78 or later
Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset turns Renderer Code Integrity on. Setting the policy to Disabled has a detrimental effect on Microsoft Edge's security and stability as unknown and potentially hostile code can load inside Microsoft Edge's renderer processes. Only turn off the policy if there are compatibility issues with third-party software that must run inside Microsoft Edge's renderer processes.
This policy will be removed in Edge 119 and will be ignored if set.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RendererCodeIntegrityEnabled
- GP name: Enable renderer code integrity (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RendererCodeIntegrityEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Specify if online OCSP/CRL checks are required for local trust anchors
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 123 or later
Control whether online revocation checks (OCSP/CRL checks) are required. If Microsoft Edge can't get revocation status information, these certificates are treated as revoked ("hard-fail").
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge always performs revocation checking for server certificates that successfully validate and are signed by locally-installed CA certificates.
If you don't configure or disable this policy, then Microsoft Edge uses the existing online revocation checking settings.
On macOS, this policy has no effect if the MicrosoftRootStoreEnabled policy is set to False.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RequireOnlineRevocationChecksForLocalAnchors
- GP name: Specify if online OCSP/CRL checks are required for local trust anchors
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RequireOnlineRevocationChecksForLocalAnchors
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enable resolution of navigation errors using a web service
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allow Microsoft Edge to issue a dataless connection to a web service to probe networks for connectivity in cases like hotel and airport Wi-Fi.
If you enable this policy, a web service is used for network connectivity tests.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge uses native APIs to try to resolve network connectivity and navigation issues.
Note: Except on Windows 8 and later versions of Windows, Microsoft Edge always uses native APIs to resolve connectivity issues.
If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge respects the user preference that's set under Services at edge://settings/privacy. Specifically, there's a Use a web service to help resolve navigation errors toggle, which the user can switch on or off. Be aware that if you have enabled this policy (ResolveNavigationErrorsUseWebService), the Use a web service to help resolve navigation errors setting is turned on, but the user can't change the setting by using the toggle. If you have disabled this policy, the Use a web service to help resolve navigation errors setting is turned off, and the user can't change the setting by using the toggle.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ResolveNavigationErrorsUseWebService
- GP name: Enable resolution of navigation errors using a web service
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ResolveNavigationErrorsUseWebService
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ResolveNavigationErrorsUseWebService
- Example value:
Restore PDF view
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 113 or later
Enables PDF View Recovery in Microsoft Edge.
If you enable or don't configure this policy Microsoft Edge will recover the last state of PDF view and land users to the section where they ended reading in the last session.
If you disable this policy Microsoft Edge will recover the last state of PDF view and land users at the start of the PDF file.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RestorePdfView
- GP name: Restore PDF view
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RestorePdfView
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RestorePdfView
- Example value:
Restrict which accounts can be used to sign in to Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Determines which accounts can be used to sign in to the Microsoft Edge account that's chosen during the Sync opt-in flow.
You can configure this policy to match multiple accounts using a Perl style regular expression for the pattern. If a user tries to sign in to the browser with an account whose username doesn't match this pattern, they are blocked and will get the appropriate error message. Note that pattern matches are case sensitive. For more information about the regular expression rules that are used, refer to
If you don't configure this policy or leave it blank, users can use any account to sign in to Microsoft Edge.
Note that signed-in profiles with a username that doesn't match this pattern will be signed out after this policy is enabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RestrictSigninToPattern
- GP name: Restrict which accounts can be used to sign in to Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RestrictSigninToPattern
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RestrictSigninToPattern
- Example value:
Set the roaming profile directory
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 85 or later
Configures the directory to use to store the roaming copy of profiles.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge uses the provided directory to store a roaming copy of the profiles, as long as you've also enabled the RoamingProfileSupportEnabled policy. If you disable the RoamingProfileSupportEnabled policy or don't configure it, the value stored in this policy isn't used.
See for a list of variables you can use.
If you don't configure this policy, the default roaming profile path is used.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RoamingProfileLocation
- GP name: Set the roaming profile directory
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RoamingProfileLocation
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Enable using roaming copies for Microsoft Edge profile data
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 85 or later
Enable this policy to use roaming profiles on Windows. The settings stored in Microsoft Edge profiles (favorites and preferences) are also saved to a file stored in the Roaming user profile folder (or the location specified by the administrator through the RoamingProfileLocation policy).
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, only the regular local profiles are used.
The SyncDisabled only disables cloud synchronization and has no impact on this policy.
See for more information on using roaming user profiles.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RoamingProfileSupportEnabled
- GP name: Enable using roaming copies for Microsoft Edge profile data
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RoamingProfileSupportEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Extend Adobe Flash content setting to all content (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 88.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77, until 88
This policy doesn't work because Flash is no longer supported by Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, all Adobe Flash content embedded in websites that are set to allow Adobe Flash in the content settings -- either by the user or by enterprise policy -- will run. This includes content from other origins and/or small content.
To control which websites are allowed to run Adobe Flash, see the specifications in the DefaultPluginsSetting, PluginsAllowedForUrls, and PluginsBlockedForUrls policies.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, Adobe Flash content from other origins (from sites that aren't specified in the three policies mentioned immediately above) or small content might be blocked.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: RunAllFlashInAllowMode
- GP name: Extend Adobe Flash content setting to all content (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: RunAllFlashInAllowMode
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: RunAllFlashInAllowMode
- Example value:
Allow users to proceed from the HTTPS warning page
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Microsoft Edge shows a warning page when users visit sites that have SSL errors.
If you enable or don't configure (default) this policy, users can click through these warning pages.
If you disable this policy, users are blocked from clicking through any warning page.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SSLErrorOverrideAllowed
- GP name: Allow users to proceed from the HTTPS warning page
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SSLErrorOverrideAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SSLErrorOverrideAllowed
- Example value:
Allow users to proceed from the HTTPS warning page for specific origins
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 90 or later
Microsoft Edge shows a warning page when users visit sites that have SSL errors.
If you enable or don't configure the SSLErrorOverrideAllowed policy, this policy does nothing.
If you disable the SSLErrorOverrideAllowed policy, configuring this policy lets you configure a list of origin patterns for sites where users can continue to click through SSL error pages. Users can't click through SSL error pages on origins that are not on this list.
If you don't configure this policy, the SSLErrorOverrideAllowed policy applies for all sites.
For detailed information about valid origin patterns, see * is not an accepted value for this policy. This policy only matches based on origin, so any path or query in the URL pattern is ignored.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SSLErrorOverrideAllowedForOrigins
- GP name: Allow users to proceed from the HTTPS warning page for specific origins
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SSLErrorOverrideAllowedForOrigins
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SSLErrorOverrideAllowedForOrigins\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SSLErrorOverrideAllowedForOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SSLErrorOverrideAllowedForOrigins
- Example value:
Minimum TLS version enabled (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 97.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77, until 97
This policy was removed in Microsoft Edge 98 and is ignored if configured. Sets the minimum supported version of TLS.
If you set this policy to 'tls1.2', Microsoft Edge will show an error for TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 and the user will not be able to bypass the error.
If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will still show an error for TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 but the user will be able to bypass it.
Support for suppressing the TLS 1.0/1.1 warning was removed from Microsoft Edge starting in version 91. The 'tls1' and 'tls1.1' values are no longer supported.
Policy options mapping:
TLSv1 (tls1) = TLS 1.0
TLSv1.1 (tls1.1) = TLS 1.1
TLSv1.2 (tls1.2) = TLS 1.2
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SSLVersionMin
- GP name: Minimum TLS version enabled (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SSLVersionMin
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SSLVersionMin
- Example value:
Allow Microsoft Edge to block navigations to external protocols in a sandboxed iframe
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 99 or later
Microsoft Edge will block navigations to external protocols inside a sandboxed iframe.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will block those navigations.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not block those navigations.
This can be used by administrators who need more time to update their internal website affected by this new restriction. This Enterprise policy is temporary; it's intended to be removed after Microsoft Edge version 117.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SandboxExternalProtocolBlocked
- GP name: Allow Microsoft Edge to block navigations to external protocols in a sandboxed iframe
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SandboxExternalProtocolBlocked
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SandboxExternalProtocolBlocked
- Example value:
Save cookies when Microsoft Edge closes
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
When this policy is enabled, the specified set of cookies is exempt from deletion when the browser closes. This policy is only effective when:
- The 'Cookies and other site data' toggle is configured in Settings/Privacy and services/Clear browsing data on close or
- The policy ClearBrowsingDataOnExit is enabled or
- The policy DefaultCookiesSetting is set to 'Keep cookies for the duration of the session'.
You can define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that will have their cookies preserved across sessions.
Note: Users can still edit the cookie site list to add or remove URLs. However, they can't remove URLs that have been added by an Admin.
If you enable this policy, the list of cookies won't be cleared when the browser closes.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, the user's personal configuration is used.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SaveCookiesOnExit
- GP name: Save cookies when Microsoft Edge closes
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SaveCookiesOnExit
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SaveCookiesOnExit\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SaveCookiesOnExit\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SaveCookiesOnExit
- Example value:
Disable saving browser history
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Disables saving browser history and prevents users from changing this setting.
If you enable this policy, browsing history isn't saved. This also disables tab syncing.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, browsing history is saved.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SavingBrowserHistoryDisabled
- GP name: Disable saving browser history
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SavingBrowserHistoryDisabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SavingBrowserHistoryDisabled
- Example value:
Allow or deny screen capture
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 83 or later
If you enable this policy, or don't configure this policy, a web page can use screen-share APIs (for example, getDisplayMedia() or the Desktop Capture extension API) for a screen capture. If you disable this policy, calls to screen-share APIs will fail. For example, if you're using a web-based online meeting, video or screen sharing will not work. However, this policy is not considered (and a site will be allowed to use screen-share APIs) if the site matches an origin pattern in any of the following policies: ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins, WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins, TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ScreenCaptureAllowed
- GP name: Allow or deny screen capture
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ScreenCaptureAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ScreenCaptureAllowed
- Example value:
Allow screen capture without prior user gesture
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 123 or later
For security reasons, the getDisplayMedia() web API requires a prior user gesture ("transient activation") to be called or the API will fail.
When this policy is configured, admins can specify origins on which this API can be called without prior user gesture.
For detailed information on valid url patterns, see Note: * is not an accepted value for this policy.
If this policy is not configured, all origins require a prior user gesture to call this API.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ScreenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins
- GP name: Allow screen capture without prior user gesture
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ScreenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ScreenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ScreenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ScreenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins
- Example value:
Enable scrolling to text specified in URL fragments
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 83 or later
This feature lets hyperlink and address bar URL navigations target specific text on a web page, which will be scrolled to after the web page finishes loading.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, web page scrolling to specific text fragments via a URL will be enabled.
If you disable this policy, web page scrolling to specific text fragments via a URL will be disabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ScrollToTextFragmentEnabled
- GP name: Enable scrolling to text specified in URL fragments
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ScrollToTextFragmentEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ScrollToTextFragmentEnabled
- Example value:
Search Filters Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 109 or later
Lets you filter your autosuggestions by selecting a filter from the search filters ribbon. For example, if you select the "Favorites" filter, only favorites suggestions will be shown.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the autosuggestion dropdown defaults to displaying the ribbon of available filters.
If you disable this policy, the autosuggestion dropdown won't display the ribbon of available filters.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SearchFiltersEnabled
- GP name: Search Filters Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: SearchFiltersEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SearchFiltersEnabled
- Example value:
Search for image enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 115 or later
This policy lets you configure the Image Search feature in the right-click context menu.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, then the "Search the web for image" option will be visible in the context menu.
If you disable this policy, then the "Search the web for image" will not be visible in the context menu.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SearchForImageEnabled
- GP name: Search for image enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SearchForImageEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SearchForImageEnabled
- Example value:
Search in Sidebar enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 110 or later
Search in Sidebar allows users to open search result in sidebar (including sidebar search for Progressive Web Apps).
If you configure this policy to 'EnableSearchInSidebar' or don't configure it, Search in sidebar will be enabled.
If you configure this policy to 'DisableSearchInSidebarForKidsMode', Search in sidebar will be disabled when in Kids mode. Some methods that would normally invoke sidebar search will invoke a traditional search instead.
If you configure this policy to 'DisableSearchInSidebar', Search in sidebar will be disabled. Some methods that would normally invoke sidebar search will invoke a traditional search instead.
Policy options mapping:
EnableSearchInSidebar (0) = Enable search in sidebar
DisableSearchInSidebarForKidsMode (1) = Disable search in sidebar for Kids Mode
DisableSearchInSidebar (2) = Disable search in sidebar
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SearchInSidebarEnabled
- GP name: Search in Sidebar enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SearchInSidebarEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SearchInSidebarEnabled
- Example value:
Enable search suggestions
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enables web search suggestions in Microsoft Edge's Address Bar and Auto-Suggest List and prevents users from changing this policy.
If you enable this policy, web search suggestions are used.
If you disable this policy, web search suggestions are never used, however local history and local favorites suggestions still appear. If you disable this policy, neither the typed characters, nor the URLs visited will be included in telemetry to Microsoft.
If this policy is left not set, search suggestions are enabled but the user can change that.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SearchSuggestEnabled
- GP name: Enable search suggestions
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: SearchSuggestEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SearchSuggestEnabled
- Example value:
Enable the Search bar
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 117 or later
Enables the search bar. When enabled, users can use the search bar to search the web from their desktop or from an application. The search bar provides a search box, powered by Edge default search engine, that shows web suggestions and opens all web searches in Microsoft Edge. The search bar can be launched from the "More tools" menu or jump list in Microsoft Edge.
If you enable or don't configure this policy: The search bar will be automatically enabled for all profiles. The option to enable the search bar at startup will be toggled on if the SearchbarIsEnabledOnStartup policy is enabled. If the SearchbarIsEnabledOnStartup is disabled or not configured, the option to enable the search bar at startup will be toggled off. Users will see the menu item to launch the search bar from the Microsoft Edge "More tools" menu. Users can launch the search bar from "More tools". Users will see the menu item to launch the search bar from the Microsoft Edge jump list menu. Users can launch the search bar from the Microsoft Edge jump list menu. The search bar can be turned off by the "Quit" option in the System tray or by closing the search bar from the 3 dot menu. The search bar will be restarted on system reboot if auto-start is enabled.
If you disable this policy: The search bar will be disabled for all profiles. The option to launch the search bar from Microsoft Edge "More tools" menu will be disabled. The option to launch the search bar from Microsoft Edge jump list menu will be disabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SearchbarAllowed
- GP name: Enable the Search bar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SearchbarAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow the Search bar at Windows startup
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 117 or later
Allows the Search bar to start running at Windows startup.
If you enable: The Search bar will start running at Windows startup by default. If the Search bar is disabled via SearchbarAllowed policy, this policy will not start the Search bar on Windows startup.
If you disable this policy: The Search bar will not start at Windows startup for all profiles. The option to start the search bar at Windows startup will be disabled and toggled off in search bar settings.
If you don't configure the policy: The Search bar will not start at Windows startup for all profiles. The option to start the search bar at Windows startup will be toggled off in search bar settings.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SearchbarIsEnabledOnStartup
- GP name: Allow the Search bar at Windows startup
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SearchbarIsEnabledOnStartup
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Websites or domains that don't need permission to use direct Security Key attestation
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specifies the WebAuthn RP IDs that don't need explicit user permission when attestation certificates from security keys are requested. Additionally, a signal is sent to the security key indicating that it can use enterprise attestation. Without this policy, users are prompted each time a site requests attestation of security keys.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SecurityKeyPermitAttestation
- GP name: Websites or domains that don't need permission to use direct Security Key attestation
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SecurityKeyPermitAttestation
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SecurityKeyPermitAttestation\1 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SecurityKeyPermitAttestation
- Example value:
Controls whether the new HTML parser behavior for the <select> element is enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 132 or later
The HTML parser is being changed to allow additional HTML tags inside the <select> element. This policy supports the old HTML parser behavior until M136.
If this policy is enabled or unset, the HTML parser will allow additional tags inside the <select> element.
If this policy is disabled, then the HTML parser will restrict which tags can be put in the <select> element.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SelectParserRelaxationEnabled
- GP name: Controls whether the new HTML parser behavior for the <select> element is enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SelectParserRelaxationEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SelectParserRelaxationEnabled
- Example value:
Send all intranet sites to Internet Explorer
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 77 or later
For guidance about configuring the optimal experience for Internet Explorer mode see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SendIntranetToInternetExplorer
- GP name: Send all intranet sites to Internet Explorer
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SendIntranetToInternetExplorer
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Control the new behavior for event dispatching on disabled form controls (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 120.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 109, until 120
Event dispatching on disabled form controls is being changed in Edge to improve compatibility with other browsers and to improve the developer experience.
With this change, MouseEvents get dispatched on disabled form control elements. Exceptions for this behavior are click, mouseup, and mousedown. Some examples of the new events are mousemove, mouseenter, and mouseleave.
This change also truncates the event path of click, mouseup, and mousedown when they’re dispatched on children of disabled form controls. These events aren’t dispatched on the disabled form control or any of its ancestors.
Note: This new behavior might break some websites.
If this policy is enabled or left not set, the new behavior will be used.
If this policy is disabled, the old behavior will be used.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SendMouseEventsDisabledFormControlsEnabled
- GP name: Control the new behavior for event dispatching on disabled form controls (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SendMouseEventsDisabledFormControlsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SendMouseEventsDisabledFormControlsEnabled
- Example value:
Send site information to improve Microsoft services (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 88.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77, until 88
This policy is no longer supported. It is replaced by DiagnosticData (for Windows 7, Windows 8, and macOS) and Allow Telemetry on Win 10 (
This policy enables sending info about websites visited in Microsoft Edge to Microsoft to improve services like search.
Enable this policy to send info about websites visited in Microsoft Edge to Microsoft. Disable this policy to not send info about websites visited in Microsoft Edge to Microsoft. In both cases, users can't change or override the setting.
On Windows 10, if you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will default to the Windows diagnostic data setting. If this policy is enabled Microsoft Edge will only send info about websites visited in Microsoft Edge if the Windows Diagnostic data setting is set to Full. If this policy is disabled Microsoft Edge will not send info about websites visited. Learn more about Windows Diagnostic data settings:
On Windows 7, windows 8, and macOS this policy controls sending info about websites visited. If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will default to the user's preference.
To enable this policy, MetricsReportingEnabled must be set to Enabled. If SendSiteInfoToImproveServices or MetricsReportingEnabled is Not Configured or Disabled, this data will not be sent to Microsoft.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SendSiteInfoToImproveServices
- GP name: Send site information to improve Microsoft services (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SendSiteInfoToImproveServices
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SendSiteInfoToImproveServices
- Example value:
Allow access to sensors on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can access and use sensors such as motion and light sensors.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultSensorsSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
For URL patterns that don't match this policy, the following order of precedence is used: The SensorsBlockedForUrls policy (if there is a match), the DefaultSensorsSetting policy (if set), or the user's personal settings.
The URL patterns defined in this policy can't conflict with those configured in the SensorsBlockedForUrls policy. You can't allow and block a URL.
For detailed information about valid URL patterns, please see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SensorsAllowedForUrls
- GP name: Allow access to sensors on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SensorsAllowedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SensorsAllowedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SensorsAllowedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SensorsAllowedForUrls
- Example value:
Block access to sensors on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can't access sensors such as motion and light sensors.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultSensorsSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
For URL patterns that don't match this policy, the following order of precedence is used: The SensorsAllowedForUrls policy (if there is a match), the DefaultSensorsSetting policy (if set), or the user's personal settings.
The URL patterns defined in this policy can't conflict with those configured in the SensorsAllowedForUrls policy. You can't allow and block a URL.
For detailed information about valid URL patterns, please see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SensorsBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block access to sensors on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SensorsBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SensorsBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SensorsBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SensorsBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Allow the Serial API on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can ask the user for access to a serial port.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultSerialGuardSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
For URL patterns that don't match this policy, the following order of precedence is used: The SerialBlockedForUrls policy (if there is a match), the DefaultSerialGuardSetting policy (if set), or the user's personal settings.
The URL patterns defined in this policy can't conflict with those configured in the SerialBlockedForUrls policy. You can't allow and block a URL.
For detailed information about valid url patterns, please see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SerialAskForUrls
- GP name: Allow the Serial API on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SerialAskForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SerialAskForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SerialAskForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SerialAskForUrls
- Example value:
Block the Serial API on specific sites
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can't ask the user to grant them access to a serial port.
If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultSerialGuardSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.
For URL patterns that don't match this policy, the following order of precedence is used: The SerialAskForUrls policy (if there is a match), the DefaultSerialGuardSetting policy (if set), or the user's personal settings.
The URL patterns in this policy can't conflict with those configured in the SerialAskForUrls policy. You can't allow and block a URL.
For detailed information about valid URL patterns, see
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SerialBlockedForUrls
- GP name: Block the Serial API on specific sites
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SerialBlockedForUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SerialBlockedForUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SerialBlockedForUrls\2 = "[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SerialBlockedForUrls
- Example value:
Allow ServiceWorker to control srcdoc iframes
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 134 or later
Description asks srcdoc iframe with the "allow-same-origin" sandbox attribute to be under ServiceWorker control.
By default (if left unset) or when set to Enabled, Microsoft Edge makes srcdoc iframes with "allow-same-origin" sandbox attributes to be under ServiceWorker control.
Setting the policy to Disabled prevents ServiceWorker control over srcdoc iframes.
This policy is temporary and planned for deprecation in 2026.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ServiceWorkerToControlSrcdocIframeEnabled
- GP name: Allow ServiceWorker to control srcdoc iframes
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ServiceWorkerToControlSrcdocIframeEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ServiceWorkerToControlSrcdocIframeEnabled
- Example value:
Control Javascript setTimeout() function minimum timeout (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 109.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 101, until 109
This policy is obsolete and doesn't work in Microsoft Edge after version 109. This policy was only provided temporarily to allow Enterprises to adapt to the new clamping behavior.
When the policy is set to Enabled, the Javascript setTimeout() with a timeout of 0ms will no longer be fixed to 1ms to schedule timer-based callbacks. When the policy is set to Disabled, the Javascript setTimeout() with a timeout of 0ms will be fixed to 1ms to schedule timer-based callbacks. When the policy is unset, use the browser's default behavior for setTimeout() function.
This is a web standards compliancy feature, but it may change task ordering on a web page, leading to unexpected behavior on sites that are dependent on a certain ordering. It also may affect sites with a lot of setTimeout()s with a timeout of 0ms usage. For example, increasing CPU load.
For users where this policy is unset, Microsoft Edge Stable will roll out the change gradually on the stable channel.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SetTimeoutWithout1MsClampEnabled
- GP name: Control Javascript setTimeout() function minimum timeout (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SetTimeoutWithout1MsClampEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SetTimeoutWithout1MsClampEnabled
- Example value:
Configure ShadowStack crash rollback behavior (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 109.
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 95, until 109
This policy is deprecated because it's intended to serve only as a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to update their environments and report issues if they are found to be incompatible with Hardware-enforced Stack Protection. It won't work in Microsoft Edge as soon as version 109.
Microsoft Edge includes a Hardware-enforced Stack Protection security feature. This feature may result in the browser crashing unexpectedly in cases that do not represent an attempt to compromise the browser's security.
Using this policy, you may control the behavior of the Hardware-enforced Stack Protection feature after a crash triggered by this feature is encountered.
Set this policy to 'Disable' to disable the feature.
Set this policy to 'DisableUntilUpdate' to disable the feature until Microsoft Edge updates next time.
Set this policy to 'Enable' to keep the feature enabled.
Policy options mapping:
Disable (0) = Disable Hardware-enforced Stack Protection
DisableUntilUpdate (1) = Disable Hardware-enforced Stack Protection until the next Microsoft Edge update
Enable (2) = Enable Hardware-enforced Stack Protection
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ShadowStackCrashRollbackBehavior
- GP name: Configure ShadowStack crash rollback behavior (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ShadowStackCrashRollbackBehavior
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Specifies whether SharedArrayBuffers can be used in a non cross-origin-isolated context
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 92 or later
Specifies whether SharedArrayBuffers can be used in a non cross-origin-isolated context. A SharedArrayBuffer is a binary data buffer that can be used to create views on shared memory. SharedArrayBuffers have a memory access vulnerability in several popular CPUs.
If you enable this policy, sites are allowed to use SharedArrayBuffers with no restrictions.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, sites are allowed to use SharedArrayBuffers only when cross-origin isolated.
Microsoft Edge will require cross-origin isolation when using SharedArrayBuffers from Microsoft Edge 91 onward for Web Compatibility reasons.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SharedArrayBufferUnrestrictedAccessAllowed
- GP name: Specifies whether SharedArrayBuffers can be used in a non cross-origin-isolated context
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SharedArrayBufferUnrestrictedAccessAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SharedArrayBufferUnrestrictedAccessAllowed
- Example value:
Show links shared from Microsoft 365 apps in History
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 96 or later
Allows Microsoft Edge to display links recently shared by or shared with the user from Microsoft 365 apps in History.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge displays links recently shared by or shared with the user from Microsoft 365 apps in History.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge does not display links recently shared by or shared with the user from Microsoft 365 apps in History. The control in Microsoft Edge settings is disabled and set to off.
This policy only applies for Microsoft Edge local user profiles and profiles signed in using Azure Active Directory.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SharedLinksEnabled
- GP name: Show links shared from Microsoft 365 apps in History
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SharedLinksEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SharedLinksEnabled
- Example value:
Make SharedWorker blob URL behavior aligned with the specification
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 134 or later
According to Service Worker specification, workers should inherit controllers for blob URLs. Currently, only DedicatedWorkers inherit the controller, while SharedWorkers do not.
Enabled/Unset: Microsoft Edge inherits the controller for SharedWorker blob URLs, aligning with the specification.
Disabled: Behavior remains unchanged, not aligning with the specification.
This policy is temporary and will be removed in a future update.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SharedWorkerBlobURLFixEnabled
- GP name: Make SharedWorker blob URL behavior aligned with the specification
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SharedWorkerBlobURLFixEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SharedWorkerBlobURLFixEnabled
- Example value:
Shows button on native PDF viewer in Microsoft Edge that allows users to sign up for Adobe Acrobat subscription
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 111 or later
This policy lets the native PDF viewer in Microsoft Edge show a button that lets a user looking for advanced digital document features to discover and subscribe to premium offerings. This is done via the Acrobat extension.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the button will show up on the native PDF viewer in Microsoft Edge. A user will be able to buy Adobe subscription to access their premium offerings.
If you disable this policy, the button won't be visible on the native PDF viewer in Microsoft Edge. A user won't be able to discover Adobe's advanced PDF tools or buy their subscriptions.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ShowAcrobatSubscriptionButton
- GP name: Shows button on native PDF viewer in Microsoft Edge that allows users to sign up for Adobe Acrobat subscription
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ShowAcrobatSubscriptionButton
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ShowAcrobatSubscriptionButton
- Example value:
Show Downloads button on the toolbar
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 114 or later
Set this policy to always show the Downloads button on the toolbar.
If you enable this policy, the Downloads button is pinned to the toolbar.
If you disable or don't configure the policy, the Downloads button isn't shown on the toolbar by default. Users can toggle the Downloads button in edge://settings/appearance.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ShowDownloadsToolbarButton
- GP name: Show Downloads button on the toolbar
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ShowDownloadsToolbarButton
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ShowDownloadsToolbarButton
- Example value:
Show thumbnail images for browsing history
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 117 or later
This policy lets you configure whether the history thumbnail feature collects and saves images for the sites you visit. When enabled, this feature makes it easier to identify sites when you hover over your history results. If you don't configure this policy, the thumbnail feature is turned on after a user visits the history hub twice in the past 7 days. If you enable this policy, the history thumbnail collects and saves images for visited sites. If you disable this policy, the history thumbnail doesn't collect and save images for visited sites. When the feature is disabled, existing images are deleted on a per user basis, and the feature no longer collects or saves images when a site is visited.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ShowHistoryThumbnails
- GP name: Show thumbnail images for browsing history
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ShowHistoryThumbnails
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ShowHistoryThumbnails
- Example value:
Show Microsoft Rewards experiences
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 88 or later
Show Microsoft Rewards experience and notifications. If you enable this policy:
- Microsoft account users (excludes Azure AD accounts) in search, new tab page, and earn markets will see the Microsoft Rewards experience in their Microsoft Edge user profile.
- The setting to enable Microsoft Rewards in Microsoft Edge settings will be enabled and toggled on.
If you disable this policy:
- Microsoft account users (excludes Azure AD accounts) in search, new tab page, and earn markets will not see the Microsoft Rewards experience in their Microsoft Edge user profile.
- The setting to enable Microsoft Rewards in Microsoft Edge settings will be disabled and toggled off.
If you don't configure this policy:
- Microsoft account users (excludes Azure AD accounts) in search, new tab page, and earn markets will see the Microsoft Rewards experience in their Microsoft Edge user profile.
- The setting to enable Microsoft Rewards in Microsoft Edge settings will be enabled and toggled on.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ShowMicrosoftRewards
- GP name: Show Microsoft Rewards experiences
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: ShowMicrosoftRewards
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ShowMicrosoftRewards
- Example value:
Show Microsoft Office shortcut in favorites bar (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
This policy didn't work as expected due to changes in operational requirements. Therefore it's deprecated and should not be used.
Specifies whether to include a shortcut to in the favorites bar. For users signed into Microsoft Edge the shortcut takes users to their Microsoft Office apps and docs. If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can choose whether to see the shortcut by changing the toggle in the favorites bar context menu. If you disable this policy, the shortcut isn't shown.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ShowOfficeShortcutInFavoritesBar
- GP name: Show Microsoft Office shortcut in favorites bar (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ShowOfficeShortcutInFavoritesBar
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ShowOfficeShortcutInFavoritesBar
- Example value:
Allow feature recommendations and browser assistance notifications from Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 89 or later
This setting controls the in-browser assistance notifications which are intended to help users get the most out of Microsoft Edge. This is done by recommending features and by helping them use browser features. These notifications take the form of dialog boxes, flyouts, coach marks and banners in the browser. An example of an assistance notification would be when a user has many tabs opened in the browser. In this instance Microsoft Edge may prompt the user to try out the vertical tabs feature which is designed to give better browser tab management.
Disabling this policy will stop this message from appearing again even if the user has too many tabs open. Any features that have been disabled by a management policy are not suggested to users. If you enable or don't configure this setting, users will receive recommendations or notifications from Microsoft Edge. If you disable this setting, users will not receive any recommendations or notifications from Microsoft Edge
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ShowRecommendationsEnabled
- GP name: Allow feature recommendations and browser assistance notifications from Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ShowRecommendationsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ShowRecommendationsEnabled
- Example value:
Enable Signed HTTP Exchange (SXG) support
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 78 or later
Enable support for Signed HTTP Exchange (SXG).
If this policy isn't set or enabled, Microsoft Edge will accept web contents served as Signed HTTP Exchanges.
If this policy is set to disabled, Signed HTTP Exchanges can't be loaded.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SignedHTTPExchangeEnabled
- GP name: Enable Signed HTTP Exchange (SXG) support
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SignedHTTPExchangeEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SignedHTTPExchangeEnabled
- Example value:
Enable site isolation for every site
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
The 'SitePerProcess' policy can be used to prevent users from opting out of the default behavior of isolating all sites. Note that you can also use the IsolateOrigins policy to isolate additional, finer-grained origins.
If you enable this policy, users can't opt out of the default behavior where each site runs in its own process.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, a user can opt out of site isolation. (For example, by using "Disable site isolation" entry in edge://flags.) Disabling the policy or not configuring the policy doesn't turn off Site Isolation.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SitePerProcess
- GP name: Enable site isolation for every site
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SitePerProcess
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SitePerProcess
- Example value:
Allow users to configure Site safety services (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 127.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 101, until 127
This policy is obselete as the feature is being removed after Microsoft Edge version 127.
This policy disables site safety services from showing top site info in the page info dialog.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, the top site info will be shown.
If you disable this policy, the top site info will not be shown.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SiteSafetyServicesEnabled
- GP name: Allow users to configure Site safety services (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: SiteSafetyServicesEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SiteSafetyServicesEnabled
- Example value:
Block smart actions for a list of services
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 89 or later
List specific services, such as PDFs, and websites that don't show smart actions. (Smart actions are actions like "define" which are available in full and mini context menus in Microsoft Edge.)
If you enable the policy:
- The smart action in the mini and full context menu will be disabled for all profiles for services that match the given list.
- Users will not see the smart action in the mini and full context menu on text selection for services that match the given list.
- In Microsoft Edge settings, the smart action in the mini and full context menu will be disabled for services that match the given list.
If you disable or don't configure this policy:
- The smart action in the mini and full context menu will be enabled for all profiles.
- Users will see the smart action in the mini and full context menu on text selection.
- In Microsoft Edge settings, the smart action in the mini and full context menu will be enabled.
Policy options mapping:
smart_actions (smart_actions) = Smart actions in pdfs and on websites
smart_actions_website (smart_actions_website) = Smart actions on websites
smart_actions_pdf (smart_actions_pdf) = Smart actions in PDF
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SmartActionsBlockList
- GP name: Block smart actions for a list of services
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SmartActionsBlockList
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended\SmartActionsBlockList
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SmartActionsBlockList\1 = "smart_actions"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SmartActionsBlockList\2 = "smart_actions_website"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SmartActionsBlockList\3 = "smart_actions_pdf"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SmartActionsBlockList
- Example value:
Configure Speech Recognition
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 87 or later
Set whether websites can use the W3C Web Speech API to recognize speech from the user. The Microsoft Edge implementation of the Web Speech API uses Azure Cognitive Services, so voice data will leave the machine.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, web-based applications that use the Web Speech API can use Speech Recognition.
If you disable this policy, Speech Recognition is not available through the Web Speech API.
Read more about this feature here: SpeechRecognition API: Cognitive Services:
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SpeechRecognitionEnabled
- GP name: Configure Speech Recognition
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SpeechRecognitionEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SpeechRecognitionEnabled
- Example value:
Enable spellcheck
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the user can use spellcheck.
If you disable this policy, the user can't use spellcheck and the SpellcheckLanguage and SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist policies are also disabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SpellcheckEnabled
- GP name: Enable spellcheck
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SpellcheckEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SpellcheckEnabled
- Example value:
Enable specific spellcheck languages
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 77 or later
Enables different languages for spellcheck. Any language that you specify that isn't recognized is ignored.
If you enable this policy, spellcheck is enabled for the languages specified, as well as any languages the user has enabled.
If you don't configure or disable this policy, there's no change to the user's spellcheck preferences.
If the SpellcheckEnabled policy is disabled, this policy will have no effect.
If a language is included in both the 'SpellcheckLanguage' and the SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist policy, the spellcheck language is enabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SpellcheckLanguage
- GP name: Enable specific spellcheck languages
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SpellcheckLanguage
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SpellcheckLanguage\1 = "fr"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SpellcheckLanguage\2 = "es"
Force disable spellcheck languages
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 78 or later
Force-disables spellcheck languages. Unrecognized languages in that list will be ignored.
If you enable this policy, spellcheck will be disabled for the languages specified. The user can still enable or disable spellcheck for languages not in the list.
If you do not set this policy, or disable it, there will be no change to the user's spellcheck preferences.
If the SpellcheckEnabled policy is set to disabled, this policy will have no effect.
If a language is included in both the SpellcheckLanguage and the 'SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist' policy, the spellcheck language is enabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist
- GP name: Force disable spellcheck languages
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist\1 = "fr"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist\2 = "es"
Enable split screen feature in Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 117 or later
This policy lets you configure the split screen feature in Microsoft Edge. This feature lets a user open two web pages in one tab.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can use the split screen feature in Microsoft Edge.
If you disable this policy, users can't use the split screen feature in Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SplitScreenEnabled
- GP name: Enable split screen feature in Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SplitScreenEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SplitScreenEnabled
- Example value:
Standalone Sidebar Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 114 or later
Standalone Sidebar is an optional mode for the Sidebar in Microsoft Edge. When this mode is activated by a user, the Sidebar appears in a fixed position on the Microsoft Windows desktop, and is hidden from the browser application frame.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users will have the ability to activate the Standalone Sidebar. If you disable this policy, options to activate Standalone Sidebar will be hidden or made unavailable. Note that blocking HubsSidebarEnabled will also prevent users from accessing Standalone Sidebar.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: StandaloneHubsSidebarEnabled
- GP name: Standalone Sidebar Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: StandaloneHubsSidebarEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enable stricter treatment for mixed content (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 84.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 81, until 84
This policy doesn't work because it was only intended to be a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to update their web content if it was found to be incompatible with stricter mixed content treatment.
This policy controls the treatment for mixed content (HTTP content in HTTPS sites) in the browser.
If you set this policy to true or not set, audio and video mixed content will be automatically upgraded to HTTPS (that is, the URL will be rewritten as HTTPS, without a fallback if the resource isn't available over HTTPS) and a 'Not Secure' warning will be shown in the URL bar for image mixed content.
If you set the policy to false, auto upgrades will be disabled for audio and video, and no warning will be shown for images.
This policy does not affect other types of mixed content other than audio, video, and images.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: StricterMixedContentTreatmentEnabled
- GP name: Enable stricter treatment for mixed content (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: StricterMixedContentTreatmentEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: StricterMixedContentTreatmentEnabled
- Example value:
Super Drag Drop Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 122 or later
This policy lets you configure the Super Drag Drop feature in Microsoft Edge.
With this feature, users can drag a link or text from a webpage and drop it onto the same page. They can then either open the URL in a new tab or search the text using the default search engine.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, you can use the Super Drag Drop feature on Microsoft Edge.
If you disable this policy, you can't use the Super Drag Drop feature in Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SuperDragDropEnabled
- GP name: Super Drag Drop Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SuperDragDropEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Suppress the unsupported OS warning
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Suppresses the warning that appears when Microsoft Edge is running on a computer or operating system that is no longer supported.
If this policy is false or unset, the warnings will appear on such unsupported computers or operating systems.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SuppressUnsupportedOSWarning
- GP name: Suppress the unsupported OS warning
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: SuppressUnsupportedOSWarning
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SuppressUnsupportedOSWarning
- Example value:
Disable synchronization of data using Microsoft sync services
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Disables data synchronization in Microsoft Edge. This policy also prevents the sync consent prompt from appearing.
This policy disables cloud synchronization only and has no impact on the RoamingProfileSupportEnabled policy.
If you don't set this policy or apply it as recommended, users will be able to turn sync on or off. If you apply this policy as mandatory, users will not be able to turn sync on.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SyncDisabled
- GP name: Disable synchronization of data using Microsoft sync services
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: SyncDisabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SyncDisabled
- Example value:
Configure the list of types that are excluded from synchronization
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 83 or later
If you enable this policy all the specified data types will be excluded from synchronization. This policy can be used to limit the type of data uploaded to the Microsoft Edge synchronization service.
You can provide one of the following data types for this policy: "favorites", "settings", "passwords", "addressesAndMore", "extensions", "history", "openTabs", "edgeWallet", "collections", "apps", and "edgeFeatureUsage". The "edgeFeatureUsage" data type will be supported starting in Microsoft Edge version 134. Note that these data type names are case sensitive.
Users will not be able to override the disabled data types.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: SyncTypesListDisabled
- GP name: Configure the list of types that are excluded from synchronization
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SyncTypesListDisabled
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SyncTypesListDisabled\1 = "favorites"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: SyncTypesListDisabled
- Example value:
Enable a TLS 1.3 security feature for local trust anchors (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 85.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 81, until 85
This policy doesn't work because it was only intended to be a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to upgrade affected proxies.
This policy controls a security feature in TLS 1.3 that protects connections against downgrade attacks. It is backwards-compatible and will not affect connections to compliant TLS 1.2 servers or proxies. However, older versions of some TLS-intercepting proxies have an implementation flaw which causes them to be incompatible.
If you enable this policy or don't set it, Microsoft Edge will enable these security protections for all connections.
If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will disable these security protections for connections authenticated with locally-installed CA certificates. These protections are always enabled for connections authenticated with publicly-trusted CA certificates.
This policy can be used to test for any affected proxies and upgrade them. Affected proxies are expected to fail connections with an error code of ERR_TLS13_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TLS13HardeningForLocalAnchorsEnabled
- GP name: Enable a TLS 1.3 security feature for local trust anchors (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: TLS13HardeningForLocalAnchorsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TLS13HardeningForLocalAnchorsEnabled
- Example value:
Specify the TLS cipher suites to disable
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 85 or later
Configure the list of cipher suites that are disabled for TLS connections.
If you configure this policy, the list of configured cipher suites will not be used when establishing TLS connections.
If you don't configure this policy, the browser will choose which TLS cipher suites to use.
Cipher suite values to be disabled are specified as 16-bit hexadecimal values. The values are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) registry.
The TLS 1.3 cipher suite TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0x1301) is required for TLS 1.3 and can't be disabled by this policy.
This policy does not affect QUIC-based connections. QUIC can be turned off via the QuicAllowed policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TLSCipherSuiteDenyList
- GP name: Specify the TLS cipher suites to disable
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\TLSCipherSuiteDenyList
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\TLSCipherSuiteDenyList\1 = "0x1303"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\TLSCipherSuiteDenyList\2 = "0xcca8"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\TLSCipherSuiteDenyList\3 = "0xcca9"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TLSCipherSuiteDenyList
- Example value:
Allow freezing of background tabs (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 86.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 79, until 86
This policy doesn't work, use SleepingTabsEnabled instead.
Controls whether Microsoft Edge can freeze tabs that are in the background for at least 5 minutes.
Tab freezing reduces CPU, battery, and memory usage. Microsoft Edge uses heuristics to avoid freezing tabs that do useful work in the background, such as display notifications, play sound, and stream video.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, tabs that have been in the background for at least 5 minutes might be frozen.
If you disable this policy, no tabs will be frozen.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TabFreezingEnabled
- GP name: Allow freezing of background tabs (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: TabFreezingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TabFreezingEnabled
- Example value:
Enable tab organization suggestions
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 113 or later
This policy controls whether Microsoft Edge can use its tab organization service to help name or suggest tab groups to increase productivity.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, when a user creates a tab group or activates certain "Group Similar Tabs" features Microsoft Edge sends tab data to its tab organization service. This data includes URLs, page titles, and existing group information. The service uses this data to return suggestions for better groupings and group names.
If you disable this policy, no data will be sent to the tab organization service. Microsoft Edge won't suggest group names when a group is created and certain "Group Similar Tabs" features that rely on the service won't be available.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TabServicesEnabled
- GP name: Enable tab organization suggestions
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: TabServicesEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TabServicesEnabled
- Example value:
Do not set window.opener for links targeting _blank (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 102.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 88, until 102
If you enable this policy or leave it unset, the window.opener property is set to null unless the anchor specifies rel="opener".
If you disable this policy, popups that target _blank are permitted to access (via JavaScript) the page that requested to open the popup.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TargetBlankImpliesNoOpener
- GP name: Do not set window.opener for links targeting _blank (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: TargetBlankImpliesNoOpener
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TargetBlankImpliesNoOpener
- Example value:
Enable ending processes in the Browser task manager
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can end processes in the Browser task manager. If you disable it, users can't end processes, and the End process button is disabled in the Browser task manager.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TaskManagerEndProcessEnabled
- GP name: Enable ending processes in the Browser task manager
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: TaskManagerEndProcessEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TaskManagerEndProcessEnabled
- Example value:
Text prediction enabled by default
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 104 or later
The Microsoft Turing service uses natural language processing to generate predictions for long-form editable text fields on web pages.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, text predictions will be provided for eligible text fields.
If you disable this policy, text predictions will not be provided in eligible text fields. Sites may still provide their own text predictions.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TextPredictionEnabled
- GP name: Text prediction enabled by default
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: TextPredictionEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TextPredictionEnabled
- Example value:
Allows enabling throttling of non-visible, cross-origin iframes (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 123.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 116, until 123
Throttling of cross-origin frames that are display:none and non-visible is a feature designed to make cross-process and same-process cross-origin iframes consistent in their rendering behavior. For more details on cross-process vs. same-process throttling, refer to
This enterprise policy exists to allow administrators to control whether their users are able to turn the additional throttling on or not.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can opt-in to throttling.
If you disable this policy, users can't enable throttling.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: ThrottleNonVisibleCrossOriginIframesAllowed
- GP name: Allows enabling throttling of non-visible, cross-origin iframes (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: ThrottleNonVisibleCrossOriginIframesAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: ThrottleNonVisibleCrossOriginIframesAllowed
- Example value:
Set limit on megabytes of memory a single Microsoft Edge instance can use
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80 or later
Configures the amount of memory that a single Microsoft Edge instance can use before tabs start getting discarded to save memory. The memory used by the tab will be freed and the tab will have to be reloaded when switched to.
If you enable this policy, the browser will start to discard tabs to save memory once the limitation is exceeded. However, there is no guarantee that the browser is always running under the limit. Any value under 1024 will be rounded up to 1024.
If you don't set this policy, the browser will only attempt to save memory when it has detected that the amount of physical memory on its machine is low.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TotalMemoryLimitMb
- GP name: Set limit on megabytes of memory a single Microsoft Edge instance can use
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: TotalMemoryLimitMb
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TotalMemoryLimitMb
- Example value:
Block tracking of users' web-browsing activity
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 78 or later
Lets you decide whether to block websites from tracking users' web-browsing activity.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, users can set their own level of tracking prevention.
Policy options mapping:
TrackingPreventionOff (0) = Off (no tracking prevention)
TrackingPreventionBasic (1) = Basic (blocks harmful trackers, content and ads will be personalized)
TrackingPreventionBalanced (2) = Balanced (blocks harmful trackers and trackers from sites user has not visited; content and ads will be less personalized)
TrackingPreventionStrict (3) = Strict (blocks harmful trackers and majority of trackers from all sites; content and ads will have minimal personalization. Some parts of sites might not work)
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TrackingPrevention
- GP name: Block tracking of users' web-browsing activity
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: TrackingPrevention
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TrackingPrevention
- Example value:
Enable Translate
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Enables the integrated Microsoft translation service on Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge offers to translate a webpage by showing an integrated translate flyout when the language detected on a webpage isn't listed under preferred languages. A translate option is available on the right-click context menu.
Users can also translate selected text on a webpage via the right-click context menu, or on a PDF via the PDF toolbar and the right-click context menu.
If you don't configure this policy, the policy is enabled by default. Users can choose whether to use the translation functionality or not.
You can disable this policy to disable all built-in translate features.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TranslateEnabled
- GP name: Enable Translate
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: TranslateEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TranslateEnabled
- Example value:
Enable travel assistance (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 105.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93, until 105
This policy is obsolete as the feature is now contained within the Edge Sidebar and can be managed using the HubsSidebarEnabled policy. It doesn't work in Microsoft Edge after version 105. Configure this policy to allow/disallow travel assistance.
The travel assistance feature gives helpful and relevant information to a user who performs Travel related task within the browser. This feature provides trusted and validated suggestions / information to the users from across sources gathered by Microsoft.
If you enable or don't configure this setting, travel assistance will be enabled for the users when they are performing travel related tasks.
If you disable this setting, travel assistance will be disabled and users will not be able to see any travel related recommendations.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TravelAssistanceEnabled
- GP name: Enable travel assistance (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: TravelAssistanceEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TravelAssistanceEnabled
- Example value:
Enable 3DES cipher suites in TLS (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 96.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 93, until 96
'This policy was removed in version 97 after 3DES was removed from Microsoft Edge.
If the policy is set to true, then 3DES cipher suites in TLS will be enabled. If it is set to false, they will be disabled. If the policy is unset, 3DES cipher suites are disabled by default. This policy may be used to temporarily retain compatibility with an outdated server. This is a stopgap measure and the server should be reconfigured.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: TripleDESEnabled
- GP name: Enable 3DES cipher suites in TLS (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: TripleDESEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: TripleDESEnabled
- Example value:
Allow using the deprecated U2F Security Key API (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 103.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 98, until 103
This policy is obsolete because it was intended to be a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to update their web content when it's found to be incompatible with the change to remove the U2F Security Key API. It doesn't work in Microsoft Edge after version 103.
If you enable this policy, the deprecated U2F Security Key API can be used and the deprecation reminder prompt shown for U2F API requests is suppressed.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, the U2F Security Key API is disabled by default and can only be used by sites that register for and use the U2FSecurityKeyAPI origin trial which ended after Microsoft Edge version 103.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: U2fSecurityKeyApiEnabled
- GP name: Allow using the deprecated U2F Security Key API (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: U2fSecurityKeyApiEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: U2fSecurityKeyApiEnabled
- Example value:
Define a list of allowed URLs
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Setting the policy provides access to the listed URLs, as exceptions to URLBlocklist.
Format the URL pattern according to
You can use this policy to open exceptions to restrictive block lists. For example, you can include '*' in the block list to block all requests, and then use this policy to allow access to a limited list of URLs. You can use this policy to open exceptions to certain schemes, subdomains of other domains, ports, or specific paths.
The most specific filter determines if a URL is blocked or allowed. The allowed list takes precedence over the block list.
This policy is limited to 1000 entries; subsequent entries are ignored.
This policy also allows the browser to automatically invoke external applications registered as protocol handlers for protocols like "tel:" or "ssh:".
If you don't configure this policy, there are no exceptions to the block list in the URLBlocklist policy.
This policy does not work as expected with file://* wildcards.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: URLAllowlist
- GP name: Define a list of allowed URLs
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLAllowlist
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLAllowlist\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLAllowlist\2 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLAllowlist\3 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLAllowlist\4 = "https://server:8080/path"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLAllowlist\5 = ""
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: URLAllowlist
- Example value:
Block access to a list of URLs
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that are blocked (your users can't load them).
Format the URL pattern according to
You can define exceptions in the URLAllowlist policy. These policies are limited to 1000 entries; subsequent entries are ignored.
Note that blocking internal 'edge://*' URLs isn't recommended - this may lead to unexpected errors.
This policy doesn't prevent the page from updating dynamically through JavaScript. For example, if you block '', users might still be able to visit '' and click on a link to visit '', as long as the page doesn't refresh.
If you don't configure this policy, no URLs are blocked.
This policy does not work as expected with file://* wildcards.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: URLBlocklist
- GP name: Block access to a list of URLs
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLBlocklist
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLBlocklist\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLBlocklist\2 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLBlocklist\3 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLBlocklist\4 = "https://server:8080/path"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLBlocklist\5 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLBlocklist\6 = "custom_scheme:*"
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLBlocklist\7 = "*"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: URLBlocklist
- Example value:
JavaScript setTimeout will not be clamped until a higher nesting threshold is set (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 105 or later
This policy is deprecated because it is a temporary policy for web standards compliance. It won't work in Microsoft Edge as soon as version 107. If you enable this policy, the JavaScript setTimeout and setInterval, with an interval smaller than 4ms, will not be clamped. This improves short horizon performance, but websites abusing the API will still eventually have their setTimeout usages clamped. If you disable or don't configure policy, the JavaScript setTimeout and setInterval, with an interval smaller than 4ms, will be clamped.
This is a web standards compliancy feature that may change task ordering on a web page, leading to unexpected behavior on sites that are dependent on a certain ordering. It also may affect sites with a lot of usage of a timeout of 0ms for setTimeout. For example, increasing CPU load.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: UnthrottledNestedTimeoutEnabled
- GP name: JavaScript setTimeout will not be clamped until a higher nesting threshold is set (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: UnthrottledNestedTimeoutEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: UnthrottledNestedTimeoutEnabled
- Example value:
Specifies how Microsoft Edge Update handles available updates from Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On macOS since 89 or later
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge Update handles Microsoft Edge updates according to how you configure the following options:
Automatic silent updates only: Updates are applied only when they're found by the periodic update check.
Manual updates only: Updates are applied only when the user runs a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this option.)
If you select manual updates, make sure you periodically check for updates by using Microsoft Autoupdate.
If you don't enable and configure this policy, Microsoft Edge Update automatically checks for updates.
Policy options mapping:
automatic-silent-only (automatic-silent-only) = Updates are applied only when they're found by the periodic update check.
manual-only (manual-only) = Updates are applied only when the user runs a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this option.)
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: UpdatePolicyOverride
- Example value:
Enable upload files from mobile in Microsoft Edge desktop
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 117 or later
- On macOS since 118 or later
This policy lets you configure the "Upload from mobile" feature in Microsoft Edge.
Upload from mobile lets users select file from mobile devices to desktop when user upload file in a webpage in Microsoft Edge.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, you can use the Upload from mobile feature in Microsoft Edge.
If you disable this policy, you can't use the Upload from mobile feature in Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: UploadFromPhoneEnabled
- GP name: Enable upload files from mobile in Microsoft Edge desktop
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: UploadFromPhoneEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: UploadFromPhoneEnabled
- Example value:
URL reporting in Edge diagnostic data enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 122 or later
Controls sending URLs of pages visited and per-page usage in the Microsoft Edge optional diagnostics data to Microsoft to help make browsing and search better. This also includes identifiers and usage diagnostics of other browser components that can modify or provide content, such as extensions.
This policy is applicable only if the DiagnosticData setting is set to 'OptionalData'. See the description of DiagnosticData for more information on how Microsoft Edge diagnostic data levels are set.
If you enable or don't configure this setting, URLs are provided in optional diagnostic data.
If you disable this setting, URLs are not reported in optional diagnostic data.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: UrlDiagnosticDataEnabled
- GP name: URL reporting in Edge diagnostic data enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: UrlDiagnosticDataEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: UrlDiagnosticDataEnabled
- Example value:
Enable the User-Agent Client Hints feature (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 93.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 86, until 93
This policy is obsolete because it was intended for short-term adaptation purposes only. It doesn't work in Microsoft Edge after version 93.
When enabled the User-Agent Client Hints feature sends granular request headers that provide information about the user browser (for example, the browser version) and environment (for example, the system architecture).
This is an additive feature, but the new headers may break some websites that restrict the characters that requests may contain.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the User-Agent Client Hints feature is enabled. If you disable this policy, this feature is unavailable.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: UserAgentClientHintsEnabled
- GP name: Enable the User-Agent Client Hints feature (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: UserAgentClientHintsEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: UserAgentClientHintsEnabled
- Example value:
Control the User-Agent Client Hints GREASE Update feature (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 133.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 102, until 133
The User-Agent GREASE specification recommends the inclusion of additional GREASE characters beyond the current semicolon and space, and recommends that the arbitrary version number be varied over time.
When enabled, the User-Agent Client Hints GREASE Update feature aligns the User-Agent GREASE algorithm with the latest version from the specification. The updated specification may break some websites that restrict the characters that requests may contain. For more information, see the following specification:
If this policy is enabled or not configured, the User-Agent GREASE algorithm from the specification will be used. If the policy is disabled, the prior User-Agent GREASE algorithm will be used.
This policy will be obsolete after version 133 because the updated GREASE algorithm has been on by default since Microsoft Edge version 102.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: UserAgentClientHintsGREASEUpdateEnabled
- GP name: Control the User-Agent Client Hints GREASE Update feature (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: UserAgentClientHintsGREASEUpdateEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: UserAgentClientHintsGREASEUpdateEnabled
- Example value:
Enable or disable the User-Agent Reduction
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 99 or later
The User-Agent HTTP request header is scheduled to be reduced. To facilitate testing and compatibility, this policy can enable the reduction feature for all websites, or disable the ability for origin trials, or field trials to enable the feature.
If you don't configure this policy or set it to Default, User-Agent will be controlled by experimentation.
Set this policy to 'ForceEnabled' to force the reduced version of the User-Agent request header.
Set this policy to 'ForceDisabled' to force the full version of the User-Agent request header.
To learn more about the User-Agent string, read here:
Policy options mapping:
Default (0) = User-Agent reduction will be controllable via Experimentation
ForceDisabled (1) = User-Agent reduction diabled, and not enabled by Experimentation
ForceEnabled (2) = User-Agent reduction will be enabled for all origins
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: UserAgentReduction
- GP name: Enable or disable the User-Agent Reduction
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: UserAgentReduction
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: UserAgentReduction
- Example value:
Set the user data directory
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Set the directory to use for storing user data.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge uses the specified directory regardless of whether the user has set the '--user-data-dir' command-line flag.
If you don't enable this policy, the default profile path is used, but the user can override it by using the '--user-data-dir' flag. Users can find the directory for the profile at edge://version/ under profile path.
To avoid data loss or other errors, don't configure this policy to a volume's root directory or to a directory that's used for other purposes, because Microsoft Edge manages its contents.
See for a list of variables that can be used.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: UserDataDir
- GP name: Set the user data directory
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: UserDataDir
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: UserDataDir
- Example value:
Limits the number of user data snapshots retained for use in case of emergency rollback
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 86 or later
Following each major version update, Microsoft Edge will create a snapshot of parts of the user's browsing data to use in case of a later emergency that requires a temporary version rollback. If a temporary rollback is performed to a version for which a user has a corresponding snapshot, the data in the snapshot is restored. This lets users keep settings such as bookmarks and autofill data.
If you don't set this policy, the default value of 3 snapshots is used.
If you set this policy, old snapshots are deleted as needed to respect the limit you set. If you set this policy to 0, no snapshots are taken.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Integer
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: UserDataSnapshotRetentionLimit
- GP name: Limits the number of user data snapshots retained for use in case of emergency rollback
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: UserDataSnapshotRetentionLimit
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow user feedback
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Microsoft Edge uses the Edge Feedback feature (enabled by default) to allow users to send feedback, suggestions or customer surveys and to report any issues with the browser. Also, by default, users can't disable (turn off) the Edge Feedback feature.
Starting in Microsoft Edge 105, if the user is signed into Microsoft Edge with their work or school account, their feedback is associated with their account and organization.
If you enable this policy or don't configure it, users can invoke Edge Feedback.
If you disable this policy, users can't invoke Edge Feedback.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: UserFeedbackAllowed
- GP name: Allow user feedback
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: UserFeedbackAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: UserFeedbackAllowed
- Example value:
Configures availability of a vertical layout for tabs on the side of the browser
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 88 or later
Configures whether a user can access an alternative layout where tabs are vertically aligned on the side of the browser instead of at the top. When there are several tabs open, this layout provides better tab viewing and management. There's better visibility of the site titles, it's easier to scan aligned icons, and there's more space to manage and close tabs.
If you disable this policy, then the vertical tab layout will not be available as an option for users.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the tab layout will still be at the top, but a user has the option to turn on vertical tabs on the side.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: VerticalTabsAllowed
- GP name: Configures availability of a vertical layout for tabs on the side of the browser
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: VerticalTabsAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: VerticalTabsAllowed
- Example value:
Allow or block video capture
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Control whether sites can capture video.
If enabled or not configured (default), the user will be asked about video capture access for all sites except those with URLs configured in the VideoCaptureAllowedUrls policy list, which will be granted access without prompting.
If you disable this policy, the user isn't prompted, and video capture is only available to URLs configured in VideoCaptureAllowedUrls policy.
This policy affects all types of video inputs, not only the built-in camera.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: VideoCaptureAllowed
- GP name: Allow or block video capture
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: VideoCaptureAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: VideoCaptureAllowed
- Example value:
Sites that can access video capture devices without requesting permission
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Specify websites, based on URL patterns, that can use video capture devices without asking the user for permission. Patterns in this list are matched against the security origin of the requesting URL. If they match, the site is automatically granted access to video capture devices. Note, however, that the pattern "*", which matches any URL, is not supported by this policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: VideoCaptureAllowedUrls
- GP name: Sites that can access video capture devices without requesting permission
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\VideoCaptureAllowedUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\VideoCaptureAllowedUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\VideoCaptureAllowedUrls\2 = "https://[*.]"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: VideoCaptureAllowedUrls
- Example value:
Visual search enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 95 or later
- On macOS since 114 or later
Visual search lets you quickly explore more related content about entities in an image.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, visual search will be enabled via image hover, context menu, and search in sidebar.
If you disable this policy, visual search will be disabled and you won't be able to get more info about images via hover, context menu, and search in sidebar.
Note: Visual Search in Web Capture is still managed by WebCaptureEnabled policy.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: VisualSearchEnabled
- GP name: Visual search enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: VisualSearchEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: VisualSearchEnabled
- Example value:
Set WPAD optimization
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Allows you to turn off WPAD (Web Proxy Auto-Discovery) optimization in Microsoft Edge.
If you disable this policy, WPAD optimization is disabled, which makes the browser wait longer for DNS-based WPAD servers.
If you enable or don't configure the policy, WPAD optimization is enabled.
Independent of whether or how this policy is enabled, the WPAD optimization setting cannot be changed by users.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WPADQuickCheckEnabled
- GP name: Set WPAD optimization
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WPADQuickCheckEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WPADQuickCheckEnabled
- Example value:
Wallet Donation Enabled
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 115 or later
The Wallet Donation feature in Microsoft Edge allows users to view their donation summary, explore Nonprofit organizations (NPOs), donate to an NPO, manage their monthly donations, and view their donation history.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can use the Wallet Donation feature.
If you disable this policy, users can't use the Wallet Donation feature.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: Yes
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WalletDonationEnabled
- GP name: Wallet Donation Enabled
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
- Value Name: WalletDonationEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WalletDonationEnabled
- Example value:
Configure list of force-installed Web Apps
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80 or later
Setting the policy specifies a list of web apps that install silently, without user interaction. Users can't turn off the policy or uninstall these web apps.
Each list item of the policy is an object with a mandatory member: url (the URL of the web app to install)
and 6 optional members:
default_launch_container (for how the web app opens—a new tab is the default)
create_desktop_shortcut (True if you want to create Linux and Microsoft Windows desktop shortcuts).
fallback_app_name (Starting with Microsoft Edge version 90, lets you permanently override the app name if it is not a Progressive Web App (PWA) or temporarily override the app name if authentication is required before installation can be completed. If both custom_name and fallback_app_name are provided, the latter will be ignored.)
custom_name (Starting with Microsoft Edge version 112 on all desktop platforms, lets you permanently override the app name for all web apps and PWAs.)
custom_icon (Starting with Microsoft Edge version 112 on all desktop platforms, lets you to override the app icon of installed apps. The icons have to be square, maximal 1 MB in size, and in one of the following formats: jpeg, png, gif, webp, ico. The hash value has to be the SHA256 hash of the icon file. The url should be accessible without authentication to ensure the icon can be used upon app installation.)
install_as_shortcut (Starting with Microsoft Edge version 107). If enabled, the given url will be installed as a shortcut, as if done via the "Create Shortcut..." option in the desktop browser GUI. Note that when installed as a shortcut it won't be updated if the manifest in url changes. If disabled or unset, the web app at the given url will be installed normally. (This is not currently supported in Microsoft Edge.)
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebAppInstallForceList
- GP name: Configure list of force-installed Web Apps
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebAppInstallForceList
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebAppInstallForceList = [
"create_desktop_shortcut": true,
"default_launch_container": "window",
"url": ""
"default_launch_container": "tab",
"url": ""
"default_launch_container": "window",
"fallback_app_name": "Editor",
"url": ""
"custom_name": "Spreadsheets",
"default_launch_container": "window",
"install_as_shortcut": true,
"url": ""
"custom_icon": {
"hash": "c28f469c450e9ab2b86ea47038d2b324c6ad3b1e9a4bd8960da13214afd0ca38",
"url": ""
"url": ""
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebAppInstallForceList = [{"create_desktop_shortcut": true, "default_launch_container": "window", "url": ""}, {"default_launch_container": "tab", "url": ""}, {"default_launch_container": "window", "fallback_app_name": "Editor", "url": ""}, {"custom_name": "Spreadsheets", "default_launch_container": "window", "install_as_shortcut": true, "url": ""}, {"custom_icon": {"hash": "c28f469c450e9ab2b86ea47038d2b324c6ad3b1e9a4bd8960da13214afd0ca38", "url": ""}, "url": ""}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebAppInstallForceList
- Example value:
Web App management settings
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 120 or later
This policy allows an admin to specify settings for installed web apps. This policy maps a Web App ID to its specific setting. A default configuration can be set using the special ID *, which applies to all web apps without a custom configuration in this policy.
The manifest_id field is the Manifest ID for the Web App. See for instructions on how to determine the Manifest ID for an installed web app.
The run_on_os_login field specifies if a web app can be run during OS login. If this field is set to blocked, the web app will not run during OS login and the user will not be able to enable this later. If this field is set to run_windowed, the web app will run during OS login and the user won't be able to disable this later. If this field is set to allowed, the user will be able to configure the web app to run at OS login. The default policy configuration only allows the allowed and blocked values.
(Starting with Microsoft Edge version 120) The prevent_close_after_run_on_os_login field specifies if a web app can be prevented from closing in any way. For example, by the user, by task manager, or by web APIs. This behavior can only be enabled if run_on_os_login is set to run_windowed. If the app is already running, this setting will only take effect after the app is restarted. If this field isn't defined, users can close the app. (This is currently not supported in Microsoft Edge.)
(Since version 118) The force_unregister_os_integration field specifies if all OS integration for a web app, that is, shortcuts, file handlers, protocol handlers and so on will be removed or not. If an app is already running, this property will come into effect after the app restarts. This should be used with caution, since it can override any OS integration that is set automatically during the startup of the web applications system. This currently only works on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Dictionary
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebAppSettings
- GP name: Web App management settings
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebAppSettings
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebAppSettings = [
"manifest_id": "https://foo.example/index.html",
"run_on_os_login": "allowed"
"manifest_id": "https://bar.example/index.html",
"run_on_os_login": "allowed"
"manifest_id": "https://foobar.example/index.html",
"prevent_close_after_run_on_os_login": true,
"run_on_os_login": "run_windowed"
"manifest_id": "*",
"run_on_os_login": "blocked"
"force_unregister_os_integration": true,
"manifest_id": "https://foo.example/index.html"
Compact example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebAppSettings = [{"manifest_id": "https://foo.example/index.html", "run_on_os_login": "allowed"}, {"manifest_id": "https://bar.example/index.html", "run_on_os_login": "allowed"}, {"manifest_id": "https://foobar.example/index.html", "prevent_close_after_run_on_os_login": true, "run_on_os_login": "run_windowed"}, {"manifest_id": "*", "run_on_os_login": "blocked"}, {"force_unregister_os_integration": true, "manifest_id": "https://foo.example/index.html"}]
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebAppSettings
- Example value:
Enable adaptive buffering for Web Audio
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 134 or later
This policy determines whether the browser enables adaptive buffering for Web Audio. Adaptive buffering can reduce audio glitches but may increase latency to varying degrees.
Enabled: The browser will always use adaptive buffering. Disabled or Not Set: The browser will automatically decide during the feature launch process whether to use adaptive buffering.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebAudioOutputBufferingEnabled
- GP name: Enable adaptive buffering for Web Audio
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebAudioOutputBufferingEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebAudioOutputBufferingEnabled
- Example value:
Enable the Screenshot (previously named Web Capture) feature in Microsoft Edge
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 87 or later
Note: The web capture feature is rebranded to "Screenshot".
Enables the Screenshot feature in Microsoft Edge. This feature lets users capture web and PDF content, and annotate captures using inking tools. Users can also do a visual image search based on the captured content.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, the Screenshot option appears in the context menu, the Settings and more menu, and by using the keyboard shortcut, CTRL+SHIFT+S.
If you disable this policy, users can't access this feature in Microsoft Edge.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebCaptureEnabled
- GP name: Enable the Screenshot (previously named Web Capture) feature in Microsoft Edge
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebCaptureEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebCaptureEnabled
- Example value:
Re-enable Web Components v0 API until M84 (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 84.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80, until 84
This policy doesn't work because this policy allowed these features to be selectively re-enabled until Microsoft Edge version 85. The Web Components v0 APIs (Shadow DOM v0, Custom Elements v0, and HTML Imports) were deprecated in 2018, and have been disabled by default starting in Microsoft Edge version 80.
If you set this policy is set to True, the Web Components v0 features will be enabled for all sites.
If you set this policy to False or don't set this policy, the Web Components v0 features will be disabled by default, starting in Microsoft Edge version 80.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebComponentsV0Enabled
- GP name: Re-enable Web Components v0 API until M84 (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebComponentsV0Enabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebComponentsV0Enabled
- Example value:
Allow WebDriver to Override Incompatible Policies (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 84.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77, until 84
This policy doesn't work because WebDriver is now compatible with all existing policies.
This policy allows users of the WebDriver feature to override policies which can interfere with its operation.
Currently this policy disables SitePerProcess and IsolateOrigins policies.
If the policy is enabled, WebDriver will be able to override incomaptible policies. If the policy is disabled or not configured, WebDriver will not be allowed to override incompatible policies.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebDriverOverridesIncompatiblePolicies
- GP name: Allow WebDriver to Override Incompatible Policies (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebDriverOverridesIncompatiblePolicies
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebDriverOverridesIncompatiblePolicies
- Example value:
Allow legacy TLS/DTLS downgrade in WebRTC (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 120.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 88, until 120
If you enable this policy, WebRTC peer connections can downgrade to obsolete versions of the TLS/DTLS (DTLS 1.0, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1) protocols. If you disable or don't set this policy, these TLS/DTLS versions are disabled.
This policy was removed in Microsoft Edge 121 and is ignored if set.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebRtcAllowLegacyTLSProtocols
- GP name: Allow legacy TLS/DTLS downgrade in WebRTC (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebRtcAllowLegacyTLSProtocols
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebRtcAllowLegacyTLSProtocols
- Example value:
Manage exposure of local IP addressess by WebRTC
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 80 or later
Specifies a list of origins (URLs) or hostname patterns (like "") for which local IP address should be exposed by WebRTC.
If you enable this policy and set a list of origins (URLs) or hostname patterns, when edge://flags/#enable-webrtc-hide-local-ips-with-mdns is Enabled, WebRTC will expose the local IP address for cases that match patterns in the list.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, and edge://flags/#enable-webrtc-hide-local-ips-with-mdns is Enabled, WebRTC will not expose local IP addresses. The local IP address is concealed with an mDNS hostname.
If you enable, disable, or don't configure this policy, and edge://flags/#enable-webrtc-hide-local-ips-with-mdns is Disabled, WebRTC will expose local IP addresses.
Please note that this policy weakens the protection of local IP addresses that might be needed by administrators.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- List of strings
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrls
- GP name: Manage exposure of local IP addressess by WebRTC
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrls
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: 1, 2, 3, ...
- Value Type: list of REG_SZ
Example value:
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrls\1 = ""
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrls\2 = "**"
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrls
- Example value:
Enable support for Windows OS routing table rules when making peer to peer connections via WebRTC
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 94 or later
Controls whether WebRTC will respect the Windows OS routing table rules when making peer to peer connections, thus enabling split tunnel VPNs.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, WebRTC will not consider the routing table and may make peer to peer connections over any available network.
If you enable this policy, WebRTC will prefer to make peer to peer connections using the indicated network interface for the remote address as indicated in the routing table.
This policy is only available on Windows.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebRtcRespectOsRoutingTableEnabled
- GP name: Enable support for Windows OS routing table rules when making peer to peer connections via WebRTC
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebRtcRespectOsRoutingTableEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Restrict the range of local UDP ports used by WebRTC
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 77 or later
Restricts the UDP port range used by WebRTC to a specified port interval (endpoints included).
By configuring this policy, you specify the range of local UDP ports that WebRTC can use.
If you don't configure this policy, or if you set it to an empty string or invalid port range, WebRTC can use any available local UDP port.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- String
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebRtcUdpPortRange
- GP name: Restrict the range of local UDP ports used by WebRTC
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebRtcUdpPortRange
- Value Type: REG_SZ
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebRtcUdpPortRange
- Example value:
Force WebSQL to be enabled (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 123.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 107, until 123
This policy was removed in Microsoft Edge 124 and is ignored if set.
WebSQL is on by default as of Microsoft Edge version 101, but can be disabled via a Microsoft Edge flag. If you enable this policy, WebSQL cannot be disabled. If you disable or don't configure this policy, WebSQL can be disabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebSQLAccess
- GP name: Force WebSQL to be enabled (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebSQLAccess
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebSQLAccess
- Example value:
Force WebSQL in third-party contexts to be re-enabled (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 100.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 97, until 100
This policy is obsolete because it was intended to be a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to update their web content when it's found to be incompatible with the change to disable WebSQL in third-party contexts. It doesn't work in Microsoft Edge after version 100.
WebSQL in third-party contexts (for example, cross-site iframes) is off by default as of Microsoft Edge version 97 and was fully removed in version 101.
If you enable this policy, WebSQL in third-party contexts will be re-enabled.
If you disable this policy or don't configure it, WebSQL in third-party contexts will stay off.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebSQLInThirdPartyContextEnabled
- GP name: Force WebSQL in third-party contexts to be re-enabled (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebSQLInThirdPartyContextEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebSQLInThirdPartyContextEnabled
- Example value:
Force WebSQL in non-secure contexts to be enabled (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 112.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 107, until 112
This policy doesn't work because WebSQL in non-secure contexts is on by default as of Microsoft Edge 105. If you enable this policy, WebSQL in non-secure contexts will be enabled. If you disable or don't configure this policy, WebSQL in non-secure contexts will follow the default settings of the browser.
This policy was removed in Microsoft Edge 113 and is ignored if configured.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebSQLNonSecureContextEnabled
- GP name: Force WebSQL in non-secure contexts to be enabled (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebSQLNonSecureContextEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebSQLNonSecureContextEnabled
- Example value:
Web Select Enabled (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 116.
Supported versions:
- On Windows and macOS since 107, until 116
This policy is obsoleted because Web Select is part of Web Capture and can be controlled by WebCaptureEnabled. This policy won't work in Microsoft Edge version 117. If Web Capture is disabled by WebCaptureEnabled, Web select will not be available in Web Capture.
Web select lets users select and copy web content while preserving its formatting when pasted in most cases. It also allows more targeted selection on some web elements, such as copying a single column in a table.
If you enable or don't configure this policy, Web select is available in Web Capture and can be accessed directly using the CTRL+SHIFT+X keyboard shortcut.
If you disable this policy, Web select will not be available in Web Capture and the CTRL+SHIFT+X keyboard shortcut will also not work.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: Yes
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: No
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebSelectEnabled
- GP name: Web Select Enabled (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebSelectEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Mac information and settings
- Preference Key Name: WebSelectEnabled
- Example value:
Enable the Search bar (deprecated)
DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 88 or later
Enables the search bar. When enabled, users can use the search bar to search the web from their desktop or from an application. The search bar provides a search box that shows web suggestions and opens all web searches in Microsoft Edge. The search box provides search (powered by Bing) and URL suggestions. The search bar can be launched from the "More tools" menu or jump list in Microsoft Edge.
If you enable or don't configure this policy: The search bar will be automatically enabled for all profiles. The option to enable the search bar at startup will be toggled on if the WebWidgetIsEnabledOnStartup policy is enabled. If the WebWidgetIsEnabledOnStartup is disabled or not configured, the option to enable the search bar at startup will be toggled off. Users will see the menu item to launch the search bar from the Microsoft Edge "More tools" menu. Users can launch the search bar from "More tools". Users will see the menu item to launch the search bar from the Microsoft Edge jump list menu. Users can launch the search bar from the Microsoft Edge jump list menu. The search bar can be turned off by the "Quit" option in the System tray or by closing the search bar from the 3 dot menu. The search bar will be restarted on system reboot if auto-start is enabled.
If you disable this policy: The search bar will be disabled for all profiles. The option to launch the search bar from Microsoft Edge "More tools" menu will be disabled. The option to launch the search bar from Microsoft Edge jump list menu will be disabled.
This policy is deprecated due to the deprecation of the Web widget's vertical layout. This policy will be made obsolete in 119 release.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebWidgetAllowed
- GP name: Enable the Search bar (deprecated)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebWidgetAllowed
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Allow the Search bar at Windows startup (obsolete)
OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 119.
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 88, until 119
This policy is obsolete due to the deprecation of the Web widget, which is now known as Edge search bar. Admins should use SearchbarIsEnabledOnStartup for Edge search bar instead. Allows the Search bar to start running at Windows startup.
If you enable this policy the Search bar will start running at Windows startup by default. If the Search bar is disabled via WebWidgetAllowed policy, this policy will not start the Search bar on Windows startup.
If you disable this policy, the Search bar will not start at Windows startup for all profiles. The option to start the Edge search bar at Windows startup will be disabled and toggled off in Microsoft Edge settings.
If you don't configure this policy, the Search bar will not start at Windows startup for all profiles. The option to start the Edge search bar at Windows startup will be toggled off in Microsoft Edge settings.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WebWidgetIsEnabledOnStartup
- GP name: Allow the Search bar at Windows startup (obsolete)
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WebWidgetIsEnabledOnStartup
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Use Windows proxy resolver
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 84 or later
This policy will be superseded by a similar feature in a future release. For more information, see
Use Windows to resolve proxies for all browser networking instead of the proxy resolver built into Microsoft Edge. The Windows proxy resolver enables Windows proxy features such as DirectAccess/NRPT.
This policy comes with the problems described by It causes PAC files to be fetched and executed by Windows code, including PAC files set via the ProxyPacUrl policy. Since Network Fetches for the PAC file happen via Windows instead of Microsoft Edge code, network policies such as DnsOverHttpsMode will not apply to network fetches for a PAC file.
If you enable this policy, the Windows proxy resolver will be used.
If you disable or don't configure this policy, the Microsoft Edge proxy resolver will be used.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: No - Requires browser restart
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WinHttpProxyResolverEnabled
- GP name: Use Windows proxy resolver
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WinHttpProxyResolverEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value:
Enable Window Occlusion
Supported versions:
- On Windows since 89 or later
Enables window occlusion in Microsoft Edge.
If you enable this setting, to reduce CPU and power consumption Microsoft Edge will detect when a window is covered by other windows, and will suspend work painting pixels.
If you disable this setting Microsoft Edge will not detect when a window is covered by other windows.
If this policy is left not set, window hiding detection will be enabled.
Supported features:
- Can be mandatory: Yes
- Can be recommended: No
- Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes
- Per Profile: No
- Applies to a profile that is signed in with a Microsoft account: Yes
Data Type:
- Boolean
Windows information and settings
Group Policy (ADMX) info
- GP unique name: WindowOcclusionEnabled
- GP name: Enable Window Occlusion
- GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/
- GP path (Recommended): N/A
- GP ADMX file name: MSEdge.admx
Windows Registry Settings
- Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
- Path (Recommended): N/A
- Value Name: WindowOcclusionEnabled
- Value Type: REG_DWORD
Example value: