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Defines the container class template optional and several supporting templates.


Header: <optional>

Namespace: std



Name Description
operator== Tests if an object is equal to another object.
operator!= Tests if an object is not equal to another object.
operator< Tests if the object on the left is less than the object on the right.
operator<= Tests if the object on the left is less than or equal to the object on the right.
operator> Tests if the object on the left is greater than the object on the right.
operator>= Tests if the object on the left is greater than or equal to the object on the right.


In addition to relational compares, <optional> operators also support comparison with nullopt and T.


Name Description
make_optional Makes an object optional.
swap Swaps the contained values of two optional objects.

Classes and Structs

Name Description
hash Returns a hash of the contained object.
optional class Describes an object that may or may not hold a value.
nullopt_t struct Describes an object not holding a value.
bad_optional_access class Describes an object thrown as an exception to report an attempt to access a value not there.


Name Description
nullopt An instance of nullopt_t for comparisons.

See also

Header Files Reference