class Diagnostics::Logging::MemoryLogger

Class with static methods to control SDK logging into an in-memory buffer. Turning on logging while running your Speech SDK scenario provides detailed information from the SDK's core native components. If you report an issue to Microsoft, you may be asked to provide logs to help Microsoft diagnose the issue. Your application should not take dependency on particular log strings, as they may change from one SDK release to another without notice. MemoryLogger is designed for the case where you want to get access to logs that were taken in the short duration before some unexpected event happens. For example, if you are running a Speech Recognizer, you may want to dump the MemoryLogger after getting an event indicating recognition was canceled due to some error. The size of the memory buffer is fixed at 2MB and cannot be changed. This is a "ring" buffer, that is, new log strings written replace the oldest ones in the buffer. Added in version 1.20.0.

Memory logging is a process wide construct. That means that if (for example) you have multiple speech recognizer objects running in parallel, there will be one memory buffer containing interleaved logs from all recognizers. You cannot get a separate logs for each recognizer.



Syntax: public inline static void Start ( );

Starts logging into the internal memory buffer.


Syntax: public inline static void Stop ( );

Stops logging into the internal memory buffer.


Syntax: public inline static void SetFilters ( std::initializer_list< std::string > filters );

Sets or clears filters for memory logging. Once filters are set, memory logger will only be updated with log strings containing at least one of the strings specified by the filters. The match is case sensitive.


  • filters Optional. Filters to use, or an empty list to remove previously set filters.


Syntax: public inline static void Dump ( const SPXSTRING & filePath );

Writes the content of the whole memory buffer to the specified file. It does not block other SDK threads from continuing to log into the buffer.


  • filePath Path to a log file on local disk.

This does not reset (clear) the memory buffer.


Syntax: public inline static void Dump ( std::ostream & outStream );

Writes the content of the whole memory buffer to an object that implements std::ostream. For example, std::cout (for console output). It does not block other SDK threads from continuing to log into the buffer.


  • outStream std::ostream object to write to.

This does not reset (clear) the memory buffer.


Syntax: public inline static std::vector< std::string > Dump ( );

Returns the content of the whole memory buffer as a vector of strings. It does not block other SDK threads from continuing to log into the buffer.


A vector with the contents of the memory buffer copied into it.

This does not reset (clear) the memory buffer.


Syntax: public inline static void SetLevel ( Level level );

Sets the level of the messages to be captured by the logger.


  • level Maximum level of detail to be captured by the logger.