Get-FinOpsHub command

The Get-FinOpsHubs command calls GitHub to retrieve all toolkit releases, then filters the list based on the specified options.


Get-FinOpsHub `
    [[-Name] <string>] `
    [-ResourceGroupName <string>] `


Name Description
'‑Name' Optional. Name of the FinOps hub instance. Supports wildcards.
'‑ResourceGroupName' Optional. Name of the resource group the FinOps hub was deployed to. Supports wildcards.


The following examples demonstrate how to use the Get-FinOpsHub command to retrieve details about FinOps hub instances.

Get all hubs


Returns all FinOps hubs for the selected subscription.

Get named hubs

Get-FinOpsHub -Name foo*

Returns all FinOps hubs that start with foo.

Get hubs in a resource group

Get-FinOpsHub -ResourceGroupName foo

Returns all hubs in the foo resource group.

Get named hubs in a resource group

Get-FinOpsHub -Name foo -ResourceGroupName bar

Returns all FinOps hubs named foo in the bar resource group.

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